Get to know you. What do you do!?



  • rockabyesarojane
    My main bread and butter is working for a company that designs sports wear for tennis, golf, and yoga. I'm on the administrative side and work with the buyers but twice a year become a "gopher" for the photoshoots, which is a really neat process plus I get to gab with the make up artist and ask her for beauty tips

    My second job is as a professional princess on weekends for childrens parties and what not.

    Thirdly is the occasional gig playing bluegrass music, but that is more just for fun. Sure do love it though when hobbies end up giving you a wad of cash!
  • cmor2005
    cmor2005 Posts: 21 Member
    I use to be a Quality Control Analyst for a company that handled that handled home foreclosure claims. But I got tired of sitting on my *kitten* behind a desk gaining weight lol Now I am working at a women's clothing store called Cato. I really love my job and the work out I get from practically running around the store the heels lol.

    Also I do cake decorating on the side. I don't have a website or anything though lol
  • Dancinhiphop4life
    right now im waiting tables cause i took a break from school....the major i was in wasnt for me. now im trying to move south and go back to school for my real passion....marine biology so i can study sharks! i love them
  • nickyevans
    nickyevans Posts: 216 Member
    I am a crisis manager.
  • Midcoast_Mermaid
    I am a Customer Account Administrator for a manufacturing company that makes aluminum castings for Aerospace/Defense programs...I also do photogrpahy on the side! My site is

    I want to go back to school either for a masters in photography or an MBA...I don't know yet...

    Great website! I should put a section on mine for fine art. My walls are covered in my stuff

    Thank you!
  • jsmjboertlein
    right now im waiting tables cause i took a break from school....the major i was in wasnt for me. now im trying to move south and go back to school for my real passion....marine biology so i can study sharks! i love them

    OMG! I adore sharks! So does my little son. At age 3 he could name 22 species of shark by site! We are huge shark lovers.
  • jsmjboertlein
    I use to be a Quality Control Analyst for a company that handled that handled home foreclosure claims. But I got tired of sitting on my *kitten* behind a desk gaining weight lol Now I am working at a women's clothing store called Cato. I really love my job and the work out I get from practically running around the store the heels lol.

    Also I do cake decorating on the side. I don't have a website or anything though lol

    I LOVE CATO!!!! I also used to decorate cakes! So cool!!
  • rebeccaS85
    rebeccaS85 Posts: 141
    Right now I am a stay at home mom. I am on mat leave until June, then I will be going back to work part time.
  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member
    I'm a bank administrator full time...and work part time in retail.
  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member
    Oh goal for my life is to be a nurse :) Going back to school soon.
  • Begood03
    Begood03 Posts: 1,261 Member
    I am a small business owner.
  • ejmcam
    ejmcam Posts: 533 Member
    My name is Carrie, I'm a sahm (for the most part). I have a 4 and a 1/2 year old son and a 17 month old daughter. I do some insurance work for a dentist 1 morning a week (3-4 horus a wk) and my husband is a self-employed attorney and I help him out when he needs me to.
  • Dancinhiphop4life
    right now im waiting tables cause i took a break from school....the major i was in wasnt for me. now im trying to move south and go back to school for my real passion....marine biology so i can study sharks! i love them

    OMG! I adore sharks! So does my little son. At age 3 he could name 22 species of shark by site! We are huge shark lovers.
    Thats awesome!! yep during shark week i record every episode. i know a girl leaving in a month for south africa to swim with great whites, thats been my exact dream for years (even tho mako's are my favorite, they scare me a little more than great whites tho) so im excited to try to acomplish it! When your son is older and still has the facination with them he should def try to do something with finally trying to do it and im 25 so tell him to start college for it right after highschool, i wish i did
  • samcee
    samcee Posts: 307
    I thought it might be fun to see what everyone does for a living. Maybe some of us are in the same biz and don't know it. I am a work at home mom. I own a photography business. I shoot pretty much anything you can think of. Here's my site What about you? What do you do?

    I'm a huge fan of photography but I take much more joy in the editing process at times. I've worked with models and make up artists before but I'm not very good at directing models. How do you usually go abouts with it? I wish they came with acting skills but some than again some photographers have a natural ability to direct. Maybe it's the chemistry too?

    I'm a graphic designer but I like working with all aspects of design whether its film, print, illustrations, typography etc. I tend to dabble in bits of everything. I also like to play music too but thats just a hobby more than anything. It'll be good to do something with it one day though.
  • jsmjboertlein
    right now im waiting tables cause i took a break from school....the major i was in wasnt for me. now im trying to move south and go back to school for my real passion....marine biology so i can study sharks! i love them

    OMG! I adore sharks! So does my little son. At age 3 he could name 22 species of shark by site! We are huge shark lovers.
    Thats awesome!! yep during shark week i record every episode. i know a girl leaving in a month for south africa to swim with great whites, thats been my exact dream for years (even tho mako's are my favorite, they scare me a little more than great whites tho) so im excited to try to acomplish it! When your son is older and still has the facination with them he should def try to do something with finally trying to do it and im 25 so tell him to start college for it right after highschool, i wish i did

    I'm def encouraging the less hands on marine biology work for him. I'd have a heart attack if he swam with them, but somehoe I see it in his future. He already has plans to swim with a dolphin at age 6 when the parks will let him. I figure it probably starts there. I hate to admit it, but my fave thing about Mako's is how they tase. I KNOW FOR SHAME!! My son gives me such a guilt trip everytime I have some. I just can't help it.
  • jsmjboertlein
    I thought it might be fun to see what everyone does for a living. Maybe some of us are in the same biz and don't know it. I am a work at home mom. I own a photography business. I shoot pretty much anything you can think of. Here's my site What about you? What do you do?

    I'm a huge fan of photography but I take much more joy in the editing process at times. I've worked with models and make up artists before but I'm not very good at directing models. How do you usually go abouts with it? I wish they came with acting skills but some than again some photographers have a natural ability to direct. Maybe it's the chemistry too?

    I'm a graphic designer but I like working with all aspects of design whether its film, print, illustrations, typography etc. I tend to dabble in bits of everything. I also like to play music too but thats just a hobby more than anything. It'll be good to do something with it one day though.

    I relly suck at directing, but it's like once I get started I usually kinda get into it and my creative juices start flowing. I know one thing, if you tell them how good they look and how photogenic they are, they usually spark up a bit. I still dabble in film now and then. I still prefer it to digital, but in the "give it to me now" world we live in, digital is more suitable for the client's needs. I do photoshop. I prefer SOOC. But most clients want a photoshopped look.
  • Larkinlee
    Im a Piping Designer, i help design paramceutical and petrochemical plants, trained as a mechanical engineer, also a single mother of 3, and thats the hardest job :) thanks for the site.
  • samcee
    samcee Posts: 307
    I thought it might be fun to see what everyone does for a living. Maybe some of us are in the same biz and don't know it. I am a work at home mom. I own a photography business. I shoot pretty much anything you can think of. Here's my site What about you? What do you do?

    I'm a huge fan of photography but I take much more joy in the editing process at times. I've worked with models and make up artists before but I'm not very good at directing models. How do you usually go abouts with it? I wish they came with acting skills but some than again some photographers have a natural ability to direct. Maybe it's the chemistry too?

    I'm a graphic designer but I like working with all aspects of design whether its film, print, illustrations, typography etc. I tend to dabble in bits of everything. I also like to play music too but thats just a hobby more than anything. It'll be good to do something with it one day though.

    I relly suck at directing, but it's like once I get started I usually kinda get into it and my creative juices start flowing. I know one thing, if you tell them how good they look and how photogenic they are, they usually spark up a bit. I still dabble in film now and then. I still prefer it to digital, but in the "give it to me now" world we live in, digital is more suitable for the client's needs. I do photoshop. I prefer SOOC. But most clients want a photoshopped look.

    oh, I meant filming with a video camcorder as my other interests! haha I enjoy making short films and music videos but usually as personal projects. I have too many interests! I've not done film photography since university. I did think of setting up a darkroom in the corner of the house in the past because I loved the whole process but no doubt it'll cost me a fortune. That's a really good idea with the complimenting. I'd give that a go next time! Great portfolio by the way :smile:
  • rachellepilcher
    Currently a stay at home mom. I have 3 kids...6yo boy, 9yo girl and my oldest son just turned 18. I love your photography. I also love taking pics. I do most of my own kids/fam pics instead of paying someone else. I have also done some for other friends/family and might be doing some for our church directory. I also make stepping stones to sell...I am currently working on a bunch with cancer ribbons to donate to Relay For Life cancer research.
  • MontanaB
    MontanaB Posts: 439 Member
    I've just become a student paediatric nurse and eventually I'm hoping to become a paediatric cardiac intensive care nurse :)

    but I keep reptiles as well so they are my second passion along side animal photography.. I'm not that good at general photography but put a dog or cat in front of me and I know what I'm doing..