If only she had stuck with it...

When I was ten years old my Mom swore up and down that she was going to exercise every day and lose 100 lbs. She stuck with it for awhile, but eventually dropped off, for one good reason or another, (four kids, work, etc.).

Well, that was 26 years ago, and it still makes me sad. If she had stuck with it she wouldn't be severely overweight still. She wouldn't be on 7 medications for high blood pressure, heart disease, etc. She wouldn't have lost her thyroid function or her pituitary function. She wouldn't have had four knee replacement surgeries. She wouldn't have raised three daughters who struggled with their weight and had no idea why. She could be fit and happy at 65, instead of struggling every day just to keep herself alive. She wouldn't be over 400 pounds.

And I wouldn't be sitting here everyday, bracing myself for the one phone call I never want to recieve.

26 years can go by so fast, and so many things can get in the way. Please, please, please all of you who think about giving up, don't. One day at a time adds up to years, and makes all the difference of a lifetime.


  • Katherine_Nelson
    Katherine_Nelson Posts: 70 Member
    wow... you just gave me goose bumps. thank you for the motivation!
  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,450 Member
    Absolutely wonderful post, you could be talking about my Mom!:flowerforyou:
  • mssugarca
    mssugarca Posts: 75
  • nkteach
    nkteach Posts: 41
    very powerful statement! Thanks for sharing
  • alexis92
    alexis92 Posts: 64
    thank you for the motivation. my grandmother has a lot of the same health issues so i understand where you're coming from.
  • Leannek74
    Leannek74 Posts: 374 Member
    Very, very moving and inspirational post, I hope everyone reads it!

    I have lived this as well. My mom is 63.
  • Bub3les0
    Bub3les0 Posts: 47
    well said!
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    Absolutely wonderful post, you could be talking about my Mom!:flowerforyou:

    me too, sadly! my mom gets almost mad at me for checking on her almost daily, just to see how she is. its scary!
  • Linda4859
    Linda4859 Posts: 78
    When I was ten years old my Mom swore up and down that she was going to exercise every day and lose 100 lbs. She stuck with it for awhile, but eventually dropped off, for one good reason or another, (four kids, work, etc.).

    Well, that was 26 years ago, and it still makes me sad. If she had stuck with it she wouldn't be severely overweight still. She wouldn't be on 7 medications for high blood pressure, heart disease, etc. She wouldn't have lost her thyroid function or her pituitary function. She wouldn't have had four knee replacement surgeries. She wouldn't have raised three daughters who struggled with their weight and had no idea why. She could be fit and happy at 65, instead of struggling every day just to keep herself alive. She wouldn't be over 400 pounds.

    And I wouldn't be sitting here everyday, bracing myself for the one phone call I never want to recieve.

    26 years can go by so fast, and so many things can get in the way. Please, please, please all of you who think about giving up, don't. One day at a time adds up to years, and makes all the difference of a lifetime.

    Heather your story has brought a tear to my eyes. If your story isnt enough to keep people motivated I dont know what will be. Wishing you and your family health and happiness.xx
  • SeasideOasis
    SeasideOasis Posts: 1,057 Member
    Wow...Im not sure words can truly describe the types of emotion that ran through my head reading that. Stay strong and thank you.
  • mlemonroe2
    mlemonroe2 Posts: 603
    Tears in my eyes. My daughter is my main motivater. I don't want her to struggle like I have. I want to teach her to eat healthy. That vegetables taste good and exercise is fun. Every time I feel like giving up, I just know that I CANT. I feel like I don't have a choice. It dosn't just affect me now.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I feel for you as well. About half of my family members are obese and suffer health problems because of it. Of course no one thinks to blame those health problems on their weight or thinks that maybe if they'd stop eating junk, move a little and lose a few pounds their diabetes would improve or their knees wouldn't be in such bad shape.

    I'm thankful that I've got the right people in my life and a great support system so that I was able to figure this all out and make changes for my health. I've still got a ways to go but I refuse to give up!
  • monoxidechick
    Wow, that is sooo powerful!! It is so easy to lose sight, especially with huge amounts to lose. But keeping at it really does work, I have only been losing an average of 0.8 lbs per week, and even that adds up and makes me feel healthier every week. I am sorry that things have got so bad for your mother!! If her story and struggles helps you and others it is making positive changes from negative outcomes. Thank you for sharing.
  • HalfofHilary
    thank you so much for sharing that. It reminds me exactly who my main motivators are, and makes me continue to fight another day this war of far... My 2 kids. they are amazing and deserve a healthy mom.
  • Monsherri
    Monsherri Posts: 69
    My mom is in a similar place. We are so lucky to live in the generation we do with all the access to information. I try to help my mom with tips and suggestions. It is still a struggle for her. Now I am struggling. Good advise to take charge now so I/we are not in the same place as our moms. What a beautiful heartfelt encouragement. Thanks!
  • bassetthree
    bassetthree Posts: 143 Member
    Fantastic post! Inspiring and TRUE. True for so many of us. I too have a family with these types of health concerns and I dont want to be that person. I want to be around and I dont want to be a burden on my kids. I want to live to be 100 and still have the strength to get around on my own. Very well said and Thank you!!
  • JennS19
    JennS19 Posts: 642 Member
    I love this post! Love it

    While it does seem like a long journey for us now, in the end we will be thanking ourselves for it!!
  • sgk0411
    sgk0411 Posts: 105 Member
    I know exactly how that is.
    When I was ten years old my Mom swore up and down that she was going to exercise every day and lose 100 lbs. She stuck with it for awhile, but eventually dropped off, for one good reason or another, (four kids, work, etc.).

    Well, that was 26 years ago, and it still makes me sad. If she had stuck with it she wouldn't be severely overweight still. She wouldn't be on 7 medications for high blood pressure, heart disease, etc. She wouldn't have lost her thyroid function or her pituitary function. She wouldn't have had four knee replacement surgeries. She wouldn't have raised three daughters who struggled with their weight and had no idea why. She could be fit and happy at 65, instead of struggling every day just to keep herself alive. She wouldn't be over 400 pounds.

    And I wouldn't be sitting here everyday, bracing myself for the one phone call I never want to recieve.

    26 years can go by so fast, and so many things can get in the way. Please, please, please all of you who think about giving up, don't. One day at a time adds up to years, and makes all the difference of a lifetime.
  • Iceskatefanrn
    Iceskatefanrn Posts: 489 Member
    Dear Heather -

    I'm so glad I read this post - I wish I hadn't read this at work, and I'm so glad I have a private office - I am sitting here misty-eyed, thinking my kids could have written this message.

    Luckily none of my kids are overweight, and all seem to have a healthy approach to food in their lives. Unfortunately I don't seem to have the same attitude:

    When I was 29, I was in the best shape of my life, and I married the love of my life. He was a gym rat, so we spent hours and hours there every week.

    At 39, I had gained maybe 40 lbs through 2 pregnancies, was no longer going to the gym, and somewhere in there I became "determined" to lose the weight in time for my 40th birthday... didn't happen...

    At 49, I was up about 60 lbs, my weight was hovering around 200 lbs most of the time - I planned to lose it all so I could be "hot at 50" in time for my birthday... didn't happen....

    Tomorrow is my birthday - I'll be 51. I've lost 6 lbs on MFP, in the first month, but have since become "lackluster"... haven't gained those 6 lbs back, but haven't lost more either...


    Thank you for the wake-up call! I'll be praying for your mother, and I"ll use your "plea" as if you were my own daughter! I won't disappoint you!


  • CalPolyBronco
    CalPolyBronco Posts: 201 Member
    I'm sorry to hear that. Sometimes what people have a hard time understanding is that, it's actually MUCH more difficult to cope with being heavy and the consequences that come w/it then it is to cope with the struggle to lose weight. I know many people that simply refuse to stick with weight loss. They are diabetic, have high blood pressure, are generally depressed and lethargic due to the excess weight they carry w/them. The sad thing is, only they can be the one to make changes. Sometimes they don't realize that they are not only hurting themselves but people who care deeply for them. I know your mom is now 65 yrs old & is in poor health but it isn't too late to make a change. Losing weight doesn't have to require surgery, just time & dedication to a simple eating plan and exercising. Your mom could lose weight naturally if she wanted to. I would just gently remind her how much you love her and would love to see her around for another 20 + yrs. Good luck.