What makes you feel good??

BigBeaver Posts: 858 Member
Tell me, what makes you feel good about yourself, during this weightloss journey. I know scales and numbers can be sometimes discouraging. But what makes you feel good. What makes you feel like, Hell yeah, that was worth it.

For me, hitting the gym hard and getting that good sweat going is a great feeling, It didn't use to be. But now making this change has turned it around for me.


  • LauraRhodes0902
    LauraRhodes0902 Posts: 70 Member
    Sweating my butt off at the gym makes me feel really good, even though I'm the only one around with a super red face! Seeing that high calorie number that I just burned makes it all worth it!
  • JulieBoBoo
    JulieBoBoo Posts: 642
    seeing my wrist bone, seeing my collar bones (or the shadow of for now), seeing my muscles become defined.
  • allystone
    allystone Posts: 134 Member
    Being Alive, I love working out at the gym knowing that I have the ability to do it. :)
  • jessemerson86
    jessemerson86 Posts: 174 Member
    Finishing a great workout, knowing that I'd pushed myself as hard as I could. Then as the weight started to really come off and stay off, I was so proud of myself. Now that I hit maintenance, I just take even greater pride and happiness from all I've accomplished!
  • mjf0461
    mjf0461 Posts: 470 Member
    Honestly, what makes me feel good is, this is the longest I have stayed with any diet, health control, lifestyle change program ever. I don't feel like I am doing without, not having cravings, IT"S BEEN AWESOME......
  • bunnysone
    bunnysone Posts: 486 Member
    when my body finally decided it is a runner again and i started consistent non-stop 10km runs in an hour
  • ebkins7
    ebkins7 Posts: 427 Member
    Knowing that I'm training hard to make my life better! I realize that it's a long journey but the small victories along the way make all the hard work worth it!!!
  • corrinnebrown
    corrinnebrown Posts: 345 Member
    I may not have lost the 30 pounds I wanted but I have lost 23 inches so far!
  • DeadlyDame13
    DeadlyDame13 Posts: 197 Member
    looking at a pic of a certain someone and flipping her off while i jog and sign bad songs to her ___ lol ___ i feel like i beat her idk why but i feel AmAzInG AFTER ! F**** b*****
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    Looking GREAT in NEW Clothes; Looking 20 years younger than I am; Improved Mobility; Feeling In Control of My Life; Feeling like I am going for what I WANT, NOT what I can get>>>Most Obese People have to "Settle" (Check out Statistics) No matter how Great they are.
  • kristiek7
    kristiek7 Posts: 198
    I'm happier and see good things around me that I wasn't noticing. Maybe it's the confidence I'm building along side the muscle.
  • ErrataCorrige
    ErrataCorrige Posts: 649 Member
    Most recenly, it was almost running right out of my pants at the gym! They were yoga pants which were super tight when I bought them. Now they are falling off!!!
  • Sherry1979
    Sherry1979 Posts: 457
    Getting fixed up to go somewhere and looking in the mirror and thinking "you don't look half bad" instead of looking at myself and seeing every flaw. . .even though I still have a long way to go & plenty of flaws. . .lol.
  • momtozmc
    momtozmc Posts: 418 Member
    What makes me feel good is....

    1.. not being able to cinch my pants anymore cuz they are tooooo big
    2. going to the store and buying pants 2 size smaller than I used to
    3. my KIDS telling me I've lost weight
    4. my Ex-telling me I've lost TOO much weight
    5. not being in the obese range
    6. ACTUALLY WANTING to work out!

    sooooooooo many things....
  • rharris86dc
    rharris86dc Posts: 635 Member
    What makes me feel awesome is being able to do things that I couldn't even dream of doing when I started! When I first joined my gym, I purchased 4 hour-long training sessions w/ a personal trainer. I totally knew she took it easy on me sometimes. I then didn't train with her for about a month, and I now am doing 4 more 30 minute sessions. Today was my first one back, and she was like, "well now that you're in way better shape, let's amp it up." Haha

    So knowing that my abilities are getting greater is a really sweet feeling. And also, of course, seeing my clothes getting baggy doesn't hurt!
  • mrsanne
    mrsanne Posts: 19
    loose pants. aaaaaaahhhhhh....
  • 1113cw
    1113cw Posts: 830 Member
    Tell me, what makes you feel good about yourself, during this weightloss journey. I know scales and numbers can be sometimes discouraging. But what makes you feel good. What makes you feel like, Hell yeah, that was worth it.

    For me, hitting the gym hard and getting that good sweat going is a great feeling, It didn't use to be. But now making this change has turned it around for me.

    Ok, I'll behave... :tongue:

    But on a serious note.. I'd have to agree with you. LOVE going to the gym! After I'm done crankin' out a few miles on the treadmill, I feel AWESOME.. better than I have in years!
  • chevysarah
    chevysarah Posts: 188
    The fact that when I crave "comfort food" its no longer pasta and such, its a huge awesome green salad filled with all sorts of great veggies! That makes me happy!
  • BigBeaver
    BigBeaver Posts: 858 Member
    So nice to see that many of you feel the same way. It is always nice to get the compliments, but nothing is better then a self compliment. For me, when I started working out at the gym, I couldn't make it on the Elliptical for more then 5 minutes, now I am up to 20. It feels great to exceed boundries.
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    There's a lot:

    1. Fitting into movie theatre seats, restaurant booths, and moving my car seat closer to the steering wheel.
    2. Thrilled everytime I shop at a normal store instead of just the plus size places.
    3. People at the gym asking me, the former fat chick who couldn't walk to the end of her driveway to get the mail, for advice on diet and exercise.
    4. My personal trainer checking out my butt, especially considering he's in his late 20's, I'm almost 50.
    5. Whenever I resist the temptation to eat like crap.
    6. Realizing that I'm actually an athelete now.

    Being healthy, alive, and kicking serious booty in my quest to change my life!