I am stopping the Rollercoaster now!

Hey Ladies! I use the myfitnesspal app and I love it! I am determined to stop the ups and downs in my weight once and for all! I even started a blog to share my journey! So to know more about me and my weight loss journey check out my blog! I also do not have any friends on myfitnesspal, so add me and we can do this together!



  • MCDerin
    MCDerin Posts: 226 Member
    First, you just addressed the ladies, but don't forget, there are men on this site too :) And they are all just as friendly and supportive as the ladies :)

    Congrats on making a stand and deciding to start your journey. The tools and the MEMBERS on this site are going to be a huge help for you.
    And, blogging is a great idea. Writing things down (logging your food and exercise too) helps keep us accountable.

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you like. The more support we all have, the more success we will see.

    Again, welcome!
  • KristiGuard
    KristiGuard Posts: 33 Member
    I love the MFP app. I can update every morning 1st thing and log anythng I eat while on the go. And more importantly keep up with where I am for calories and CARBS (what I am actually counting) while out and about. Welcome to MFP. Out of all the sites I have looked at and poked around on I really like this one the best. Welcome!!
  • gagejennifer
    You can do it !. We ALL can do it !. Welcome aboard !.
  • TMerrick
    TMerrick Posts: 2
    Sorry! Hello Gentlemen! :)

    I forgot to add the link to my Blog! Here it is!
