*Snowflakes To Sunshine* Weigh-In #14 4.8.11



  • whittrusty
    whittrusty Posts: 533 Member
    Good morning everyone..

    Whittrusty made a new spreadsheet so we can monitor our progress, but its not like the one Eyesee made with the drop-down menu and dates (the one with the colorful orange and yellow background). The link Krys_T posted above links to that spreadsheet, which doesn't have the dates for April. So I think what's happening is that if you update in this thread, Whittrusty will update it in the more recent spreadsheet she created. Whittrusty kick me if I am wrong but that's what I assumed when I noticed the new sheet doesn't have editing capabilities--good thing too because I am sure I would get in there and mess it up real good as I do all spreadsheets ;)

    By the way--A big shout out and wave to Eyesee---WE MISS U!!!!!

    S2S Progress Spreadsheet is here:


    Everyone needs to post their current weights in this form. It's exactly like how you posted weights before. That will get all the info into one place for me, then I will update the spreadsheet.

    Just to make things easier for me, I will NOT update your weight unless you put it into this form. If for some reason you cannot open this form, message me your weight.
  • whittrusty
    whittrusty Posts: 533 Member
    I had two people put in their weight under akaDuchess. The weights were 207.6 and 156.6. If this is your weight and your weight has not been updated on the spreadsheet, message me with your weight or put them in the form again and remember to pick your username!!

    Here is the form to put in your weight:

    Here is the spreadsheet to see if your weight has been updated:
  • Suzeesmu
    Suzeesmu Posts: 159 Member
    THANK YOU Whittrusty for doing the spreadsheet!!! You are awesome! :flowerforyou:
  • netter43
    netter43 Posts: 110 Member
    I gained 2 pounds this week - back to 244 (started this journey at 270 with MFP)...I have no one to blame but myself - I let life get in the way and thought I could take a "break" from working out - that and just didn't do it - so....

    As of this week I have worked out 2 days in a row so far, woohooooo, but have added in jogging the stairs when I have to go upstairs at work and even took an uphill walk at lunch yesterday as we finally have spring weather here in Wisconsin!! -

    I refuse to give up and have a renewed energy!!! - :)

    To all of you that have been doing such a fantastic job - CONGRATULATIONS!!!

    To all of you that might be struggling or slipping here and there - just don't ever give up on yourself - We are human and have stumbles, but WE ARE SO WORTH THE EFFORT!!!
  • Suzeesmu
    Suzeesmu Posts: 159 Member
    Start Weight: 193.9
    Weight 4/4/11: 183.4
    Weight 4/8/11: 178.2
    This weeks loss: ALL WATER!!!! No longer the bloated blob that I was last week! YAHOO!

    Now to just keep it going!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Last week: 209.6
    This Week: 207.6

    I'm happy with that number, especially still dealing with TOM! So I will take it :). Just been trying to chug the water and exercised this whole week! That's is what I'm the most proud about :)

    I swear I am just inching my way down towards ONEderland! Hurry up! LOL But TurboFire is still kicking my butt, I am starting week 5 today and am really proud of myself! There were some days in week 3 where I missed so I have been killing myself making those days up by doubling up on the workouts lol...but oddly enough, after you are done with one you have a ton of energy and are ready to do another one! That is what I love about it.

    Awesome number so far ladies....keep it up!
  • whittrusty
    whittrusty Posts: 533 Member
    I'm down 1.6 lbs this week to 186! Very happy with my progress!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    cdngrl81... Awesome work! Sounds like it really does work for sure!!

    OverW8nomore... Congrats on that mini goal! SUCCESS!!

    Suzeesmu... What a relief you must have! That's wicked!

    Krys... Way to stay committed to TurboFire! It looks intense. I'm so glad you're wadding through it!
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    I had the little kids all week, and long hours because of spring break. I had a hard time getting my workouts in...I also had a hard time drinking my water. It was cold & raining/snowing all week. I didn't weight in this morning., so I will do it by Monday. I hope to have a loss....but I'm just not so sure : )

    I hope everyone had a successful week....

  • onlyhalfcrazy
    onlyhalfcrazy Posts: 114 Member
    Well I appear to be at a stand still. Last week the same as this week 150.4. :huh: Working with a trainer to see what foods I need to cut out, going to try hard to weed out lots of processed foods this week and go with mostly natural foods. My goal for this week is to make that stinkin scale MOVE!!!!:laugh: Happy weigh in everyone, keep up the great work!!
  • Pretty1one
    Pretty1one Posts: 71 Member
    Hi Sunshines!!!
    A very quick stop before going to work (3 to 9 today)

    LAst week weight 170.4
    Todays: 169.

    yooohoooo out of the 170's forever :laugh:
    Yesterday I weighted 168.8lbs and even had a pic to show hubby but since I weighted 169 in the morning today
    I'm reporting that.:laugh:

    I had dinner with friend yesterday, maybe that's why the 0.2lbs difference :laugh:

    I will comeback later with my goals for next week

    Wish you all a great day
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    Hi Sunshines!!!
    A very quick stop before going to work (3 to 9 today)

    LAst week weight 170.4
    Todays: 169.

    yooohoooo out of the 170's forever :laugh:
    Yesterday I weighted 168.8lbs and even had a pic to show hubby but since I weighted 169 in the morning today
    I'm reporting that.:laugh:

    Congrats your doing a awesome job!!
  • givprayz
    givprayz Posts: 328
    So many great jobs everyone!

    LW 159.2 (up .2 due to water)
    Yesterday 156.4 (and that's the number I'm using, because I was over sodium yesterday, so today was up just a little.)

    That's two week's losses, so I'm back on track! I really want to end this challenge at my goal weight. Just 14 pounds to go!
  • Rocking_Robin
    Rocking_Robin Posts: 238 Member
    Hello Sunshine friends,

    LW: 256.6
    CW: 255.8

    .8 loss, I am happy for the loss but I will honest I wanted more..... I have to learn to proud of myself more. I am better than I used to be but still does not come real easy for me.

    I am going to try to be on this thread more this week. I am one of the S2S people that is not one here much....

    I do have something pretty great to share.........

    Yesterday, I ran my first mile!!!! It took me 17 min. at 3.6mph but I DID IT!!!! I have been working on it for a few months..

    Keep up the hard work everyone!!!!
  • forgiven4life

    I do have something pretty great to share.........

    Yesterday, I ran my first mile!!!! It took me 17 min. at 3.6mph but I DID IT!!!! I have been working on it for a few months..

    Keep up the hard work everyone!!!!

    That's awesome!! Keep up the hard work. It's paying off.
  • taletreader
    taletreader Posts: 377 Member
    LW: 171.4
    CW: 167.8

    Holy cow! What happened is that my period started right on the day of the last weigh-in, which led to a bit water "woosh" during this and the last measurement. But still, I'm 30 pounds down since the start of the year (and the S2S challenge) and might even make the full 40 pounds by the end, which I never expected.

    @radmills - congratulations to your mile! That's a great achievement!

    I had a pretty stressful week (and am glad it's over for work), managed to go skiing once and to the campus gym for the first time. I'd left so much time between the last strength workout and this one that I'm sore again! But I've got "The new rules of lifting for women" now, so I'll start up again more seriously. The campus gym also has an 1/8 mile indoor running track.

    Almost paradoxically, what I've thought about most this week is slowing down. I sort of think I should -- by now, I'm simply "overweight" though with a pretty high body fat percentage, and I wonder if I'm not losing too much lean mass by going on at the same clip. But then my MFP deficit is actually set to 0.9 pounds/week (while I've been losing > 2, though slowing down ever so slightly last month). So should I not take what I find still easy to achieve until it slows down on its own? Or should I start eating more and exercising more? I want to get a nice bike! Questions, question!
  • psychojenn
    LW: 177.6

    loss of one pound this week. pretty happy about it too:)
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Last week 158.4
    this week 156.6

    a loss of 1.8 pounds

    I am fairly happy with this... Almost halfway out of the 150's and this morning I reminisced of when I stepped on the scale and saw 220 pounds.. That was 64 pounds ago.. yay! :)

    Ok miss awesome! Good job that is absolutely wonderful! 64lbs is huge! Thank you for being such an inspiration!


    S2S SW: 292 lbs
    LW: 271.2 lbs
    CW: 270.8 lbs
    -0.4 lbs this week.
    "Every little bit counts" is my motto

    Awesome job girl! Way to rock it out! And you are right...every little bit does count.


    LW: 180
    CW: 177

    FINALLY in the 170's

    However, I had a nasty bug last Friday night & thats how I lost the 3 pounds...BUT I will take it haha My daughter has been sick all week and I got sick AGAIN yesterday. Ugh! It has really put a damper on my workout routine.

    Im hoping for a great workout tonight!

    Great job...I mean hey, sick or not...you can definitely capitalize on that loss for the upcoming week! Just exercise and keep it healthy and you will be seeing that scale drop again :) I hope you have a great workout tonight!


    I am down 1.1 pounds @ 267.4. I'm not back where I was two weeks ago but I'm all for not gaining!

    That scale is moving down and that is what is important...keep up the great work girl!


    Still at 220 this week but it is TOM so I am just happy to be maintaining!

    Yeah, that is good because I usually gain like 3 to 4 pounds in the beginning of TOM :/ LAME LOL...


    I gained. I am 176.2 today

    No worries girl, it happens to the best of us. Just work hard this upcoming week and the scale will go down :)


    I just wanted to point something out to everyone. I hope they are not offended that I am "calling them out" or putting them on the spot. But I just realised that the two ladies who have stayed at the top of our leader board almost the entire challenge are in their late to mid-40s. I am so proud of everyone, but these ladies have proven that you can lose at any age if you set your mind to it. Its really amazing they are at the age where metabolisms slow down, menopause may have started and they are still doin' the damn thing. So kuddos to you for not using any excuses like age to keep you from getting to your goal.

    This is a good point....putting us young girls to shame :) No, but I am very happy for everyone that it still in this thing!


    I can't seem to be able to enter the new weights on the spreadsheet, I am only seeing the last date of March 25th. Is anyone else having the same problem?
    LW: 206.4
    CW: 204.8.
    Slowly getting there! I can just about taste One-Derland!!!

    Great job! You are almost there to ONEderland! I know you have come a long way and you stay determined is paying off! Awesome job girl! Very proud of you :)


    Lost a pound and really wasn't trying too hard this week since it is my first week back. So of course I am very proud of that number.

    And you should be proud...it will give you the momentum going into this week! Great job!


    225.8 down 1.8 from last week and its TOM the whole eating back my exercise calories has been fantastic for me

    Great job girl! That is what it is all about...finding something that works for you :)


    Woohoo! Down 1.2 pounds to 192.6...180's here I come!

    Awesome job! Almost in the 180's yeaaaaah! Can't wait to be there myself :)


    2 weeks ago: 176.5
    LW: 178
    CW: 179.5
    Something is not right here...

    No worries girl...you have been doing awesome! Just see if there is anything that you can tweak in your diet or if you are retaining water. You will be back in the green soon girl!


    LW: 319

    This week 317 :)

    Good luck everyone

    Great job...not too far from the 200's.....I know that you are excited! Awesome girl!


    LW: 158.2
    CW: 154.4

    Finally it is finally starting to work. So 3.8lbs in one week. WOW!! P90X really works, I would highly recommend it to everyone. Love it!!

    Well well well look at that loss! This is exactly why I became a BeachBody Coach...because the programs work! Great job sticking with it girl! Very happy for you!


    Down 4.4 lbs this week :) Met my 3rd mini goal for the year and am now at a 68 lb loss!!! woot woot!

    Weight is now 341.6 I entered it in the new sheet.. thank you for helping to update it...

    Well look at you Mrs. Amazing! What an awesome loss and way to reach that mini-goal! Very very cool and so happy for you! Keep doing what you are doing hun!

    I gained 2 pounds this week - back to 244 (started this journey at 270 with MFP)...I have no one to blame but myself - I let life get in the way and thought I could take a "break" from working out - that and just didn't do it - so....

    As of this week I have worked out 2 days in a row so far, woohooooo, but have added in jogging the stairs when I have to go upstairs at work and even took an uphill walk at lunch yesterday as we finally have spring weather here in Wisconsin!! -

    I refuse to give up and have a renewed energy!!! - :)

    To all of you that have been doing such a fantastic job - CONGRATULATIONS!!!

    To all of you that might be struggling or slipping here and there - just don't ever give up on yourself - We are human and have stumbles, but WE ARE SO WORTH THE EFFORT!!!

    No worries hun! We all let life get in the way sometimes...but hey, we have things that we need to take care of. You have been doing a wonderful job and now you know what to do to get to where you need to be! Stay strong and just never lose sight of your goal :)


    Start Weight: 193.9
    Weight 4/4/11: 183.4
    Weight 4/8/11: 178.2
    This weeks loss: ALL WATER!!!! No longer the bloated blob that I was last week! YAHOO!

    Now to just keep it going!

    I know you are happy to have that water gone :) Great job and a great way to start out this upcoming week! Keep it going...you can do it!


    I'm down 1.6 lbs this week to 186! Very happy with my progress!

    Great job! You are just chugging along with the weight loss! And I love the new picture! That face of determination...nice!


    Well I appear to be at a stand still. Last week the same as this week 150.4. Working with a trainer to see what foods I need to cut out, going to try hard to weed out lots of processed foods this week and go with mostly natural foods. My goal for this week is to make that stinkin scale MOVE!!!! Happy weigh in everyone, keep up the great work!!

    It happens to us all. I bet you will see that scale move as soon as you limit or get rid of the processed foods. I know I did as soon as I switched to more natural stuff! You are so close to your goal weight...and I am sure that is why you are stalled a bit...but you will get there, you are doing wonderful!


    Hi Sunshines!!!
    A very quick stop before going to work (3 to 9 today)

    LAst week weight 170.4
    Todays: 169.

    yooohoooo out of the 170's forever
    Yesterday I weighted 168.8lbs and even had a pic to show hubby but since I weighted 169 in the morning today
    I'm reporting that.

    I had dinner with friend yesterday, maybe that's why the 0.2lbs difference

    I will comeback later with my goals for next week

    Wish you all a great day

    Girl, you have been rocking it out since the start! WOO! You are at my goal weight! That is so great! Very proud of you and very happy that you are in this challenge to motivate us ladies....please share on the discussion what you have been doing :)

    So many great jobs everyone!

    LW 159.2 (up .2 due to water)
    Yesterday 156.4 (and that's the number I'm using, because I was over sodium yesterday, so today was up just a little.)

    That's two week's losses, so I'm back on track! I really want to end this challenge at my goal weight. Just 14 pounds to go!

    14lbs! You got this! Awesome job on two consistent weeks! Wow you are almost there with 8 weeks left. That is less than 2lbs a week for you! Great! So happy for you!


    Hello Sunshine friends,

    LW: 256.6
    CW: 255.8

    .8 loss, I am happy for the loss but I will honest I wanted more..... I have to learn to proud of myself more. I am better than I used to be but still does not come real easy for me.

    I am going to try to be on this thread more this week. I am one of the S2S people that is not one here much....

    I do have something pretty great to share.........

    Yesterday, I ran my first mile!!!! It took me 17 min. at 3.6mph but I DID IT!!!! I have been working on it for a few months..

    Keep up the hard work everyone!!!!

    What an awesome accomplishment! Great job and way to push yourself!


    LW: 171.4
    CW: 167.8

    Holy cow! What happened is that my period started right on the day of the last weigh-in, which led to a bit water "woosh" during this and the last measurement. But still, I'm 30 pounds down since the start of the year (and the S2S challenge) and might even make the full 40 pounds by the end, which I never expected.

    WOW! Great job girl! And 30lbs since the challenge! WOO WOO! I heard that girly....that is sooo freakin great! Keep up all the hard work that you have put in.


    LW: 177.6

    loss of one pound this week. pretty happy about it too:)

    Way to stay consistent. You are doing a wonderful job and keep it up hun!
  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
    Down 1 pound.:bigsmile: Started the Shred, I'm about to do day 4. Maybe I'll pull myself out of this funk afterall!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Down 1 pound.:bigsmile: Started the Shred, I'm about to do day 4. Maybe I'll pull myself out of this funk afterall!

    You sure will! Make sure to keep track of your measurements with the Shred! That is where you are going ot see a big difference! Great job girl!