Do you eat bread?

Most of my life I have always dieted and tried stupid loads of different ways to lose wight.... 500 calories, no carb diets, detox, cabbage soup diet and the list goes on.
I have been trying to lose weight the healthy way now for about 2 weeks and found it extremely refreshing to be able to eat what I like and not feel guilty but there is one thing that still scares me and that is bread. I just ate 2 slices for my breakfast but I have a huge guilt already and wish i didn't eat it. I think it's because the media have told me that carbs are bad for me and will make me fat... even though I am still under my calorie goal it freaks me out.

Do you still eat bread?
Do you avoid it?
Do you feel guilty if you eat it?
How can I stop myself from feeling guilty?

Heeeelp ? ...... happy Monday :)


  • canaussie
    canaussie Posts: 168 Member
    I eat bread on occasion... I just make sure that it is a healthy whole grain bread. Really, there is not one thing in my diet that I CAN'T have. For the most part I eat as clean as I can, keeping processed foods to a minimum. Eat your bread and don't feel guilty~ :)
  • raven1114
    raven1114 Posts: 115 Member
    i eat bread i just try to watch how much of it i eat and i usually eat whole wheat bread.
  • keynesian
    keynesian Posts: 44 Member
    So don't 'listen' to the media, do your own research! The 'goodness' or 'badness' of bread depends majorly on the type of bread don't forget.

    I rarely eat it but if i do it's wholemeal with added seeds.
  • Crystal817
    Crystal817 Posts: 2,021 Member
    I eat bread. Always something whole grain. I don't eat it everyday. :)

    My suggestion is, have something else for breakfast besides bread. Maybe have one piece and some fruit.
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    I havent given it up, but i have cut down, as i dont find it satisfies me enough for the amount of calories.

    pasta is the same. Doesnt take much of it to be a lot of calories
  • Mairgheal
    Mairgheal Posts: 385 Member
    I absolutely love bread and there's nothing wrong with good honest carbs, as long as you don't go overboard. The bread that I eat would be wholemeal.
    I would have 2 slices of toast (with peanutbutter) about 3 mornings a week and for lunch I might have 2 small wholemeal multiseaded rolls with a filling like tuna and salad or something..
  • Mightytaco84
    Mightytaco84 Posts: 76 Member
    I eat bread everyday. I usually eat a whole wheat english muffin with breakfast and most days I have a sandwich for lunch, but it's usually rye bread.
  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    I LOVE bread but I know that for me, too much hinders my weight loss and tends to bloat my stomach so now I go for one multiseeded bagel each day for breakfast and that's it. It's hard but at least I start my day with something I love. Just try to stay away from white bread.
  • princessmedic
    I was staying away from breads for awhile. I found a couple lower calorie breads that I like...Sara Lee 45 calorie (per slice) has a few different types. I particularly like the multigrain (it has 9g carbs). And recently, I found Nature's Own 40 calorie (per slice)...which has 10g carbs. I have the honey wheat. I think they taste just like regular bread.
  • CARNAT22
    CARNAT22 Posts: 764 Member
    I eat bread everyday - I now opt for a small wholemeal loaves though (aprox 55 cals per slice) so I have two of them for breakfast...
  • Flossycat100
    I think if you have your carb/protein/fat balance set to a sensible level and you remain within those guidelines you have nothing to worry about. Totally carb free is too difficult and (in my view) unhealthy. You can have bread so long as you try to stick to wholemeal,whole grain etc and cut it down. Heck, you could probably even have the odd slice of processed white so long as it is a rare treat rather than the norm!

    For me, I have tweaked the suggested levels so I am eating more protein and less carb, which works for me, but I'm still allowed carbs if I want them and I have learned to be realistic about how much bread I can have. If you complete your day's diary in advance you can work out a) whether you can 'afford' that bread and b) if you do have it, how to 'balance' it with more protein-rich or low-carb foods later in the day. Hope this helps :wink:
  • KatyE213
    KatyE213 Posts: 446 Member
    I've never been a big fan of bread so it wouldn't bother me too much if I could never eat it again, however I do have a sandwich once or twice a week for convenience on my lunch break, as has been said above I would avoid white bread at all costs. I don't think that bread is as bad as you perceive it to be! I do eat other carbs such as rice and pasta, you need carbs for energy anyway. This is a lifestyle change not a fad diet, and if you are within your calories and within your carbs as recommended on MFP I'm sure it will be fine. Good luck x
  • Sheltie4
    Sheltie4 Posts: 65 Member
    I eat bread every single day - toast with boiled egg for breakfast most mornings. Salad with a roll for lunch. Love it - I am maintaining my weight easily and also lost weight whilst eating bread. I always buy quality bread, wholemeal, country grain or similar.

    Live is too short to go without something you enjoy!
  • neyes67
    neyes67 Posts: 167 Member
    I eat 100 calorie Sandwich Thins/Twins (whole grain, whole wheat, multi grain) but I usually eat half of a top or bottom piece instead of the whole roll 2-3 times per week. I would eat it with peanut butter and banana slices as a snack, hummus spread, laughing cow cheese, or when I want a turkey burger I only have a bottom slice which is great because I can really taste the burger and toppings. I'm not a big sandwich eater for some reason. I guess I have grown to enjoy the many other options out there. White bread has been a no no like forever... was always told it was the worst choice and it was like eating glue which sticks to you:mad: :devil: I almost never purchased bread because it always went stale (I would only eat 2-3 slices) and then have to throw it away eventually. Thank goodness for sandwich thins/twins:smile:
  • CallejaFairey
    CallejaFairey Posts: 391 Member
    i still eat bread, and pasta, usually once a day, and sometimes twice if i had bread for breakfast and pasta for supper. very rarely have i ever gone over my carb allowance though, and i have completely switched to whole grain. my favs are the food for life brand breads, Ezekial and Genesis, which are sprouted wholegrain. the genesis is my fav because it has seeds as well.

    i think it's just like anything when you are eating healthy, it's all about moderation. i mean you could sit there and eat 5 or 6 apples a day. apples are healthy, but in that quantity, not so much. i am also not a fan of the diets where you severely limit one thing over another. a good balanced diet works. not to mention makes it a heck of a lot easier to stick with as opposed to cutting something out and then you find you have cravings for it all the time! lol
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    Do you still eat bread?
    Do you avoid it?
    Do you feel guilty if you eat it?
    How can I stop myself from feeling guilty?
    That's only something you can figure out. Personally, I would say stop listening to people who cannot differentiate minor details from fundamentals. Ask yourself why something made from wonderful, basic ingredients: flour, yeast, salt and water (and egg if you want) has become so villified and whether logically that is justified?

    Have you tried baking your own? There is nothing so magical as eating bread that is fresh out of the oven. If you add in a few chocolate chips to the recipe they melt and become gooey. Now that is sexy....
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    wow..i cant stand all this anti carb stuff. carbs are our friends! they dont cause fat! dont dont keep you fat! stop being afraid to eat carbs people!
  • DaniiDean
    DaniiDean Posts: 162 Member
    haha thanks people! I just wanted a little look to see what you all think. Thank you :)
  • Aylilth
    Aylilth Posts: 125
    Yup I eat bread.

    But stick to grainy rye types of bread the lower GI stuff.

    I try not to stay away from certain types of food, food is food I just need to learn control and portion.
  • Terri73
    Terri73 Posts: 238
    So white bread out then? What about 50/50?