April Challenge - How many cals will you burn in April?



  • symphonika
    symphonika Posts: 107 Member
    So far this week! 1,395/7,000. I am currently doing the 30 day shred program but after I finish that I want to do C25k, so I will hopefully be joining you joggers very soon! Have a great weekend everyone ;)
  • JennS19
    JennS19 Posts: 642 Member
    371 more burned tonight on the treadmill. Feeling good!!

    Total: 2,074!!
  • thkelly
    thkelly Posts: 466 Member
    can i join?
    my goal is 25,000 calories this month
    i know that seems high but i'm approx 240 lbs so i guess it's all relative
    these numbers are according to my HRM

    4/1 - 1215 cal
    4/2 - 986 cal
    4/3 - 1760 cal
    4/4 - 1549 cal
    4/7 - 1361 cal
    4/8 - 1052 cal

    total 7923/25000
  • beffy191
    beffy191 Posts: 71
    So far:
    April 3rd- 137
    April 4th- 116
    April 5th- 207
    April 7th- 281
    April 8th- 216 (dancing- 12 mins, kickboxing- 10 mins, pilates- 10 mins)
    April 9th- 89. (slow walking)
    April 10th- 392 (Wii Fit, Walking, Jogging, Dancing)

    TOTAL: 1,438 cals.
  • thkelly
    thkelly Posts: 466 Member
    can i join?
    my goal is 25,000 calories this month
    i know that seems high but i'm approx 240 lbs so i guess it's all relative
    these numbers are according to my HRM

    4/1 - 1215 cal
    4/2 - 986 cal
    4/3 - 1760 cal
    4/4 - 1549 cal
    4/7 - 1361 cal
    4/8 - 1052 cal
    4/9 - 552 cal
    4/10- 1836 cal

    total 10311/25000
  • beffy191
    beffy191 Posts: 71
    FINALLY got my act together today and burned quite a few calories...

    So far:
    April 3rd- 137
    April 4th- 116
    April 5th- 207
    April 7th- 281
    April 8th- 216 (dancing- 12 mins, kickboxing- 10 mins, pilates- 10 mins)
    April 9th- 89. (slow walking)
    April 10th- 392 (Wii Fit, Walking, Jogging, Dancing)
    April 11th- 681 (Belly Dancing, Workout Dancing Video, Walking, Running, Jogging)

    TOTAL: 2,119 cals.
  • hungrymarathongirl
    hungrymarathongirl Posts: 444 Member
    I am aiming for approximately 20000....currently I am burning 5000 calories a week as I am training for a marathon next month and doing Ripped in 30 and Shred it with Weights.
  • Marshall5686
    Marshall5686 Posts: 13 Member
    My April goal is a burn of 25,000 calories.

    9,045 so far

    I use Garmin FR60 to track - Love the Garmin Connect web site!

    I use a combo of cycling and other cardio and lifting weights

  • beffy191
    beffy191 Posts: 71
    Today was technically supposed to be a day off but I ended up walking quite a bit.

    So far:
    April 3rd- 137
    April 4th- 116
    April 5th- 207
    April 7th- 281
    April 8th- 216 (dancing- 12 mins, kickboxing- 10 mins, pilates- 10 mins)
    April 9th- 89. (slow walking)
    April 10th- 392 (Wii Fit, Walking, Jogging, Dancing)
    April 11th- 681 (Belly Dancing, Workout Dancing Video, Walking, Running, Jogging)
    April 12th-254 (walking)

    TOTAL: 2,373 cals.
  • arc918
    arc918 Posts: 2,037 Member
    I'll probably run 200+ miles, I burn ~ 130 per mile, so at least 26,000

    looks like I've run (ran?) 81 miles this month so far = ~10,500 or so at the moment
  • thkelly
    thkelly Posts: 466 Member
    4/1 - 1215 cal
    4/2 - 986 cal
    4/3 - 1760 cal
    4/4 - 1549 cal
    4/7 - 1361 cal
    4/8 - 1052 cal
    4/9 - 552 cal
    4/10- 1836 cal
    4/12 - 787 cal

    total 11098/25000
  • JennS19
    JennS19 Posts: 642 Member
    4/1 : 318 cal
    4/2: 245 cal
    4/3: 431 cal
    4/5: 364 cal
    4/8: 371 cal
    4/10: 379 cal
    4/12: 400 cal
    Total: 2,508/7000 calories burned!! :)
  • Johnnygirl777
    WELCOME Moorticus, thkelly, hungrymarathong, Marshall5686 & arc918! We’re happy to have you join us  So far is this months progress:

    Johnnygirl777 aka Amy – Goal: 5,000 – done: 1,589 – to go: 3,411

    symphonika – Goal: 7,000 – done: 1,395 – to go: 5,605

    littlewatty1980 – Goal: 15,000 – done: - to go: need update!

    beffy191 – Goal: 5,000 – done: 2,373 – to go: 2,627

    JennS19 – Goal: 9,000 – done: 2,508 to go: 6,492

    nikkishai – Goal: 19,000 – done: - to go: need update!

    Nikkerz620 – Goal: 9,000 – done: - to go: need update!

    Moorticus – Goal: 4,000 – done: - to go: need update!

    thkelly – Goal: 25,000 – done: 11,098 - to go: 13,902

    hungrymarathong – Goal: 20,000 – done: - to go: need update!

    Marshall5686 – Goal: 25,000 – done: 9,045 – to go: 15,955

    arc918 – Goal: 26,000 – done: 10,500 – to go: 15,500
  • beffy191
    beffy191 Posts: 71
    So far:
    April 3rd- 137
    April 4th- 116
    April 5th- 207
    April 7th- 281
    April 8th- 216 (dancing- 12 mins, kickboxing- 10 mins, pilates- 10 mins)
    April 9th- 89. (slow walking)
    April 10th- 392 (Wii Fit, Walking, Jogging, Dancing)
    April 11th- 681 (Belly Dancing, Workout Dancing Video, Walking, Running, Jogging)
    April 12th-254 (walking)
    April 13th- 320(dancing, walking, circuit training)

    TOTAL: 2,693 cals.
  • symphonika
    symphonika Posts: 107 Member
    I am actually over my weekly goal already!!!! Maybe I can burn even more tonight to indulge in a yummy margarita!
  • beffy191
    beffy191 Posts: 71
    So far:
    April 3rd- 137
    April 4th- 116
    April 5th- 207
    April 7th- 281
    April 8th- 216 (dancing- 12 mins, kickboxing- 10 mins, pilates- 10 mins)
    April 9th- 89. (slow walking)
    April 10th- 392 (Wii Fit, Walking, Jogging, Dancing)
    April 11th- 681 (Belly Dancing, Workout Dancing Video, Walking, Running, Jogging)
    April 12th-254 (walking)
    April 13th- 320(dancing, walking, circuit training)
    April 14th- 416 (eliptical, weights, walking)

    TOTAL: 3,109 cals.
  • thkelly
    thkelly Posts: 466 Member
    4/1 - 1215 cal
    4/2 - 986 cal
    4/3 - 1760 cal
    4/4 - 1549 cal
    4/7 - 1361 cal
    4/8 - 1052 cal
    4/9 - 552 cal
    4/10- 1836 cal
    4/12 - 787 cal
    4/14 - 800 cal

    total 11898/25000
  • JennS19
    JennS19 Posts: 642 Member
    4/1 : 318 cal
    4/2: 245 cal
    4/3: 431 cal
    4/5: 364 cal
    4/8: 371 cal
    4/10: 379 cal
    4/12: 400 cal
    4/14: 418 cal
    Total 2,926/7000 calories

    I think I'm going to have to bump my goal down to 7,000 calories. This month hasn't given me the opportunity to workout out every day almost like I had hoped. But 7,000 is still a rocking amout of calories!! :smile:
  • Nikkerz620
    Nikkerz620 Posts: 212 Member
    I've been sick all week so no exercise.. Today will finally be my first day back!!!!
    I'll give an update on Sunday.... :0)
    Common 9,000..
  • beffy191
    beffy191 Posts: 71
    It's technically the 16th but I am editing for the 15th.

    So far:
    April 3rd- 137
    April 4th- 116
    April 5th- 207
    April 7th- 281
    April 8th- 216 (dancing- 12 mins, kickboxing- 10 mins, pilates- 10 mins)
    April 9th- 89. (slow walking)
    April 10th- 392 (Wii Fit, Walking, Jogging, Dancing)
    April 11th- 681 (Belly Dancing, Workout Dancing Video, Walking, Running, Jogging)
    April 12th-254 (walking)
    April 13th- 320(dancing, walking, circuit training)
    April 14th- 416 (eliptical, weights, walking)
    April 15th- 117(walking)

    TOTAL: 3,226 cals.