"H20" Seventy Days of Shredding those EGGGstra Pounds Week 9

AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
edited September 26 in Health and Weight Loss
H20 Seventy Days of Shredding those EGGGstra pounds
Week 9 of 10 (14 Days to go) oops, Ive had the last few weeks count down wrong.. ;(

-Welcome, to those of you who would like to join the group, althought its already began, feel free to join in. Anyone is always welcomed. We are here to help with weight loss goals, talk, and turn to when you have your weakest moments. Our "H20" group has been going on since August 2010. I have a group of ladies that have been here all a long, I have some that check in every so often to see whats up in the "new" group of people. and i have some that are new to the challenge. So please feel free to join in..


-Like spring, we too are being brought back to life after a LONG winter. We are being brought to life, with our new bodies, and weight loss. keep it up everyone.

Challenge 1 - Week 9
(04/10) - We all would like to tone up our butt a little more right? I found a workout on mytrainerbob.com that doesnt look too bad.. so, I decided to make it part of this weeks challenge. Lets to do this video a total of 20 minutes this week, this will help burn those butt muscles, or find those butt muscles we forgot we had. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=i0YHy0t3PQo

Challenge 2 - Week 9
(04/10) - Lets add a little bit of cardio vascular into this weeks challenge. This one might be a little hard, its for those who are more advanced in a way, but doesn't mean those of us who aren't as "advanced" cant attempt it. Squat Thrust with Plyometric Jump, I want you to do 50 of these this week. This is another workout I found on mytrainerbob.com.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Jof8ekMQ_8&feature=player_embedded

Challenge 3 - Week 9
(04/10) - Add color to your diet & make sure you get ATLEAST your 8 glasses of water.

Challenge 4 - Week 9
(04/10) - Lets add some yoga and or meditation this week. Lets set aside atleast 5 minutes each morning or night to do one or the other this week. Which will be a total of atleast 35 minutes.

Challenge 5 - Week 9
(04/10) - We need to keep a positive outlook through out our weight loss to keep succeeding, so we are going to do the 3 positive things each day, you can add them on here each day, or you can just think of them. Negativity does nothing for us, so we need to stay on the positive side of things. :)

Quote of the week - "The seasons are what a symphony ought to be: four perfect movements in harmony with each other." ~Arthur Rubenstein

Sorry for the delay this week everyone, I have been working on editing my nieces maternity pictures. Im sure as the weather stays nice i will start having more photos to edit, so ill do what I can to try to stay on top of everything for h20. ill add a few pictures that i took yesterday. ;)


i hope everyone was able to enjoy the beautiful weather yesterday. As you can see, i took advantage of it. :) I am hoping for some more beautiful weather to come. Enjoy your week, and lets blow this one out of the water. :) I hope everyone likes this weeks challenges. I try to give variety, and sometimes its hard, so i have to do some researching. takes me over an hour to do each weeks challenge.

Lets get our ideas together for the challenge for the 4th of July. Next week is our last week for the easter challenge.. then it will be on to the 4th of july..

Have a beautiful week,
April Val


  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    Thanks again April :)

    I am totally kicking *kitten* this week, will make a determined effort on all the challenges. I have been somewhat off boil recently, need to kick it up a gear.
  • CrystalS
    CrystalS Posts: 184 Member
    Thanks for the great challenge again, April. Your pictures look GREAT. I wish you could come take our family's pictures. :happy:

    I'm going to make more of an effort with P90X this week. I'm going to try to do my BEST at each workout and not just make it through.

    My water's good. :wink:

    5 minutes each morning is a wonderful thing.

    3 positives is awesome:
    *My Health
    *My family
    *Lovely weather

    I really need to get into gear this week. This week I was down 0.4 lbs. I'm not complaining, but I wish it was more.

    So here's to a new week!!!!!! :drinker:

    Thanks again, Apirl!! :flowerforyou:
  • ChantalC1969
    ChantalC1969 Posts: 226 Member
    Thanks April!

    BTW I took a peek at your pictures on facebook and you did a great job!!! :D

  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    Whoo hoo - i'm back - had a great Birthday weekend and now I'm loving the weather......up a little, but I blame cake...since there is no more, I'm pushing for a good loss this week :)
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Bj- youre welcome.. You got this hun.. I too have taken a little bit of time away.. it tends to help me get back on track.. But ive also been super busy.

    Crystal- i wish i could do your family pictures too.. i would sooo love to.. ;) thank you.. it was fun doing my nieces pictures..

    Chantal- Thank you.. i loved taking the pictures.. i hadnt seen my niece in nearly 6 years.. so it was great.

    Pam - You go this.. ;)
  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    Challenge 1 - Week 9
    My butt definitely needs some work...Riding my bike will help with that as well...gonna look into trainerbob.

    Challenge 2 - Week 9
    Ahhh...cardio. I am planning on getting back to my EA Active this week. I am tired of being a slug!

    Challenge 3 - Week 9
    Vegies are in the forefront...did some shopping. Water intake holding steady!

    Challenge 4 - Week 9
    Gonna try to do some meditation...maybe check out some yoga.

    Challenge 5 - Week 9
    Always happy to share my positives...I HATE Negative Nellies!

    My happies:

    It's Monday...another fresh start for me.
    Had a wonderful weekend with my family....even a bike ride with hubby.
    Making plans to return to school to get my Bachelors Degree.

    Have a wonderful week!

    Some ideas for the 4th of July challenge...

    Exploding those pounds...

    Not gaining pounds....gaining our independence.

    Sizzling Hot Bodies of Summer....

    Just a thought!

  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Loooovvvveeee the last pic of your niece's hubby kissing the belly. There's so much sweetness in that one!

    I haven't really been keeping up with the challenges (because sometimes I can lose focus :laugh:) but I'll try to look at them this week. :smile:

    Down the 2 pounds I gained last week. Yippee!!
  • aprildauer
    aprildauer Posts: 168
    Challenge 1 - Week 9 - will definitely check this out.
    Challenge 2 - Week 9 - will be doing this too.....along with my walks. waiting on my stroller to get here now.
    Challenge 3 - Week 9 - had a nice colored salad for lunch so working on this one.
    Challenge 4 - Week 9 - my me time is reading my book before bed.
    Challenge 5 - Week 9 - will do but don't know if I will post of not.

    Sorry been MIA for awhile. I spent all weekend cleaning up yard and still not done. Taking a break to work inside the house today then back to the yard I go. Hope everyone has a great day. And I'm up this week but I'm wondering if it has something to do with all the Gatorade I drank yesterday....sodium bad.
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    Today is day one of kicking *kitten* and I have turbo jammed and shredded already. I have also done a massive clean. I swear if you house is tidy your mind is tidy :D
  • Alegria79
    Alegria79 Posts: 133 Member
    April - amazing photos!! I love the ones you posted at the end of Week 8 with the coloured blocks on the black and white tummy. So awesome! What kind of camera do you use? Or, since I imagine you have a few, what's your favourite?

    fitterpam - happy belated birthday and great job getting right back into the healthy eating!

    Crystal - good luck pushing harder with the P90x - you can totally do it and push yourself extra hard. I've heard it's super hard, so make sure you give yourself credit for finishing each day!

    Ceelovejay - YAY! It's awesome that you're down the two pounds and a huge victory!

    bjshooter - awesome work with the turbo jam and shredding already. Getting 'em done early on a Monday seems to start the week off right. I did a weight training session this morning to get it done early in the week.

    Happy things:
    - it's +15 today, not -15!!! I live in Winnipeg, so this is a big deal.
    - I have a strong body that lets me do great workouts
    - My friends are great!
  • violet_820
    violet_820 Posts: 77 Member
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    I'm exhausted tonight. I think it's because I didn't sleep well last night... at least I hope that's all it is! I was down to 149.6 at my weigh in, so only .2 lost, but it's good. It was actually TOM this week, so I'm happy with anything that's not a gain!!!!

    Doing great with my 100 mile challenge (as you can see) which I will actually finish on Thursday. Tomorrow is a 2 mile easy run, then Thursday is 6 mile speedwork. As much as this training is taking out of me I'm finding it hard to do much more. Yesterday I knew I wanted to move a little so I hit the gym and lifted for 1/2 an hour and did 30 minutes on the elliptical. It was good, and I'm glad I did it. Tomorrow I'll be doing the 2 miles and that's probably it because I have choir practice and probably won't have much more time than that. If I get a chance I might do some ab work or something, but I might be in public, which would be a little strange to just get down and do crunches!!! We'll see.

    Hope I'm not so tired after a really good night's sleep tonight. I swear if this keeps up I'm upping my calories. I think I've been more tired since MFP lowered my intake! I'll give it another week and see what happens. Have a great week!!!

    Oh, and April... amazing pictures!!!! I wish I looked that good when I was pregnant...I was NOT pretty pregnant!!!! LOL! But she's glowing and the pics are gorgeous!
  • h011yp0p
    h011yp0p Posts: 14
    Sounds good I like those work outs I'm going to try to do some when I go home tonight.
  • cazzincali
    cazzincali Posts: 337 Member

    Some ideas for the 4th of July challenge...

    Exploding those pounds...

    Not gaining pounds....gaining our independence.

    Sizzling Hot Bodies of Summer....

    Just a thought!


    I like these! How about... Independence by weight loss?

    My official weigh-in... NO CHANGE. Still 181# ugh!
  • CrystalS
    CrystalS Posts: 184 Member
    Okay, one of the challenges was add color to the meal, right? Tonight we had roasted chicken with potatoes and carrots - delish! Then we had green beans and also cantaloupe. :laugh: How is that for some color? :laugh: It was VERY tasty and now I'm stuffed!!!!!

    I hope everyone has a great Tuesday!!! :flowerforyou:
  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    BTW...I FINALLY updated my ticker for miles....have 25 left to go.
  • aprildauer
    aprildauer Posts: 168
    Got a small walk in today and bike ride. Got my new stroller/bike trailer today. I wish I wouldnt have been on call cause I probably would of been all over town. Oh well I can do that tomorrow lol.
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    April - amazing photos!! I love the ones you posted at the end of Week 8 with the coloured blocks on the black and white tummy. So awesome! What kind of camera do you use? Or, since I imagine you have a few, what's your favourite?

    i actually only have one camera.. :) Its a Sony a230.. its an SLR camera.. I love it.. :) thanks.. i love how the blocks turned out too.. ;) that one took a lot of time.. killed my eyes..
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Oh, and April... amazing pictures!!!! I wish I looked that good when I was pregnant...I was NOT pretty pregnant!!!! LOL! But she's glowing and the pics are gorgeous!

    Thank you.. Yes she is beautiful.. :) I love how the pictures turned out.. They were perfect.. :) her boyfriend didnt get into it until the end.. :) lol.. Although he hated when I made him kiss her belly.. lol..
  • h011yp0p
    h011yp0p Posts: 14
    Oh my dear lord I just did 10 of the squat thrust plyometric jumps...i think im dying lol....feel the burrrnnn
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