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  • monkeybelle83
    monkeybelle83 Posts: 141 Member
    I used to have a medication induced ED. It sucked. People seem to think that because they are hiding behind their computer screens that they can be as mean and nasty as they want with no consequence. It's pathetic really. Thank you for having the courage to not only admit to your ED, but to support and help others who are struggling through it. I like to think that if there were more people like you out there that truly care that we would have fewer people suffering.
  • misspenny762
    misspenny762 Posts: 279 Member
    People will have their opinions. A big part of this site is holding people accountable not babying them. Sorry but that's the truth.

    This is true, but holding them accountable to their own goals, not your lifestyle or opinion. I'm not trying to bash you or what you're trying to say, but no one deserves to be judged for what their efforts are as long as they are for the better. Unfortunately it's also the truth that people will give their opinion with no regard to someone's feelings about it. There is a time and place for it and some people just don't get that.

    It takes a brave person to come on a "public" site and post pictures of themselves as overweight/underweight or just not looking healthy or tell their stories and hope that people support them for trying to be healthier in whatever way they can or know how. Well said, as usual, DarkAngel.

    It means so much to me and to my fellow EDers as well to have this kind of support here. MFP seems to me to be largely free from the venom so rampant on the rest of the Internet... Emphasis on "largely" haha. I hope it remains such a safe place.
  • monkeybelle83
    monkeybelle83 Posts: 141 Member
    People will have their opinions. A big part of this site is holding people accountable not babying them. Sorry but that's the truth.

    This is true, but holding them accountable to their own goals, not your lifestyle or opinion. I'm not trying to bash you or what you're trying to say, but no one deserves to be judged for what their efforts are as long as they are for the better. Unfortunately it's also the truth that people will give their opinion with no regard to someone's feelings about it. There is a time and place for it and some people just don't get that.

    It takes a brave person to come on a "public" site and post pictures of themselves as overweight/underweight or just not looking healthy or tell their stories and hope that people support them for trying to be healthier in whatever way they can or know how. Well said, as usual, DarkAngel.

    It means so much to me and to my fellow EDers as well to have this kind of support here. MFP seems to me to be largely free from the venom so rampant on the rest of the Internet... Emphasis on "largely" haha. I hope it remains such a safe place.

    I personally think it is absolutely fantastic that you guys are willing to TRY to get better, and are setting goals. It isn't all that different from what we who are losing are trying to do when you really think about it. I wish you all the success in the world. :-)
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    There are going to be the judgmental people everywhere,its tough try not to let them get you down.:flowerforyou:
  • ♥Violette♥4Ever♥
    I have to say that I really love this post!

    Eating disorders are extremely hard to overcome, I know becuase I'm trying very hard not to return to my bulimic ways. TRUST me when I say that we know we have an issue... we KNOW that it's harmful and it could kill us. But to have the mental capacity to overcome what your mind is telling you to do... is H-A-R-D!!!

    Just as we shouldn't "baby" people, as one person said. We can still have sympathy and compassion for that person and thier struggles. You don't know exactly what another person is going through! At least have the human decency to be respectful. Take a look from their persepective for a minute before you critisize!!!

    Thanks for the post!

    Yes, eating disorders are very, very difficult to overcome. I am a recovering bulimic as well when I was in high school up until my early twenties. I find myself also fighting not to go back to those ways and will probably do so for the rest of my life.
  • dieseljay74
    dieseljay74 Posts: 376
    Great post....some of the better reading here lately
  • marrtini
    marrtini Posts: 75
    Well said, and its true that you will find judgemental people everywhere ... just do your best to be healthy and stay strong.
  • DancingYogini
    AMEN:drinker: Very well put, as usual. ED's also include BED (Binge eating disorder), EDNOS (eating disorder not othewise specified-aka. limbo between ana/mia), Anorexia with Bullimic tendencies (and vice versa)...and so on....I think that there is a very fine line between an ED and disordered eating. is a mental disorder that is a lot of the times not related to weight, but control, and usually the person suffering has had some traumatic event in their lives to trigger it (sometimes even a minor event, if you are prone to it-it has been shown to be genetic). There are a lot of people on this site that suffer from undiagnosed ED's. We all need to support everyone here :heart: Sometimes eating 500 calories in one day is a huge achievement, especially if that person has been living on under 100 cals per day for months! Whew...I'm done :flowerforyou:
  • fromaquasar
    fromaquasar Posts: 811 Member
    I am so in agreement with this. We are all here to achieve the goal of being healthier. From whatever angle your job is to support your friends in that.

    To the person who said you can't "baby" ED sufferers unfortunately it is a serious psychological disorder it's not a case of tough love going to snap anyone out of anything. Telling an Ana/Mia to just eat more is about as effective as telling a seriously obese person to "just eat less". There is so much more going on about how they feel in themselves and their lives then just food as a fuel.

    Thanks for bringing this to light - MFP is such a great supportive community lets embrace everyone in their attempts to live healthier lives but make sure your measuring by their yardstick, not your own.

    If anyone out there is battling at the moment with an ED I am a recovered and would be happy to offer support to you any time :)
  • misspenny762
    misspenny762 Posts: 279 Member
    Telling an Ana/Mia to just eat more is about as effective as telling a seriously obese person to "just eat less". There is so much more going on about how they feel in themselves and their lives then just food as a fuel.

    QFT - I wish people would understand this!
  • CCSunlight
    CCSunlight Posts: 249 Member
    I just wanted to comment as someone who has never been diagnosed with an ED, but I was diagnosed a few months back with major depression. I understand the struggle to change the way you're think about yourself and the world around you. It frustrates me to see people on this site who think that people just need a rude wake up call and then that person will be all better.

    The worst part of the depression for me is absolutely knowing that my cognitive processes are screwed up. I know the way I respond to stressors isn't logical to other people. I can only assume that it similar to anyone who has acknowledged that they have an eating disorder. They probably already know that they're hurting their bodies. Berating them for reaching out for help isn't help at all, if they're anything like me they'll just shut down and get stuck with negative thoughts about themselves.

    If you want to help, be there to listen, to have kind words, and to encourage building a stronger body.

    I know that depression and eating disorders often occur together. I promise you that I'm hear to listen and talk any time you need it.
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    its a tricky one.
    When i posted on another thread saying i used to have an ED, i got a few people friending me who had EDs and i added them, but i kept feeling horribly triggered by their 400 cals a day customised goals, so in the end deleted.

    I do believe that people have the right to their lifestyle, but im not prepared to go "WELL DONE" WTG" etc when someone is starving themselves to that extreme.

    I know i will never totally be over my ED. I still get urges, and i pretty much know if i ever started putting on a lot of weight it would be an option for me again, although I do prefer the MFP way and its much better for my mental health, as well as my physical health to be able to eat and keep it down.
  • SaraTonin
    SaraTonin Posts: 551 Member
    It's been hard for me to be supportive, mostly because I don't know how. I am trying to gain, but I am not anorexic. Mostly I'm poor. My ED friends on MFP have really made me realize that my food issues aren't nearly so severe as I thought. Sure, some days I would eat next to nothing, but it was never habitual. It was never a "diet" - just emotion driven. Like binge eating but the opposite. I could always eat more when I felt better. Sure I was underweight, but never quite let it go too far.

    It hurts me to see these girls go through so much shame and worry, and so much bad self-image. My heart truly goes out to them, and maybe that's all the support they need, but I feel the need to be doctor/therapist and this is just one area where I'm not qualified.
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    pulling someone up on it wouldnt make the blindest bit of difference.

    You cant cure an ED. The person just has to be ready to give it up in their own time and in their own way, and most people dont realise just how scary a thought that can be, especially if the person trying to get the ANA/MIA person to change their eating habits is bigger than them (sorry)

    The ONLY thing thats keeping me from being in mia hell, is the fact that actually watching what im eating and exercising just works better! Im only a few pounds heavier now than i was when i was barely eating anything and throwing up everything i did eat, but that is fine for me, because im also a fair bit older and have had 3 kids since then, and being underweight in your 30s doesnt look as cute as it does on a teenager (in my opinion)
  • IngeborgB
    IngeborgB Posts: 27
    This is such a good thread! I have been waiting for something like this!

    I also have bulimic tendencies, and I struggle with them everyday. MFP has helped me in realizing how and when I should eat to better control these urges. And I agree with the above posters, ED is in your head, not in your weight. And it is hard to be in and hard to overcome. And they don't need anyones judgement!
  • Life0nMars86
    Life0nMars86 Posts: 155 Member
    *like, Thank you for standing up for ur beliefs and posting this. :flowerforyou: I'm a recovering bulemic, and will probably have to struggle with it for the rest of my life. I've also lost a very good friend due to an ED, and it still breaks my heart, so it's very hard to be friends with those who aren't actually trying to get better because it brings up too many emotions and fears in me. However, I do encourage and support everyone trying to recover from Eating Disorders, as I am in the same boat and know how very hard it is to overcome.
  • DarkAngel864
    DarkAngel864 Posts: 229 Member
    Thank you to all these wonderful supporters. All of your input is very thoughtful and appreciated! Big thanks to those of you who offered new information and were brave enough to admit to suffering or recovery. Much love to you all :heart:
  • ♥Faerie♥
    ♥Faerie♥ Posts: 14,053 Member
    I love you my darkangel♥
  • bmontgomery87
    bmontgomery87 Posts: 1,260 Member
    Sorry to hear that you're being harassed.

    Glad to hear you're in recovery. I dealt with anorexia in high school. Hasn't been a problem since then, but it was hell when I went through it.
  • ybba12490
    ybba12490 Posts: 252
    I appreciate you posting this.

    I'm not sure I could offer proper support to those members who suffer from a ED, because of my lack of knowledge and understanding of the physical and mental aspects of the disease. However, I do applaud you standing up for what you believe is right.

    I agree with this. I have never an ED but I can only imagine how difficult it can be coping with that for the rest of your life. I encourage anyone to friend me and would NEVER send discouraging or harmful messages to them, but I'm not sure I could offer proper advice and/or support since I have never experienced an ED. My best friend was diagnosed as anorexic though and I find it hard to understand. But I really appreciate you posting this, I can't believe some people would be rude to you like that! It's sickening. But I can understand if they didn't know about your condition and maybe were just concerned about the low amount of calories consuming. They should be more informed about someone's situation before messaging them. There is a such thing as reading a profile, looking at a food diary, goals, etc. Good luck here! I hope you find some great support