Tall women 5'9 or taller



  • hail87666
    hail87666 Posts: 176 Member
    I think we tall gals have that thing in common where we "thought" we were cows even back in high school when we were thin. Its the height that made us feel overwhelmingly large. I wish I knew then what I know now - I'd go back to high school and hold my head high! I have felt "fat" since I reached 5'8" in 7th grade.

    This is SO true! I have been 5'10" since 7th grade & I still have a hard time with feeling too tall and standing up straight!

    Standing up straight is something I really struggle with. Aswell as being tall, I have 32GG boobs (they're no bigger now than when I was slim) and my posture is terrible. I've always tried to make myself look smaller and am very round shouldered. MY mum is always saying to me 'you look a stone slimmer when you stand up straight!' and I know she's right, but I just don't have the confidence (yet) to walk with my head up. My riding instructor is constantly telling my off for tensing my shoulders and leaning forward too *sigh*
  • ActiveFaith10
    ActiveFaith10 Posts: 230 Member
  • ActiveFaith10
    ActiveFaith10 Posts: 230 Member
    Thats exactly what I need todo! We can do this! Let's support each other
  • I am also one of the tall brigade at 5ft 10". I am currently 181lb aiming to get down to 168lb which is inside the normal range for my body mass index. I have a large bone structure and being a classic pear shape find that I can never get pants to fit properly as the waist is always too big. Marks and Spencers are the only place in the UK that seem to make pants long enough as well!
  • ahmommy
    ahmommy Posts: 316 Member
    I'm 5'10" and currently at 145. I'm working on toning and I'd like to get down to 140, although my true goal is 142 because that's my pre-pregnancy weight. At my lowest I got down to 127 but that was in college when I was walking everywhere and on top of that I wasn't eating much due to some emotional issues.

    I have a small frame and a long torso, so I also have trouble finding shirts that are long enough. I've had good luck recently at Gap online, they have tall sizes in shirts.

    I'm really looking forward to being able to wear a bikini again this summer because I had a heck of a time finding a tankini or one-piece that was long enough. Any tankini I tried on left the one part of my belly exposed that I wanted to hide! I did find that Land's End has a good selection of tall length bathing suits.
  • rosybella9
    rosybella9 Posts: 19 Member
    Whomever suggested Eddie Bauer - what would you suggest for a person who is 5'9" and about to be wearing a size 12? For shirts? Would I be a large?

    I wear a medium shirt, but I have a more "delicate" torso and carry my weight in my hips and thighs. Their "long" section has longer sleeves (YES!!) and a longer length. They even have coats in "longs". For the first time ever, my coat sleeves don't stop before they hit my wrists!

    I'm 178 (today) and wear a size medium/large shirt and a size 14 pant.

    And I promise I don't work there, I just have a slight addiction ;) But, I only shop sale and clearance. They can get a bit pricy.
  • tammyr76
    tammyr76 Posts: 174
    I am 5'9 also and I exercise daily,,,eat yogurt and granola for breakfast,,drink nothing but water besides my 2 cups of half decaf coffee in the mornings,,take B12 vitamins daily it gives me energy and I keep my calorie intake aroung 1400 daily..I eat nothing fried,,limited sugar intake,,if I crave chocolate or something I eat a bite or two to get the taste but do it early in the day so you can still exercise,,,in doing this routine for 2 months now I have lost 16 lbs...Good Luck to you ...
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    I love this thread! I'm 5'9 (also swear I used to be 5'10) and currently at 204. I think at my smallest I was 165 or 170, like so many of you in highschool, and like so many of you I thought I was the "big" girl in my group of friends.


    I would say it depends on your frame size. Measure the smallest part of your wrist and if it is less than 6 1/4" you have a small frame, if it between 6 1/4" - 6 1/2" you have a medium frame, and if it is over 6 1/2" you have a large frame (I found this info online and I am sure it needs to be taken with a grain of salt). If you have a small frame then 140 might be right for you. It also depends on where you are comfortable and what you can realistically live with. Also, the amount of fat vs. muscle you have will affect your weight as muscle weighs more than fat.

    For me, 140 would be unhealthy, I would be happy to be a fit 165 - but every body is different! =0)

    Whether or not this is true, its good to know. I had always guessed that I had a large frame, but then you wonder "maybe I'm just fat and the large frame is an excuse." My wrists are exactly 6 1/2", so that kinda solves that for me. I currently have my goal set to 160 so that I'm a healthy body weight, but I think ideally I'd just like to get into a size 10 pant. Haven't had those since I was about 15. But we'll see.

    I also struggle with finding jeans that are not too long and not too short... I buy talls from Banana Republic and they are great with heels, but I usually feel like for a pair of flats all regular length pants are just a smidge to short and all talls are too tall.
  • Hun, Im 6'2" and 211 in a short and skinny world. clothes are impossible to me. An im always the "big one" of all my friends wether its height or weight. It sucks. But my biggest tip is making sure to log in here Every day. Anytime i skip or if i eat too much i dont log in. Its very alarming to see that scale. Even if you know you have gone over your calorie limits. log them in and try better next day. Feel free to add me anyone and us tall gals can stick together!
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    I am small frame. So I think I will strive for 145-150. I am happy with the way I look now at 162 but I need a good buffer for when I fall off the wagon! :laugh:

    Well I am off for a run! Talk to you ladies in a little bit!
  • prov31ms
    prov31ms Posts: 62
    massive man-wrists


    I am glad to see I am not the only one who feels this way! My wrist size at the smallest area with the tape measure nice & snug is almost 7 inches... And I wear a size 9 wedding ring (and my fingers have no fat on them) - my DH wears a size 8 wedding ring - sigh....

    I also have very muscular calves which I have always hated!

    Oh well, I find the older I get the more I accept my size, and I have also learned to dress for my size...

    Plus, I know that once I am done losing weight and back in shape I will be happier with my appearance too! =0)
  • Hey all! I am 5'9" and 130 lbs. I am at my lowest weight since Jr High! I am not sure I am happy about it? I am in a size 4...and have found that it is harder than ever to find jeans that fit my legs and waist(Gap Long and Lean in Tall work the best). I am focusing on gaining muscle, not losing any more weight, and trying to be healthy. I am really trying to use my measuring tape, not the scale as a gauge. I am also all legs and arms...jackets and shirts are almost impossible to find with long sleeves!! I got to my current weight by religiously logging my cals (1lb per week loss rate) yoga, lots of water, small hand weights and being a vegetarian! I am thinking of going to a nutrionist to figure out my actual body fat %, and maybe figure out a way to put on a little weight, without ruining all of my hard work. I need to get over this whole "I need to weigh X lbs in order to be happy!" I looked just fine when I was a size 10, and was still at a healthy BMI!! Ok, thanks for letting me vent :smile: Nice to meet you all!

    Oh, I have 3 kids ranging from 6-13, and am a stay at home mom :smile:
  • ladyphoto
    ladyphoto Posts: 192 Member
    I hate you already Irish Dancer!!!
    LOL. totally just teasing- kind of.... You just took my excuse of having 4 kids right off the table!!!
    (but seriously, I am just teasing- you look fabulous- and although that weight would be too low for my frame, I would love to be the eqivalent!!) Way to go!
  • JaneP2011
    JaneP2011 Posts: 65 Member
    Hello everyone!

    I'm 5'10 and currently fluctuating around the 142-144lbs range. I'm hoping to get down to 135, just to give myself a little buffer. My starting weight was 167. I'm all leg and don't think that I have a large bone structure. Currently on 1500/day, plus exercise calories.

    Oh, and I'm 22 by the way. :)

    What are everyone else's limits? It always intrigues me as most people on MFP are quite short, and therefore SHOULD eat less than me.

    Interesting question. I'm on 1280 net with a target of 250 in exercise every day. So I'm aiming to eat 1530 calories a day for a one lb a week weight loss. Finding it tough to stick to that though. I was absolutely starving last night and had to have a banana and a piece of toast before I went to bed ...
  • prov31ms
    prov31ms Posts: 62
    I have come to the conclusion that for me the 1/2 lb. per week weight-loss setting is where I am comfortable - that puts me at 1700 calories per day. I tried to stick to the 1 lb. per week setting (1450ish) for a few weeks but I kept getting too hungry & then ended up over-eating...
  • hail87666
    hail87666 Posts: 176 Member
    My daily calorie goal for a 1.5lb loss a week is 1560, I'm always under (with forcing myself to have lunch when I'm not even hungry ....I used to just have breakfast and then dinner) and then I prefer to do my gym workouts on an evening. Last night I 'earned' 861 calories from exercise leaving me with a net calorie intake of 613 calories for yesterday. I'm then torn - do I eat something else before bed when again I'm not hungry?? Or do I listen to my body and just leave it at that. Once I've had my evening meal I'm done but I don't want to be detrimenting my weight-loss by having a net less than 1200. I couldn't possibly stuff in another 600 calories.

  • sweetCJ
    sweetCJ Posts: 144
    Well, I'm 6'1" and 274lbs. I've been like this since the birth of my daughter (10 1/2 years ago) I am actualy 6 lbs away from being what I was when I was 41 weeks pregnant.... It's so discusting to me.
    It seems like if you are fat, you can't be tall. I wear a size 20 and I need 36" long pants...do you think I can find that here in Canada???? Nooooooo. So my choice is 1) go to the fat girls clothing store (Addition-Elle) and get pants that are 1 to 2 inch to short or 2) lose 40 lbs and go to the tall girl store (Tall girl) and get pants that are to long (but I'll take that in a heart beat), but they only have upto size 18. I to am being told that I don't look fat because I'm tall...I bet then never saw the number 2 in from of all the other numbers on thir own scale or they never saw 300 on that scale either. They also never saw me without clothing...they would not say that comment no more. I want to be the skinny ***** I use to be (without the temper tho). When I look in the mirror, I don't see myself fat, but when I see a picture or a video of myself, I so dislike what I see. And last month I went on a cruise (delaid honeymoon) and my husband shot a video and caught me in it, and I was like "****, I even walk like I'm fat". This is not me, I was never fat and that is why I'm here on MFP, for all the support 'cause it's not my skinny husband that will help me when every time he eats someting, he'll ask if I want some with the food in my face.
  • I hate you already Irish Dancer!!!
    LOL. totally just teasing- kind of.... You just took my excuse of having 4 kids right off the table!!!
    (but seriously, I am just teasing- you look fabulous- and although that weight would be too low for my frame, I would love to be the eqivalent!!) Way to go!
    :drinker: Thanks! I started here alnost a year ago! I never, ever paid attention to what I put into my body, and this site has helped me realize how poorly was eating. You can even be a vegetarian and be unhealthy. Plus, I love my muscle tone, and am seriously considering getting my yoga instructor license :smile: You can do it too...slow and steady!!
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    Welcome sweetCJ!

    You can do it. Just take it one day at a time.

    I did a 95 min run at lunch. I feel so relaxed.

    Hope everyone is having a good day today!
  • jeslesma
    jeslesma Posts: 5
    I love your enthusiasm! You go girl!
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