30 Day Shred, who's in?!



  • Zombriana
    Zombriana Posts: 764 Member
    About to "Just Dance" then hit up my 30 DS D5L1!

    @rosied: It really does feel like its going faster!
  • trolleydolly70
    trolleydolly70 Posts: 29 Member
    Day 5 L1, thank god it's over! :tongue:

    Roll on day 6....

    Good luck today guys
  • louiseei
    louiseei Posts: 254 Member
    Day 4 done - still hate those push ups. Managed 4 full ones but the rest still modified. Good luck today everyone!
  • littlemili
    littlemili Posts: 625 Member
    Can I join in? I am on day 3 today. Finding the cardio great and abs too, but my strength is basically just non-existent. I'm doing 30DS plus 20 minutes elliptical and 40 minutes + walking each day. Need to shift some serious weight in the next couple of weeks to hit my May 1 goal!
  • want_it_25
    want_it_25 Posts: 219 Member
    I just finished L1D2. I have a GOOD feeling that Im going to finish it this time. I am now ready for the day.
  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    Day 6~Lev 1.......

    I am SO PROUD of myself for keeping this up for 6 days in a row~ how about all of you?

    It's one thing to stick to an 'eating plan' for long periods of time, but a PHYSICAL ACTIVITY plan????? Are you kidding me?

    (I'm almost believing that maybe, just maybe, I ROCK!!) lolol:laugh: :laugh:

    These are for all of you.....:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Zombriana
    Zombriana Posts: 764 Member
    Day 6~Lev 1.......

    I am SO PROUD of myself for keeping this up for 6 days in a row~ how about all of you?

    It's one thing to stick to an 'eating plan' for long periods of time, but a PHYSICAL ACTIVITY plan????? Are you kidding me?

    (I'm almost believing that maybe, just maybe, I ROCK!!) lolol:laugh: :laugh:

    These are for all of you.....:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:



    I jut finished my D6L1 as well! I think tomorrow I'll do my last day of L1, it's getting a bit easy. Gotta keep on pumping!
  • ynf80
    ynf80 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi Ladies

    Hope you don't mind me jumping in on this. Done day 1 of level 1 today although it did make me feel very sick and week for about half an hour after :) x
  • teeveesee
    teeveesee Posts: 18 Member
    Hey...how's it going?

    I missed a day yesterday and so am calling today Day 5. Found it pretty steady going today...the first bit is still the hardest but I had more energy by the end...probably to do with andrenalin.

    Have lost 4lb so far (started dieting 2 weeks ago) but I still feel pretty rubbish about myself. It's just my belly that's awful and whatever I do it never goes down.

    I have trouble doing sit ups as I have a metal rod down 4 of my vertebrae which means I can't bend properly....any suggestions?! I'm starting to consider lipo!!!
  • I'm going to try start today I really need to get into shape for summer and all the weddings im going to.
  • thisisabbie
    thisisabbie Posts: 521 Member
    Day 4 for me today. Had to do it twice today (which wasn't too bad!) as I missed yesterday due to migraine. Ouch

    Bring on day 5!

    Day 4 L1 - Still hard work. 222 kcal burned, so an improvement on yesterday :happy: . Also I managed to use my 1.5kg weights throughout today's workout, fab!!

    Roll on day 5 ......

    I think I need to get heavier weights! My HRM hasn't given me a reading that high yet! (I use leg weights, which I hold. Not actually sure how heavy they are!! I guess i should find out...) :-P

    I did it!!! I made myself get up at 4:30 this morning and I did the shred! WOOP!
    Now I've just got to keep this going!

    Wow, that's amazing! I struggle to get out of bed at 8.30... But you 4.30?! Wow.

    Pat on the back!
  • lynenz
    lynenz Posts: 29
    Hi all, new to the boards here.

    I started the 30 day shred April 1 for approx. 3 days but ended up getting a rib tattoo so I was out if commission for a week and a half or so while it healed. I started it up again yesterday thinking i was going to die, but surprisingly it was much easier than my very first day. I'm kind of sore today, but nothing like my first time where I could barely walk up and down stairs, and had to plop down on a chair because my leg muscles were angry with me. Haha

    So I'm in!

    About to do L1D2 right after this post!

  • louiseei
    louiseei Posts: 254 Member
    Day 5 done. Switched up to 2kg weights (4.4lb) which was really tough on the upright rows. Think I may be sore later. Managed 6 full push ups today but I can't see I'll ever be able to do a full set without switching to the modified ones.
  • trolleydolly70
    trolleydolly70 Posts: 29 Member
    Day 5 done. Switched up to 2kg weights (4.4lb) which was really tough on the upright rows. Think I may be sore later. Managed 6 full push ups today but I can't see I'll ever be able to do a full set without switching to the modified ones.

    Well done on the 2kg weights, and push ups!!

    Day 6 L1 completed not bad, but I still find the upright rows quite hard, even with the 1.5kg weights!

    Lets see what tomorrow brings.....

    Good luck all
  • corkgirl
    corkgirl Posts: 3
    I just ordered the DVD online and starting today!
  • Yes I'm in but I will need to get the dvd first.
  • louiseei
    louiseei Posts: 254 Member
    Day 5 done. Switched up to 2kg weights (4.4lb) which was really tough on the upright rows. Think I may be sore later. Managed 6 full push ups today but I can't see I'll ever be able to do a full set without switching to the modified ones.

    Well done on the 2kg weights, and push ups

    Day 6 L1 completed not bad, but I still find the upright rows quite hard, even with the 1.5kg weights!

    Lets see what tomorrow brings.....

    Good luck all

    Thank you!
    It's going to hut with 1.5kg too. (I was only using 0.75 kg before and could feel it a bit with them) lets just keep thinking about those strappy summer dresses we want to wear. Bye bye bingo wings!
  • ynf80
    ynf80 Posts: 16 Member
    Evening Ladies.

    I have completed level 1 day 2 (much to my surprise lol). I must admit I have a few issues.

    It makes me feel so weak and sick afterwards (hoping this will pass as I get used to it)

    I have really weak tummy muscles and find it hard to constantly engage my core.......I either forget or when I remember I spend more time on remembering to engage my core than doing the exercise!!!

    I have no idea if I will make it to day 10 as I am already dreading what level 2 will do to me ;);) Really need to take some before pics!
  • trolleydolly70
    trolleydolly70 Posts: 29 Member
    Day 7 L1 Still the modified push ups are a killer!!, Not sure I'll be ready for level 2 at this rate!:noway:

    Good luck for today.
  • thisisabbie
    thisisabbie Posts: 521 Member
    Day 7 L1 Still the modified push ups are a killer!!, Not sure I'll be ready for level 2 at this rate!:noway:

    Good luck for today.

    I just completed day 6, and I still find the push ups hard too. Today I did 3 full pushups in the first round before going to my knee's.... 2nd round, not so easy!! Did one full push up, then only just managed to finish the set on my knee's!!

    Day 7 tomorrow. Let's have it!

    Gonna start the C25K this week too... Anyone else in here doing that also??
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