Any nurses out there?



  • sherrymo6
    sherrymo6 Posts: 79
    Hi there. I am working as an NP (in a hospital) and finishing my second year of medical school so I understand where you are coming from. The only thing I have found that works for me is making sure I bring my lunch. I always pack it the day before. When I am working, I have enough food for lunch and dinnerwhen I . I try to eat dinner around 5 or 6 (f that is possible) so I dont eat a big meal when I get home. I try to have foods that are easy to eat since I don't ever get a lunch break I always eat at the desk while charting. You all know what I am talking about. Sorry Joint Commission... or whomever regulates that. I always have my calories counted out for the day on the days that I work. I also stay away from the cafeteria. However, I am a grazer. I dont eat 3 big meals a day. So, briefly, that is how I am trying to manage the work schedule. Planning ahead on my work days is the only way for me, although it seems like more work at times. I am interested also to see how others are managing.
  • Umrt54
    Umrt54 Posts: 9 Member
    I am an RT. Work the night shift too. Feel free to add me.
  • I'm a AIN (assistant in nursing) But I will be going back to school mid this year or beginning of next year so I can be a Registered Nurse. Hope that I survive. I really want to lose this weight before I start!!
    TNERNURSE Posts: 17
    R.N. in the ED for over 20 yrs.- struggled with weight most of my life....over the last 5-6 yrs. have gained another 50+ lbs. Trying to learn new ways to deal with stress eating. I know all about crazy schedules. No time for meal break and "grabbing something on the run." Alway looking for helpful tips and recipes myself.
  • TiniTurtle
    TiniTurtle Posts: 595 Member
    i just graduated nursing school & am waiting to sit my boards :o) hello everyone! lol
  • szimba
    szimba Posts: 290 Member
    Yup!! I've been a nurse for almost 2 years now and I'm working full time evening and night shifts while finishing my BSN in all the spare time that I have (<--sarcasm!) haha
  • CBaumgardner7
    CBaumgardner7 Posts: 212 Member
    I'm a nurse for 16 years now and weight has always been a struggle. I have 5 children and work 16 hour shifts on the weekends so I completely know how eating can be mismanaged and all that jazz. Feel free to add me also! It's difficult but stay strong. On my potluck days I make sure i have my snacks and meals and everyone is very supportive when I explain about my eating and how if I get off track it's hard to get back on.
  • cobes24
    cobes24 Posts: 132 Member
    I'm an RN, almost done with NP school (3 weeks, yikes!), presently teaching nursing clinicals and working on a surgical floor, plus my own NP clinicals...crazy schedule indeed! I've gained and lost the same 20 lb more times than I care to count in the last 3 yrs, but my goal is 35 lb to get back to my lowest adult wt before my first "real" NP job starts in Sept. (That's a mini-goal anyway, I have to lose 105 lb to be a healthy BMI.)

    My best strategy is to plan ahead--I set my coffee pot, make my protein shake and pack my lunch all the night before. The other night my boyfriend was watching me get ready (he doesn't usually stay over when I have to work in the AM) and he goes "Damn, what kind of mission are you on?" I hadn't really realized what a whirlwind I have before bed...I've been doing this night routine for such a long time I don't think about it. Also, Amplify protein shakes and Zone protein bars are my BFF's--not to mention my trusty Nalgene bottle, making sure I get all my water in!

    One other delightful recent development is that my bf and I are doing this together...this is so new for me, no one I've dated (nor the dbag I was married to for a few awful--but blessedly short--years) has ever been supportive of my weight loss/health goals...and I've been farting around with losing weight FOREVER. My bf looks at my food diary every night, calls me out on my slip-ups, congratulates my successes, and welcomes me to do the same. It's only been a few wks that he's been onboard, but we've both eaten so much better in the last 2 wks...and of course he's kicking my butt in lbs lost, ALREADY. Of course.

    My trick for beating the "break room buffet"...I bake. I LOVE to bake, it's very therapeutic for me...but me alone in a house with baked goods, it's so dangerous. I have found that if I bake something to bring to work in the morning, I get the satisfaction of making something wonderful, but I'm always tempted to partake...unless I make a cake. If I make cookies I always eat one or two (or five), but a cake is so pretty that I can't bear to bust into it before I bring it to work. So I take it to work, and then I make sure that I'm super busy that day. Most days I get away with only a tiny slice, some days I am so busy that I miss out on cake altogether. Fine by me...and the bonus is that my coworkers love me even more than on days I don't bring cake! :)

    Feel free to add me!
  • humblemonkey
    humblemonkey Posts: 576 Member

    My trick for beating the "break room buffet"...I bake. I LOVE to bake, it's very therapeutic for me...but me alone in a house with baked goods, it's so dangerous. I have found that if I bake something to bring to work in the morning, I get the satisfaction of making something wonderful, but I'm always tempted to partake...unless I make a cake. If I make cookies I always eat one or two (or five), but a cake is so pretty that I can't bear to bust into it before I bring it to work. So I take it to work, and then I make sure that I'm super busy that day. Most days I get away with only a tiny slice, some days I am so busy that I miss out on cake altogether. Fine by me...and the bonus is that my coworkers love me even more than on days I don't bring cake! :)

    Feel free to add me!

    have you checked out the dessert recipes on!?!?!?! the strawberry cheesecake is a-ma-zing!! i substituted blackberry jam for the srawberry and it was delishhh! check it out!!
  • kim_mc
    kim_mc Posts: 321 Member
    Hey there- Nursery RN here and work straight nights, full time 12 hour hard to keep away from the food at 2-5am......what do you do as far as food goes overnight??
  • humblemonkey
    humblemonkey Posts: 576 Member
    Hey there- Nursery RN here and work straight nights, full time 12 hour hard to keep away from the food at 2-5am......what do you do as far as food goes overnight??

    i have this problem working overnights on the ambulance... I pack a bunch of little snacks that I have the cals saved up for....because at 3am driving the ambulance to albany or binghamton or syracuse is ROUGH. And munching on something helps me stay awake and focused. I pop popcorn (high fiber, low cals, VERY filling. just dont get the super buttery kind) i pack special k multigrain crackers with laughing cow cheese, and pistacios! all yummy, filling, and healthy!! and not excessive calories but all taste like they should be ebcause theyre delicioso!
  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    Hi all! Looking for other nurses out there trying to loose weight. Looking for tips on eating healthy, even with a crazy day/night schedule. Any suggestions???:smile:

    Eating healthy as a Nurse.... Whoda thunkit? I've eaten all manner of things, most of it pretty nasty; (night shift barf cart chow:noway: ), and almost always in a bigass hurry!
    Who hasn't eaten out of an emesis basin with a tongue blade for a spoon? I'm a Critical Care/Emergency RN for the last 16 years, and an RT for the 10 years before that. I do LOVE taking care of sick people, the more boogered up, the better. :love: Nothing better than reaching into the jaws of death and snatching someone out. Yeah, it sounds corny, but it's absolutely true! A good save,(where the patient gets to go home and have a meaningful life with their family) can keep me perked up for a couple of years. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Feel free to send invite
  • jsteras
    jsteras Posts: 344 Member
    I finished school three years ago and have since gained 60 pounds, you would think working the way we do would burn it off. I know from my experience the toll stress and working long hours with no real breaks, working night shifts, takes on a body is sad. I have the stress belly to prove it. LOL. I am really focused on healthy eating and feeling great , anyone feel free to add me. We all can use all the support we can get.
  • jsteras
    jsteras Posts: 344 Member
    i just graduated nursing school & am waiting to sit my boards :o) hello everyone! lol

    Good luck with boards, I wouldn't wish them on my worst enemy:)
  • Mundy86
    Mundy86 Posts: 167 Member
    Bump for when I can get to my computer not my phone.
  • syd1980
    syd1980 Posts: 283
    work 7P-7A , 3days a week. im pretty much a jack of all trades, i do cna, phelbotomy, HUC, and ekgs. im always moving at work. i feel like im straving all the time. what helped me was planning out my meals and snacks ahead of time.. this keeps me in my calorie goal. the hard part staying away from the yummys the patients family bring in .

    Also i work with a great bunch of people. they all took an interest in my first round of p90x. more like they notice how slow i was moving on certain days . lol now about 90% are getting healthy. some have even lost 30-40 pounds. the ones that havent are keeping us straight, they will say in a heart beat , you arent supposed to have that .
  • barbmpac
    barbmpac Posts: 110 Member
    So, I am a PA, can I play too? I have been a CNA, cardiac monitor tech, diener and forensic death investigator so I have always worked in the medical field.

    Currently work in occupational medicine but I'm not that busy yet. I sit at my desk in my office ALOT. The best thing going for me so far is I haven't eaten sugar for 73 days.

    I LOVE my nurses. Always have. I have learned so much from them through the years. I was admitted to nursing school but wanted to go to med school so I declined. Besides, nurses work WAY too hard.

    Gotta go see a patient.

  • ALW65
    ALW65 Posts: 643 Member
    Like Cheryl, I'm one of the lucky ones who spent several years in home health working a 8-4:30 M-F (mostly) schedule. Now I'm self employed doing audits and coding in home health. I work from home, so it's very easy to eat whenever I want, and boy, do I want! I work more hours now, and find I want to eat more if I get too tired from too many hours.

    I did have to laugh at TDGee's eating from an emesis basin...took me back to my night shift days on the postpartum/nursery floor. I sympathize with those of you on eat to stay awake, eat to combat night shift nausea, and eat normal hours with the family and are still hungry at work later on.

    Best of luck to everyone! Feel free to friend me if you're looking for more support buddies :smile:
  • Mundy86
    Mundy86 Posts: 167 Member
    Work on Med/Surg for past 3 years and love it. 3 days a week, 12 hour shifts plus all the extra shifts normaly 2 a pay period. I use to eat at the cafeteria for breakfast and lunch. Now I have been taking a piece of fruit or yogurt and a mini bagel for breakfast. Then for lunch I will still eat at the cafeteria but try and go for the healthier option and always double up on the vegetable. Then mid afternoon I get a piece or two of cheese for a snack.

    Eating every 3 hours has helped me. I'm not hungry all the time and I don't let myself miss a lunch or break. I am thinking about taking my lunches as its getting too expensive to eat in the cafeteria.

    Pot-lucks are one area I have not conquered at work. I start off just with a bit of everything but its so good I go back. I don't touch the sweets though just sides and main dishes. I do take healthy options and try to mostly stick to that but still slip up. Good thing I am with the group that does not do pot-lucks frequently, may be once every other month rather then every other week.

    Off topic but how do you add friends on here and what are the benefits of it?
  • caberselli
    caberselli Posts: 34 Member
    I've been a nurse for over 20 years & would like to friend other nurses at MFP.
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