I'v given up...



  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    @ goalseeker1988

    i did find a diet that worked a little..
    i would eat 800 calories a day and if i burned 200 calories,
    then i was allowd to eat them!

    and i was on this diet for about 3 months, and i started to loose a little bit of weight.
    and it was extremely slow weight loss, but i was happy with it.

    but then i got in an argument with my family, and doing the exercise became very difficult, and within 3 days i was back heavier than when i started the diet, and thwat was just because i didnt get a chance to burn off them 200 calories a day..
  • whiskey9890
    whiskey9890 Posts: 652 Member
    just had a look at your diary, why have you got your daily goal set at 500 cals??? this could be where you are going wrong, reading all the various posts on here you need to eat a minimum of 1200cals before exercising and most people benefit from eating the calories you burn back. its good to see you are logging the naughty stuff and as you say in your profile you really are addicted to junk food. have you tried to make your own lower fat versions? such as breaded chicken strips served with home made potato wedges? you could make it your mission to replicate the seasoning in the kfc crumbs

    don't give up just take a step back and take time to read other peoples diarys to give you an idea of how others are managing to do what you want to do. if you give up you'll never achieve it
  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    If the only way you can lose the weight is basically by starving yourself then maybe it's time to see a doctor to make sure your metabolism is working right and you don't have any tyroid problems.

    You are young enough that you metabolism should be @ the highest point. You need to get some blood work done to make sure something isn't outta place.
  • nicakk01
    nicakk01 Posts: 71 Member
    Here are some of my thoughts. Yep first of all, giving up is not really an option, after all the entire human race advances through not giving up.
    Secondly, I wondering if you might want to set some other non weight goals. If you are working out quite a bit (and you indicated you are doing that) you should see increases in strength, in endurance, in agility. So how about you measure how much further you can walk/jog/run, how many more push ups, squats, lunges, you can do, how much longer you can hold the plank, whatever. Establish a base line and work up from there.
    Also, waving chocolate eggs in front of you is just cruel, takes a lot of will power to say NO. Might need a sit down with the lad to straighten him out.
    Crash dieting does not work long term, as most feel starved, cranky, exhausted and can't wait to get off it. And then the pounds come back. Best to develop a long term plan to really think about what foods will be your friends long term. And yes, log those calories. Sometimes we fool ourselves, I certainly did:)

    I have to agree here - if you set some other goals, you will start to feel like you are accomplishing something which inturn will boost your self esteem. I also think a bad atmosphere is hindering you too, I'm sorry no body likes to hear that but, it sounds like you do not have the proper support you are requesting, regardless if he loves you. I don't know the entire situation but it reminds me of one I was in many years ago. As my mom said to me back then, "girl put your big girl panties on and show them how tough you really are." Inside you is the healthy person you want to be, she is there just at the surface trying to get out, let her out and watch how things happen! Be prepared for wonderful changes because when you believe you will acheive. Think healthy and I'm not just referring to food here! Good luck in the healthy goals you set, you sound like a beautful person be strong, I have faith in you - don't ever give up!
  • ace175
    ace175 Posts: 518 Member
    Also...you said that your BF gets you those things cuz they make you happy, and he wants to see you happy....my BF is the EXACT same way. He'll do anything to make me happy, and I finally just said....yes having those cheese fries, mozzarella sticks, bowl of mac & cheese will make me happy RIGHT NOW, however, they will not make me happy in the long run. I can't have those to be happy in the long run. And he listened. I might be unhappy as I see him sitting there eating whatever he wants, and as much of that as he wants cuz he never gains weight, and I'm having to measure out all of my food, etc....but i know that by doing this, when I reach my goal weight, I will be SO much more happier then I would have been by eating those damn cheese fries!!
  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    @ chillwill91

    today i did bad, i was filling sa dand decided to finish off the last of the eatser eggs...
    and yesterday i did horofic,
    but yesterday i didnt work out at all..
    i was just lieing down and decided to do a couple of sit-ups...

    normally a day i try to burn atleast a 1,000 calories.
    but i dont always find it possible,
    sometimes i can only burn around 500, because i dont have much time to exercise..

    but u are right, it is my life and i do need to take control of it!
    i'v just never been good with taking control..
    geez i really am feeling sorry for myself.
    i do need to stop being perfetic...

    but while writing this letter i did eat another easter egg which i havent written in my dairy yet =(
  • 1113cw
    1113cw Posts: 830 Member
    One: I looked @ your profile you're only 18... How long have you been tryin everything and actually tryin it for more than 2 weeks???

    Two: I looked @ your diary, ummm no wonder you're not losin weight: You're eatin way too much and way too much unhealthy foods!

    Last but not least: EAT CLEAN AND EXERCISE!!! Now, that means: throw out the junk food, cut back on a few carbs, stay away from processed foods, eat @ home and not a these fast food places or fancy resturants, and actually stick to a workout plan for more than 2 weeks. Maybe if you stick to it for 90 days you will start seeing a weight reduction, feel better, and fit into smaller clothes.

    I have to agree with this. In looking at your diary, it's full of chocolate and white bread. While it's ok to treat yourself, these items should in no way be part of your daily meals. Also, your calories are all over the place.. you go from barely eating anything one day to eating 4x what you should be another. Fluctuations like this are usually a bad thing.

    My suggestion.. keep your diet to lean protein, veggies, fruit and whole grains. Cut out all the candy and garbage. Try to workout 30 min a few times a week.. decent sweat workout, not a leisurely stroll around the block.

    And yes, you'll need to be patient and consistently do this for several weeks before you may see significant results.

    Lastly, don't give up.. fix your mindset, get rid of your unsupportive sabotaging other half and really go at it 110%. You have to REALLY want it and stick with it for it to work.
  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    @ ace175

    i tryed doing that lol..
    i told him that while im eating it im happy,
    but then im sad because i realise ow **** i just ate like a whole chocolate bar..

    but he just goes.. ~"yep, happy, happy, happy"
    and walks off..
    u dont get anywhere trying to explain anything to him lol.
  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    @ 1113cw

    i can explain the bread...
    im not really a toast person.
    but i watched this tv show called 'i used to be fat'.
    and the fitness guy said that if u eat a piece of taost in the morning then it'l slowly release carbs through the day,
    and then that u wont be as hungry.
  • chellekoren
    chellekoren Posts: 273 Member
    I hear you. Weight loss is VERY hard. Your profile doesn't give us any idea where you are at, though. Are you striving for realistic goals? Are you trying to lose that last little bit, that is going to be extremely hard to lose, anyway, or are you trying to lose SEVERAL inches? It's hard to give advice not knowing where you are at. Don't know your height, etc.

    As far as the boyfriend issue. It is hard to advise there, too. Is he feeding you unhealthy stuff because he is worried that you're trying to reach an unreasonable goal of a 23" waist from a 25" waist? Or is he actually sabotaging your efforts?

    So, on the one side if you are an unhealthy weight, DON"T GIVE UP, like everyone else has said. Stick to healthy portions of mostly healthy foods for more than two weeks.

    If you are the other, you might need help evaluating what a HEALTHY waist line is supposed to be for you. What is your build, muscle content, height, etc. and evaluate from there.
  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    @ frostiegurl

    im 5'7 i think..
    and i dont really like to measure myself..
    it sorta makes me sad.
    but im not really that bothered about looseing weight.
    its mainly about how much fat i can see disapear..
    and i no my goal seems low..
    but thats my dream goal,
    u no the goal i'l proberlly never reach for as long as i live...
  • ace175
    ace175 Posts: 518 Member
    @ ace175

    i tryed doing that lol..
    i told him that while im eating it im happy,
    but then im sad because i realise ow **** i just ate like a whole chocolate bar..

    but he just goes.. ~"yep, happy, happy, happy"
    and walks off..
    u dont get anywhere trying to explain anything to him lol.

    Well then, not to be blunt, but I think you need to figure out some other things aside from weight loss, or whatever you're trying to achieve here.
    You can't starve yourself. I mean you can, but it's not healthy. And this site is for people trying to change their lifestyle and become healthy.
  • Elle408
    Elle408 Posts: 500 Member

    Helice, it seems you've tried everything, but the right approach!

    Your goals are pretty much unachievable... 500 calories a day? 23" inch waist and 13" thighs?? (Those things are only possible if you're naturally built to be that slim as bone structure will determine waist size.)

    Then, looking through a weeks worth of your diary.... a chocolate easter egg for breakfast? 4000 calories of chocolate and 50 cals of exercise? It's all wrong!

    You need to cut out the processed junk food crap and focus on real food, amazing, nutrient rich foods that are going to fuel your body. You need to aim for at least 1200 calories a day and use those 1200 calories to pack a nutrient punch. You need to do realistic exercise for you, whether that's going for an hours walk to an hour down the gym, do something that you enjoy! On one day you seemed to burn about 2000 cals? What exercise did you have to do to burn that much? It doesn't seem realistic to try and achieve that on a daily basis!

    Have a good read around the forums, make friends with people who are willing and able to 'coach' you through this process and then put in the required effort. If you do it right, you will see results. And they won't happen over night, it could and should take you weeks and months to lose weight at a realistic rate.

    And again, you've neglected to tell us your height and current weight, that could change the advise that you're given quite drastically!

    People here are willing to help you, just be willing to accept and heed their advice!
  • caberselli
    caberselli Posts: 34 Member
    I don't want to sound harsh. But it seems like you could use some professional help. Perhaps you have some unresolved psychological issues that need to be addressed first. Poor body image and low self esteem may be your primary problems.
  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    @ ace175

    i no i cant starve myself..
    im just not a very patient person..
    i no weight loss takes time..
    but iv lost os many summers being fat,
    i want to be fit for the summer.
    thats my main goal atm!

    and about ur previouse comment.
    i tryed moderating my chocolate amount to still get my cravings.
    we'd buy a ba of minstrels and i'd decide that every other hour i could have a minstrel!
    and it worked for the most part!
    but then i accidently knocked over the bag reaching for just 1,
    and my fionce went mental at me saying that i was being stupid,
    and to stop being perfetic and just take a handful!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Have you had your thyroid checked? Many times, especially with women, that is the problem when dieting and exercise fail to provide weight loss.
  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    @ Elle408

    i do see where ur going.
    and i do need to get a new diet, and re-evaluate my goal a bit..

    but i always seem to end up working out that i need to eat less, if the amoutn im eating atm isnt working..
    not to mention if i try a new diet and i put on the tiniest bit of weight i freak ,and immediately switch right back to the diet i was on..
    but if i dont get bigger i do stick with a diet...
  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    I'd just liek to mention that this morning and yesterday, thats not normally how i eat at all..
    i was just really depressed,
    it was a complete **** up of a day.
    i only recorded it because i wanted to know how much i'd cocked up by..
  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    @ bcattoes

    this is the part where people will think that im more of a nut job than i already am..

    but i once had a friend with an under-active theroid.
    and i did a spell (yes a spell), to make it better for her.
    now unfortunatelty it takes ur health and gives it to the person.
    which was fine, because the doctor was really worried and had given her tablets to save her from her theroid.
    and at the time she was my best friend, and i was terrified for her life...
    and within a week her theroid was so much better..

    and actaully to think about it, that was round about when i started to put on weight..
    so there is a possibilty i guess, that it jumped to me...

    but most people will be like wtf... ok then..
  • westcoastSW
    westcoastSW Posts: 320 Member
    im 5'7 i think..
    and i dont really like to measure myself..
    it sorta makes me sad.
    but im not really that bothered about looseing weight.
    its mainly about how much fat i can see disapear..
    and i no my goal seems low..
    but thats my dream goal,
    u no the goal i'l proberlly never reach for as long as i live...
    This may just be the therapist in me (I'm an MSW-in-training), but I see far bigger issues than your weight loss and diet going on here. A "goal I'll probably never reach for as long as I live" is not a goal, that's setting yourself up for failure and disappointment. A goal needs to be measurable and realistic. By your definition, a "goal" might be to make loads of money (which I likely won't), and if I tell myself that I cannot be happy with my life until I reach this unattainable goal, I'm literally setting myself up for failure.

    Why not forget dieting for a while, and really try to work on yourself and your self-image? Your profile mentions feeling "happier" once you've lost weight. Unfortunately, that doesn't happen. Sure, you may feel more confident at a healthier weight than you do now (if you are overweight now, which I suspect isn't entirely true, but that's a different post), but if you don't like yourself now, then that's where you need to begin. As the title of a book says, "Life doesn't begin 5 pounds from now." It begins now. As you are.

    I personally suggest that you look into seeing a therapist if at all possible. If that isn't an option, then perhaps you can have a real heart-to-heart discussion with someone close to you (besides this significant other who isn't helping your cause). A close friend? Parent? Sister? Mentor, teacher? Friend me, I'll talk to you. I don't believe that your weight is the root of the problem here at all. But I wish you the best in your journey :heart: