how do you feel about SNOW!!?!!

Here is Michigan it has snowed!!! The white flakes last night were beautiful against the dark curtain of black.

I love the first gentle snow fall. I just love snow falling period. Those big fluffy flakes make me smile every time. My favorite thing to do is lie outside on the ground and watch as they fall from the sky.

what you do all like about snow?


  • Here is Michigan it has snowed!!! The white flakes last night were beautiful against the dark curtain of black.

    I love the first gentle snow fall. I just love snow falling period. Those big fluffy flakes make me smile every time. My favorite thing to do is lie outside on the ground and watch as they fall from the sky.

    what you do all like about snow?
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    Here is Michigan it has snowed!!! The white flakes last night were beautiful against the dark curtain of black.

    I love the first gentle snow fall. I just love snow falling period. Those big fluffy flakes make me smile every time. My favorite thing to do is lie outside on the ground and watch as they fall from the sky.

    what you do all like about snow?

    You shared so eloquently ...your words are beautiful!

    I love the first snowfall as well. At it's coldest in Winter I often wonder what it'd be like to live in a warmer climate...but then by doing that I know I'd be giving up my 4 Seasons! I could never give up Fall...too beautiful, nor Spring!

    I love those big beautiful large flakes the slowly come down so close that you can actually see each shape of the flakes. It's so fun to stick your tongue out like when we were younger and catch them as they fall. I don't even mind shoveling to dig my car out anymore.. losing weight has changed all that.. long as I don't cut myself short on time...I find it a great way to get in a bit of extra exercise. lol

    Yes, I even enjoy the 16 inches that fall and everything outside is beautiful, so clean and a lovely white....I don't care for the dirty snow as it begins to melt and get all the salt on it from the road

    Ah....thank you for starting this thread..I'm so cold lately (yea weight loss!:heart: ) gives me back positive reasons to live in a snowy State. My body will adjust to the cold as it does every year.

    I'll pass on the ice storms though!:angry::bigsmile:
  • Poison5119
    Poison5119 Posts: 1,460 Member
    I like it for about 20 seconds, til I fall on my *kitten* and ruin my nice work outfit. :grumble: :grumble:
  • allaboutme
    allaboutme Posts: 391 Member
    mmmmmmmmm. Nothing. It is cold and wet, makes the roads slippery so I don't do things I want to do. Yep, nothing. If I ever won the lottery my winters would be spent somewhere warm :)
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    I really miss the snow. I moved from Oregon to New York to Florida and I miss everything about the snow. We are trying to get back to the snow as soon as we can. We visit NY in the winter because of the snow. I want my girls to see different seasons not just cool, warm, very warm and to darn hot to go outside even if you have too. :noway:
  • neverbeenskinny
    neverbeenskinny Posts: 446 Member
    I live in the Pacific Northwest and I love the snow. I am very excited because it's snowing on Mt Hood right now, which means SHOW SHOEING soon. Yippee!!! Last year we had a very long snow season, I went snow shoeing as late as May 15th, which is VERY unusual for us. I'm hoping for the same this year.
  • kellch
    kellch Posts: 7,849 Member
    Snow is beautiful..........from a distance :wink: :laugh:

    I love snow but I hate cold. I do love those sunny snow days where it's just at 32, no wind, and the sun is shinin. I love to snow ski. But I moved down here to SC where if they get an inch of snow, they shutdown the whole city :laugh: :noway: :laugh: I do kind of miss snow on Christmas. I've been away from that for about 4 years now. And as much as I hated it while I was there, I miss it now.

    Dont know what ya got til it's gone I guess. :flowerforyou:
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    I like it for about 20 seconds, til I fall on my *kitten* and ruin my nice work outfit. :grumble: :grumble:

    bwahahahahaha!!! :laugh: :laugh:

    I like it as long as I don't have to drive in it, shovel it or ski on it! :bigsmile:
  • i LOVE LOVE LOVE the snow! everything about it! i even love to drive in the snow and shovel it and everything. My favorite thing to do in the snow has to be either sledding or skiing... and of course i LOVE snow days! which I will no longer have since I am in grad school... but we had 2 during my 4 years in college which was sweet (and almost unheard of)!
  • Mireille
    Mireille Posts: 5,134 Member
    The older I get, the more I dislike winters. I don't mind the snow so much but I really hate the cold. These -25 degree winters don't do it for me at all. :grumble:
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    That is a dirty word! :laugh:

    I like it if I am visiting someone and don't have to be in it for long.
  • PurdyMommy
    PurdyMommy Posts: 378 Member
    Im from Georgia and so we dont get snow every year and if we do get some its not much. I want some snow where I can make a big white snowman. Not a snowmad with straw and leaves in it! lol
  • I love it cause when we get an inch of it everything shuts down around here!
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member

    what you do all like about snow?

    The fact that it only falls in the winter, and melts when its warm. :grumble:

    I lived in Michigan for 13 years, and I never got used to the winters!
    But now in VA it's still warm enough to just be in a sweatshirt, and the weather here is quite mild to me. :bigsmile:
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    I don't mind snow as much as I hate the COLD. Snow can be fun & snow can be pretty, but I'd much rather only have it for a month as opposed to 4-5.
  • I love to go sledding. I have not gone sledding in years. i can't even remember the last time i went. I do agree with some of you. as much as I love watching the snow fall and seeing it glitter in the sunlight on a rare sunny day I really hate driving in it. And ice. with snow can sometimes come ice and that is something I dread. But on the whole I enjoy winter the best out of all the seasons.
  • peej76
    peej76 Posts: 1,250 Member
    The ONLY thing I like about snow is how pretty it is on that first snowfall, and how much more Christmas feels like Christmas if there is snow on the ground. Other than that, I hate snow!!!.....I guess it's not the snow I hate, just the fact that it's cold and dark in the winter!!
  • I am seeing a common denominator here. Most people like snow but not cold. So really Snow is great, but for there to be snow it has to be cold, which people do NOT like. :laugh:
  • What do I like about snow??? The fact that this is probably the last winter that I'll have to see much of it! :laugh: Last week we had the first blizzard of the season, after just having one this past May, which dumped 40+ inches (and drifts of over 6 feet) of the white stuff on us. I'm a southern girl temporarily planted in South Dakota. I DON'T DO SNOW!!! :laugh:
  • jamerz3294
    jamerz3294 Posts: 1,824 Member
    Just GOTTA have a White Christmas! Just wish my old, artheritic body would make the seasonal adjustment a bit quicker is all.