Challenge Group (New Members Welcome!!!) 4/11-4/17



  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Mfroach, Karmiene-Welcome!:flowerforyou:

    Shawnna1965 & SCFancher-Hope to see you on next week’s thread. I post the links for the next week on Sunday night. Nothing required, just do the challenge and post your updates.:smile:

    Mjslazak-Hope you’re feeling better. Yes, today is another day.

    H2onut-Thanks for the recipes!

    Amadac72-Sounds like a great night! Happy Belated Birthday!

    She_elf-I think I might have to try that mango banana smoothie. You are doing great with trying new fruits/veggies this week!

    Caitlinlws-WOO HOO! 2 New Veggies are good but keep trying to find that fruit. You never know, you might find another new healthy food to had to your list :wink:

    Shawnalee-I don’t do smelly so I don’t think I’ll be trying parsnips.:sick: WOW, that is one heck of a workout! Enjoy the Asian Market!
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 753 Member
    I loved this challenge concept and the one day I did the circuit was awesome. But I managed to come down with the head cold from hell and working out was not possible after Monday. Now it's Friday and my parents fly in to help us celebrate our daughter's first birthday, so I don't forsee a lot of circuit workouts and or new foods in my immediate future. BUT the good news is that regardless I am down .5 lbs and I can still do next week's challenge. So, bring it on!
  • pjfmaui73
    pjfmaui73 Posts: 408
    MON – Circuit Training Completed: Y(x2 d/t Jillian M. RI30) ~ New Fruit/Vegetable: N
    TUE – Circuit Training Completed: N~ New Fruit/Vegetable: N
    WED – Circuit Training Completed: Y (x2 d/t Jillian M. RI30) ~ New Fruit/Vegetable: Y Champagne Mango-really yummy and tangy, I will buy it again
    THU – Circuit Training Completed: N~ New Fruit/Vegetable: N
    FRI – Circuit Training Completed: Y (x2 d/t Jillian M. RI30) ~ New Fruit/Vegetable: N
    SAT – Circuit Training Completed: Y/N? ~ New Fruit/Vegetable: Y/N?
    SUN – Circuit Training Completed: Y/N? ~ New Fruit/Vegetable: Y/N?

    Total Days of Circuit Training: 3/3
    Total New Fruits and Vegetables: 1/2
    BONUS: How many times did you complete the Circuit Training Routine this week? 6
  • caitlinlws
    caitlinlws Posts: 401 Member
    MON – Circuit Training Completed: N ~ New Fruit/Vegetable: N
    TUE – Circuit Training Completed: Y~ New Fruit/Vegetable: N
    WED – Circuit Training Completed: Y ~ New Fruit/Vegetable: N
    THU – Circuit Training Completed: N ~ New Fruit/Vegetable: Y
    FRI – Circuit Training Completed: N ~ New Fruit/Vegetable: N
    SAT – Circuit Training Completed: Y/N? ~ New Fruit/Vegetable: Y/N?
    SUN – Circuit Training Completed: Y/N? ~ New Fruit/Vegetable: Y/N?

    Total Days of Circuit Training: 2/3
    Total New Fruits and Vegetables: 2/2
    BONUS: How many times did you complete the Circuit Training Routine this week? 2
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    MON – Circuit Training Completed: N ~ New Fruit/Vegetable: Y-Asparagus (It was ok, no flavor but edible)
    TUE – Circuit Training Completed: Y (2)~ New Fruit/Vegetable: Y~Pear (I tried this fruit a long time ago and didn’t care for it. I tried it today it was pretty good. I guess my taste buds are changing)
    WED – Circuit Training Completed: N ~ New Fruit/Vegetable: Y~Onion (Onions are the enemy but my cousin made chicken with onions and it wasnt too bad. I MIGHT try them again)
    THU – Circuit Training Completed: Y (1) ~ New Fruit/Vegetable: N
    FRI – Circuit Training Completed: N ~ New Fruit/Vegetable: N
    SAT – Circuit Training Completed: Y (1) ~ New Fruit/Vegetable: N
    SUN – Circuit Training Completed: Y/N? ~ New Fruit/Vegetable: Y/N?

    Total Days of Circuit Training: 3/3
    Total New Fruits and Vegetables: 3/2
    BONUS: How many times did you complete the Circuit Training Routine this week? 4
  • aquasw16
    aquasw16 Posts: 342 Member
    ON – Circuit Training Completed: N ~ New Fruit/Vegetable: Y-Mango
    TUE – Circuit Training Completed: N ~ New Fruit/Vegetable: N
    WED – Circuit Training Completed: N ~ New Fruit/Vegetable: N
    THU – Circuit Training Completed: Y x 2 ~ New Fruit/Vegetable: N
    FRI – Circuit Training Completed: N ~ New Fruit/Vegetable: N
    SAT – Circuit Training Completed: Y X 2 ~ New Fruit/Vegetable: N
    SUN – Circuit Training Completed: Y/N? ~ New Fruit/Vegetable: Y/N?

    Total Days of Circuit Training:2
    Total New Fruits and Vegetables: 1/2
    BONUS: How many times did you complete the Circuit Training Routine this week? 4
  • pjfmaui73
    pjfmaui73 Posts: 408
    MON – Circuit Training Completed: Y(x2 d/t Jillian M. RI30) ~ New Fruit/Vegetable: N
    TUE – Circuit Training Completed: N~ New Fruit/Vegetable: N
    WED – Circuit Training Completed: Y (x2 d/t Jillian M. RI30) ~ New Fruit/Vegetable: Y Champagne Mango-really yummy and tangy, I will buy it again :happy:
    THU – Circuit Training Completed: N~ New Fruit/Vegetable: N
    FRI – Circuit Training Completed: Y (x2 d/t Jillian M. RI30) ~ New Fruit/Vegetable: N
    SAT – Circuit Training Completed: N ~ New Fruit/Vegetable: Y Heirloom tomatoes (small similar to cherry tomatoes in size and flavor. I ate them raw at room temperature with a little sea salt. Yummy :happy:
    SUN – Circuit Training Completed: Y/N? ~ New Fruit/Vegetable: Y/N?

    Total Days of Circuit Training: 3/3
    Total New Fruits and Vegetables: 2/2
    BONUS: How many times did you complete the Circuit Training Routine this week? 6
  • Shawnalee0703
    Shawnalee0703 Posts: 1,093
    SOOO I went to that asian market today and guess what! I picked up THREE fruits I have never had before. All exotic fruits.... I have a high carb day tomorrow so I will be eating them ALL ;)
    Dragon fruit
    Korean Melon
    and an Elephant Mango (I LOVE regular green mangos so I figured I should try this one)

    I will post pictures and share how it went. ;)
  • Shawnalee0703
    Shawnalee0703 Posts: 1,093
    MON – Circuit Training Completed: Y(x2 d/t Jillian M. RI30) ~ New Fruit/Vegetable: N
    TUE – Circuit Training Completed: N~ New Fruit/Vegetable: N
    WED – Circuit Training Completed: Y (x2 d/t Jillian M. RI30) ~ New Fruit/Vegetable: Y Champagne Mango-really yummy and tangy, I will buy it again :happy:
    THU – Circuit Training Completed: N~ New Fruit/Vegetable: N
    FRI – Circuit Training Completed: Y (x2 d/t Jillian M. RI30) ~ New Fruit/Vegetable: N
    SAT – Circuit Training Completed: N ~ New Fruit/Vegetable: Y Heirloom tomatoes (small similar to cherry tomatoes in size and flavor. I ate them raw at room temperature with a little sea salt. Yummy :happy:
    SUN – Circuit Training Completed: Y/N? ~ New Fruit/Vegetable: Y/N?

    Total Days of Circuit Training: 3/3
    Total New Fruits and Vegetables: 2/2
    BONUS: How many times did you complete the Circuit Training Routine this week? 6
    Aren't Heirlooms LARGE, different colors and odd shaped? The ones I have had, are. They work wonders for baked stuffed tomatoes! :-D mmmm
  • Shawnalee0703
    Shawnalee0703 Posts: 1,093
    Elephant Mango... Korean Melon..... Dragon fruit
    I will keep you posted :-D
  • Patecakers
    MON – Circuit Training Completed: y ~ New Fruit/Vegetable: N
    TUE – Circuit Training Completed: y~ New Fruit/Vegetable:Y - grilled spaghetti squash...interesting!
    WED – Circuit Training Completed: N..did another work out all together! ~ New Fruit/Vegetable: Y Kale...quite tasty!
    THU – Circuit Training Completed: Y ~ New Fruit/Vegetable:N
    FRI – Circuit Training Completed: N~ New Fruit/Vegetable:
    SAT – Circuit Training Completed: N~ New Fruit/Vegetable:
    SUN – Circuit Training Completed: ~ New Fruit/Vegetable:

    Total Days of Circuit Training: 3/3
    Total New Fruits and Vegetables: 2/2
    BONUS: How many times did you complete the Circuit Training Routine this week? 4

    Friday and Saturday I worked the Macy's one day sale so I was entirely too exhausted to do any workout at all!! I did do ALOT of walking around the store and carrying a TON of clothes throughout those 2 days so I think I may have gotten my workouts in!! lol

    Hope everyone is having a fantastic weekend....mine starts and ends tomorrow!! LOL
  • caitlinlws
    caitlinlws Posts: 401 Member
    MON – Circuit Training Completed: N ~ New Fruit/Vegetable: N
    TUE – Circuit Training Completed: Y~ New Fruit/Vegetable: N
    WED – Circuit Training Completed: Y ~ New Fruit/Vegetable: N
    THU – Circuit Training Completed: N ~ New Fruit/Vegetable: Y
    FRI – Circuit Training Completed: N ~ New Fruit/Vegetable: N
    SAT – Circuit Training Completed: Y ~ New Fruit/Vegetable: N
    SUN – Circuit Training Completed: Y/N? ~ New Fruit/Vegetable: Y/N?

    Total Days of Circuit Training: 3/3
    Total New Fruits and Vegetables: 2/2
    BONUS: How many times did you complete the Circuit Training Routine this week? 4

    did it twice yesterday!
  • nachisdoll
    nachisdoll Posts: 192 Member
    MON- Circuit Traning Completed: YES (i hope to do it 2 more times later tonight but just in case i did one circuit while kids were busy) New Fruit/Veg: Not yet!
    TUE – Circuit Training Completed: n
    WED – Circuit Training Completed: y
    THU – Circuit Training Completed: Yes and then 2x again
    FRI – Circuit Training Completed: Y/N ~ New Fruit/Vegetable: Y/N?
    SAT – Circuit Training Completed: Y/N? ~ New Fruit/Vegetable: Y/N?
    SUN – Circuit Training Completed: y/n new fruit/vegetable: y 3x

    Passover is tom night and its gna be a challenge for me because of portion control...the foods that we eat are actually great for preservatives....very little sugar...mainly fruit, veggies, some fish, poultry, meat, and a little bit of dairy...
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    This hasn't been my challenge...
    Elephant Mango... Korean Melon..... Dragon fruit
    OH! THAT's the mango... I was gonna pick one up the other day, but they were a little too ripe. My friend squishes them up, IN the peel, cuts a whole at the top, and "drinks" them. Then she peels it and eats the somewhat stringy meat inside.
  • Shawnalee0703
    Shawnalee0703 Posts: 1,093
    This hasn't been my challenge...
    Elephant Mango... Korean Melon..... Dragon fruit
    OH! THAT's the mango... I was gonna pick one up the other day, but they were a little too ripe. My friend squishes them up, IN the peel, cuts a whole at the top, and "drinks" them. Then she peels it and eats the somewhat stringy meat inside.
    I think the elephant mango is pretty much a yellow mango but still, I hadn't had one. ;)
  • h2onut
    h2onut Posts: 164
    MON – Circuit Training Completed: N ~ New Fruit/Vegetable: Y
    TUE – Circuit Training Completed: Y~ New Fruit/Vegetable: Y
    WED – Circuit Training Completed: N ~ New Fruit/Vegetable: N
    THU – Circuit Training Completed: N ~ New Fruit/Vegetable: N
    FRI – Circuit Training Completed: Y ~ New Fruit/Vegetable: Y
    SAT – Circuit Training Completed: N ~ New Fruit/Vegetable: N
    SUN – Circuit Training Completed: Y ~ New Fruit/Vegetable :N

    Total Days of Circuit Training: 3/3
    Total New Fruits and Vegetables: 2/2
    BONUS: How many times did you complete the Circuit Training Routine this week? 4
  • Shawnna1965
    oooh i'm ready for the new challenge on monday . will be my first one !
  • Karmiene
    Karmiene Posts: 115 Member
    I completely bombed on the exercise but thought it was worth mentioning that I did try turnips. Probably not my favorite vegetable. Has the texture of a potato and taste a bit like radish. I would consider cooking them with corned beef and cabbage. I bet they'd absorb some of the flavor from the beef.

    Look forward to tomorrow's challenge!
  • aquasw16
    aquasw16 Posts: 342 Member
    ON – Circuit Training Completed: N ~ New Fruit/Vegetable: Y-Mango
    TUE – Circuit Training Completed: N ~ New Fruit/Vegetable: N
    WED – Circuit Training Completed: N ~ New Fruit/Vegetable: N
    THU – Circuit Training Completed: Y x 2 ~ New Fruit/Vegetable: N
    FRI – Circuit Training Completed: N ~ New Fruit/Vegetable: N
    SAT – Circuit Training Completed: Y X 2 ~ New Fruit/Vegetable: N
    SUN – Circuit Training Completed: YX2 ~ New Fruit/Vegetable: N

    Total Days of Circuit Training:3
    Total New Fruits and Vegetables: 1/2
    BONUS: How many times did you complete the Circuit Training Routine this week? 6
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member