Trying to get back on track to complete my goals!

SirJFK Posts: 49 Member
Hey all,

We'll it seems I have taken a long 2 or 3 week holiday from MFP and healthy eating... It all started about 3 weeks ago when i got the call to go home and see my sick mom in the hospital after a hernia operation gone bad. While I loved being home I wasn't at a place where I was comfortable with my weight loss to date and with my dad's cooking didn't help either. When I came home after a week of not working out and not watching my calories I had gained 3 lbs back. I started counting calories again but had a hard time getting back into the Power 90 routine, thus going over my Calories a few times. then a week ago Friday I hurt my back somehow and was laid up for a week not able to move much or lift anything. (it was possibly due to trying the level 5-6 Power 90 Sculpt, when I wasn't ready for it) thankfully my wife, who is doing WW has been keeping my somewhat steady in my eating habits and after almost 3 weeks of not doing much in the area of counting and such I have still only gained 3 lbs back.

I'm gonna kick it back into gear this week though so to all my current friends on MFP, sorry for not being around to encourage you, but I really need you to help me reach my goal, and to anyone else... I can always use more friends so please add me




  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    I`m sorry to hear about all you had to go through in the past few weeks, but congrats on doing as well as you did and keep it up.
  • midmomike2
    midmomike2 Posts: 213
    sorry to hear bout all your struggles, life has really giv'n you a kick lately....glad you're back and just keep plug'n along...remember that real,lasting change is often a marathon,not a sprint!
  • kevinbc
    kevinbc Posts: 34 Member
    Don't beat yourself up about it I'm in the same boat with power90 MS . Went to Disney for a week and have been in vacation mode ever since. I'm going to get back on it tomorrow.