
  • End6ame
    End6ame Posts: 903
    Should I shred the pounds first and then start eating protein?

    I have the same question - I know that a person needs to lose the body fat, first and foremost, but also that more muscle means better metabolism. It almost seems like a catch 22 situation - I guess it's more about patience?? You have to work at BOTH to see results, and not to expect anything overnight....

    It depends on the person. If you are obese, I would recommend focusing on losing the fat first, then focus on strength gains. In general these are conflicting goals and only one should be your focus, at a time, however they can happen simultaneously to an extent, however, both will be slower than if you just focused on one. Results will also greatly depend upon your exercise routine. Not all strength routines will build strength/muscle as fast as others.
    You should be working on strength training during your weight loss. You may not gain muscle during the process, due to the fact that it is nearly impossible to gain significant muscle while working with a calorie deficit. However, you will have a better chance to maintain the muscle that you have and keep your metabolism humming. When you lose 5 pounds after a month, you want to know that 4 of that was fat and not the other way around.


    Sorry I didn't mean to complete forsake strength training while working on fat loss.
  • jend114
    jend114 Posts: 1,058 Member
  • End6ame
    End6ame Posts: 903
    I have a quick question... I go to the gym 5 days a week on my lunch time. I've only started less than 2 weeks ago. They have a Keiser circuit which are a whole room of fitness machines that target pretty much every muscle.

    I've been doing 20 minutes of rowing to start and then I do 20 minutes of the circuit. My gym has a little ticker which helps you move along the circuit properly. 45 seconds of working out and then 15 seconds to switch up. Am I doing good or should I change something? I just don't want to be putting all this time and sweat into this if I'm not doing something right.

    Also, I got the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred DVD and I've been doing that 20 minute workout every night once I put my son to bed. Am I on the right track?

    Any advice?

    My advice will get criticism, but oh well.

    Isolation machines are relatively pointless because in the real-world you don’t use your muscles in isolation, they all interact together. For this reason, and others, I recommend barbell training using exercises like squats, deadlifts, bench press, etc…, it is more difficult to learn, but once you learn, results are faster and better.

    Use the info here.

    The program is targeted towards men, but both men’s and women’s bodies function the same way, so it will work for women too, in fact my wife does it.
  • mrscates
    mrscates Posts: 559 Member
    The condescending tone wasn't really needed.

    If it had been Jillian Michaels saying that here on the boards, no one would be "offended".

    Besides, read the first part. It is addressing female clients she never mentioned the Message Boards......
  • mrscates
    mrscates Posts: 559 Member
    The condescending tone wasn't really needed.

    If it had been Jillian Michaels saying that here on the boards, no one would be "offended".

    Besides, read the first part. It is addressing female clients she never mentioned the Message Boards......

  • Naomi91
    Naomi91 Posts: 892 Member
    I'm not taking offense to the tone. I already knew all of the things she posted from my own research and reading this board religiously. I just think a lot of times the message gets lost in the delivery. She spent a lot more energy berating the ignorant rather than giving them the tools to succeed. That's my problem.

    Some times people need a good eye opener. Often when said nicely and not with a harsh tone people do not even listen. IMO
  • alana1966
    alana1966 Posts: 34
    FYI--not claiming to be an 'expert', what I am doing is copy and pasting info from MY personal trainer and sports nutritionist. He is also someone who owns and operates PFTA schools in SA, TX and Waco, TX and has won Mr. Fitness his 1st go roung. I felt this information was VERY helpful and if you can't handle the truth then continue to do what you are doing and you will always get what you got. IF you want bettter results take this to heart! If you want more details please message me and I will send you his contact info.

    I did not mean to imply that you or your source was not an expert, only that most of us here do not claim to be experts (more sharing things we have read or experienced), although there are some that have expertise in their fields of fitness or nutrition, and we are all happy to read what you (and they) have to say, and DO take it to heart. I think the "all you geniuses out there" comment may have set the tone for your post, unfortunately. Nonetheless, it WAS informative.
  • shaunshaikh
    shaunshaikh Posts: 616 Member
    Often when said harshly and not with a nice tone people do not even listen. IMO
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member read later :)
  • End6ame
    End6ame Posts: 903
    For women that thing that weight lifting will make you “bulky”; this is Canadian Olympic weight lifter Marilou Dozois-prevost performing what looks to be about a 145lb snatch (her record is 185lb) at 105lb body weight in the 2008 Bejing Olympics. She is 23 here and has been lifting since she was 13.

  • diverchic73
    diverchic73 Posts: 314 Member
    The condescending tone wasn't really needed.

    Seriously? Taking offense? :indifferent:

    Haha couldnt agree with you more.

    Seriously people if this offends you then I dont see how you can handle real life xD haha

    Yep, what I thought. Some people obviously look for offense where they can find it... others look at the information in the message and appreciate it.

    I know I've got a wicked six pack and muscle definition... I've just got to get rid of the insulation that is hiding it from view.
  • Naomi91
    Naomi91 Posts: 892 Member
    Often when said harshly and not with a nice tone people do not even listen. IMO

    haha thanks! :p

    people are different. Some people love Jillian Michaels because she is b****y and in your face. They love hard rude truth to be pushed.

    Others want people to talk to them calmly and carry them through everything.

    Hard to do both at the same time. So eh different approaches work for different people.

    I like a bit of both. I love in your face stuff, but the poster you mentioned is actually on of my favorites :] He posts so much information and facts! :]

    just my 2 cents haha
  • Thanks for the info!
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    You see the key ingredient in our Basil Metabolic Rate is our Fat Free Mass (which muscle takes part in).

    What exactly is Basil Metabolic Rate when it's at home? Is it the same as Basal Metabolic Rate or is it a friend of Tumeric Effect of Food and the Thermic Exercise Oregano?

    And hooooow exactly did the OP manage to sneak the phrase "loose weight" passed this board rather than "lose weight" without someone loosing (see what I did there?) their frickin' mind and setting up a separate thread about spelling? Now where is that dead horse that needs flogging?

    On the other hand the OP made a good point. Maybe the delivery wasn't to everyone's taste but lots of women could do with bearing it in mind if transforming their physique is their main goal.
  • NikkisNewStart
    NikkisNewStart Posts: 1,075 Member
    Wowwwww.... There is 1 poster here that realllllly needs to find something more constructive to do with her time than whine about the original message (to the tune of 3 or more follow up whiny complaints)... seriously? That's so sad.

    I, for one, appreciate the original message wholeheartedly. It is truth, plain and simple. We have no problems spitting the truth about cancer to smokers or drinking and driving to alcoholics... but when it comes to weight related issues everyone gets their feelings all hurt. Give me a break!

    Detach yourself from the fat. It doesn't define you, right? It surely doesn't define me.... so when someone writes a truthful message about decreasing fat so muscle can show- I'm not going to sit in a corner and cry or respond with a hundred messages complaining. I'm going to listen... because it is the truth and I know following it brings results. Period. I'm here to be healthy and improve my physique. The fat is an "it" to me and is NOT me... so I'm not going to be "offended" when someone speaks of "it."
  • jolyned
    jolyned Posts: 28
    Thanks, I'll look into it. I'm willing to try anything and work really hard to get to my goal.
  • Naomi91
    Naomi91 Posts: 892 Member
    Wowwwww.... There is 1 poster here that realllllly needs to find something more constructive to do with her time than whine about the original message (to the tune of 3 or more follow up whiny complaints)... seriously? That's so sad.

    I, for one, appreciate the original message wholeheartedly. It is truth, plain and simple. We have no problems spitting the truth about cancer to smokers or drinking and driving to alcoholics... but when it comes to weight related issues everyone gets their feelings all hurt. Give me a break!

    Detach yourself from the fat. It doesn't define you, right? It surely doesn't define me.... so when someone writes a truthful message about decreasing fat so muscle can show- I'm not going to sit in a corner and cry or respond with a hundred messages complaining. I'm going to listen... because it is the truth and I know following it brings results. Period. I'm here to be healthy and improve my physique. The fat is an "it" to me and is NOT me... so I'm not going to be "offended" when someone speaks of "it."

    Hehe my hero :flowerforyou: love the way you think!
  • mrscates
    mrscates Posts: 559 Member
    love my 2 ladies...always in my corner! =)
  • ashleyb1031
    ashleyb1031 Posts: 69 Member
    bump =)
  • jacquejl
    jacquejl Posts: 193 Member later
This discussion has been closed.