Am I the only one?

Am I the only one that not only doesn't pay attention to the other people at the gym, and pray they aren't noticing me either?

Some of the posts here freak me out! 50lbs ago I was so scared to go to the gym because of comments like I see posted on MFP. I went anyways because I felt like other people weren't paying attention to me. But then I come here and see posts referring to "the HUGE girl" at the gym, or the "fatty reading on the bike instead of pedaling"

Really people? This not high school school any more. At least they are at the gym, give them some credit! Maybe their tired, sore, sick who knows. Show a little maturity and next time you see them on a machine, maybe a friendly smile will make their day.

I wont even get started on the ones that bash what others WEAR to the gym. I dont care if your in a bathrobe and winter boots.

If you have time and energy to notice and care about these things I'd say YOU are the one without the focus.

What are you guys teaching your children?? Cheese and crackers! BE NICE!

PS I dont normally do venting type threads but I just cant believe any one would make snide remarks about someone trying to live a healthier lifestyle. Sitting on that bike at the gym going 1 MPH is better than laying on the couch with some I guess I'm just surprised at the comments here - on a fitness site of all places.


  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    Very nice comment, and I agree with you 100%. Just remember that some people don't have class or respect for others, be happy that you do and keep up the good work.
  • reese66
    reese66 Posts: 2,920 Member
  • momto2girls
    I don't like the "meat market' feel at a gym which is why my hubby and I have invested in our own equipment at home and videos.

    Way to go on your weight loss!!! :smile:
  • FJMilner
    FJMilner Posts: 407
    Well said!! I don't really like going to the gym, mainly because there are too many people who are too concerned with everyone else rather than their own routine! Really, I wanna get fit, some days I have loads of energy, some days I dont.....I dont wana be judged on that basis. Now I mainly do my own thing, run, dvd, cross trainer and I only have me to answer to!! :bigsmile:
  • Angela4Health
    Angela4Health Posts: 1,319 Member
    I've never seen a comment like that here... hmmmm
  • purpl3sox
    purpl3sox Posts: 38
    I completely agree. I am on a University campus and the gym is full of school athletes and really fit people. I used to freak out about going to the gym and I still feel like I don't quite fit. People really need to be encouraging to people who are in the gym and are doing their best. Don't make comments about them, they are clearly trying to make a change for the better.
  • poustotah
    poustotah Posts: 1,121 Member
    I used to be the fat girl at the gym!!! Someone was making fun of me!?

  • minxblack
    minxblack Posts: 40
    I had not noticed those comments on here but then I try not to read too many posts for that very reason. As the fat girl who ordered a salad at a restaurant only to have some skinny twits at the next table comment.. "That salad is huge.. and watch, she'll eat the whole thing". Its a salad ladies. Perhaps I should have been rewarded by the fact that I considered getting something way bad for me and chose a nice green salad instead of say.. the 4 cosmos they were pouring down. And I agree, if you see my fatness at the gym, smile and acknowledge that I am trying to do something about it!
  • jenh1101
    jenh1101 Posts: 45
    Agree 100%!
  • Setof2Keys
    Setof2Keys Posts: 681 Member
    Way to bring awareness. I walk on a trail and I am bigger, I also see other ppl that are heavier than me. I think to myself, hey way to take control. Often they're pushing themselves and running when Im just walking. I think for fit people it is hard to understand that for the heavier person to take 10 steps it is much more work than the thinner person. It aches and pulls things. At least they are trying.

    I get concious of the way I look often. I won't work out with my skinny friends yet...LOL.
  • VickiMitkins
    VickiMitkins Posts: 249 Member
    Thanks for the post.
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    Amen!!! I'm there for me, I don't have time to watch everyone else at the gym and even if I did I would never judge someone else because I was once in their shoes!
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    I've never seen a comment like that here... hmmmm
    Same here.
  • AmysNewBeginning
    AmysNewBeginning Posts: 244 Member
  • thkelly
    thkelly Posts: 466 Member
    Am I the only one that not only doesn't pay attention to the other people at the gym, and pray they aren't noticing me either?

    Some of the posts here freak me out! 50lbs ago I was so scared to go to the gym because of comments like I see posted on MFP. I went anyways because I felt like other people weren't paying attention to me. But then I come here and see posts referring to "the HUGE girl" at the gym, or the "fatty reading on the bike instead of pedaling"

    Really people? This not high school school any more. At least they are at the gym, give them some credit! Maybe their tired, sore, sick who knows. Show a little maturity and next time you see them on a machine, maybe a friendly smile will make their day.

    What are you guys teaching your children?? Cheese and crackers! BE NICE!

    PS I dont normally do venting type threads but I just cant believe any one would make snide remarks about someone trying to live a healthier lifestyle. Sitting on that bike at the gym going 1 MPH is better than laying on the couch with some I guess I'm just surprised at the comments here - on a fitness site of all places.

    i put my headphones on and usually keep my head down and move from spot to spot and just get my workout done. i tried doing the friendly smile thing at my gym, but everyone just walks by with a snotty look on the their face so i gave up on that.

    when i see people doing exercises wrong or with bad form or walking on the treadmil on a 10 degree incline while holding on the side rails for dear life sometimes i think "wtf are they doing?" but you're right "At least they're at the gym" so give them credit for that.
  • pen282
    pen282 Posts: 168 Member
    I totally agress with you!
    I don't tend to pay attention to those around me at the gym and hope they don't pay attention to me!

    As for larger people being at gyms - good on them and everyone goes to the gym for the same reason - the improve their health and fitness. I find it terrible when coments are made, people should grow up!
  • suzannekk
    suzannekk Posts: 12 Member
    I don't go to the gym (can't afford it) but I do walk the neighborhood and the office park, and I care NOT what people may be saying. the pool...I'm mortified, but dressed? They're the losers if they make fun of me. I'm trying.
  • KTCali
    KTCali Posts: 83 Member
    Agreed, it is very childish.

    I always try and think that yes, someone may be looking at me hiking, or walking, or even at the gym and think...why is she even trying she has so much to lose... but then I realize that this isn't me they are looking's my current body and I won't look like this forever. One day I will be at the gym, and they will look at me and say wow, look at her, she is my inspiration (like I do when I see a ripped chick on the machines) :smile: ! It's all temporary and eventually I will be that girl everyone wants to be like not the one everyone is making fun of :tongue:

    That's just my two cents.
  • AmberMagdalena
    AmberMagdalena Posts: 461 Member
    I like this post! This is the EXACT reason I have been putting off joining a gym. I'm so embarrassed. I live in a small town now too, so the gossip in the gym is terrible. When I lived in Philadelphia it was totally different.
  • twooliver
    twooliver Posts: 450 Member
    It concerns me that you find these comments on this web site. This is suppose to be a nonjudgmental place of support. If it's coming from folks you've friended...I'd unfriend them! I only want to surround myself with inspirational positive supportive folks!

    Love your honesty!