*Snowflakes to Sunshine* Week #15 Discussion 4.15.11



  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Loving the red dress whitt! Very pretty! I know that's an awesome feeling to buy some new threads! :)
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    YOU DO LOOK AMAZING!!! In Both dresses. Congratulations on your weight loss. Your husband looks very proud of you!!!
    Keep up the awesome work!!
  • whittrusty
    whittrusty Posts: 533 Member
    Thanks!! :bigsmile:
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    I'm struggling with getting enough sleep. I haven't been sleeping well I think it is everything going on at work. There has already been 15 layoffs (through out the County) and there is supposed to be 16 more. It is so hard to see people losing their jobs~ some of these people I have spent the last 15 years with working side by side. My heart hurts for them! I think I'm save at this time but still you never know.

    I haven't got enough exercise yesterday or day but I'm taking a mental break. I will be off to the gym in the AM and I will kill it the rest of the week at home or the gym.

    I finding that I want something sweet after lunch. I need to find something to satisfy this.

    I'm still finding it weird to say that I'm in 190's. I guess the same thing happened when I didn't have to shop in the Women's section anymore. But I'm loving being out of the 200s. I have been getting tons of complements from people at work. Someone I see every day didn't even recognize me last week. I guess it is kind of like when the leaves come out on the trees. One day their just there. I'm finding my 14 are getting a little lose so I will be moving on to 12 soon I haven't been in size 12 pants since before getting pregnant with my daughter 11 + years ago.

    My goals are not to eat anything from the break room only hard boil eggs, vegetables, bake chicken or salad. No more ice cream sundaes for night snacks this week. Exercise every day for the rest of the week.
  • CassieH818
    CassieH818 Posts: 221 Member
    OMG! I cannot seem to break out of this slump I have been in & it feels awful! I keep hyping myself up to workout and eat right & then I find an excuse or am just too lazy to workout :embarassed: . I am still 177, so I have maintained but I feel so yucky! After working out and eating right my body is in a funk...You know after you stop working out for a few days you just feel "heavy"? That's how I have felt for a month.

    This has happened to me before. I have lost weight & then just stopped and gained it all back. I really, really, REALLY dont want that to happen so I have to just start again. I feel like it is so hard & I know its not. It's all mental.

    I have been thinking about my Mom alot lately, which is very unusual for me. She left myself, my brother & my father about 13 years ago. I could see or speak to her if I want to but I feel so betrayed and upset with her. How can you just get up one day, pack your things & abandon your family?! :mad:

    I think its because I have a child of my own & I would never, ever leave her. I couldn't walk out the door and never look back. So I just feel mad all the time about that lately. Maybe that's half of my problem. Mentally I am all over the place. My dedication to a better ME is sidetracked because of my past...OR maybe it's an excuse.

    Ughhhhhh!!!!! I am hoping April 18th will bring a fresh new start for me. Only I can bring it.
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Wow Cassie, thanks for sharing your story! That's definitely a lot to deal with. Stay in the fight, there are still times when I want to throw in the towel and just think, I'm supposed to be this size, I don't deserve to be any smaller. I like food too much, so just give in instead of pretending. I'm bond to crack sooner or later. I had that meltdown on Thursday, but I scrapped myself off the ground and had a fabulous weekend.

    Do you have a workout buddy that can help keep you accountable? I have different ones for different areas. A few I do zumba with, one that I strength train with and another that does cardio with me. So any given day, if I don't show up, I'm not only letting myself down, but also my workout buddy.

    I'm going to try really hard to carry this momentum into next week. The end of next week is going to be a struggle with Easter. Mainly the sweets and not so much the food. I have to keep in mind that eating the chocolate is not going to get me ahead. Its only going to put me days and weeks in the hole and I'm tired of digging myself out this hole only to fall back in it deeper!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    I finding that I want something sweet after lunch. I need to find something to satisfy this.
    ltlhmom... Fruit is often recommended for those sweets cravings. How bout some grapes? They're very "snacky".

    Cassie... I've been not wanting to workout either, but yesterday I started Ripped in 30, and it was like I had never left (working out). Once you get back into it, you'll feel like it was never gone, and wonder why you were avoiding it. You're still Shredding right? I found that the Ri30 program has a meal plan. Maybe it can help get you back on track. I really like structured plans, so I'm gonna try it out as best I can (with all my allergies and modifications). Here's the link: http://www.jillianmichaels.com/rippedin30mealplan.aspx?promo=021754D4-788F-4C01-A42D-74C56A831274
  • MichelleOnTrack
    I am not giving my best. I have rededicated--no more cheating, more water, better choices, and work out. Cassie6803 and I have challenged ourselves to be each other's watchdogs! I know I can do this and I know that slow and steady wins the race! Love you guys! Michelle
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    Happy Monday Ladies!! I hope everyone had a wonderful fun weekend, but not too much fun like me LOL---I ended up eating and drinking waaay too much this weekend!!! I have to say I am a little disappointed that I started working out again and I have been stuck at the same weight since I started working out again... It is very frustraiting that it is easier for me to lose weight when i am not working out, yet when I am busting my butt to lose weight it seems to hang on forever!! my goals are just to hold on and keep doing what i am doing, and focus a little more on eating better. I have to say food has been my downfall lately!! I am just so ready to see a change!! I started this challege at 163.5....I am now about 156.5 (on a good day) sometimes I will weigh in at 160....it is just pathetic to me that I have been at this for so long and have only lost 7lbs in almost 4 months...i mean come on...its pretty pathetic...i just dont know how to get my body to cooperate with me lol....so my goals for this week is to follow my 5k training plan, and on the rest days/ strength training days I want to do the 6w6p dvd....its shorts weather here and I am too embarassed to even wear shorts...so I need to stick to this and hopefully it will pay off!!
  • healthydoseofglitter
    healthydoseofglitter Posts: 532 Member
    My question for you ladies this week is how do you deal when certain life situtations get in the way of your healthy lifestyle.

    My problem seems to be I do so well for like a month or two and then something in my life changes or something is going on where I take a few days off and it spirals into a week or two messing up what I worked so hard for. In the process of moving so I have been super busy for exercise and eating out way to many times because of the time crunch (they moved up closing date). Monday through Friday seem to be where I excel the best and then the weekend comes and I have so much stuff to do I can't find time. Something I hope changes once I am all settled in the new house (currently live with mom 4 days boyfriend 3). Will be moving into a new house with boyfriend full time (WA-HOO EXCITED!!!!).

    Also, my boyfriend joined MFP and it has been great so far because I really have extra support now. He has always supported me but now that he realizes what certain things are higher in calories he really is making great choices for dinner. So I am really happy for him and can't wait to continue my weight loss journey with him.
  • whittrusty
    whittrusty Posts: 533 Member
    Hey everyone!!

    I'm working on cleaning out my closet of all the clothes that no longer fit me! Is anyone interested in getting some of these clothes? If you pay the shipping, I'll be happy to ship them to you. We can figure out how the payment would work.

    Here's the jist of what I've got:

    - About 20 XL men's size t-shirts
    - 5-10 XL Old Navy/Gap t-shirts
    - 1 pair size 18 jeans Gap
    - 2 pairs size 14 jeans Gap/Old Navy
    - 2 pairs size 16 burmuda shorts Gap
    - 2 pairs size 14 jean shorts (one regular, one burmuda) Gap/Old Navy
    - 1 pair size 14 khaki dress shorts Gap
    - 5 XL various colored wool sweaters (red, black, light blue, orange); they all have one or two small holes in them from normal wear and tear, but are all wearable - Good quality, I got them at Nordstrom's.
    - 3 dressy skirts that would fit about size 14-16 (a red polka dot, light purple, and blue/black pattern)
    - 1 size 14 light pink cargo skirt Old Navy
    - 4-5 empire waist shirts that would fit about XL to 2X
    - Tons of scrub shirts and pants (good quality!!) - used to wear them as a medical assistant, so I bought the good ones! :smile:

    Message me if you're interested. I can send you pictures if you would like. Anything that I don't send out to anyone, I'll be donating, most likely this weekend, so let me know ASAP!
  • leandread
    leandread Posts: 166 Member
    My question for you ladies this week is how do you deal when certain life situtations get in the way of your healthy lifestyle.

    My problem seems to be I do so well for like a month or two and then something in my life changes or something is going on where I take a few days off and it spirals into a week or two messing up what I worked so hard for. In the process of moving so I have been super busy for exercise and eating out way to many times because of the time crunch (they moved up closing date). Monday through Friday seem to be where I excel the best and then the weekend comes and I have so much stuff to do I can't find time. Something I hope changes once I am all settled in the new house (currently live with mom 4 days boyfriend 3). Will be moving into a new house with boyfriend full time (WA-HOO EXCITED!!!!).

    Also, my boyfriend joined MFP and it has been great so far because I really have extra support now. He has always supported me but now that he realizes what certain things are higher in calories he really is making great choices for dinner. So I am really happy for him and can't wait to continue my weight loss journey with him.

    @ttv2004....I have a hard time with this as well but I always try to remind myself that life will always happen and it will always be have really stressful periods so I just try to make the best choices in a given circumstance. I used to think, well since I only have time for fast food, I may as well get XX (insert fatty goodness here). But now I ask myself, is this 10,000 mgs of sodium item really worth it? So if you're stuck with fast food, I try to get salads without dressing..Those little changes can go a long way. And if you're busy packing., maybe throw in a few jumping jacks after you carry some boxes. Or some wall push ups every time you pass a particular space. I had a friend with great legs and I asked her what her work out was since she had such nice gams. She is active as well, but swears by holding squats, with pulses while she brushes her teeth. I know these things may seem strange since they are not part of your normal routine, but I do believe that when you look at the bigger picture, rather than the routine you are being thrown out of, you might find little ways to make it work until you get back to your usual pace of life...

    Now, if only I can cut and paste this to my brain for my upcoming move!!!
  • Dhathri
    Dhathri Posts: 323 Member
    I have posted my weight for the week 14 and week 15. Somehow it is not being reflected in the excel. Thanks for your help.
  • whittrusty
    whittrusty Posts: 533 Member
    I have posted my weight for the week 14 and week 15. Somehow it is not being reflected in the excel. Thanks for your help.

    You need to post it on this form. https://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dEpzZVFrUmNCazV0U2tOSWpPWnZRUXc6MQ

    I don't go through the weigh in thread to get people's weights weekly because it's too time consuming for me.

    I had your week 14 weigh in on the spreadsheet, but hadn't received your week 15 weigh in. If you logged it on that form, but you don't see it updated on the spreadsheet within about 24 hours, message me to make sure it went through on the form.
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    My problem seems to be I do so well for like a month or two and then something in my life changes or something is going on where I take a few days off and it spirals into a week or two messing up what I worked so hard for. In the process of moving so I have been super busy for exercise and eating out way to many times because of the time crunch (they moved up closing date). Monday through Friday seem to be where I excel the best and then the weekend comes and I have so much stuff to do I can't find time. Something I hope changes once I am all settled in the new house (currently live with mom 4 days boyfriend 3). Will be moving into a new house with boyfriend full time (WA-HOO EXCITED!!!!).
    When I lost weight in the beginning, I really only was solid with my eating throughout the week (Mon-Fri), but on the weekends, I would go back home, and eat EVERYTHING!! I don't recommend THAT, but a could days off a week can be a good thing, as long as you are still aware of your eating, and the fact that you WILL get back to working out and eating really well on Monday again. When things get settled down, hopefully you can focus more on scheduling workouts, and great healthy meals into your weekends! :drinker: leandread's suggestions about making small changes are awesome too!
  • forgiven4life
    Hi gang! I'm happy to report that my changes that I'm making this week are working for me. I feel good and I'm eating clean. For once, I'll be happy to report my weigh in this Friday. :bigsmile:

    ETA: OH, and I made my first goal!! Now I just have to make that hair appt.
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Hey Brandy! Great job on meeting your goal! What are you having done to your hair?

    I have started planning out my menu at night for the next day. It has really been working. In the past, I would plan it out, but not stick to it, but lately I have been on the straight and narrow. I keep healthier snacks in the house and that helps too. I'm trying to stay away from the jar of peanut butter. And I am trying to stay away from my exercise calories. But if I dip into them, its not by much. Also, trying to stay hydrated.
    I want to keep my stress level down. Stress eating is never good!
  • forgiven4life
    Hey Brandy! Great job on meeting your goal! What are you having done to your hair?

    My sister in law is a hairstylist so I am going to have her trim it up and put some color in it. Maybe some highlights like carmel or something. I just have to wait until I get the extra money. She does give me a deal, but still something I have to plan for.
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    I want to keep my stress level down. Stress eating is never good!
    Fantastic Leela! I wanted to comment that, (in avoiding all spoilers) in tonight's Biggest Loser episode, one of the contestants that fell below that line had been completely stressed out all week (ok... that's a bit of a spoiler, sorry!) and I was betting that s/he would fall below because of that! Stress can stop weight loss, no doubt about it. Even if there is no stress eating involved. You're body can just cling to it (weight) in times of stress.

    Brandy... That new hair is gonna make you feel awesome! I'm overdue for a hair cut, party because of money, and partly because I want to keep it long enough to put in a ponytail for the summer...:smile:
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Steph that's so true. its like stress causes the body to shut itself down and keep on the weight that you probably would have normally lost under the same circumstances without the stress. I want this trip to be as stressless as possible. If its stressful, its only because I conjured it up myself, not because of something anyone else did.