How did you gain your weight?

And what is your motivation for losing it?


  • jenninsocal
    And what is your motivation for losing it?
  • Angiebangie
    Angiebangie Posts: 191 Member
    I lost 17 lbs. last year, but sat around on my butt after a whole year of training, so even though I lost weight, I was losing muscle too, and I felt lousy doing nothing. Eventually I started up again, training for my marathon, but didn't track my eating, and ebbed and flowed with my exercise consistency, +2 vacations with unadultered (is that right?) eating and drinking and viola! I'm back up and then some!

    I am officially a yo-yo dieter, I've been dieting since January 2005, that's just wrong! And even though I've run 5 marathons, and 2 triathlons in the past 3 years, I'm not in the greatest shape body-wise. I'm in great shape cardiovascularly, but am not consistent with the weight training, or haven't been in the past. My motivation is to finally be done "dieting", and to make exercise an everyday part of my life instead of months of 2 or more workouts a day followed by months of almost nothing.
  • DjBliss05
    Good question!

    I gained my weight mostly after puberty. I blame it on a few different factors and don't know what it was for sure at this point.

    I probably had undiagnosed depression and developed a habit of binge eatting. My mother tried to help me lose weight by restricting certain foods, which only made the binging worse. She was also the queen of nicely criticizing me during those years. I don't think she did it on purpose and really was trying to help, but it backfired on both of us!

    I also come from a long line of obesity... so genetics is in there too. Plus, my family never had great eatting habits. I still go home and my mom fills up a plate with as much food that will fit. I sneak back and put it back now! Portion size was the main issue. I was a pretty active kid, but that didn't seem to balance it out for me. There were also several different diets during my high school years. I would lose some, gain it back plus more, rinse and repeat...

    My motivation to lose weight is that I feel like I deserve more out of my life. I have struggled with my weight for as long as I can remember and always blamed it for the reason I couldn't achieve the things I wanted out of my life. I had a moment a few months ago where I went shopping with my size 8 friend. She is really beautiful and I watched how people responded to her. They were all sooo nice! I feel like I deserve that too! I can only imagine how much easier it would be to be happy when most people react to you with a smile. There are a million other reasons, too. I want to be healthier, want to do activities that I am not in shape enough to do now, I want to feel more beautiful, I want to make sure the next time I run into an ex they don't recognize me, I want to look amazing in wedding photos, I want to have kids some day and I want to wear size 10 pants! Mostly I just want to see life through the eyes of a thin person for once. This is for me and my future.
  • cheermom11
    cheermom11 Posts: 393 Member
    Got a desk job. Ug!

    My motivation for losing weight was that my mom had a second heart attack at Thanksgiving last year - she is only 58 years old. I NEED to get myself healthy.
  • Carrie6o6
    Carrie6o6 Posts: 1,443 Member
    I gained quite a bit when I hit puberty... Then it very slowly rose.. When I was 17 I hit 190lbs then I got pregnant and went up to 250lbs with child. After giving birth was between 230-220. I am losing it mostly for myself. I also want to keep active with my kids. I just feel much better when I exercise and eat right,
  • jenninsocal
    I gained right after I got married, but I also got married right out of high school (where I was very active in dance) so I think the two are at fault. I became less active, wasnt working or going to school at the time, just lazed around the house eating... a lot. Then I got addicted to junk food and fast food, and I never stopped. My motivation right now is to get my body healthy enough to sustain a pregnancy, and for infertility issues.
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    One pound at a time over 37 years--really packed it on over the last 7 though. Went back to college at the age of 38 as a full-time student and simply had no time to do anything and eating "healthy" wasn't in my scan. Even after being diagnosed as a diabetic, I didn't make an effort to get healthy.

    Want to lose to get healthy, to live longer, and to enjoy the rest of my life.

    Plus, one of my brothers died at age 50 with a heart attack, and both my sisters have been diagnosed with CHF, soooo, I add really bad genetics to my diabetes and HBP, and that's enough motivation for me!
  • scheys76
    scheys76 Posts: 92 Member
    I wrestled for 14 years and from 6th grade through the second to last year I was in college, I always had to diet to make weight. I got tired of it and so I stopped paying any attention and my eating habits weren't great to start with, so slowly but surely I gained, and gained, and gained. Every now and then I'd take a stab at fixing it, but was never wholehearted about it because I didn't want to have to diet and be hungry. Then about a month and a half or 2 months ago my scale hit 260, and I said, that's enough. Beginning of October I decided I was going to used the Power 90 DVD's I had bought and work on getting in shape. I had to wait a couple weeks because I had some commitments that would make me have to miss a day of the program. So, I just started altering my eating habits and waited on the exercise until my schedule was going to clear up and lost 5 lbs. Then, the day before I started, my sister showed me this site, and I joined and have been steamrolling since. :bigsmile:

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter

    Disclaimer: My counter only tracks my loss since I started on this site. :bigsmile:
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Me Likie Food

    but seriously, long explanation on my profile.
  • Carrie6o6
    Carrie6o6 Posts: 1,443 Member
    Me Likie Food

    but seriously, long explanation on my profile.

    Hahaha this is great! I LOVE food too :tongue:
  • Losing_It
    Losing_It Posts: 3,271 Member
    Me Likie Food

    Ditto! I like it ALL!!!! And I ate whatever I wanted..whenever I wanted! Too much fast food...a bout of depression..I'm sure I could go on but I'll blame it all on Dorito's & Lemon Pie!!!!!!!!!:grumble:
  • nightangelstars
    nightangelstars Posts: 337 Member
    For me, it was the freshman fifteen (or in my case,the junior 22). I put on approx. 12 lbs sophomore year and successfully took it off again, and then went back to my old ways. Junior year, this came back to bite me in the butt. As a child and a teenager, I was used to trying to get the scale to go UP rather than down, meaning that I was used to trying to eat more than I really felt like, never drank water, and ate all the sweets and candy I wanted. I was always thin and never thought I would wind up here, even though my sister did warn me (and I'm sick of the 'told-you-so's' from her already). However, I think that despite being heavier than I used to be, this is an opportunity for me to really practice being healthy, and since college is a good time to set up healthy habits for future life, I'm glad it happened now rather than later. And MFP is the best! :love:
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    I started drinking when I was 16 and gained a lot of weight...went from about 115 to 145 within the school year. I lost a little bit in the year following, but then I entered an emotionally abusive relationship and the guy wouldn't let me go anywhere by myself...didn't get a minute alone, wasn't allowed to go to the gym. We didn't have any money, so I lived off crappy food. Then I started drinking again when we broke up, and got up to about 155.

    My motivation was just being unhappy with myself...I was 5 feet tall squeezing into size 13 pants. I was lacking self confidence for a lot of reasons. I wanted to feel more comfortable with my body and lessen my jealousy :blushing: Now my motivation is just to be healthy and a great athlete!
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    Started around puberty and just kinda snowballed. I have never been at a healthy weight (3 more lbs!! eeeeeeeeeeeeee!) I decided it had to go when I saw a former friend's honeymoon photos on Facebook. We were really close in high school and still keep in touch. She looked amazing in her bikini and I wondered how I would look at my wedding and on my honeymoon... then I really got into it and realized that if I want to be a mom I need to learn how to take care of myself and my body (after all, it will be home to some little people for several months!) So yes, that is why I'm here, and I'm SO happy I am!
  • HealthyKt78
    I actually can't remember ever being thin. I've always been one of the fatter girls throughout school and I just kept gaining weight. My mom's side of the family is obese so genetics is also against me but my eating habits weren't helping. I LOVE food. Because I was fat I never really felt comfortable joining a sport or anything so I just kinda sat around (I was in marching band. It was hard work, physically and mentally, but I never really got anything out of it. I just kept gaining weight.)

    My mom got the gastric bypass in April and she has already lost nearly 90lbs. That, along with moving to go away to college in January is my motivation. I want to be thin and healthy in college. I also want to have more confidence than I had in high school.
  • Jenelz
    Jenelz Posts: 9 Member
    I started gaining my weight 5 years ago. In my early 20's I was 130 and that was the right weight for me. Then I got pregnant with my first child and put on 60 pounds. After I had her, I lost about 30 and never lost the other 30. I took a desk job and the weight came back on. Last year I went back to working retail at a supplement store and began to lose the weight again. I got down to 155, then I found out I was pregnant. By the time I gave birth I weighed 190. I just had my 2nd child in September and I am down to 168. My goal is to get down to 135 but I am an emotional eater. Food makes me feel good and then I feel guilty afterwards. When I'm working out the gym I feel great. I just need to make a habit of it. I'm hoping this website will help me stick to this plan. I just joined this website last week. So I am ready to take the next step and fight the food urges.
  • rainbow118
    rainbow118 Posts: 95 Member
    I started gaining weight in middle school, my parents got devorced and i sat around eating junk food. I went up to 195lbs where i stayed all threw high school. After high school i shot up to 210, but then lost some weight and was down to 189 until i met my bf. I met my bf, picked up his eating habits, got on birth control and shot up to 220. So now i am really trying to loose my weight. Hitting 220 was high enough for me.
  • kellch
    kellch Posts: 7,849 Member
    I will post my story in a minute. Going to type it on my email and then copy paste on the boards so I don't get online too much :bigsmile:
  • peej76
    peej76 Posts: 1,250 Member
    About five years of depression. I ate like crazy. My motivation is to be a good role model for my kids, to be healthy, and to do something that I can be proud of.......also it's easier to shop for clothes!!!!
  • gmukris
    gmukris Posts: 539
    I just haven't been able to shed the last few pounds I put on while I was pregnant--15 months ago! My motivation to lose is to fit back into my old clothes.