Looking for some kind of weight lose pill to help speed thin



  • darkangel_kayla
    Don't do the pills... for one thing they ARE short term, and they only do what you're supposed to be doing anyway. None are approved by the FDA except one. That's Alli. The only thing it does is keeps your body from absorbing fat. HOWEVER: it says that you have to eat a balanced meal and everything with it, which is what you're supposed to be doing anyway! You don't need to waste $50 a bottle to take a pill to tell you this. Really the only way to go is diet and exercise. It sucks, but it's true :) You got this!
  • misscrystal00
    Thanks everyone but what about water weight pills or green tea pills ?
  • twistygirl
    twistygirl Posts: 517 Member
    Stop looking for quick fixes especially on this site. We are all commited to doing the work no short cuts Lady Just do the work and you will be so proud of yourself that you did. Took me forever to come to this mind set. Wasted days Wasted nights.

  • CalPolyBronco
    CalPolyBronco Posts: 201 Member
    I would stay clear of pills. I don't know how good they are for you. I have never personally tried weight loss pills but I think the best way to lose weight is take things one day at a time. I know you probably had your heart set on losing 40 lbs by July....but you want to lose weight the smart way. You will probably get very close (without) the pills. Just stick to a strict diet regimine, drink plenty of water and get your exercise in. That's your best bet...trust me the weight will start melting away.
  • Oompa_Loompa
    Oompa_Loompa Posts: 1,099 Member
    you hit it on the nail: Oompa_Loompa

    :wink: took me a loonngg time to finally bite the bullet on that one.
  • tiffany_reis
    If you HONESTLY want to take diet pills, try Oxy Elite. You can get it from GNC. Only take it for 90 days. My trainer has me taking them and I am almost through with the bottle. They are completely safe and approved. I have been on a mission since that last week of February 2011 and have lost 20 pounds. I have 10 more to drop by June. The pills have no side effect and are completely natural. Hydroxycut and others as such are very bad and unhealthy...
  • Egger29
    Egger29 Posts: 14,741 Member
    Hey there,

    There is a multi-billion dollar industry devoted to "quick fix" or "gimmick" weight loss pills, plans, programs and the like.

    The problem is, Not one single person gets unhealthy overnight. It comes from days, weeks, months and years of making poor (unhealthy) choices and living an inactive lifestyle.

    By the same token, no one becomes immediately fit overnight either.

    It takes a long-term personal commitment to making changes in the long-term to make those choices in the days ahead to meet your goals one step at a time.

    You're on the right track simply being here, and you'll find plenty of support to keep you motivated day after day.

    The best "Magic Pill" is called "Personal Dedication, Commitment and Perseverance"

  • mandiex0
    mandiex0 Posts: 174
    i take hydroxy cut max. i feel fine on it, as long as a drink water and eat my 1200 cals. i dont feel any different than i did when i wasn't on them. and i do believe they give me ALOT more energy to work out so hard.
  • jeffrodgers1
    jeffrodgers1 Posts: 991 Member

    Pills are bad for many reasons... see the linked article on CNN.

    There is no silver bullet except for hard work... everything else can seriously hurt you especially if used improperly.

    Please remember you are talking about your health, not an old pair of shoes that can just be thrown away.
  • haldeman5
    haldeman5 Posts: 121 Member
    I take Alli with every meal. I also work out 6 days a week and eat about a 1200 calorie diet. Alli just blocks 25% of the fat you eat but you have to eat healthy otherwise you will get stomach aches and other side effects because it can't deal with a lot of fatty foods. It is supposed to give you an extra pound lost for every 2 you lose on your own. Not sure if it works but I have been doing it for 2 months and I know what I can and can't eat. This is an FDA approved diet aid and it is the only one I would take:-) Good Luck!!!
  • chasekilgannon
    My suggestion? A multivitamin. Any diet pills and such are not so good. I tried hydroxycut once during a false start in being fit, and it might as well have been a shot of adrenaline for me that amounted to amazing bouts of insomnia.
  • DKBelle
    DKBelle Posts: 585
    Eat healthy, but drink green tea or real lemonade with no sugar , that will help your body to burn fat faster and it's healthy!
  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member
    no i dont think so
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    Alright MFP Pals! take a chill pill <
    pun intended :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    to the original poster!

    DONT DO IT! change your mind frame and look at it this way... The more muscle you build the faster your metabolism will move, which means the more fat you will burn! So the best way to speed up that metabolism is to start lifting some serious weights. Don't be afraid , you wont turn into a hulk...

    Weight loss pills will screw with your metabolism, to where it thinks it cant run without them, so when you quit them it will quit working, aka weight gain....

    I would streach your goal out a little longer.. (I know its not what you want to hear)

    Drink tons of water.. eat lots of protein and hit those weights... (cardio too, but mostly weights)

    and save yourself the money of harmful pills. Spend it on fresh fruit and lean meats instead!

    you will get there, but you need to readjust your mind frame and goals!

    happy losing, and remember, MFP is about healthy weight loss and life style changes... not a quick fix to a once lazy lifestyle! :flowerforyou:
  • misscrystal00
    acually to loose 40 pounds by july its only 10 pounds a month very do-able! FYI
  • Awineburg
    Awineburg Posts: 196
    Pills are not going to help you. Just be active and watch what you eat. That's all you need.
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    6lbs in 3 weeks is right on target. Diet pills dont teach you how to eat correctly to maintain that weight loss.
  • KimberSt
    KimberSt Posts: 62 Member
    You didn't gain the weight overnight and it's not going to come off overnight.
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    acually to loose 40 pounds by july its only 10 pounds a month very do-able! FYI

    Not healthily!

    Your goal should be set no higher than 2 pounds a week. one pound a week is preferred by most.. if you lose more through healthy eating and exercise then that is great for you... but the slower you lose your weight, the more likely it is to stay off.
  • babybadgers2
    As an athletic trainer I will tell you, that you can't just take pills and "HOPE".

    2-3 pounds a week is the max for healthy weightloss. If you lose more than that you run a very real risk of SHOCKING your body systems into shut down. If you think you can lose weight "Biggest Loser" style and drop ten pounds a week you're kidding yourself. Those people are VERY closely monitored by medical professionals DAY AND NIGHT, something I'm assuming you're not going to be...

    Best recipe for weight-loss:
    intake 1200-1300 cals/day-- Don't drop below this because you will send your metabolism into 'starvation' mode and it will try to hold onto as many cals as possible instead of burning them and you will risk your body shutting down functions-- ie your hair WILL get nasty, as will your nails and skin and in extreme cases your body will start shutting down organs like kidneys, liver, etc

    Exercise: Do 30-60 min of Cardio five-six times a week. Coupled with strength training exercises rotating focus from arms one day, legs the next, abs the third. You need to give muscles time to repair and better themselves. If you do consecutive days of concentrated exercises you will fatigue your muscles and it will adversely affect your results.

    Boost metabolism naturally: Try a three day rotation of High Carb one day, Low carb next day, No carb, third day. This has been proven to be an effective means of kick starting your metabolism without pills (that really, AREN'T proven to work anyways...)

    ABOVE ALL: DON'T BE SO CONCERNED BY NUMBERS ON THE SCALE!!!! I don't think I could say this enough, if I told everyone on the whole damn planet-- EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT, YOU CANNOT BASE YOUR PROGRESS ON POUNDS ALONE!!! What CAN you base it on? Well, if you really want a QUANTIVE method, go get a bone scan, your doctor should be able to determine how much your skeleton weighs on its own, then add 20 pounds for necessary muscle mass, organs, skin, hair, BOOBS etc. For some people it is JUST NOT POSSIBLE to be 110 pounds!! You need to be working off the look and feel of your body. At what weight do you FEEL your best, what weight do you LOOK your best? Focus on toning and cardio as much as you obsess over your scale number and you'll look fine in your bikini by July.