My dirty little secret - MFP!

mamabear0222 Posts: 455 Member
Does anyone else keep this a secret from friends/family?

I know they say you should have a support system but Ive decided to do this journey on my own (Im only on day 3 and I really dont want to hear about it if I fail!!!)
My hubby knows what Im doing .. but I want a place where I can be myself and say what's on my mind about how big I am
or what I fail at etc... confessions! (like my first time EVER on a treadmill 2 days ago, I only lasted 10 mins! SAD)
I cant do that when I know tons of people IRL.

I love it here so far, I dont know anyone but Im looking forward to this journey and I love reading about all of you!


  • michelle4271
    michelle4271 Posts: 194 Member
    congrats on starting your jouney
    congrats on 10 mins for the first time on a treadmill
    congrats on wanting to be you
  • Juliebean_1027
    Juliebean_1027 Posts: 713 Member
    Me me me me me! Some of my friends know about my MFP addiciton (mainly the ones who have seen me logging and have since decided to join themselves) but for the most part I keep this a secret from my family and friends. I'm not sure if I'm the only one, but I have a few friends who are highly skilled ninjas when it comes to sabotaging any weight loss plan I have. Maybe you know the type...? The ones who hear that you're on a "diet" and all of a sudden they want to go out to dinner somewhere that has NOTHING healthy. Or in my case, I have the friends who are almost derogatory about it. When I order something healthy out at a restaurant their response is "Are you becoming anorexic?" :noway: Yes. I'm pushin' 300 pounds, don't I look anorexic? Anyyyyway, yes. I understand your need/desire to keep this hidden. And I say more power to you! :drinker:
  • Angel1066
    Angel1066 Posts: 816 Member
    I haven't Tod anyone either but i love it here, keeps me motivated. Feel free to add me
  • mikeylikesit1177
    I havent told anyone and i dont want to synch this with facebook. All I will get is people who will say stuff like I dont care or question your workouts and weight loss. All set with that. I love MFP and friends on here. Welcome to the site
  • Raw07
    Raw07 Posts: 206
    I do it too. The only people i have told about this site is my husband and my sister. This is a great site and every one here is here for the same thing! :)
  • rachel871
    rachel871 Posts: 113 Member
    the first time i got on a treadmill i thought i was going to DIE after like two minutes, so 10 is an achievement! :smile:
  • Mairgheal
    Mairgheal Posts: 385 Member
    I've told hardly anyone I'm on here. When they ask me how I do it, I just answer "eat less, move about more", which is true of course. Only recently I've told a few people about "using an App to log my calories", but I am keeping it very vague.
  • ladyphoto
    ladyphoto Posts: 192 Member
    You can do this! And be proud of getting on the treadmill and doing 10 minutes! It's 10 minutes more than you would have had if you didn't get on it at all!!! Stay positive and welcome to the road to becoming strong!
  • froglegjack
    froglegjack Posts: 388 Member
    there are some family members that know and some that don't. I love this site and it does help to have people that are encouraging. Just like in my family and acquaintances in real life I pick and choose what I want to say and to whom. Blogging and journaling are great too for saying anything I want :) But I bet for anything I would want to say there are at least 20 people here that are going through the same thing and have some helpful advice so this is a great place for support.

    also when I first got on the elliptical I could not do a full minute. now I can do thirty with no problem. It gets easier and your body adapts quickly so don't worry you can do this!
  • marspec1maven
    I found it really helped to share it with a physical friend. I know the cyber friendship is great support but a face to face person that you know can be more helpful They can call you on your crap, be supportive when they see the look of discouragement creep into your face (when my weight went up instead of down) and help you shop, share recipes by tasting ...I watch what my co-worker on the job eats, what cute contraptions she has to carry lunch in, which dressing she has for her salad today...and then we email our menus to each other at the close of the day. She is using Weight Watchers and Im counting calories, not points. Its different but the same. I look forward to each day this way. We are as sick as our secrets. Good luck.
  • amelia_atlantic
    amelia_atlantic Posts: 926 Member
    At first when I was still figuring out my weight loss plan, I didn't tell people about mfp because I didn't want to feel judged or questioned about my calorie counting. Once I started losing weight and understanding my body, I felt more comfortable letting people know "my secret".

    Now that I have the hang of it, I've told a bunch of people! Most have joined and are gaining great success as well! You have to be happy and supportive of others for them to be supportive of you! To have a friend is to be a friend. :flowerforyou:
  • Tomhusker
    Tomhusker Posts: 346 Member
    I felt the same way at first. But then decided that the people in my life are part of the motivation I need. Yes, I was afraid of failing and having everyone know that, once again, my talk was bigger than my ambition. However, the fear of me letting them down has been a motivator, as well as the encouragement and support I get from family and friends. Now I allow updates on Facebook and have my diary open for them to see. Several have even seen my progress and started working on their own program.
    Don't allow your fear of failure deprive you of the support system that is so vital in this long and sometimes stressful endeavor.
  • Bigsportygirl
    Bigsportygirl Posts: 20 Member
    Hey, I don't tell any one either, MFP is my support network. I haven't told anyone I'm looking to lose weight, it's none of their business really and TBH I don't want to bore them. I also don't want other people watching what I eat and sometime even close friends will try to lead you astray 'go on it's just one slice of cake and it's home made' or 'don't bother going to the gym tonight you look great as you are'. It's my body, my battle, my life! Of course I share it with all the lovely MFPers but that's different we're all heading in the same direction and no one has to listen if they don't want to. Yes, I confess to slip ups and failures on MFP but would never tell my friends!
  • smilebhappy
    smilebhappy Posts: 811 Member
    Hello MamaBear (I love your profile pic!)
    I too love this site!!!!
    It's great to have such a great people supporting you every step or the way :bigsmile:

    You should be Very proud of yourself for taking those 1st steps....
    be patient; you will improve in time :happy:
    If you need any extra support feel free to add me

    Have a great day! :flowerforyou:
  • DaniiDean
    DaniiDean Posts: 162 Member
    One person knows. Thats is it. I like it this way :)
  • Dteg
    Dteg Posts: 86 Member
    I completely understand. I haven't really told much of my family, but they know i am trying to get healthy. My step-moms response to me getting healthy was that we eat healthy. I laughed at her idea of being healthy. She skips all but one meal a day and fixing precooked chicken fried steak, mash potatoes, and gravy from a bag. This is not my idea of healthy. So i am like you. I now just keep to myself and have decided that i am just going to keep up with the support of MFP and those in my life who really support me.
  • lovinglife71
    lovinglife71 Posts: 65 Member
    I use to be the same way, mostly when I was younger, I would keep it from my family , cause I didn't want to hear about it when I ate something I wasn't suppose to etc. I don't now though, I have been on a deit most of my life and my friends family and everybody around me knows it and hey once in a while if I want a candy bar, i'm going to eat it and hey if I gain a couple of pounds so what, it's me and my body, besides no body around me is perfect!! I guess I started getting more confident when I didn't set myself up to fail, I would go into most situations figuring I was going to fail. I think mainly because my dad was my excuse for my weight gain I let him bring me down when I was a kid. Don't get me wrong he was a good dad, just a hard core strict health nut, he perfessional boxed, weight lifted etc. Sooo he was really hard on my when I was young, I can remember when I was about ten him making me do laps aroung our yard cause my *kitten* was getting to fat, I can remember him making fun of my calling me names in front of family like wide load, etc. I would go into the bathroom and cry. Well I'm stronger than that, so instead of going into the kitchen and downing a bag of chips cause I was mad at him, I proved him wrong, I ran my first 5k about 2 mo ago, I pretty well stay fit, I go to the gym and I have been at a ok weight most of my adult life!! Thanks Dad!!!!! So I know how you feel, beleive it or not.
  • mfkfoster
    mfkfoster Posts: 331 Member
    I have not kept it a secret from my family but I have kept it a secret from my coworkers! They don't need to know what I'm doing. All they see is the weight loss. I have lost 42 pounds so far since November and I love it here. I can be myself and rant about my skinny husband! I started exercise slowly as well and now I'm doing my 3rd 5K in May! Walking of course at my size I might cause seismic activity in Florida if I ran.:blushing:
  • IrishChick71
    IrishChick71 Posts: 311 Member
    I understand the secret. I've told my family and a few people what I am doing because I know this time I WILL reach my goals.....but secretly, I've hoped no one I know will hop on the MFP wagon with me.:blushing:

    I like the ability to spill my guts out without people I know IRL giving me weird looks or bringing it up in outside conversation. I like having someplace to go to vent without feeling guilty.:heart:
  • johnwhitent
    johnwhitent Posts: 648 Member
    MFP is great! I am on no social network and I always exercise alone - partly due to the time I exercise, early AM (5;30) and partly due to my slow pace when I run (jog) and ride. I am passionate about fitness and health related topics but have no friends in the area that share my passion, so MFP is perfect for me. It lets me be fully engaged with others about fitness without my friends having to listen to me talk about something that they are not interested in. I can only ask my wife to listen to so much! With the MFP app my phone notifies me every time a MFP friend comments on me and I am always thrilled check the phone for the message. It’s a social network of people with a shared passion. Perfect!