encouragement versus discouragement and some venting



  • Spayrroe
    Spayrroe Posts: 210 Member
    Okay, the trainer I met with at my gym told me that he suggested I started adding strength training as I was only doing cardio. Now, he didn't say that if I only did cardio I would be alright as far as weight loss was concerned, but that building muscle would help. For every pound of muscle you put on, it takes your body and extra 500 calories per day just to function (to circulate blood and stuff through it), so building muscle helps shed excess weight. I liked the sound of that, and wanted to build some muscle anyway.

    In short, the idiot on campus is just plain wrong. Could everyone benefit from strength training? Yes. Do you have to do it to see weight loss results? NO. Your trainer has education backing her statements, this guy sounds like a meat headed jerk.
  • yertle
    yertle Posts: 14 Member
    I am a similar weight and height as you, and every time I've lost weight, it's been through just cardio at first. The guy on the porch sounds like a ridiculous person!
  • cng1117
    cng1117 Posts: 225 Member
    *face palm* lol why are you letting yourself be upset about a comment that some guy made who laughed when his little girl got kicked??? Don't let him bother you! There are so many people who think they are number one, and that their opinions are number one, and that their way is number one. He has his method (whatever it may be), and your trainer has hers. And your trainer, like someone else said, is certified. If what she has been telling you is working then listen to her. As long as you are seeing results, stick with it. If the results quit coming later on, then change at that time. But don't question your resolve over what some nobody has to say, otherwise you'll find yourself "tossed about like a ship upon the waves". The next time, if there is a next time, that he gets after you about the weights, tell him to stick them in his butt. Lol no, don't tell him that, it'd be tacky.... just think it to yourself and walk on.:bigsmile:
  • kirstinkrueger
    last input on how long you burn calories after working out

    Q: Is it true that your body continues to burn extra calories for 12 hours after you've worked out?

    A: Yes. "After vigorous exercise, we've seen caloric expenditure increase for up to 48 hours," says exercise physiologist Tom R. Thomas, Ph.D., director of the exercise physiology program at the University of Missouri in Columbia. The longer and harder you work out, the greater the post-workout metabolism increase and the longer it lasts. Subjects in Thomas' research burned 600-700 calories during one hour of running at about 80 percent of their maximum heart rate. During the next 48 hours, they burned about 15 percent more calories -- 90-105 extra -- than they otherwise would have. About 75 percent of the post-workout metabolism increase occurs in the first 1 2 hours after exercise, according to Thomas.

    Weight training does not appear to offer as significant a post-workout metabolism increase as intense aerobic exercise, Thomas says, probably because of the rest between sets. A number of studies suggest that, after a 45-minute weight-training session -- three sets of 10 reps per exercise -- resting metabolic rate is increased for 60-90 minutes, burning an extra 20-50 calories. However, keep in mind that strength training is an excellent way to boost your resting metabolic rate (the number of calories your body burns at rest). While aerobics appears to offer more of a post-workout spike in metabolism, strength training enables you to develop muscle mass, which, in turn, increases metabolism overall.
  • Sierrasmommy
    thank you everyone who has posted. I feel a lot better adn yes i know its stupid to let some idiot like that get under my skin but it just sat there and bubbled in my sub-consciousness, and I was like... is he right... am I once again doing this wrong. Ive tried to lose weight so many times with no success, so now that I actually am seeing results, it kinda becomes easy for me to go back to that place of self doubt. I plan on adding in the weights eventually, but not until Ive lost a little bit first.
  • kirstinkrueger
    Do it how ever you feel comfortable and listen to your trainer and most importantly your body!
  • zakkthebear
    zakkthebear Posts: 52 Member
    last input on how long you burn calories after working out

    Q: Is it true that your body continues to burn extra calories for 12 hours after you've worked out?

    A: Yes. "After vigorous exercise, we've seen caloric expenditure increase for up to 48 hours," says exercise physiologist Tom R. Thomas, Ph.D., director of the exercise physiology program at the University of Missouri in Columbia. The longer and harder you work out, the greater the post-workout metabolism increase and the longer it lasts. Subjects in Thomas' research burned 600-700 calories during one hour of running at about 80 percent of their maximum heart rate. During the next 48 hours, they burned about 15 percent more calories -- 90-105 extra -- than they otherwise would have. About 75 percent of the post-workout metabolism increase occurs in the first 1 2 hours after exercise, according to Thomas.

    Weight training does not appear to offer as significant a post-workout metabolism increase as intense aerobic exercise, Thomas says, probably because of the rest between sets. A number of studies suggest that, after a 45-minute weight-training session -- three sets of 10 reps per exercise -- resting metabolic rate is increased for 60-90 minutes, burning an extra 20-50 calories. However, keep in mind that strength training is an excellent way to boost your resting metabolic rate (the number of calories your body burns at rest). While aerobics appears to offer more of a post-workout spike in metabolism, strength training enables you to develop muscle mass, which, in turn, increases metabolism overall.

    that is a kick *kitten* post and should be sticky for all the "I don't want to bulk up" posts and threads. well played.
  • iamhealingmyself
    iamhealingmyself Posts: 579 Member
    K so I am a person who has to be encouraged cuz i get easily discouraged. now i dont mean that in a way of being pansy cuz if Im doing something wrong then i will pull up my big girl panties and take the criticizm. But here is what happened, please read and then tell me the asnwer to my question after.. thx ahead of time!

    i was told today that even though i lost 10.6 lbs this past week... that I am working out wrong and need to do weights first. Now my trainer told me weights would come into the equation later on and that first we needed to do cardio in order to get the weight started coming off faster... This guy was a jerk about it and was like your trainer is a loser, and shes wrong. You have to do weights first cuz when you do weights the calories burn stays with you for like 39 hours after. yes he did say that, he was like, all that weight you lost is water weight and you wont lose anymore since youve dropped that already unless you do weights. Yes i know some of it is water weight but some of it is actually weight weight and I am massively upset and discouraged. he is in fact sitting outside (I live in family housing at a university) and talking crap about my "water weight" right now. This from a guy who allowed his 8 year old son to kick his 3 year old daughter face first into the dirt and then just laugh about it.

    So my question is this, am i wrong and will I not lose any weight if i dont do the weights til later, is he right? Should I continue doing the way I am or what do I do?

    considering his parenting skills, I wouldn't trust him to tell me my shoes were untied!
    DO NOT LISTEN TO HIM IN ANY WAY SHAPE OR MANNER!!! You have a PROFESSIONAL who knows all the details about your, your diet, your activities, etc.!!! If your trainer leads you astray, then you have the law on your side but this guy? if he knows so much why isn't he a trainer himself? And guys and girls need to train differently. Everyone is out for muscle. Yes, the more muscle you have to more you will burn at rest but come on. If you have trouble carrying around your own body weight, why would you make it worse and add weights to what you're already doing? Get your body used to MOVING first then when that's easy, challenge it by adding weight slowly...

    You're making an effort to change YOURSELF which is more than this guy will ever have a chance of understanding let alone doing. I'm sorry you have to be so close to him and listen to him mouth off about something that's not even his business. Hold your head high because one day soon you'll be able to kick HIM face first into the dirt and laugh about it :wink:

    ETA: Oh, BTW, that 20lbs that I lost.... the only WEIGHT I lifted was myself!
  • iamhealingmyself
    iamhealingmyself Posts: 579 Member
    Oh, and his parenting skills don't have anything to do with this. At all. :tongue:
    They actually have a lot to do with it. It shows exactly what he thinks of women - of ANY age or size! Any man who lets another man beat on a woman/girl is not right so his opinion has no value. If he doesn't value her as a woman why should she value his opinion simply because he's genetically a man? If he was any kind of REAL man he'd have stood up for his daughter and kept his nose out of her business!
  • Sierrasmommy
    Just an update... I went all out for my workout today and I felt really good about it!!!! I think the anger for what that guy did fueled me even farther, especially when i could hear him out my living room window mocking me to his wife and her friends, talking about all i lost was water weight and that when i count to get my daughters attention if she isnt listening that its ridiculous (If my daughter doesnt want to listen, i count to 5 and if i reach 5 before she listens, she is in trouble)... yes he took it farther. Anyhow, I was overly ticked and it fueled my workout. When i came home today he mockingly asked, "So how was your workout?" I didnt even look at his ignoramous face and said, It was great! Thanks!" kept walking.

    Thanks for the encouragement everyone, you each really helped me out. i appreciate it!
  • corpus_validum
    corpus_validum Posts: 292 Member
    Just an update... I went all out for my workout today and I felt really good about it!!!! I think the anger for what that guy did fueled me even farther, especially when i could hear him out my living room window mocking me to his wife and her friends, talking about all i lost was water weight and that when i count to get my daughters attention if she isnt listening that its ridiculous (If my daughter doesnt want to listen, i count to 5 and if i reach 5 before she listens, she is in trouble)... yes he took it farther. Anyhow, I was overly ticked and it fueled my workout. When i came home today he mockingly asked, "So how was your workout?" I didnt even look at his ignoramous face and said, It was great! Thanks!" kept walking.

    Thanks for the encouragement everyone, you each really helped me out. i appreciate it!

    Good for you.

    What a _(fill in the blank)_ that guy is!!!

    Although I tout the benefits of weight training over cardio here often, I would def'ly go with what your trainer has outlined for you. His/her plan to get your fitness level up before tackling weights is a sound plan.

    And at least you've found yourself a bit of motivation (albeit negative)...especially when you hit your goal and rock a fit body and show that _(fill in the blank)_ that you were successful in your own way.
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    WTG! Good Job! listening to idiots is not worth your time!
  • Spayrroe
    Spayrroe Posts: 210 Member
    On the note of counting to the child: I count to three for my daughter. Now, I count slow (she's only 4), but I count, and she knows if I hit three there's a problem and it isn't going to be pretty. My daughter is better behaved and more independent than most of the other kids I see out there when I'm in public. Just to add some support there.

    As far as the people grinding you for letting the guy get to you, I wouldn't feel stupid for letting it bother you. I know everyone's just trying to be supportive and help, but when I've had these kind of issues in the past, having people chastise me (even gently and in a supportive way) always made me kind of feel double downed. It's hard not to let these things bother you. It's even harder when you're working to get yourself in shape (as opposed to just maintain fitness), and you're still learning your way. Someone touting that you're doing it wrong and it's not going to work gets scary. Now, he was an uber jumping *kitten* about it, but I totally get why you were concerned and felt the need to post about it. I also understand why, instead of just posting the question, you felt the need to vent and get some support here. Anyway, I'm glad you're feeling better and able to blow him off now, but I just wanted to say I understand why he got to you in the first place, and that I have a problem with letting people get under my skin too. Just wanted to be supportive all around :)

    Oh, and please, no one take this as I'm attacking you or anything like that. I just wanted to add that in because I know how I feel when people tell me that stuff, and sometimes I really wish there would be someone there to say 'it's okay that it bugged you'.
  • Lisane1969
    I agree, that guy is a jerk. Try not to let him get in your head. My advice, follow your trainer's advice, she is the specialist in the field, and the guy clearly is not !

    I also agree that, good for you, you are actually exercising, which is great.

    I also have a trainer and he told me that to help the weight loss., weight training is great, because weight training helps getting your metabolism working a little bit mor, meaning that when you are not in exercise mode, you burn more calories. So a mix of cardio and training seem to best way to go. I don't know if it better if you start by weight training and then cardio, personnaly, i don't think there is a difference.

    When i go to the gym, i do about 25 minutes of cardio and then move on to the weight training. But, hey, that's the way my trainer did my program.

    Go GO Go, you can do it !!! You already shred 10 pounds !!!!! You're doing great
  • ladyeyessogreen
    ladyeyessogreen Posts: 42 Member
    agreeing with EVERYONE here. Listen to a trained professional, your trainer.

    First, Kudos to you!!! I honor you for the pounds you have released thus far. Great Job!!!!

    I've heard both. strength training during, before or after cardio. There are SOOOOO many schools of thought about which is the best way to go. Honestly, you are moving your body. You are taking intiative for YOUR health not his.

    I too, get discouraged easily. That's why I am back here. Readling all this encouragement is tremendously helpful.

    I am always open to new friends to support each other. Send me a friends request if you are so inclined.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Best advice is to listen to your trainer and listen to your body. Only you know what works for you and its better to take the advice of a professional then some random guy off the street.