some things just shouldn't be glorified....or rewarded...



  • cindy4mica
    cindy4mica Posts: 777 Member
    Agree! I am a foster parent & have 3 fosters (2 1/2 yrs now) beause their young mother is a POS! She was 13 when she got pregnant, I have 3 of her children, there is another in a different foster home (she got pregnant after she lost the 1st 3) and now she is pregnant AGAIN. She is 24, all of the children have different father's..... every child she has will just go straight into foster care on the tax payer dime. This is just ONE case. There are HUNDREDS of cases like this out there, yet I know several people who have tried for years w/o getting pregnant & this POS just looks at a man & is knocked up yet continues to drink, smoke & do drugs.

    i give you a ton of props and admiration. good for you - those poor babies probably wouldn't stand a chance without people like you. it's really a shame when there are sooo many women out there who would do anything to have a baby. keep up the great work:)
  • Still_Sossy
    Still_Sossy Posts: 868 Member
    Wait... is this myfitnesspal or TMZ?

    Ummm yeah... you do realize this is the Chit Chat, Fun and Games section right?????? :huh:
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,231 Member
    I have issues with those shows on MTV, because are these girls being paid to air their drama. I don't know - i think MTV should offer them a full scholarship or pay for a vocational school or something useful. I don't watch reality TV (not my thing)

    I did have my son when I was 19 and it was a long hard rough road, he's 16 now (btw, I'll be 36 in a few months) and we talk about how hard I had to work to get him the basic essentials.

    The parents who are shelling out cash & paying all their childs expenses are not doing their child any favors! They're doing them a HUGE disservice...because (god forbid) something happens and that parent isn't around to pick up the pieces or pay the bills? Who is going to show them "this is how you find a job" "This is how you pay a bill on time"?

    I've gone through hard times and had to ask help from my parents, but I got on my feet and pay my own way, period!
  • KristyF08
    KristyF08 Posts: 89 Member
    I agree and disagee. 16 & pregnant does show how hard it can be and how much lives change but you never know unless you are in their shoes. I don't think childern are educated enough on "safe" sex and what really happens. I want to strangle some of those girls who just don't get it but then again I love watching the ones who can actually pull themselves together and beat the odds! I had my first daughter at 17 (the summer before my junior year) and it was tough! I did graduate high school with honors and then put myself to college... even graduated a sememster early. My parents helped when they could but I did not come from money so I was pretty much on my own. Paid for my own rent and worked my butt off at school and work. I did have an amazing support system though. It is tough and i completely agree those girls who don't seem to have the "want" to raise their children should have just thought about other options. It is a scary world we grow up in and we can only hope for the best for our children. My oldest daughter is about to turn 11 and I try to have a very open relationship with her about growing up. I am VERY honest about how hard it is and as she gets older I can only hope I have tought her enough to make the right decisions.
  • ellisor1230
    I feel exactly the opposite. I was a teen mom (twice!) and I wish these shows had been around when I was a teen. Maybe I would have been more careful. Don't get me wrong, I adore my children and would not have things any other way. They are my life. My only regret is not being able to finish college. I'm one of the lucky teen moms though, I'm still with their father, and we've been happily (mostly) married for over 6 years. My life has been much easier than most of the teen moms I know. My DSD is 10, and just started her TOM recently. I stay completely open and honest with her, and pray that she'll wait longer than I did. I let her watch 16 & Pregnant, Teen Mom, and Secret Life of the American Teenager. In fact, I encourage her to watch them. I want her to know what real life is all about. I want her to realize that sex is not 'just sex'.
  • KristyF08
    KristyF08 Posts: 89 Member
    I have issues with those shows on MTV, because are these girls being paid to air their drama. I don't know - i think MTV should offer them a full scholarship or pay for a vocational school or something useful. I don't watch reality TV (not my thing)

    I did have my son when I was 19 and it was a long hard rough road, he's 16 now (btw, I'll be 36 in a few months) and we talk about how hard I had to work to get him the basic essentials.

    The parents who are shelling out cash & paying all their childs expenses are not doing their child any favors! They're doing them a HUGE disservice...because (god forbid) something happens and that parent isn't around to pick up the pieces or pay the bills? Who is going to show them "this is how you find a job" "This is how you pay a bill on time"?

    I've gone through hard times and had to ask help from my parents, but I got on my feet and pay my own way, period!

    I COMPLETELY agree!
  • cindy4mica
    cindy4mica Posts: 777 Member
    I was a teenage mom and watch those shows because they do show the pain, stigmas, immature emotions, attempts to make that decision into the best future they can, and fear that getting pregnant at a young age can bring. I see nothing glorified about it other than they are on TV, but that would be like saying they glorify hoarders or obese people. I was fortunate to defy most of the teen-mom stereotypes, finished high school, college, and got a great job and have done a good job of raising my son. But I appreciate that there is a show that shows the difficulties behind those teenage actions.

    my hat off to you. i also have a few friends who have succeeded in the face of this adversity. however, you and they are the exception. i'm not saying that 100% of teenagers who get pregnant struggle, but statistics say it's the majority. and these girls get paid to be on the show. to me, that's glorifying and rewarding the situation. again, just *my* opinion.
  • cindy4mica
    cindy4mica Posts: 777 Member
    I agree that teen pregnancy shouldn't be glorified but 16 and pregnant is definitely not glorifying anything. If at all they're showing how hard life is when you end up getting pregnant at such a young age. You watch those young girls go through hell and back after having kids. I think it's a great show for people to learn from (and yes I'm addicted!). I took a sex health class and learned that the teen pregnancy rate has actually dropped since shows like 16 and pregnant and teen mom have aired.

    Indeed - 16 and pregnant is not the same as MTV's "Teen Mom" - one aims to educate, the other aims to ... well,.... I am not quite sure .... aim a camera at a train wreck?

    lol pretty much sums it up!
  • live2smyle
    live2smyle Posts: 592 Member
    It's not just HS anymore folks. Middle school girls are preggo. :/
  • cindy4mica
    cindy4mica Posts: 777 Member
    I have issues with those shows on MTV, because are these girls being paid to air their drama. I don't know - i think MTV should offer them a full scholarship or pay for a vocational school or something useful. I don't watch reality TV (not my thing)

    I did have my son when I was 19 and it was a long hard rough road, he's 16 now (btw, I'll be 36 in a few months) and we talk about how hard I had to work to get him the basic essentials.

    The parents who are shelling out cash & paying all their childs expenses are not doing their child any favors! They're doing them a HUGE disservice...because (god forbid) something happens and that parent isn't around to pick up the pieces or pay the bills? Who is going to show them "this is how you find a job" "This is how you pay a bill on time"?

    I've gone through hard times and had to ask help from my parents, but I got on my feet and pay my own way, period!

    very well put and congratulations! :)
  • Crystal817
    Crystal817 Posts: 2,021 Member
    It's not just HS anymore folks. Middle school girls are preggo. :/

    Now that scares the *kitten* out of me.
  • mrb_9110
    mrb_9110 Posts: 189 Member
    I think that the show itself doesn't necessarily glorify teen pregnancy, but from reading tabloids (guilty pleasure) they "report" about some of those girls going engagement ring shopping with their boyfriends or getting boob jobs. It's like being on the show propelled them to celebrity status and that's not how it should be. I don't know if MTV pays them to be on the show, but it seems like it because they always have their nails done and seem to be better off after the shows air.

    As to teen pregnancy in general, I know some girls who were just completely misinformed about sex, pregnancy, and birth control, partly due to lazy parenting and partly due to the fact that our school didn't even have sex ed. WE NEED SEX ED IN SCHOOLS! I believe it's the number one thing to keep teen pregnancy rates dropping. Other than that, parents HAVE to be involved in their child's life. If I had any questions, I knew to go to my mom or someone else I trusted (an adult) for information. Unfortunately, most teens' source of information is their friends or the internet.
  • WildFlower7
    WildFlower7 Posts: 714 Member
    I'm a 24yr old proud mommy to 3, my first I gave birth to at the age of 15, am I proud of that, no but am I ashamed of it, NO WAY! Had amazing parents, we went to church on a weekly basis, they educated me on sex and my mom even took me to the gynecologist as soon as I told her I was sexually active (which was by no means easy to tell her) those things really in some cases do make a difference... and in others don't, it depends on the person! I am a stay at home mom married mother to 3 children that I gave birth to AND to my two step-sons whom we also have full time (2 of which I gave birth to in my teen years) we have a nice home in a great family neighborhood. I graduated from my high school (a half of a year earlier then I was suppose to) at the age of 17 and in gold. Do I think this makes it ok to have kids young, NO, do I consider myself fortunate, VERY! But do I wish I had shows like this to watch when I was a teenager to see the true harsh reality of how hard it can be at certain times being a teen mom...YES. Was it peaches and cream for me the entire time, NO, I experienced alot of things that alot of the girls on those shows had experienced, but I had no idea it would ever be that way because I never had witnessed teen pregnancy myself.

    I don't believe the teen mom shows are being shoved in anyone's faces, if you don't want to watch it, then don't, noone is forcing anyone to watch them. I mean truthfully you can say this about alot of things on television, are people who have had a family member bit by a shark going to want to watch a show on shark bites, probably not, but that's going to be their decision wether they watch or not. It's going to be put on t.v. regardless.

    I don't neccesarily think the shows are ment to "glorify" teen pregnancy, they show the true, raw, changes that are and have to be made when your a teen mom, if anything I think it helps show teens just how truly hard it can and chances are will be at one point or another if you become a teen mom, I have yet to see an episode that would make me go ( oooooh that looks like fun I wanna be a teen mom now) if anything it shows how difficult it reallyis and well if you don't like it, then don't watch it and don't let your kids watch it! That's my opinion!

    P.S. I moved out of my parents home on my own at the age of 16! 3 months after my daughter was born, worked full time, went to school, found and payed a daycare provider and my rent and bills with my own money and have lived and worked on my own ever since!! Everything I have I have because of me and the reason I am the way I am is because my parents raised me the right way! Despite my mistakes, I came out stronger, and more independent then I ever thought possible.
  • Karleyyy
    Karleyyy Posts: 857
    I got pregnant at 16 and at 18. It is a struggle, and I know you CAN'T be stereotyping all teen mothers... so this doesn't offend me. Something like half of all teen mom's don't even graduate high school. I am going to college starting in August to become a nurse, and I have worked my *kitten* off to get here. My life revolves around my children and my two year old is often the most well-behaved child around when we go out. I understand that most girls cannot handle it, but do we really need to ***** about it? Age really doesn't matter when it comes to being a parent, I know that for a fact. Because my parenting is what I am most confident about.
  • snkeller24
    snkeller24 Posts: 459
    I like your stand on it - I know that kids are more "knowledgeable" these days, because of shows like this and I think it's great that you're using it as a tool.

    Parents should be parents ... and you're teaching your daughter in an open environment.
  • cindy4mica
    cindy4mica Posts: 777 Member
    please let me add that i don't think every teen pregnancy case ends in a disaster. i have a few friends who were teen moms and have raised wonderful children all while becoming successful themselves. my point is that for the most part, it is hard. really hard. the girls on these shows have parents who help them financially and with child care all of the time and while that's *their* reality, it's not everyone's. it's a struggle to take care of children when you're a capable, mature, married adult so i imagine it's 10x worse when you're a child yourself. my point is that teen girls don't always see that. they see janelle out partying all the time whle her mother takes care of jace (and letting her come back home every single time she's kicked her sorry *kitten* out). and chelsea living in what looks like a $500,000 house without a care in the world except for worrying about what girl her stupid boyfriend is going to cheat on her with next. so what if they don't graduate? so what if they can't hold a job and support the baby *they* brought into this world? they have mommy & daddy to pick up the pieces. unfortunately, that's not reality...
  • snkeller24
    snkeller24 Posts: 459
    Totally agree with the nails/hair/tanning ... really!?!

    Last I knew - Teen Mom's made more then Glee members ...
  • cindy4mica
    cindy4mica Posts: 777 Member
    It's not just HS anymore folks. Middle school girls are preggo. :/

    ugh! i know.
  • sassylilmama
    sassylilmama Posts: 1,495 Member
    As a teen mom myself I think a show like this would have made me far more cautious. I am a rare story, graduated early with honors,still married have 3 kids now, own a home and am a sahm. But this show could have saved me some hardships with the honesty it shows.
  • WildFlower7
    WildFlower7 Posts: 714 Member
    I was a teenage mom and watch those shows because they do show the pain, stigmas, immature emotions, attempts to make that decision into the best future they can, and fear that getting pregnant at a young age can bring. I see nothing glorified about it other than they are on TV, but that would be like saying they glorify hoarders or obese people. I was fortunate to defy most of the teen-mom stereotypes, finished high school, college, and got a great job and have done a good job of raising my son. But I appreciate that there is a show that shows the difficulties behind those teenage actions.

    LOVE what you wrote ^ I feel the exact same!