What would you do? (kind of depressing thread sorry)



  • brittanyscherich
    brittanyscherich Posts: 355 Member
    I would no doubt buy the medicine. Have you tried going to a food bank or even your local church? I grew up pretty poor (under poverty line) and all my mom had to do was say the word and my pastor would come over to our apartment with tons of food. And every Thankgiving/Christmas, he brought us over a turkey/ham. See if you can qualify for food stamps or some kind of government help. Perhaps you could file for unemployment? It sucks depending on the government, but when you have no options, it may be your last chance. But the dog for sure. He's your baby.

    See this is a big problem, because I can't file for unemployment it's been to long since I worked.. since I have hardly any experience no one will hire me.. to may ppl wanting a job they have their pick it seems :(. And like I said above they won't give us foodstamps.. I tried twice.. it makes no sense to me!

    Hmmm. Did you try local food banks to save money on groceries? And like a lot of people have said. try calling your vet. Maybe they would help? Best of luck, hun.
  • mollybieth
    I would buy the medicine, and pay what you can for the water.
    Have you tried Community Action, or as other people have said, local churches or non-profit organizations?
    I would start calling around for assistance - you don't know if you don't try...and nobody will know its you that called.
    Hope things get better for you!
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    Can you sell something?

    I have been trying to sell stuff on ebay for awhile now... stuff I don't really need.. but nothing sells and the local pawn shop won't give you anything for it.. it's not worth it.

    I don't know the size of your town, but have you tried posting stuff on craigslist?
  • sweetnshy
    sweetnshy Posts: 97
    Agreed, we had an outrageous public service (gas/electric) bill over the winter and we still aren't caught up. We made a deal with public service and as long as they are getting something they are happy and won't shut us off. When I was single and lived on my own, I was always poor. and the water company was usually pretty good about setting up something. Did you tell them that you can pay $50 and ask to get on payment plan or something?
  • silhouettes
    silhouettes Posts: 517 Member
    I would no doubt buy the medicine. Have you tried going to a food bank or even your local church? I grew up pretty poor (under poverty line) and all my mom had to do was say the word and my pastor would come over to our apartment with tons of food. And every Thankgiving/Christmas, he brought us over a turkey/ham. See if you can qualify for food stamps or some kind of government help. Perhaps you could file for unemployment? It sucks depending on the government, but when you have no options, it may be your last chance. But the dog for sure. He's your baby.

    See this is a big problem, because I can't file for unemployment it's been to long since I worked.. since I have hardly any experience no one will hire me.. to may ppl wanting a job they have their pick it seems :(. And like I said above they won't give us foodstamps.. I tried twice.. it makes no sense to me!

    Hmmm. Did you try local food banks to save money on groceries? And like a lot of people have said. try calling your vet. Maybe they would help? Best of luck, hun.

    No I haven't called the food bank yet.. I feel bad taking from people that might be worse off than me.. I can usually stretch the money and have like $2 left each week.. but have everything I need.. but then the random surprises like this throw me off my feet completely.
  • SheilaSisco
    SheilaSisco Posts: 722 Member
    I'm LDS (Mormon) and I know for fact that my church will help ANYONE who needs it, not just it's congregation. If you have a Mormon church in your town, get ahold of it's Bishop. He will help you, I can pretty much guarantee it. Go to www.mormon.org then go to Visit Us and Find a Mormon Church. It'll take you to a page where you can type in your address and it will give you the nearest church's location, phone number, and the Bishop's name and number. Call them. Really. My heart goes out to you.
  • silhouettes
    silhouettes Posts: 517 Member
    Can you sell something?

    I have been trying to sell stuff on ebay for awhile now... stuff I don't really need.. but nothing sells and the local pawn shop won't give you anything for it.. it's not worth it.

    I don't know the size of your town, but have you tried posting stuff on craigslist?

    We are kind of small, I have never actually been to the website.. but I had a friend say they had problems trying selling on there before.. but it won't hurt to try, I'll check it out.
  • Natolee72
    Natolee72 Posts: 122 Member
    :frown: I am so sorry :frown:
  • cupcakelover103
    cupcakelover103 Posts: 197 Member
    I'm sorry you're in such a tough situation. I agree with looking for other options like churches or charities. Perhaps you could hold a yard sale or something like that to raise some extra money?
  • BunnybeeJG
    BunnybeeJG Posts: 344 Member
    I can't believe the water company can be so cold hearted that they wouldn't work with me in my situation. There is no choice for me. I won't let my baby die. He is like a child to me. I have had him 9 years and I would rather go without water for awhile than risk his death.

    I just can't comprehend how they could even ask me to make this choice.. you can't just poop out money! It's not like we have been behind before.. it's not like we aren't trying!

    I just wanted to rant somewhere... And see what you guys would do in my situation, like I said it's no choice for me. I won't risk my babies life.... and maybe tomorrow when I go talk to them again I can convince them to work with me and pay payments... but tonight I need some encouragement and kind words and advice, this is making me sick and I can't sleep because of it.

    I can believe it.

    they are a company.
    they honestly may say they care but really its always about money.
    they don't care what your problems are.

    The vet might be more warm hearted though... like someone suggested please tell her the situation... cry if you can lol i know that sounds horrible but ... the vet above any of the companies you have to deal with will have a heart they became a vet for a reason they wouldn't want your dog to die.

    when we lost our electricity and everything it was actually around the time our cat got really sick... something about the apartments carpeting and the stress of everything she got a tumor and it grew behind her eye. the doctor said that she could live with it and it wasn't really causing her much pain but my grandparents basically told my mom that she had to put her down... which i thought was inhumane at first but realizing that driving all the way from nv to chicago in jan she probbably wouldn't have made it cuz she was sick. after hundreds of dollars for meds. in which at some point in there i couldn't help pay for and she had to go without it... the vet helped her out with the medicine. a couple months later though in january, we had to put her down.

    my mom was so devistated, that cat was her baby... her best friend basically ... the vet ended up giving her the ashes for no charge... so I know from experience that a vet will def. have more of a heart than a company that makes money off of the accidental leaks that aren't your fault... they don't really care they just want their money. especially now! lol
    maybe she can come up with a payment plan or a more generic cheaper version of what he needs to be okay.
  • brittanyscherich
    brittanyscherich Posts: 355 Member
    I would no doubt buy the medicine. Have you tried going to a food bank or even your local church? I grew up pretty poor (under poverty line) and all my mom had to do was say the word and my pastor would come over to our apartment with tons of food. And every Thankgiving/Christmas, he brought us over a turkey/ham. See if you can qualify for food stamps or some kind of government help. Perhaps you could file for unemployment? It sucks depending on the government, but when you have no options, it may be your last chance. But the dog for sure. He's your baby.

    See this is a big problem, because I can't file for unemployment it's been to long since I worked.. since I have hardly any experience no one will hire me.. to may ppl wanting a job they have their pick it seems :(. And like I said above they won't give us foodstamps.. I tried twice.. it makes no sense to me!

    Hmmm. Did you try local food banks to save money on groceries? And like a lot of people have said. try calling your vet. Maybe they would help? Best of luck, hun.

    No I haven't called the food bank yet.. I feel bad taking from people that might be worse off than me.. I can usually stretch the money and have like $2 left each week.. but have everything I need.. but then the random surprises like this throw me off my feet completely.

    You either have to get no water, or your dog doesnt get his medicine that he needs to live! If anyone deserves it, you do.
    Just curious.. a lot of people are picky about jobs and wont apply to like cashier and mcdonald's jobs. you're not one of these people are you? im a cashier and make about $600- $1,000 a month, depending on the hours I get. Hoping you're applying to all you can. Also, if you never use the a/c in your car and make sure your tires are properly inflated, it could save gas money.
  • brittanyscherich
    brittanyscherich Posts: 355 Member
    about the yard sale:

    that's a great idea! and just post flyers all over town to attract more people.
  • silhouettes
    silhouettes Posts: 517 Member
    I would no doubt buy the medicine. Have you tried going to a food bank or even your local church? I grew up pretty poor (under poverty line) and all my mom had to do was say the word and my pastor would come over to our apartment with tons of food. And every Thankgiving/Christmas, he brought us over a turkey/ham. See if you can qualify for food stamps or some kind of government help. Perhaps you could file for unemployment? It sucks depending on the government, but when you have no options, it may be your last chance. But the dog for sure. He's your baby.

    See this is a big problem, because I can't file for unemployment it's been to long since I worked.. since I have hardly any experience no one will hire me.. to may ppl wanting a job they have their pick it seems :(. And like I said above they won't give us foodstamps.. I tried twice.. it makes no sense to me!

    Hmmm. Did you try local food banks to save money on groceries? And like a lot of people have said. try calling your vet. Maybe they would help? Best of luck, hun.

    No I haven't called the food bank yet.. I feel bad taking from people that might be worse off than me.. I can usually stretch the money and have like $2 left each week.. but have everything I need.. but then the random surprises like this throw me off my feet completely.

    You either have to get no water, or your dog doesnt get his medicine that he needs to live! If anyone deserves it, you do.
    Just curious.. a lot of people are picky about jobs and wont apply to like cashier and mcdonald's jobs. you're not one of these people are you? im a cashier and make about $600- $1,000 a month, depending on the hours I get. Hoping you're applying to all you can. Also, if you never use the a/c in your car and make sure your tires are properly inflated, it could save gas money.

    I already said I refuse to let my dog die.. there is no choice for me.

    As for the jobs. I worked at McDonalds in HS and quit to go to college and them not working with my hours.. at the time I thought college was more important (unfortunally due to a problem with my scholorship I wasn't able to finish anyways), but due to me quitting McDonald's I am not allowed to have another job there even though it was like 5+ years ago.

    We have hardly any places hiring but I'm not being picky.. you can be right now seriously? They just aren't hiring and if they are.. they have so many applications why hire someone with hardly any experience and hasn't had a job in a very long time?

    Carwise.. we air up the tires on my husband's car everytime we go for gas if they need it and well.. we haven't even touched the A/C yet this year... I doubt the money for gas will help pay anything with the gas prices going up... we only use $10-$15 a week on gas anyways and that includes job hunting and him going to work.
  • silhouettes
    silhouettes Posts: 517 Member
    about the yard sale:

    that's a great idea! and just post flyers all over town to attract more people.

    I might try this even if they help me or not.. I live on a small side road but I think my parents would let me use their yard they are on a more main road.

    Unfortunally with Easter coming up I don't think I'd be able to until next month but it's not due to the 15th or something, so it should be ok... Hopefully I have something someone would want.. I sure as heck have enough large clothes lying around now!
  • brittanyscherich
    brittanyscherich Posts: 355 Member
    about the yard sale:

    that's a great idea! and just post flyers all over town to attract more people.

    I might try this even if they help me or not.. I live on a small side road but I think my parents would let me use their yard they are on a more main road.

    Unfortunally with Easter coming up I don't think I'd be able to until next month but it's not due to the 15th or something, so it should be ok... Hopefully I have something someone would want.. I sure as heck have enough large clothes lying around now!

    That's a great idea! Have you tried selling stuff to Goodwill? As long as your clothes are in semigood condition, they'll buy them. You can sell almost anything to Goodwill.
  • BunnybeeJG
    BunnybeeJG Posts: 344 Member
    ya i know my boyfriend has actually been homeless and lived out of motels and eaten nacho cheese and beans or whathave you... so sometiems i feel like even what i went thru is nothing.
    but honestly, we all have our own degrees of bad.
    like my grandmother thinking that when my grandfather retires she wont be able to gamble anymore lol she's nuts.

    totally get you on that job thing.. i 'm getting mroe and more anxious as the weeks go by seeing less hours... no matter how hard i try... knowing i do work for a company that eventually is going to go under... my store is profitable but like with music stores and videostores... books are ... on their way :sad:

    poop. right?

    its all fecking poop lol

    everything is going to be okay... that's all you have to telll yourself.

    let them shut your water off.

    invest in some jugs, and just pay for water at the stores for fifty cents or whathave you.
  • silhouettes
    silhouettes Posts: 517 Member
    about the yard sale:

    that's a great idea! and just post flyers all over town to attract more people.

    I might try this even if they help me or not.. I live on a small side road but I think my parents would let me use their yard they are on a more main road.

    Unfortunally with Easter coming up I don't think I'd be able to until next month but it's not due to the 15th or something, so it should be ok... Hopefully I have something someone would want.. I sure as heck have enough large clothes lying around now!

    That's a great idea! Have you tried selling stuff to Goodwill? As long as your clothes are in semigood condition, they'll buy them. You can sell almost anything to Goodwill.

    The problem on that is that my husband actually works for the Goodwill as a truck driver.. they give him gift certificates in the store sometimes for using his prepaid cell for work (he lets me use these to buy new clothes so far it's been amazing!) but the downside is if we donate anything we need to give it to them for free... not sure if that's a rule but my husband doesn't want to ask them for money for them since they give us the certificates often and don't have to.
  • silhouettes
    silhouettes Posts: 517 Member
    ya i know my boyfriend has actually been homeless and lived out of motels and eaten nacho cheese and beans or whathave you... so sometiems i feel like even what i went thru is nothing.
    but honestly, we all have our own degrees of bad.
    like my grandmother thinking that when my grandfather retires she wont be able to gamble anymore lol she's nuts.

    totally get you on that job thing.. i 'm getting mroe and more anxious as the weeks go by seeing less hours... no matter how hard i try... knowing i do work for a company that eventually is going to go under... my store is profitable but like with music stores and videostores... books are ... on their way :sad:

    poop. right?

    its all fecking poop lol

    everything is going to be okay... that's all you have to telll yourself.

    let them shut your water off.

    invest in some jugs, and just pay for water at the stores for fifty cents or whathave you.

    Truthfully if worse comes to worse.. my parents only live 15 minute walk away. They wouldn't turn me down for bumming water.. I would just get some jugs and bum water off them until I managed to get the money to pay the water.. but the thought is just so horrible. I am a clean freak with my hands and the thought of not washing them as much as I do now drives me crazy! Our water frooze one winter and I almost went out of my mind lol.. I can handle it. I would for Muddle.. but it sucks lol.
  • brittanyscherich
    brittanyscherich Posts: 355 Member
    about the yard sale:

    that's a great idea! and just post flyers all over town to attract more people.

    I might try this even if they help me or not.. I live on a small side road but I think my parents would let me use their yard they are on a more main road.

    Unfortunally with Easter coming up I don't think I'd be able to until next month but it's not due to the 15th or something, so it should be ok... Hopefully I have something someone would want.. I sure as heck have enough large clothes lying around now!

    That's a great idea! Have you tried selling stuff to Goodwill? As long as your clothes are in semigood condition, they'll buy them. You can sell almost anything to Goodwill.

    The problem on that is that my husband actually works for the Goodwill as a truck driver.. they give him gift certificates in the store sometimes for using his prepaid cell for work (he lets me use these to buy new clothes so far it's been amazing!) but the downside is if we donate anything we need to give it to them for free... not sure if that's a rule but my husband doesn't want to ask them for money for them since they give us the certificates often and don't have to.

    oh :( well that's a huge bummer. Maybe there are other local stores who will buy your used clothes or other items that aren't sold at that yard sale.
  • silhouettes
    silhouettes Posts: 517 Member
    With that said.. I never had a water bill higher than $60 EVER and that was when I filled up a toy pool twice a week for a full month full of water.. my typical bill was $45 or less.