What would you do? (kind of depressing thread sorry)



  • BigCountry00
    What other places are there in your town to work at other than McD's or the Goodwill place?
  • silhouettes
    silhouettes Posts: 517 Member
    Now that you have a bit of a reprieve, you need to plan for the worst case scenario. You also need to find a way to pay the balance owed on your current bill. Just because you dodged this bullet doesn't mean its going to disappear! Start putting tiny bits of money aside now - even $2 a day.

    As heartless as it sounds, it may be time to think about slowing down on your dog's medicines. If they are the thing that is keeping you from living with the basic necessities like water, it may be time to make other arrangements. Your vet or the local shelter may be able to help you find someone to foster the dog until you're back on your feet financially.

    One last thing - keep applying for government aid. Its a difficult process on purpose. Long story short, but when my son was born, we applied for Supplemental Security Income 9 times before they finally approved our application. The information on it hadn't changed, but they kept setting up hoops for us to jump through. It was a pain in the *kitten*, but totally worth it in the long run.

    Good luck to you, hon!

    I have no more news at the moment, I won't until next week.. but yes I am trying to save every penny in case we do have to pay the full amount.

    I know you are trying to be helpful, but slowing down on my dogs medicine is murder and I am no murder. Would you slow on your child's medicine? Because that's what your asking me to do.

    I am NOT giving my babies to a shelter because for one month we are down on our luck.. it's not like we abuse them and starve them to death.. I mean I'm willing to give up water for them... doesn't that make me a good mom? Would a mother give her kids away because she's behind on bills for one month even though there is food on the table and medicine in their tummies if they need it?

    I am continuing to try for assistance.

    Other jobs around here... ummm we have walmart... it hires alot... but no luck... we have hotels... no luck.. restraunts... no luck.... ummm kohl's and a few clothing stores but they don't seem to think I "look good enough", there's gas stations... no luck... umm............ I dunno normal town stuff... but I have tried everything I can think of.. and no luck.

    I will post back if I get more news but for now I have none and I don't have much time to keep checking back on this, this week (or the next few actually) unfortunally... it's been busy because of all the holidays and Quackzi's and my mom's birthday coming up at the beginning of May and mother's day and Easter past... and going out of town at the end of May. Hectic!

    I will post back when I hear something and have time though.
  • Suzannejl
    Suzannejl Posts: 212
    Still praying for you
  • KristenAnn711
    I'm very sorry to hear about your situation.

    I think we've all been in that situation some time or another, especially the way the economy is going. I'm from Michigan, and I understand about it being hard to find jobs. I worked crappy part-time jobs just to pay what I could in my bills. My credit is shot, and I owe a lot of companies money. Some of my bills are in collections, but I'm doing what I can. The companies don't like it, but hey like you said, you can't poop money.

    When you apply to these jobs, do you include a resume/cover letter? Even with little experience it shows you're serious. You can get samples and help online or from the library. Also, I'm sure you do, but make sure to check in with places you applied at least a week after you turn in the application. Keep applying to the same places, you WILL find something! Especially keep trying and Wal-Mart. Even if you have to work the overnight shift.

    I really hope you find some relief in these hard times.
  • JJtexasgirl
    JJtexasgirl Posts: 106 Member

    I know you are trying to be helpful, but slowing down on my dogs medicine is murder and I am no murder. Would you slow on your child's medicine? Because that's what your asking me to do.

    I am NOT giving my babies to a shelter because for one month we are down on our luck.. it's not like we abuse them and starve them to death.. I mean I'm willing to give up water for them... doesn't that make me a good mom? Would a mother give her kids away because she's behind on bills for one month even though there is food on the table and medicine in their tummies if they need it?

    I was not asking you to "murder" your baby. I was also not asking you to give your dogs away permanently. I suggested finding someone to foster them until you get back on your feet. And yes, many many mothers do this with their human children every year. Sometimes being a good mother (to a person or a dog) means sacrificing what makes you happy in order to do what's right for the child. Giving up necessities, like water, doesn't make you a good mom. It makes you a naive one. After all, your dogs need water to survive also.

    At some point, you have to realize that denying yourself the basic necessities of survival in order to continue to have a luxury item (and yes, pets are a luxury item) is detrimental to everyone and thing involved.