BMR and Calorie Deficit - CONFUSED!



  • HustleRose
    I think all this is good to know, and if you're worried about starvation mode at 1200 calories, which very well could happen depending on your height, weight, exertion level, blah blah blah, then manually change that goal to what MFP tells you is your BMR, or a number close to it. You'll still be losing weight, it just might not be an even 1 or 1.5 lbs a week. Your goals page will tell you your new projected weekly weight loss, eating at your BMR which IS well below your maintenance calories, since you DON'T spend every day asleep... I assume. :tongue:

    It's really way too soon for you to get frustrated, though. I mean, I know you can't help getting frustrated, but do your best to ignore it. When I started here, it was a HUGE lifestyle change for me, but it still took 2-3 weeks before the scale even moved at all. And I know that's true for a lot of people. You just joined this month and it's only half way through. Even if you joined on the first, that's only two weeks, you really can't tell what's going to work yet.

    When you say you've tried everything, well, it's only been like two weeks. You can't be trying each thing for long enough to actually see results.

    My best suggestion would be to stop, take a deep breath and try to relax about it. Aim for that lower weight loss and give it time, I mean real time, to see how it works for your body.