some things just shouldn't be glorified....or rewarded...



  • Crystal817
    Crystal817 Posts: 2,021 Member
    If they can afford all them kids without welfare or something the taxpayers have to pay for then more power to them.
    except that kate plus 8 chick i cant STAND her lol

    I wonder how many people can really support a family of that size, without having a TV show... lol
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    If they can afford all them kids without welfare or something the taxpayers have to pay for then more power to them.
    except that kate plus 8 chick i cant STAND her lol

    I wonder how many people can really support a family of that size, without having a TV show... lol

    I dont think many can since octo mom is about ready to lose her house,and she dosent have a tv show
  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    The only upside I can come up with is that MAYBE another teen watching the show will give it a second thought before they take on such a drastic responsibility.

    I was married at 17. The mother of 1 a month before I turned 19. A mother of two at 22. Tubes tied at 24. Divorced at 25. I married a bum to start with, so the whole responsibility of raising my two sons fell on me. Years later, I'm happy with the way it turned out. But there were times I didn't think I was going to make it. Unlike some of these lazy *kitten* girls on the reality show, I worked full time and went to school, while maintaining a home and caring for my kids. I didn't have parents who helped me. And I damn sure didn't get public assistance.

    Long story short, I agree with you.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    The only upside I can come up with is that MAYBE another teen watching the show will give it a second thought before they take on such a drastic responsibility.

    I was married at 17. The mother of 1 a month before I turned 19. A mother of two at 22. Tubes tied at 24. Divorced at 25. I married a bum to start with, so the whole responsibility of raising my two sons fell on me. Years later, I'm happy with the way it turned out. But there were times I didn't think I was going to make it. Unlike some of these lazy *kitten* girls on the reality show, I worked full time and went to school, while maintaining a home and caring for my kids. I didn't have parents who helped me. And I damn sure didn't get public assistance.

    Long story short, I agree with you.

    I wanted to get my tubes tied at 24 and was told I had to wait till I was 30 WTF!
    im glad I did not do it cuz I have a beautifull little girl now
  • JellyJaks
    JellyJaks Posts: 589 Member
    How do you guys feel about the shows about people with 10+ kids... or even 19+ kids?!

    It irritates the crap out of me! I don't care whether or not they can FINANCIALLY afford the children. None of those children are getting the ATTENTION that children need. The older ones are raising the younger ones instead of being teenagers!

    And I absolutely REFUSE to watch any of the reality shows that deal with teen pregnancy or having an enormous amount of children. It's not entertainment to me by any definition of the word.
  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    How do you guys feel about the shows about people with 10+ kids... or even 19+ kids?!

    It irritates the crap out of me! I don't care whether or not they can FINANCIALLY afford the children. None of those children are getting the ATTENTION that children need. The older ones are raising the younger ones instead of being teenagers!

    And I absolutely REFUSE to watch any of the reality shows that deal with teen pregnancy or having an enormous amount of children. It's not entertainment to me by any definition of the word.

    I agree - that "Octomom" makesme sick - house already in foreclosure. Those poor kids.
  • believetoachieve
    believetoachieve Posts: 675 Member
    Mabey people need to stop protesting when schools want to teach sex ed,seriously they were going to have a sex ed class at my sons school and the holy rollers got BENT out of shape about it, so no sex ed class.

    Not to say I havent talked to him myself,but all they will teach in the school now is abstinence

    Not necessarily true. I went to a catholic elementary school (kindergarten to grade 8, so age 3 - 13), and they taught sex education starting in grade 1. Mind you, at that age we were learning more about how/where babies grow. But by grade 3-4, we were taught exactly HOW babies were made, how to prevent it, how to keep yourself safe, etc. And this was a fully catholic school, complete with weekly religion classes. Our highschools have a dedicated (mandatory) sex ed class that has to be taken before you can graduate.

    Maybe this abstinence garbage is only being taught in the USA? I dunno, but not in Canada! :smile:
  • codymham
    codymham Posts: 11
    Some things just shouldn't be celebrated or rewarded... *clears throat*
    Like hard right conservatives
    Lady gaga and Ke$ha
    Jersey Shore
    Vegans who won't shut up about how much more evolved they are
    Anyone from San Francisco (sorry :()
    Sarah Palin
    Justin Bieber
  • JellyJaks
    JellyJaks Posts: 589 Member
    Mabey people need to stop protesting when schools want to teach sex ed,seriously they were going to have a sex ed class at my sons school and the holy rollers got BENT out of shape about it, so no sex ed class.

    Not to say I havent talked to him myself,but all they will teach in the school now is abstinence

    Not necessarily true. I went to a catholic elementary school (kindergarten to grade 8, so age 3 - 13), and they taught sex education starting in grade 1. Mind you, at that age we were learning more about how/where babies grow. But by grade 3-4, we were taught exactly HOW babies were made, how to prevent it, how to keep yourself safe, etc. And this was a fully catholic school, complete with weekly religion classes. Our highschools have a dedicated (mandatory) sex ed class that has to be taken before you can graduate.

    Maybe this abstinence garbage is only being taught in the USA? I dunno, but not in Canada! :smile:

    This doesn't surprise me in the least. The US is all for using sex to advertise everything under the sun by OH NO! we can't talk about it to our children! That's indecent :grumble:
  • absolament
    absolament Posts: 278 Member
    Nothing beats love. Problem is sometimes girls go looking for love when they don't have it at home. I'm one of those cases. A mom at 16...but I did an adequate job of raising my girls (now 19 and 16). What it really comes down to is that not everyone is willing or able to be a good parent. There are adults as well as teens who fall into that category. As for the reality shows, I guess it all boils down to: if you aren't talking to your kids about shows on TV or life situations (even if they "don't want to hear it") then you aren't actively parenting your children.

    It's unfortunate that some couples can't have biological children, but there are ample children of all ages needing a home and someone to love them.

    And just to add: sometimes you can be the best and most loving parent, but some kids just do what they want anyway.
  • Crystal817
    Crystal817 Posts: 2,021 Member

    It's unfortunate that some couples can't have biological children, but there are ample children of all ages needing a home and someone to love them.

    EXACTLY! :)
  • codymham
    codymham Posts: 11
    "Our greatest weapon against teen pregnancy is instilling in our children a sense of self-loathing because we have an epidemic of young Americans who see their naked bodies and don't know it's the work of Satan."
  • JellyJaks
    JellyJaks Posts: 589 Member

    And just to add: sometimes you can be the best and most loving parent, but some kids just do what they want anyway.

    This is very true. It reminds me of a Jeff Foxworthy joke. He's talking about how you sacrifice years of your life to no sleep and no money just so your kids can grow up, go on Oprah and blame every dang problem they have on you. "Just one time I want someone to say, my mama was great., my daddy was great, I'm just a sh**head" :laugh:
  • WWE_chick
    WWE_chick Posts: 86
    Being honest I watch the shows 16 and pregnant and teen mom.........i just started though and I agree with you 100%. The thing that bothers me so much is that they get paid SO MUCH MONEY as do other reality stars. The likes of Snooki (I despise the Jersey Shore) makes like $30,000 for an appearance that is more than some adults working 9-5 make. Or Amber from teen mom season 1 said she made nearly $300,000 for the time she was on the show.........what does that say to college graduates that being honest majority will not make that in a year.
  • Crystal817
    Crystal817 Posts: 2,021 Member
    Being honest I watch the shows 16 and pregnant and teen mom.........i just started though and I agree with you 100%. The thing that bothers me so much is that they get paid SO MUCH MONEY as do other reality stars. The likes of Snooki (I despise the Jersey Shore) makes like $30,000 for an appearance that is more than some adults working 9-5 make. Or Amber from teen mom season 1 said she made nearly $300,000 for the time she was on the show.........what does that say to college graduates that being honest majority will not make that in a year.
    The only reason why these people make so much money, is because every week people turn on their TV's and watch them. :indifferent:
  • Bridgetc140
    Bridgetc140 Posts: 405 Member
    We got rid of cable, because I believe there is nothing beneficial there for my daughter to watch. Teen pregnancy should NOT be glorified.........everyone forgets that these girls are being PAID to be on this show. I've never watched this crap and WON'T. I admire the Amish people and their humble standards while living in this awful world. Like a previous poster, I probably would have been disowned for being a teen mom..................scared me straight, that's for sure. On another note, I would never disown my daughter for ANY reason other than being a homicidal killer, but I hope to educate her and would provide birth control and tools for safe sex if she is sexually active even after my attempts to steer her otherwise.
  • peepocheck
    peepocheck Posts: 57 Member
    I work at an elementary school and see first hand the problems many of the children born to teenage parents - some as young as 12 years old - endure on a daily basis. Realize that these children are graduating at the same time their children are going into kindergarten. It seems to especially hit the boys hard when they have no father in their home. Our boys are growing up without their role models...they're far more aggressive and disrespectful without their fathers to guide them day and night ...not just on an occasional weekend. I personally like the show because it does focus on how hard it is to deal with a baby day to day and night to night. I shows that 9 times out of 10 of the relationship do not work out. And who gets hurt the most...our babies.
    Having a son who at 20 along with his 19 year old now wife began a child while still in college with no job I know that once the baby is on the way he/she should not be penalized for what he/she had no doing in. The only way to make for a better future for our grandchildren is to help them get on their feet, finish their schooling and go on in life. My grandchild is now 16 and has a 13 year old sister, both in a loving home provided by my son who is a mature man, loves his wife, makes well over 300,000 per year and all are enjoying a good life. I'm glad we sacrificed to better our and their lives.
  • snkeller24
    snkeller24 Posts: 459
    Based on the issues that these 'children' had growing up, getting pregnant, they will project them onto their children. It's a cycle. Do you ever wonder if your children will be ashamed of you for having them at a young age and not being able to give them everything they could desire? Even if all their doing is comparing them to their friends parents who are a little more better off? You're going to preach to your children about teen pregnancy when you were a statistic yourself. I don't know how you do it. I admire those who continue and accomplish their goals/dreams but children are not a hampster you get from the pet store. Everyone has their own opinion based on their upbringing and the debate will never end.

    And I know that was like 5 different points. ha
  • peepocheck
    peepocheck Posts: 57 Member
    Oh yeah, forgot to mention we had a boy who was excused from school a couple of week ago because he had to have a paternity test. He's in the 4th grade. I think sex education is becoming an on the job training.
    Anyone like me.....think there's too many hormones in our food?
    Girls having periods at 8 and 9....boys taking paternity tests at 10? Makes you wonder.
  • Crystal817
    Crystal817 Posts: 2,021 Member
    Oh yeah, forgot to mention we had a boy who was excused from school a couple of week ago because he had to have a paternity test. He's in the 4th grade.

    Wow. I didn't even think about sex at that age. wtf?!