Starting January 2011



  • snockers3112
    snockers3112 Posts: 190 Member
    Here we all are on the 1st April, all feeling lighter - in fact a gust of wind blew me sideways doubt that would have happened before as there was too much weight anchoring me down!

    But I digress :) Weigh in this morning 1.5lb loss....I'm very happy about this but really was hoping for 3lb to reach that 2 stone milestone..oh well...perhaps by the end of this next week I'll be there!

    How is everyone else doing??
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member
    Hi everyone, I lost 1.5lbs this week bringing my total up to 25lbs lost so far - I have set myself a mini goal to try and lose 3lb before the end of this month. I've been fitting in extra walks with the dogs, taking stairs all the time, I've even been walking up escalators! (people give me funny looks but I don't care) I'm determined not to go into the red on anything this week and I'm drinking more water than I've ever managed to drink before. Pleasseeeeeeeeeeeeee let me lose this 3lb before Friday 1st April! LOL if I manage that I'll be ecstatic as it would be two whole stones in weight since the beginning of January. :-)

    I know how you feel.... I need to lose 1 more pound by April 4th (which is when I started the the Rosemary Conley diet) to reach exactly 2 stones (28 lbs)....
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member
    An update:

    On Monday evenings I weigh in at my diet club (Rosemary Conley) - this I had a loss of 3 lbs....!

    I swear I thought it was only going to 0.5 - 1 lb at the most... considering I had McDonald's for lunch Saturday (ran out of time to make good choices!), and then Thai food on Sunday with 1/2 a bottle of sparkling Rose.... eek!

    I got my KiFit last week, and it's very interesting:

    On Saturday, I did No Mo Trouble Zones for exercise and burned approx. 270 calories - but my total calorie burn for the day was
    3720....! According to KiFit & MFP my Resting Metabolic rate is approx. 2150 calories... so that means I burned 1300 calories (3720 - 2150 -270 = 1300) from doing everyday things (clothes shopping...!)

    Also, my average calorie consumption is 1500 - 1600, so I always have a deficit of approx. 1000 calories.....

    Maybe that's why I lost 3 lbs last week.....?
  • wintervixen78
    wintervixen78 Posts: 176 Member
    Well, I pushed my luck. I spent 3 days in the red instead of 1 and I paid for it with a 2 lbs gain. Now I'm 4 lbs away from my 2 stone loss. I made healthier choices yesterday and passed up on things, but then my friend and boyfriend started ordering cocktails and just one won't hurt, turned into more drinks and food. But I stopped and started back on diet coke. Now I have to work even harder next week, well next month, to meet my 2 stone loss challenge and to get out of the 200's. To do this, I'll have to loose 3lbs a week! My boozy foody influential friend, and not that I'm blaming her, is going home to Aus for 3 weeks, which is good, because when she gets back, she'll see a skinnier me. She's doing weight watchers and I keep telling her about MFP, but she's put of by logging what goes in her mouth, she likes the points, so she doesn't have to see the calories she's consuming. She spends every weekend and some week days on pub grub and lots of drinks, which is why she's not loosing and when she goes back home she eats even more! I wish I could help, but first I have to sort me out before I can even begin to behave like I can fix anyone else :o)

    @snockers Hehe I love your comment about the wind! It made me giggle. Well done on your loss, you're all so close to that miles stone. Great work!!

    @marianne Well done on your loss!! It sounds like the KiFit is working really well for you. I watched the videos on the device and it looks great :o) If it wasn't slightly costly, I would be joining you. Keep up the fantastic work.
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member
    Well, I pushed my luck. I spent 3 days in the red instead of 1 and I paid for it with a 2 lbs gain. @snockers Hehe I love your comment about the wind! It made me giggle. Well done on your loss, you're all so close to that miles stone. Great work!!

    Well, I pushed my luck too.... had a busy weekend - out Saturday night, meal on Sunday.... no exercise over the weekend.... so I'm 2lb up too...!

    I need to get my act together..... I'm off to Orlando on Friday for 2 weeks, so I need to focus & make better choices....
  • wintervixen78
    wintervixen78 Posts: 176 Member
    I attempted to jog yesterday! I managed a few minutes and then just did a mega fast walk instead. In my defense I have a bit of a cold! Hahaha But I realise that when I reach my goal, the next thing will be to increase my fitness levels and tone up.

    How's everyone else doing?

    @Marianne: the 2lbs will come off easily for you, you're doing so well!! Enjoy your 2 weeks :o)
  • snockers3112
    snockers3112 Posts: 190 Member
    I am ecstatic to say I have finally managed to reach 28lbs off, the magic 2 stone marker...yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! starting weight was 217 and current weight is 189. I got so excited I decided to see if I was out of the 'obese' category on one of these healthy weight charts only to find I'm I don't feel obese, I feel overweight but a LOT less overweight than I was. I've only gone down one dress size after all that weight so I must have had it well hidden, that's all I can say!

    It's wonderful seeing everyone else doing so well too, what a great little team we all are! I can't even begin to imagine how we are all going to be doing or even finished by next Christmas. Everyone one of us deserves a congratulatory slap on the back XXXXXX
  • Silky815
    Silky815 Posts: 367 Member
    I have lost 24 pounds and only have 6 more to lose. I have until August to lose it. That is when my son is getting married. I refuse to be FAT, like I was when my daughter got married in 2007. This son of mine, is going to be proud of how his mom looks at his wedding. I will do this for him and for ME!!!!!!!!
  • rachel1975f
    rachel1975f Posts: 894
    Hi everyone, I have not had a lot of time to post lately, but I have been checking you all out, and reading the thread. I am so excited for everyone's progress. i was able to lose another 1.5 pounds this week, which I really had to work at, because I went away last weekend, and went off a bit. :blushing:

    @wintervixen78 - Good luck with the jogging! I have never been able to jog, but would like to try. I got EA Active Sports for my Xbox 360 and am trying to get my endurance up. Maybe someday. May even run a 5K someday? We can do it!! :happy:

    @snockers3112 - Congratulations on meeting the 28 lb/2 stone marker!!! Cheers to you!! :drinker: You should be very proud of yourself, I am proud of you. And I know your motivation is going to keep you going. Congrats again!!!

    @Silky815 - Great job with the 24 pounds. You will easily lose those last 6 by August. You will look beautiful at your son's wedding!! :flowerforyou:

    Hope you all have a great weekend!!
  • Monicqua
    Monicqua Posts: 21 Member
    Hi everyone it's really great to see and read how well we are doing :smile: yes as snokers3112 said Everyone one of us deserves a congratulatory slap on the back XXXXXX

    I am happy with my progress :blushing: and I feel as if I am now taking it to another level, I am trying to tackle my weak points :frown: the ones that gained me the most weight.

    one week before TOM I go picking crazy ( my fancying this and that goes into overdrive) and I feel nothing is going right :ohwell: , which brings me into the other one stress.

    So now once I realise what's happening (ie TOM is coming) when I fancy something instead of eating I try and drink water :drinker: , pick at grapes and if possible excercise more :bigsmile:

    With stress I now try and tackle the trigger that has changed my balance or live with it in a calmer way and drink more water :laugh: ...

    and I am trying to be more in tuned with how I am feeling :smile:

    This is new I am trying a new method - usually I do yo yo weight on, weight off .... I have reached this stage because of the support we share :flowerforyou: yeaheee to be continued.

    I'm sure we are all putting our best foot forward ....... WELL DONE Everyone :heart:
  • wintervixen78
    wintervixen78 Posts: 176 Member
    Well, I've lost a total of 1lb, which is a step in the right direction. But more has got to come off, I'm determined! I've been having sneaky pre-weighs and my weight is staying put. So I just have to make sure I flush out sodium and stay in the green as much as possible. Especially now it's hot, I really need to increase my water, or my body will hold on to it. Anyway, no excuses, just perseverance.

    How's everyone's week going?

    @Monicqua You're doing great! You've doubled your weight loss in a month, just keep doing what works. TOM is a scale killer, but just keep at it and you'll continue to lose.

    @snockers3112 Well done! Congratulations!! I'm really happy for you. You worked really hard and deserve it. Keep up the fantastic work :o)

    @Silky815 Well done on coming so close to your goal. I hope you're going to treat yourself to a new outfit for the wedding. Hopefully you have before and after pics too (or both sets of wedding pics), the difference is and will be amazing. Well done!

    @rachel1975f Congrats on your loss! Don't worry about going off track, you really know how to get back on it. I went a little off track too, I think, but I'm back again!! I haven't really been jogging again. I really need an empty park or something, if there's too many people, I feel silly (I know I shouldn't). Anyway, well done and keep up the good work :o)
  • togden
    togden Posts: 324 Member
    Hello Everyone

    My name is Tamaira and I am a 28 year old single mother to a beautiful 2 year old little girl. I live and work full time in Northern Virginia, I am starting school next month as a full time student, and I live about 4 hours away from all of my family and friends being that I am originally from Pittsburgh, PA.

    I started this journey on January 16th at 402.6 lbs ..... I am hoping with my mother, sisters, and MFP friends you all will continue to support and encourage me through the internet. If anyone is in the Northern Virginia area please feel free to send me a message maybe we could work out together sometime ... Im trying to recruit coworkers but no one is taking it seriously and so its best i move on or i know i will fall back into old habits.

    SW 1/16 - 402.6
    1/23 - 398.5 (4.1 loss)
    1/20 - 391.6 (6.9 loss)

    Hey everyone just a quick check in ... This Saturday will be my 3month mark ... I was hoping to be at 25lbs by then but I am ecstatic with my 22lbs and maybe more by the end of the week ... Hoping everyone else is having great success!!
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member
    Well done Tamaira on your 22 lbs loss!!!!
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member
    I'm currently in Orlando - got here on Saturday 9th, but should've arrived on Friday 8th...!

    US Airways cancelled our flight from Gatwick airport, and they put us on a flight from Heathrow airport to Toronto...! We stayed there overnight, and then flew in to Orlando.

    All I can say, is that US Airways is a cr*p airline & based on my short stay in Canada - I have no desire to go back there!!!!

    The hotel (Crowne Plaza Universal) we're staying at is lovely... somehow we've lucked out by getting given an executive room which includes access to the executive lounge = complimentary breakfast, snacks & drinks...!

    I'm finding it hard to log my food exactly... because hardly any of the items I've bought in shops have any nutritional info on them. Plus, when we have mostly eaten buffet-style when we've gone out to eat....

    But I have tried to keep with my exercise though...! After recovering from my travel adventure & jet lag, I have exercised the last 2 days & this morning:
    Sunday - 30 mins on cross-trainer (hotel gym)
    Monday - 30 mins on cross-trainer & No More Trouble Zones (played on iPhone)
    Today - Turbo Jam (played on iPhone) in hotel room

    I just want to say if you're going to Orlando, stay at this hotel.... excellent!

    Oh... I forgot.... I met 3 actors in the hotel yesterday evening...! One from the TV show 'Third Watch', one from 'Lost', and one from 'Heroes'.....!

    I will try to upload the photo later in a bit.....
  • overit
    overit Posts: 273
    Hi! Sorry I haven't posted here in so long, but thanks to Wintervixen I am here to give an update. I have to say I haven't not done too well. I lost 13 pounds between Jan/Feb and then put some back on and have just now gotten the few extra pounds back off. I stopped tracking my food for a few weeks but continued to exercise. I have to say that the one thing I have stuck with has been the workouts and I am proud of that. I have started and finished the 9 week couch to 5k program. Though I am not running a 5k yet, I am just about a quarter of a mile til I can reach that goal. I am also hoping to run in an official 5k at the end of the month. Something I surely didn't think I would be able to at the beginning of this year. So though I haven't been able to get the weight off that I wanted to I am still working on it and making healthier life changes, food is just such a struggle for me.

    I hope everyone is doing well and has had much success this year.
  • wintervixen78
    wintervixen78 Posts: 176 Member
    Argh! I seem to be having too many red days this week. I've not been well and have spent most nights awake and coughing, I feel yukky and have been putting yukky food in my body because I haven't been bothering. But I'm still logging everything and keeping my diary visible. I will be back on track as of today. Healthy porridge for breakfast at work, soup for lunch and to satisfy my lazyness, a pre-packaged meal for dinner.

    @Tamaira thanks for letting all know how you're doing and well done on your loss! 22lbs is an amazing amount :o) Keep up the great work. You're inspirational!

    @Marianne You're amazing to even remeber to log and post while on hols. I hope you continue to have a great time and enjoying the luxurious gym. You're bound to get great results.

    @overit thank you so much for coming back and sorry to hear about your struggles, I know how you feel, I'm in a grey patch, but keeping at it. You are doing so well to keep up the exercise!! It's so essential and a big challenge. And a big congrats on your loss so far. Just keep at it and we'll all get there in the end :o)
  • wintervixen78
    wintervixen78 Posts: 176 Member
    So I've been eating for 2 for two weeks and I'm not pregnant. LOL As I said in my comment, I've needed this to remind myself what I'm giving up. I'm addicted to coffee, my breath is smellier, I look pregnant all the time, I have spots, if I see another Easter Egg I'll throw up and my bra is digging in again. One more week of being relaxed, as I have a friend's birthday bash next Saturday and I'm done, back to being to being the healthier me. The weather's hot here too and lots of slim girls have been coming out in their small pretty summer dresses and I haven't lost enough weight yet to even fit into a smaller one yet! So I'm glad I've had this splerg to remind me why I'm changing my life habits.

    After next weekend, there's no parties, my influential friend is now in Aus for a month, so that'll give me time to strengthen up and be in the habit of saying 'no thanks, I'll just have fish, salad and a tap water please'. Hehe And when I'm healthy, she usually follows my lead (eventually).

    So how is everyone else surviving Easter!??
  • Monicqua
    Monicqua Posts: 21 Member
    Hi to all you believers and never give up out there MFP well done :love: we are all special people walking through this life changing journey for a healthier and positively improved way of life.

    I have my moments and Easter is a great time when we give joy and I see Easter chocolates everywhere ..... still I have not had one yet but the picture in my mind is a big Easter Egg so big I can jump in it. and bite it :bigsmile: But equally I think of my salad, water fruits, chicken and fish :happy:

    I have read a lot of great vibes, achivements and realisations and say big up to you all , keep up the great work.

    Ta Ta Happy Good Friday Easter :flowerforyou:

    Wintervixen you've come real far great works and keeping the January thread going on and certainly on :happy:
  • eclairuk
    eclairuk Posts: 130 Member
    Hi all.

    I'm so sorry I haven't posted for ages!!! Stupid internet still not working and trying to get my brother to fix it is very difficult. Everyone is doing so well. I fell off the wagon a bit in March but I am back on track now - logging and exercising.

    I have a charity Zumba event tomorrow which should be so much fun!! It's weird but the light nights actually make me feel so much better when I'm going to the gym to exercise, and the good weather. Hopefully it will carry on!!

    Happy Easter everyone and keep up the fab work.

  • Monicqua
    Monicqua Posts: 21 Member
    Hi to all you wonderful MFP's since rejoining in January I have now reached the stage where I am begining to question certain habits :smile:

    One of my habit is I will go a couple of weeks in the green :bigsmile: then pop into the red :frown: I find this pattern very interesting and I am now challenging myself to see how long I can stay in the green :bigsmile:

    Yesterday i was so busy analysing my ways and chocolate and excercise that I miss my completion time :blushing: no worries it happens I am having fun with my new challenge.

    Has anyone else made any type of challenge they would like to share that's ongoing, worked, fun or interesting :smile: