Carbs = bad?



  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    @ stevemcknight - could you explain the fat gain vs. weight gain? I'm always under my calorie goal but I do tend to go over my fat goal for the day.

    Much Thanks!

    The bigger question is what influences fat gain and the retention of triglycerides within fat cells. Fatty acids move seemlessly in and out of cells all day long and is used for energy, so it's not a concern. Insulin, however, causes the formation of triglycerides in fat cells and prevents the breakdown to fatty acids. Any foods that cause an insulin spike is something to seriously avoid when trying to actively lose fat.

    The number one food that influences insulin is easily digestible carbohydrates such as bread, pasta, (yes even whole wheat), sugars, corn and rice. If you can limit those (or better just stop it all together) then you will see dramatic and quick changes in your body.

    Best of luck!

  • TimWeis75
    TimWeis75 Posts: 30
    I'm slowly coming to the conclusion that I can relax when it comes to the nitty gritty of carb/fat/protein counts.

    I figure I'll be "fine" if I keep my carbohydrate-rich food servings (grain/fruit/tubers) to 2-3 a day and eat vegetables, eggs, cheese or meat instead. That should consistently put me at 75g a day of carbohydrates, give or take 10 or so either way.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,754 Member
    I'm going to keep with my 50/25/25 (carbs, protein, fat) ratios, with the bulk of my carbs coming from whole grains. I've lost all my weight and kept it off eating this way. I feel amazing, and my blood-work results are better than they were before, when I was eating more fat and needed to lose some weight. (I'm happy to share any numbers I have from my results if anyone wants to know what they are.)
  • ShaniBethel
    @ Steve - Thanks for answering my question

    @ VH431 – I agree, about 100 grams of carbs a day is what my doctor said I should aim for (I need to lower my A1C), and to cut out wheat and yes as Steve said whole wheat too! Veggies and fruits are unlimited. It’s been 4 weeks and I feel great!

    Not to be gross but I’m using the bathroom on a regular basis now and I’ve lost 5 lbs. so far. I truly believe the whole wheat and grain products were binding me up!

    @ PJilly – I’m with you on the extra 20%