Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - April Challenge!!



  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    Meag GOOD Luck on your run!~! I know you will do great~

    I WI today. No change. Still 153. I am not as upset as I thought I was going to be. Im ok with it.. lol

    THe hubby is golfing today so I think I will try some hiking today with Cody (my dog).... I dont want to go to the gym and work out, its too nice outside!~!~! I just have to make sure I am pushing myself and not just strolling along the trails.

    I hope everyone has a great day!~!~!~! I am wishing for some losses in your WIs today!~!~!~!~!
  • Loopyluc
    Loopyluc Posts: 18 Member
    Im too late for the april challenge! But I want in in May! :) You guys are great motivation, you are all doing so well, and working out hard!! :)
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    AHH I'm so sorry I haven't been around the past coulpe of days (hangs head in shame) I have been soooo swamped at work! one of my corworkers took a new position within the company and I am taking over pretty much all of his big projects that happen to be going on right now in the middle of my own very big projects. On Wednesday I worked a 10hr day with no breaks- that's right ate lunch at my desk- blah! This is when I am really glad that I work out in the mornings because I know for sure there would have been no way that I would have worked after that. At least today is friday right!!

    This morning did spin and then my minibootcamp as usual. I feel liked I pushed myself really hard, but my body is definitely ready for my rest day tomorrow! And then on Sunday a nice casual jog outside. I should have more time to post and read in the next few days (fingers crossed) so I will do my best to catch up with everyone!

  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member
    I ran W6D3 of C25K yesterday. I ran for 25 minutes without stopping!! 25 MINUTES! I had a goal to run 2.25 miles (including wu/cd), and I finished at 2.35! This gives me hope that I'll be able to hit 3.1 by the end of the program. As I mentioned earlier, I'm trying to decide whether to increase speed or duration of running once I finish C25K. I guess by increasing duration, I'll ultimately increase speed... I'm just not sure whether I can make that kind of time commitment. Only 9 days left in the month! Time to kick into high gear.

    You can do both at the same time...when I was training for my 1/2 I used Hal Higdon's training program. My workouts looked somewhat like this:

    Monday-strength and stretching
    Tuesday-speed intervals (run 1/4 mile intervals at a fast pace) they started out at 4 intervals and increased every other week ending with I believe 8 or 9 intervals)
    Wednesday-pace run normally around 3 miles
    Thursday-strength and 3 mile run
    Saturday-3-5 mile run
    Sunday-long run (increased by a mile each week ending with 12 miles)

    Good luck!!!
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Happy Friday All!!! :flowerforyou:

    Tara - I :heart: the activities!! I am trying to make it a point to do something active each weekend with my kids. Its great for me to keep moving and great for them to get used to moving.

    Shannon - how much longer til the end of your program?? All of your hard work will pay off. Its just the sucking it up part that seems to be hard. But you did great on your run!! :bigsmile: And not too much longer til the semester is over and you can relax a little.

    Meag - glad to hear that you decided to run and for all of the right reaons...YOU!! :drinker: I am sure you will rock it!! Can't wait to hear your results.

    Kandace - I think its great that you maintained!! :wink: Thats a great starting point. Its almost as though you are picking up right where you left off...just healthier, happier, and in a better frame of mind. And nice to yourself!!

    Megan - busy days make the day go by faster but days that are too busy can leave you drained. Glad that you are still able to squeeze in workouts. I would use that as an excuse so kudos to you!! :bigsmile: Enjoy your rest day and weekend!!

    AFM...made a few bad choices foodwise yesterday so I decided to go to the gym. I was so excited to be back there. I wasn't sure where I wanted to start so I hit the treadmill and since its been months since I have done the C25K training, I decided to do a combination of w1 and w2. I didn't run nearly as long as I wanted to but I still got a burn and I'm looking forward to going back next weekend. Also saw a loss on the scale yesterday for my WI but I'm pretty sure it was mostly water weight so I'm not jumping up and down quite yet. The bf and I are still kinda rocky. He made plans with a friend Wednesday night after he and I already had plans. Then he cancelled with me rather than his friend. So I was hurt. He text me all of 2 times yesterday and once was only after I had called (and he didn't answer) to say good night. I have been doing well in regards to not turning to food which is why I made sure to hit the gym last night. I would rather fuel those emotions toward exercise than drown my sorrows in a tub of ice cream...which I would usually do. Hopefully we are able to get all of this sorted out soon cause I am nowhere close to not wanting him in my life.

    Hope everyone has a fabulous Friday!!:flowerforyou:
  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member
    Happy Friday everyone!!!! :happy:

    Tara-way to be active and come up with fun new activities!!

    Meag-glad you went for the run today!! Great job!!

    AFM: Went for a nice 4 mile run in the rain today. Then went and had some retail therapy. Stocked up on summer clothes and dresses for my girls. Bought myself a new bathing suit (on clearance at Target for $4.98-can you say STEAL!!!), a couple of knit skirts, a sundress, and some tanks from Old Navy. REALLY need a whole new summer wardrobe...tried on my capris and shorts and they all fell off! Love that they don't fit...but hate that I have to spend the money!!!

    Oh,,,had a date night with the hubby last night and I finally convinced him to try sushi and he LOVED it!!! Hoping we can make that our new "spot" for date place and YUMMY sushi...I even figured out the darned chopsticks (FINALLY)!!

    Have a great Friday!!!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Hey folks. Quick catch up post... I'm feeling insanely aggravated, exhausted and just plain cranky right now. Low on sleep would be the understatement of the century. Worked 9pm-3am, slept 3:30am-7:30am, and will be up again until at least 3:30am tonight. Tried to nap post-race but woke up after about 45 mins and just gave up on it... I'm such a bad napper! Even when I'm thoroughly exhausted. It just doesn't work for me at all.

    Doesn't help that my job is so frustrating and trying some nights. Last night we had a fight nearly break out RIGHT at my bar (where I was standing) when a grown man lifted his glass to break it on another man's face. Thankfully the situation was diffused. Then later in the night a very intoxicated man came in and I refused him service - but since it's a neighbourhood bar and everyones a "regular" they all think they are entitled to get whatever they want (I hear the whole "I know the owner" shpeel a thousand times a night) - and he decided to take it upon himself to go BANANAS and threaten to a) get me fired and then b) come back tonight to "deal with me"... Such f*cking nonsense. I'm so tired of putting up with people who think that hardship is a valid excuse for violence towards complete strangers. Everyone's got a damn chip on their shoulder at that place, just waiting for a fight. As if life is about nothing more than just going through the motions, having bad *kitten* happen to you, and then eventually dying unhappy and alone. That's how they all seem to be living their lives. It's not a wonder they've got drinking problems, I guess... Such a toxic environment. OK /rant. I'm sorry about that. Just needed to get it off my chest.

    It's hard not to be able to talk to anyone about these things... But naturally I really don't feel comfortable telling my family or Tyler, because I know they already worry about my safety at work and I don't need to give them anything else to worry about. I would have vented a bit with Tyler today except he was moving some of his stuff and decided it was necessary to coral his entire family up from Niagara (1 1/4 hour drive) to help him with it, even though they are renting a truck next weekend. His poor planning is definitely a source of frustration for me in this regard. It's such a waste of time for his family and ended up being a huge waste of time for me as well today. Ended up moving some boxes and very little else, so having 5 people in the fray was just excessive. I know he's all stressed out about it but I couldn't help feel super aggravated being pulled away from other activities (I was enjoying a coffee + book at my fave cafe when I got his frantic text today) only to drive over and see how that there was actually NOTHING for me to help with. And then I couldn't even spend time with him because his family wanted them all to leave for dinner. Argh! :explode: What a day!

    OK, well that's enough complaining. Onto the good stuff.

    Had my 5K race today and while I didn't PR, my time/pace was really quite good. The course was somewhat hilly, with a total climb of 149 feet, but I managed to neg split my miles and run my last mile under 9:00, which is super speedy for me! Final chip time was 28:39 for an average pace of 9:13 and an avg speed of 6.51mph. I'm pretty happy with that for sure :bigsmile: My foot was feeling tender but I iced it and took some more advil so we should be good to go. I definitely felt very fortunate I didn't try to run the 10miler under-trainer, though. During the 5K I definitely struggled with some feelings of doubt and knew that I would have really had a tough time pushing through on the 10miler. It'll take me some time yet to get back up to distances like that... Back to basics! Just have to give my foot some more time to heal, I think...

    Food today has been so-so. I made a sweet Channa Masala, courtesy of OSG's (altered recipe) and my new Arvinda's spice mixtures. Was yummy but I could have eaten WAY more than I did. Then I noshed on way too many Mini Wheats on my way over to Tyler's because I figured I've have no time for dinner and I was a) hungry and b) emotional. Carb ATTACK. Oh well. Could have been worse. Going to reel it in for the rest of the day and make the best of it. Not logging all weekend so I may as well get off to a good start.

    K I better get my act together before work. Hope you folks have a great weekend. Not sure if I'll be lurking or what, but I'll try to post when I can. Again, sorry about all the ranting. And thanks for reading. Much love, ladies. :heart:
  • rai8759
    rai8759 Posts: 296 Member
    Hey everybody!!! Been gone awhile. Sorry. Life has been crazy between work and more work and church etc etc. I've done a very mixed job eating-wise. Some meals are great and others are on the go and are not so great. Don't think I've gained, but don't think I've really lost. I have started my Jillian Michaels ripped in 30 and I also ran this week. Ok... Jillian has been totally kicking my *kitten*... has anyone else had a similar experience with her?? could barely move after the first day and it only got worse after the second.. so at least I'm building some muscle, lol.

    Tomorrow will be not as crazy so I'm taking the reigns back eating-wise. Will absolutely be logging everything and getting jillian and a run in.

    Glad to be back!!
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    Hey all! Just a quick check in as I'm reading thru... Nothing really new to post in my world unfortunately..

    This week has been beyond aggravating with work.. I'm applying to grad school and my application is due by May 1st, and I'm still waiting on my boss to give me my recommendation.. and keep in mind that I gave her the form at the beginning of April, and then last week when I asked her about it, she tells me she doesn't know what to write...what?!? I'm gonna have to call her every day this week now and ask b/c I'm out of time...... And on top of that, I'm dealing with a woman who just went from per diem to full time with us and who has basically been treated like a princess by same boss mentioned, and is now giving me problems over her days/holidays off... She wants what she wants and that's that... She'd been on nights for like a month and called out on a Sat night b/c no one could switch with her.. Who acts like that?? And then she asked for another Sat off, and flat out told me that she needed it and if no one would switch than she would just call out.. I was like, ummm, no you can't do that. So of course I told my boss about her attitude. It's like it's my word isn't good enough and she needs to hear it from the boss, or she thinks if she goes to her than she'll get her way... Man stay per diem if you can't commit.. Sorry for the rant, but it felt nice to let it out lol.

    Thank god it's my weekend off... Next week is Lab Week, and we're gonna be bringing in things every night, plus pizza and chinese from the hospital a couple nights.. i'm def gonna need to get the cardio in!

    Been totally slacking with the exercise, but on the plus side, my weight hasn't changed, and today i was even down 0.5 lol... It's been so so hard to get back into the mindset and diligence that I once had.. However today I bought some shorts which technically fit, though are def tight and not ready for public viewing, so there's some motivation lol.

    Rai- I've been reading the same experiences with Jillian regarding people feeling super sore like 2 days in.. I just ordered a 3 pack of her workouts from Amazon, including the 30 day shred, so we'll see how it goes for me lol

    Meag- awesome job on the race!! and as far as work goes, just look towards the light at the end, you're almost there!!

    Melissa- I was at Old Navy today as well, such good deals going on! Got my first pair of actual shorts for the first time in many a year lol.. and of course you gotta love the $2 flip flops!

    Mike- Happy Belated Birthday!! Great gift with the Kinect!

    Aly- I'm super late to the party, but many congrats on the engagement, I read your post a little while back, and it sounded so sweet.. yay!

    sorry for the lack of shoutouts.. i really gotta get on my home comp more... have a great night all!
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    Good Morning (when you all wake up).....

    I know there was not loss on the scale yesterday but I did weigh after breakfast so today I weighed right after morning "bathroom time" and i was 151!~! Thats 2 pounds!~! Woot Woot!~!~! I thought I felt lighter.... lol. Also I put on some shorts from last summer and they are too big!~! I bought the shorts at the end of the summer (when I was not eating and using some "not so leagal" things to keep my energy up) so I didnt think they would fit.. but they did, with room!~!~! I am def excited. I took a nice long face paced hike with my dog yesterday. I was going to the PT track to see how fast I can run/walk a mile but Cody got something stuck in his foot and couldnt walk on the sidewalk.. so we had to go home. Oh well, today is another day.

    I want to do something fun today. Its been soooo nice out for the past few days and all I have done is walk around my house with my dog. My hubby got to go golfing ALL DAY yesterday so today I want to go somewhere. I dont even care if its just a little town to walk around in. I dont care!~!~! Hopefully I get him awake and motivated. (I think I know a way to wake him up motivated, but I dont know if I am down for that right

    Meag~ I hate that work sucks so much for you~!~! I wish I could help or give you some advice, but you know as well as I do that there is not reasoning with drunk people so there is no point in even trying!~!~! When I was bartending I tryed to treat the annoying trouble makers as toddlers. You cant get mad at a 3 year old for knocking over a glass of milk, so why let grown *kitten* men piss you off? Dont let them control your emotions!~!~!

    Melissa~ I am soooo jealous about your shopping!~!~! If there is one thing I miss from the States, it has to be Old Navys sales! I know I can go online and order things, but its just not the same@!~!~!~! I miss walking in to a store, seeeing all the pretty 50% off signs and getting all excited. ,..... oh the memories.....

    Guam~ All I can say is take it one day at a time with the BF. Maybe he is in a place where he just needs some man time. Things will turn around again. Keep your head up and keep up that motivation for the gym!~!~!

    Not enough time to shout out everyone!~!..... I apologize for that... Happy Easter Saturday everyone!~!~!
  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member
    Hey everybody!!! Been gone awhile. Sorry. Life has been crazy between work and more work and church etc etc. I've done a very mixed job eating-wise. Some meals are great and others are on the go and are not so great. Don't think I've gained, but don't think I've really lost. I have started my Jillian Michaels ripped in 30 and I also ran this week. Ok... Jillian has been totally kicking my *kitten*... has anyone else had a similar experience with her?? could barely move after the first day and it only got worse after the second.. so at least I'm building some muscle, lol.

    Tomorrow will be not as crazy so I'm taking the reigns back eating-wise. Will absolutely be logging everything and getting jillian and a run in.

    Glad to be back!!

    I have her no more trouble zones and 30 day shred and am always tired and sore the next day...but like you said I know I'm building muscle even though I'm swearing at her under my breath while doing surrenders or plank twists!!!
  • rai8759
    rai8759 Posts: 296 Member
    Hey everybody!!! Been gone awhile. Sorry. Life has been crazy between work and more work and church etc etc. I've done a very mixed job eating-wise. Some meals are great and others are on the go and are not so great. Don't think I've gained, but don't think I've really lost. I have started my Jillian Michaels ripped in 30 and I also ran this week. Ok... Jillian has been totally kicking my *kitten*... has anyone else had a similar experience with her?? could barely move after the first day and it only got worse after the second.. so at least I'm building some muscle, lol.

    Tomorrow will be not as crazy so I'm taking the reigns back eating-wise. Will absolutely be logging everything and getting jillian and a run in.

    Glad to be back!!

    I have her no more trouble zones and 30 day shred and am always tired and sore the next day...but like you said I know I'm building muscle even though I'm swearing at her under my breath while doing surrenders or plank twists!!!

    How did she get so good at torture?!!! The contestants on the biggest loser are so right.. she is a master at making you suffer... but also I would give anything to have her abs sooo... lol
  • shannonaufman
    Allie, Melissa, Rai -- I just bought 30 day shred on Amazon. It was on a good sale (7.99) and I get free 2-day shipping for being a student (which, if you didn't know -- you can get a free 1-years subscription to Amazon prime -- free 2-day shipping and you don't pay taxes -- if you are a parent or have a .edu email address). Anyway, it should be here today or Monday. I think I'm going to try her out after school is out for the summer -- in about 10 days for me!! I know I'm going to be sore, but is it as bad as everyone says? I'm a little scared!

    Meag -- I'm so impressed you ran that 5k even with a sore foot. I admire your mental strength and ability to claim a mental victory over your body. I know how frustrating moving can be -- I'm glad I won't have to face that any time soon (I hope). I can't imagine working in an environment like that. I hope you find a way out very soon. A bar like that doesn't sound like the place for a pretty girl like you!!! :wink:

    Guamgrly -- I just finished week 7 day 1 of couch to 5k yesterday. There are 9 weeks in the program, so I have 8 runs left. So I should be done in just over 2 weeks. I hope!

    AFM -- Well, most of my updates I just mentioned. I completed week 7 day 1 of c25k, and I'm starting to consider my options for what's next. I really like having a structured 'plan' to follow. I think I've decided to increase distance, because there is a program called 'one hour runner' that builds off of progress made in c25k. I'm not sure how much I want to do drills and intervals, because I really love the peacefulness that comes from just going out for a run. Not having to think too much about am I supposed to be running? or walking? or running fast? I also ordered 30-day shred for some strength training. I'll start that when I'm done with this semester and actually have time to do it/breathe/sleep. haha.

    I had my 'official' weekly weigh in this morning (I weigh myself every day but only officially log the Saturday ones). And I wasn't thrilled. Up about 1 pound from last week. I ate a lot of sodium this week and I am just coming off TOM, so I'm hoping it'll go away this week. Anyway, I know one week's weigh in doesnt make or break my journey. So, I'm looking forward to the progress I can make this week.

    We're having the Saturday night crew over tonight... Pretty much every week my husband's single friends come over for dinner Saturday night. They play cards and drink, and I cook for them and drink, haha. I love hosting them and love cooking for them, and they love to play cards and let me cook for them. Everyone ends up happy! Happy weekend everyone -- get out and enjoy the Earth!
  • shelsab
    shelsab Posts: 138 Member
    Hello everyone!
    My my how this month seems to be passing by so fast! I got some shopping in today and got new pants/capri's and t-shirts. Very exciting esp because it has been a while since I have gone clothes shopping. But summer essentials are needed. I am spending the weekend at my parents for Easter. Definitely some good family time. Plus my 5k is coming up on May 7th, I am excited, running with some friends from work. Had some struggles with eating the best this past week, but this week will be better. Hope everyone has a great weekend!!!!!

  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Cait-great job on the running, you are certainly killin it this month! :drinker:

    Shannon-very awesome on the 4/6 for the month so far! I can only imagine how difficult it must be to stay focused on your eating while working on your PhD?!?! I give you a ton of credit for that! As far as increasing your speed or distance goes...I think you just need to decide what type of runner that you wanna be...I myself will NEVER run a half or full marathon, but I can def see myself running many more 5ks and 10ks, so for me, I would work on speed to try to improve my time! If you are planning on sticking to the shorter runs for now...I would recommend speed for you as well! If your whole goal is to get a marathon under your belt...well then I would focus on distance...either way you are doing great and both will get to where you want them to be eventually so keep it up! :wink:

    Meag-Great job on your 5K...even if it wasn't your personal best...I think that you had a great pace...especially for your lack of running and foot issues that you have been having for the past couple of months! :happy: Sorry to hear about work...just remember it's almost over...May 1st is right around the corner...hang in there :flowerforyou:

    Kandace-I am glad to hear that you were ok with your maintain this happens to the best of us, and you will surely see a loss next week :) I hope you enjoyed your hiking (I know I love it!) and great job gettin out there and enjoying the weather while you burn those cals! Just read your next post...congrat on the 2lbs!! Here's to hoping you can find another way to wake up hubby motivated!! :wink: LOL :laugh:

    Loopluc-welcome to the group!! we will be glad to have ya for May, and can't wait to see your goals :happy:

    Megan-I bet the weekend couldn't come quick enough for you!! Great job on still getting in your WO's with that hectic work schedule trying to throw you off! :smile:

    Bethany-I am soooooo glad that you are not turning to the ice cream!! I think that we have all done this on occassion, and I know that it hurts when someone you love isn't acting "quite right" towards you...I will keep my fingers crossed that it all blows over for you! :embarassed: Way to get to the gym and to plan fun things for you and your kiddos on the weekend!! :bigsmile:

    Melissa-I feelya on the new summer wardrobe (actually wardrobe altogethor!) LOL. It is an awesome feeling when they are all falling off of you, but not such an awesome feeling when your spending the money to replace them!! :noway: I myself went to Ross the other day...I got like 5 new shirts, a sundress, and 3 pairs of pants for like $110 and was pretty happy with that! Great buy on the swim suit...I may need to go check target out to see if I can find any steals like you did! Congrats on getting hubby to try sushi and on mastering the chop sticks ( I suck so bad at using them!!) :laugh:

    Rai-JM kicks my *kitten* every time!!! Actually EVERY biggest loser or JM WO tends to do this for me!! If you push yourself like they want you to, then you should be dying!! LOL great job getting it done...I myself have recently tried the BL cardio max...My damn arms hurt for like 3 days afterwards! woot! :tongue:

    Allie-sorry to hear about work...people are stupid...end of story!! LOL :mad: Good job on the will get back into fullforce soon I am sure!! Keep on movin girl! :smile:

    AFM-sorry....wasn't around for the past couple of days!! I did get in some great time with the bf though!! and unfortunately some great food as well! :indifferent: I had 2 days this week of being over and will be working very hard to see a good loss on Wednesday still, but we had a great time and it was worth it...let's see what this body of mine can really do shall we?! LOL:blushing: Only 8 days left ladies (and gents) lets keep kicking it...I can't wait to see how everyone did this month! :smooched:
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    Happy Sunday everyone!~!~!... Happy Easter !~!~!~!

    Alexis~ I hope you have a great time with the family. Do you find it harder to eat well when you are around family? I can never seem to resist anything thats bad for me when everyone else is sitting there offering me stuff. Im excited you went clothes shopping!~!~!~! I lUV shopping, so I am living vicariously through you right now, im going to need you to explain in detail what you bought. (lol)

    Alli, Melissa, Rai, Shannon~ should I buy this DVD too?????? Im hearing awesome things but I am not really a DVD kind of person. What do you think?

    Meag~ I havent seen much recipe sharing lately!~! I need an idea for butternut squash!~!~! ........ only if you have time, know your a crazy insanly busy person!~!

    Radd~ I love how I just realized your name is in your signature... lol... Tara, you do such a good job commenting on everyone, I wish I had the concentration you do!~! Im sure you will do fine with your WI, you always do great!

    AFM~ I cant really seem to get myself really MOTIVATED to REALLY workout. I have been walking alot and I made it to the gym and had a good workout the other day. But I feel like I am not doing enough. Maybe I am being too hard on myself, I know I am supossed to be taking it easy, but I just cant help thinking I could be doing more. Every morning I wake up I drive myself insane for the first few hours trying to get SOMETHING done so I feel "accomplished" for the day. I dont really understand how to get this feeling of uselessness to go away. I know I have alot of time on my hands, I used to sleep til after noon and start drinking again at 5... so now I et up at 700 and have ALL DAY to do stuff and I just cant seem to figure anything out. I have spring cleaned my house twice... I guess I just need to realize that Its ok to do things that make ME happy, I dont have to do things to show everyone else how well I am doing.

    Well, I dont know if any of that makes sense... I tend to ramble... thanks for listening though! I hope everyone has a great Easter and is excited about the week to come. Thank you everyone for all the support, I cant even begin to explain how greatful I am that you all accepted me and my "issues" and helped me work with them. :heart:

    :smooched: (before I clicked this little guy I thought he was getting chicken pocks... I didnt get that he was getting kissed, lol)
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    I have to get to bed since it's 3:15am and I have to be up early for Easter brunch with Ty's family - I just wanted to say how much I :heart: the support here and appreciate all of you SO much! Thank you for all your messages and for your updates, which I adore reading. It's such a great network of fab ladies (and gent) and I really do value you all so much. Wish I could be contributing more - Just really, really swamped with life right now.

    So happy that my work "week" is over finally. One week left. Can't come soon enough! :ohwell:

    Will catch up as soon as I can with each of you. Keep up the hard work everyone. I promise you all - It totally pays off!! :bigsmile:

    Much love and happy festivities this weekend!!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Kandace-YUP, Tara is my name!! LOL I don't think a lot of people realize that it's down there??:wink: Just wanted to say that you are doing great with everything that life has decided to throw at WTG!! As for the suggestion would be to make a list before you go to bed every night of things to do the next day. Make sure that your list includes any chores or shopping that you need to do, any calls you need to make, bills you need to pay, and be sure to write down gym time or exercise, and at least one nice thing for yourself (bubble bath, mani/pedi, nap, etc...) By the end of your busy day you will have your list checked off, workout done, and a great sense of accomplishment from finishing it all :happy: Just a thought!

    Meag-Glad that your night is done, glad that you only have 1 week to go, and be sure to enjoy Easter brunch!!!

    AFM-I work worries about overeating for me! I did overeat on Thur and Fri though and really have some making up to do over these next 3 days!! I got in a great workout today...Yoga Booty Ballet, and resisitance bands for arms and that's great! I just figured out my weightloss timeline, and am wondering if I can pull it off??? As of 4/20/11 I was 134.8, my goal is 112lbs-that's 22.8lbs to go! I wanted to be finished by the time I meet my bf's parents in August...with losing 1.5lbs/week I will be finished on 8/3/11!!! I think that I can do it...but these 2 high days in a row CANNOT happen again!! LOL :noway: Only 1 week to go folks...let's finish this month strong!!!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    well here we go again...12 hours later and zero updates?! Hope everyone had a great Easter...remember to get right back on track...there is only 6 days to go!
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    ~Tara thanks for the idea. I am def going to try that. I think I am going to make a list now for the rest of the day. Its 10am and I already had a 30 min walk in the woods with my dog and breakfast for me and they hubby. So maybe if I write a list now I can get off the computer and just to do it!~! I like the idea of doing something for myself. I have a problem with remembering to do that. I am going to have to get that in order before we think about having kids, cuz then its going to be even harder to rememeber to think about myself!

    ~AFM... this post is moving pretty slow. Whats up with that?!!?!?!? I guess me and Tara are gonna have to take over chatting it up! i bet everyone else is outside in the sun.... hmmm sounds like a good idea??????? My goal for this month was to make it to 150 but I didnt realize that was 20 pounds down and I didnt think I would be soo excited until now~!!~!~! Especially after staying 156 for what seemed like FOREVER. I know it was only 4 weeks, but still. Last few days, gotta make it count!~!