5'3" ladies!

What're your goal weights??
Mine was 125.. but I MAY want to change that, I just want to know what everyone elses ideas are about themselves!


  • rshunk
    rshunk Posts: 167 Member
    I'm about 5' 3 1/2" and I have a medium bone structure. My goal is to get around 130lbs, or at least within 5lbs either way...
  • Adudynski
    Adudynski Posts: 31
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    BMI chart makes me want 122 (5lb more or less ok too)

    but recently I checked my body fat %, and getting to a goal of 20% body fat would put me at 129 lbs. So I suppose once I get down to 130, I will really try to build up muscle strength and burn as much more fat as I can, instead of just trying to lose the weight.

    I haven't been in the 120s for a long time, and the last time I was there I was battling bulimia and I didn't look healthy or fit at all (in fact I was very very unattractive at that weight). I'm hoping that with training and proper eating habits this time I will look much better.
  • Christie81
    Christie81 Posts: 88 Member
    I'm 5'3 and currently at 125. I would like to get to around 118 pounds. More importantly, I would like to have a BF% around 14-16. My BF% is 25.
  • virgz_fox
    virgz_fox Posts: 26
    got my goal weight of 120lbs after 7months from delivery of my 2nd baby via c-section.(both kids on c-section).Right now, i would still loose a pound a week.I feel great between 117-120.I was hoping I could go 115.I still dream on that, and trying...
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    I can't remember if I'm 5'3 or 5'4, LOL, but my starting goal's 150 because I got that filipino muscle structure :/. I figured if i still felt fat at that weight, I'd just keep going. /shrug
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Hmm, I think we did this but I like seeing everyone's stuff so I'll weigh in (pun?)

    118, though 115 would be better. I tend to be muscular but small boned. Trying to focus more on body composition but it's hard not to want that special little number.
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,218 Member
    i started off at 158ish last year but lost 17lbs very slowly throught the course of the year. i joined mfp in jan at 141lbs and my goal was always to get to 126lbs(9st), but once i got there i decided to go lower. Now im a healthy 122lbs with boobs and a bum! lol! any lower and i will lose both!

    this is my then and now! left im 158lbs and right 126lbs


    this is at the weekend, 122lbs (excuse the stroller! )

  • JessyT919
    JessyT919 Posts: 11
    120.5 lbs is my goal weight. I had my body fat done a week ago and it was 19.7% which I was shocked by, I thought it would be in the mid-20's. I think i just carry the fat in the parts that weren't calipered because that can't be right.
  • sooh2011
    sooh2011 Posts: 134 Member
    I'm 5'3" and my initial goal is 141 as that gets us into healthy BMI. After that my goal is 135lbs - I will see how I feel when I get there though (I'm 145 now). The lowest I have ever been is 125 and that felt (and looked when I look back on pictures) really small for me and not easy at all to maintain. I also think at 39 it's ok to weigh a bit more than I did at age 20!
  • kimkimchi
    kimkimchi Posts: 58
    I'm 5'3" and 1/2! :)

    My goal weight is 120lbs, but my ultimate goal once I get in real lean, mean shape is 115lbs. I have wide hips too, but slender wrists/ankles so I think I'm medium bone wise.
  • michellemariescott
    michellemariescott Posts: 26 Member
    I am 5'3" and my goal weight is 125. But to be honest its been years (gulp, decades) since I have been at that weight, so I am not sure how I will feel or look when I get close to that size.
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
  • MyNameIsNotBob
    MyNameIsNotBob Posts: 565 Member
    I'm 5'3" and my initial goal is 141 as that gets us into healthy BMI. After that my goal is 135lbs - I will see how I feel when I get there though

    This is my exact goal, too. I was in the 100-110ss all through high school, and when I look at photos of myself from then, I think I was too skinny. The photos of me around 130-135 in college look much nicer.

    I'm just above 155 right now, so still a ways to go...
  • learnbygoing
    learnbygoing Posts: 103 Member
    I'm 5' 2.5", and currently my goal is 120, although I'd love to eventually shoot for 115. I just hit 130.5 lbs at my weigh-in this morning, and CAN'T WAIT to be in the 120's for the first time in years :D
  • kimkimchi
    kimkimchi Posts: 58
    I'm 5' 2.5", and currently my goal is 120, although I'd love to eventually shoot for 115. I just hit 130.5 lbs at my weigh-in this morning, and CAN'T WAIT to be in the 120's for the first time in years :D

    That's awesome! Breaking each 10lb barrier rocks. I remember dropping from the 140s to 130s last summer. Felt so very good!
  • michellemariescott
    michellemariescott Posts: 26 Member
    I should clarify that my goal weight on my ticker is set at reaching 145 which is my first goal. My ultimate goal is 125, but I was worried I would find that weight loss too large and abstract to be motivating.
    By the way, how do you add "start weight, current weight etc etc" under your ticker?
  • Abells
    Abells Posts: 756 Member
    I'm 5'3" as well! whooo whoo!

    Starting Weight 2/6 - 151.7
    Weight now: 137.6-138.8
    Goal Weight - 130

    After I hit 130 I think I am going to go for 125lbs but not lower than that. I have a lot of muscle that adds to my weight but I am going to work on turning that into more lean muscle at the 130 mark. I'm hoping by Memorial Day weekend to hit 130!
  • betharose7
    betharose7 Posts: 53 Member
    Howdy I'm 5ft 3 and my goal weight is 140lbs this will get me into the healthy weight on the bmi scale, I thought about losing more but I don't want to look too thin or have people say I look I'll. So when I get to my goal weight I'll decide then if I want to lose any more. Everyone is happt at a different weight u just have to find what's right for u :)
  • SCFancher
    SCFancher Posts: 24
    I am between 5'3" & 5'4" and my goal weight is 128. I definately do not want to lose more than that because I want to keep my bootie and some curves so my clothes fit good...plus my husband would not be happy if I lost it all! lol