

  • Pearcecat
    Pearcecat Posts: 68
    Good morning everyone!
    Well, here are the results of my first Monday weigh-in:
    Weight: 166lbs
    Waist: 36.5 inches
    Hips: 41.0 inches

    Good luck to you all...we can do it!
  • majpal
    majpal Posts: 41 Member
    Weight: 260
  • Ljc3
    Ljc3 Posts: 46
    Good morning! Starting today at 198! Officially in the 100s! Yay! Good luck to all!
  • Bigsportygirl
    Bigsportygirl Posts: 20 Member
    Morning all, I'm 175.3 on day one!
  • Bigsportygirl
    Bigsportygirl Posts: 20 Member
    Morning all, I'm 175.3 on day one!
  • shrinkinc
    shrinkinc Posts: 74 Member
    Yay I'll join! This challange is in line with me turning 30 on June 21st - if I can be near losing 20 lbs by then - that'd be an awesome birthday gift to me!

    Day 1 (this morning): 208 lbs

    Anyone feel free to add me as a friend as well. I need all the support I can get. I track every day and do a lot of blogging on MFP.
  • Sexymama34
    Sexymama34 Posts: 43 Member
    Goodmorning everyone!
    My first weight in for the Challenge: 173.0
  • tbrew811
    tbrew811 Posts: 40
    Good morning all,

    My weigh in this morning 210. I lost one pound this week, and I know why I didn't lose more. Things I did wrong are:

    *eating too late
    *drinking alcohol (I drank three times last week)
    *drinking juice
    *not eating breakfast
    *not sticking to my eating schedule (eating every two to three hours)
    *not drinking enough water (average about 5 glasses per day). I also need to drink water 30 minutes before I eat

    With the past week being just that - the past. This week is a present, and I will make the most out of it!!!

    Let's drop this weight!!!!!:wink:
  • gcineas
    gcineas Posts: 121
  • tbrew811
    tbrew811 Posts: 40
    Great work everyone!

    For those who recently joined, welcome to the challenge.
  • jmjones66
    jmjones66 Posts: 145 Member
    Good Morning All! 1st day of the Challenge, my weight is 257.
  • northernchic
    northernchic Posts: 117 Member
    Good morning! Starting today at 198! Officially in the 100s! Yay! Good luck to all!

    Congrats!! Yay Onederland!!!!
  • northernchic
    northernchic Posts: 117 Member
    Hi everyone!
    I had a great week to kick off from, down 2.6lb to 209.4

    Let's have a GREAT first week!!!!
    ~ Betty
  • jsw27520
    jsw27520 Posts: 16
    I'm in. Started MyFitness today and I'm really excited. I celebrate my 16th anniversary June 4th, so losing 20 pounds by 6/6 would be AWESOME!!!
  • jsw27520
    jsw27520 Posts: 16
    Forgot to put my weight... 179. Hoping to reach 135 by summer's end.
  • shrinkinc
    shrinkinc Posts: 74 Member
    Good morning all,

    My weigh in this morning 210. I lost one pound this week, and I know why I didn't lose more. Things I did wrong are:

    *eating too late
    *drinking alcohol (I drank three times last week)
    *drinking juice
    *not eating breakfast
    *not sticking to my eating schedule (eating every two to three hours)
    *not drinking enough water (average about 5 glasses per day). I also need to drink water 30 minutes before I eat

    With the past week being just that - the past. This week is a present, and I will make the most out of it!!!

    Let's drop this weight!!!!!:wink:

    I had a bit of alcohol last week too and I'm not really used to drinking it a lot - I don't think it did me any good.

    But still, a lb is one less lb you have to lose next week!
  • SgtHill
    SgtHill Posts: 3
    I'm in as well! Starting weight 215 with a goal of 200... Good Luck to All!!!
  • kstance
    kstance Posts: 11
    This is a great plan. I'm definitely in! I'm starting at 162, so completing this challenge would definitely help me reach my goal of being bikini ready by my boyfriend's birthday in July! Good luck everyone!
  • Sexymama34
    Sexymama34 Posts: 43 Member
    Hope everyone is having a great day :)...I was just wondering what will be our first Challenge?

  • jsw27520
    jsw27520 Posts: 16
    Hey Sis! Good to see ya here!