Starting January 2011



  • kimberlyrae
    Hi everyone! I haven't posted since January but I'm down 7 pounds. I went to the doctor a few weeks ago for a checkup and she said I'm down 9 pounds since my last visit. Definitely good news!

    Yesterday was Easter - I had a good one, but I indulged in way too many sweets. I have a weakness for chocolate, and jelly beans! I hope everyone had a lovely holiday.

    Spring is finally here! Keep up the good work everyone. :smile:
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member
    I'm back.....!

    I've just about recovered from jet lag... after getting back on Saturday....

    One piece of advice.... do NOT fly US Airways transatlantic.... they're planes are horrible....! The planes they use for domestic flights are actually much more comfortable!

    I weighed myself yesterday (first time I was up before 12...!), and found that I had gained 2 lbs over the last 2 weeks....

    That's not too bad, considering I thought I had gained more.... because it sure felt like it....!

    I was actually quite happy to come back home.... so I could eat some 'normal' food....!
  • wintervixen78
    wintervixen78 Posts: 176 Member
    Well I decided to throw my April challenges out the window. With birthdays and Easter and so many cravings, I decided, just for 3 weeks, I would eat what I wanted and as much as I wanted. I felt like I needed to get it out of my system and remind myself why I'm changing my lifestyle. Well, I look 3 months pregnant, I'm gasy, my face is spotty and if I see one more piece of chocolate, I will actually throw up in my mouth!! I am now stocked with fresh fruit, salad, yoghurt, low calorie type cheeses, fish, chicken, soup, cous cous and lentils, oat brad instead of wheat, and convenience meals are tuna pasta bake and Fishermans pie. Oh not forgetting bottles of water to keep track of how much I'm drinking :o)

    I won't weight this month! I'll start weighting 1st of June and dinges crossed, I would have reached my 28lbs mark by then.

    @eclairuk welcome back!! I had my moment in April. Sometimes we need it, but as long as we don't carry on for months and come back (like we have), we'll be fine :o) How did your charity event go? How long was it for? Remember to log it! Hehe

    @Monicque keep at it and you're doing well at keeping your challenge to stay in the green. My challenge is to get under the 200's and to loose my first 2st (28lbs), I want to do that really badly! Good luck to us both :o)

    @ kimberlyrae welcome back and great work on your weightloss!! Keep up the fantastic work :o)

    @Marianne welcome back from holiday and that's fantastic news that you only gained 2lbs on holiday, I once gained 9lbs after a holiday in the past!! I know how hard you worked whilst away, so a big thumbs up.

    How's everyone else doing?
  • eclairuk
    eclairuk Posts: 130 Member
    Woo hoo!!!! We are back on the world wide web!!! After bribing my brother, he finally fixed my internet :laugh:

    My charity event was just an hour for Kidney Reasearch UK, everyone just bought a ticket to attend. It was good fun and over £1000 was raised!!

    Hope everyone is well!! :heart:
  • snockers3112
    snockers3112 Posts: 190 Member
    I'm back on track now too. I had 10 days off work, including two bank holiday weekends where I ate and drank and ate and drank....I had a fantastic time with friends and family though! I went to the gym tonight, first time in a few weeks!, and had a really good workout..I also tentatively got on the scales to see what damage I had done and to my delight haven't actually put any weight on, in fact a tiny smidgen less than my last weigh in :) I'll see what my scales at home say in the morning though!
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member
    I'm back on track now too. I had 10 days off work, including two bank holiday weekends where I ate and drank and ate and drank....I had a fantastic time with friends and family though! I went to the gym tonight, first time in a few weeks!, and had a really good workout..I also tentatively got on the scales to see what damage I had done and to my delight haven't actually put any weight on, in fact a tiny smidgen less than my last weigh in :) I'll see what my scales at home say in the morning though!

    great job with losing weight on holiday....!
  • wintervixen78
    wintervixen78 Posts: 176 Member
    Hi, how is everyone doing?

    Well, I'm slowly getting back to it! I finally plucked up the courage to go on the scales and my 3 week binge cost me 8lbs, which I'm actually happy it's not more :o) It's been hard this week, because Monday I made a conscious effort to be healthy and the Tuesday I go into work and everyone has returned from work bringing holiday goodies. Gerr But all the goodies are gone now, so I can get back in control! Friday mornings are now my new weigh day also. Sunday's were too much to bare. LOL

    @eclairuk Congrats at getting the computer fixed and raising all that money for charity!!

    @snockers3112 Well done at getting back to it! Keep up the great work. 29lbs is an amazing amount. I now have to catch up again and get back in the 20's, see you there soon :o)

    Catch up soon all x
  • snockers3112
    snockers3112 Posts: 190 Member
    Feeling a bit fed up today. I've been soooooooooooooo good all week after the bank holiday excesses, increased my exercise, kept pretty much to the targets MFP sets and even 'felt' lighter but the scales haven't budged this week. Looking back over the past 5 weeks I only lost 2lbs, and that was lost at the beginning of last month! I'm not going to give up but it's really frustrating. I measured to see if there had been any changes in that department but nope, nothing...grrrrrrrrrrrrr
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member
    Feeling a bit fed up today. I've been soooooooooooooo good all week after the bank holiday excesses, increased my exercise, kept pretty much to the targets MFP sets and even 'felt' lighter but the scales haven't budged this week. Looking back over the past 5 weeks I only lost 2lbs, and that was lost at the beginning of last month! I'm not going to give up but it's really frustrating. I measured to see if there had been any changes in that department but nope, nothing...grrrrrrrrrrrrr

    I feel your pain.... I gained 1.2 lbs this week...

    Don't really know why.... my level of exercise has been high and I've had a calorie deficit everday....
    I think it might be the lack of sleep and too much of a deficit....

    I've weighed myself this morning and I'm down 1.4 lbs since yesterday.... I'm hoping it stays that way...!

  • snockers3112
    snockers3112 Posts: 190 Member
    Just five minutes after saying how fed up I was feeling due to no weight loss, I went into a meeting at work and a woman I haven't seen for a while said 'have you lost a lot of weight?' and I smiled and said 'yes I have' - made me feel great...I keep forgetting how far I've come so far in this journey. We all should pat ourselves on the back for what we have achieved so far and beat ourselves up a little less when things don't go to plan x
  • JanKoster
    JanKoster Posts: 7 Member
    Just want to let you all know that keeping up will work in the end. Never knew what I was doing until I met MFP. Started in january and after a while it became rather easy to maintain my goals.
    I am very pleased with the progression I made and I am sure that since I can you can!
  • wintervixen78
    wintervixen78 Posts: 176 Member
    Hi everyone, sorry I've been away. I'm not sure where I am on the scale of things, pardon the pun! I haven't logged for about 4 days. i haven't been pigging out, but I haven't been weighing either :o( Mostly I've been having bread rolls, soup and home cooked meals, especially in an effort to cut out take out, even when keeping within my calories (as we all know what it does to our sodium and fat).

    Anyway, I don't dare step on the scales at this point! Not until I've been logging for a while and notice a change. I have to get into planning my evening meals, which is my daily obstacle! But in preparation, I have bought loads of pre-packaged fishy meals, which I know pre-packaged is no where as good as home cooked, but I'm battling against the boardroom of weighting and measuring and my guestimating is getting out of hand, so this'll help. Also, my boozy friend is back from Aus, but I've said that I need a weekend in, to rest, but to also get a hold of my eating and get extra sleep (and cleaning to burn calories). Also, my influential partner is feeling the tightening of his belt and has started to get health conscious too, which'll be a big help, so I can get us both on track, he's also trying to start up an armature baseball club :o)

    I stopped drinking coffee for a few days, unintentionally and I wasn't sleeping well, grumpy and got stinking headaches. I worked out it was caffeine withdrawal!! So, Thursday, I am going to give it up. My son is away from Friday for the weekend, so I can only get moody at myself and sit with a bottle of water, ibuprofen and herbal tea!!

    @snockers3112 Sorry I wasn't there for you during a low moment. But I'm glad you came out of it positive! You're an inspiration and really doing well. A loss is a loss and a step in the right direction :o)

    @marianne Keep up the great work! It's good that you're keeping so active and keeping within your calories. The evidence will always show on the scales in the end and you're proof of that!

    @JanKoster Welcome to the thread and thank you for sharing! Keep up the great work and please do come back to the thread to let us all know how you're feeling, doing and thinking.

    How is everyone?
  • wintervixen78
    wintervixen78 Posts: 176 Member
    I can't believe it, day one (again) and my colleagues who are back from holiday, bring back goodies from abroad (again). I was actually feeling very annoyed!! Gerrr I know I shouldn't. I sat at the table glaring at the goodies like someone had left dog mess in their place. Humph!