p90x - Round 1 beginners



  • chelios7
    chelios7 Posts: 194 Member
    I've considered doing the p90x but am very intimidated!... I'm pretty weak and very heavy... Health is much better than it was at the beginning of the year but still horibly out of shape. been working out 4 or 5 days a week for 40 to 45 mins at a time. Is this something someone very heave and pretty weak could do? where do you all recommend someone start?

    I just started my 4th week. My opinion is I think anyone can do P90X, but it definitely will push you, some people harder than others depending on what shape they are in. You will hear it time and time again by Tony in the videos: Modify! If you can't do everything, just do your best, take longer breaks if you need to. Yes, it is hard, there is no doubt. It will take a commitment and you may get discouraged because it tires you out or you just don't feel like doing it some night. Stick with it, set a goal mentally and physically.

    There is also P90 which is sort of like a lighter version of P90X, I don't know much about it but some people start with that then move onto P90X once they've built some strength and lost some weight.

    Either way it's about getting in the right mindset and pushing yourself.
  • I am getting ready to start this again! I did the lean, and got great results, but then after I stopped working out and gained some weight back and lost some of my muscle:angry: , so I think this is going to have to be a permanent place in my schedule and I hope to keep up with everyone else on here to see imrovement!!! Good luck to all!!!
  • Hi! my name is Hillary, I am 28 yyears of age and live in orlando florida. I use my elliptical for an hour daily with weights. I just ordered the insanity during the weekend so I should be getting it either tomorrow or the next day. Im up for the challenge, I know its going to be tough but I really want to challenge my body. I would like to find people on here that are about to or on the journey of INSANITY. Wish me luck and I would love to here your experiences on inanity. thanks
  • fitmommy2012
    fitmommy2012 Posts: 451 Member
    I am on my 2nd month of P90x lean!! I have lost 5 pounds and 7 inches so far!! I am super super happy and cannot wait to see my results at the end of the 90 days!! :D
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Day 9 in the books...did Plyo today, and it was a little tougher today since it was so warm, but I made it through. Pretty hungry (what else is new? :laugh: ) but feeling good.

    Keep pushing play!!
  • chelios7
    chelios7 Posts: 194 Member
    First time doing Core Synergistics tonight. Wow, that's a good workout. So fast, it's just go go go. I thought the 60 minutes went by pretty quick! I'm not a cardio person, but I liked this one (but not as good as Kenpo!).
  • Amairee
    Amairee Posts: 71 Member
    Week 2 Day 3 and 4:

    Easter weekend was so busy for me, but I managed to keep up with the P90X schedule (if straying a bit from the diet ahaha). Although I didn't have time to log it yesterday, I had a good shoulder and arms workout early in the morning along with Ab Ripper X as I knew I'd be getting back too late, and filled with too much food and alcohol, to exercise in the evening. I think the boyfriend preferred that actually lol!

    And today I did my own yoga sessions for about an hour and 15 minutes. Next week I think I may try to do the P90X version again all the way through to give it another assessment, but still today went well and the yoga helped balance me out after a night of holiday over indulgence.

    Hope everyone's weekend went well!
  • mbeach1977
    mbeach1977 Posts: 275 Member
    First time doing Core Synergistics tonight. Wow, that's a good workout. So fast, it's just go go go. I thought the 60 minutes went by pretty quick! I'm not a cardio person, but I liked this one (but not as good as Kenpo!).

    Haven't tried that one yet! How was your burn compared to kenpo? I may try it out on my rest day.
  • j3nic3
    j3nic3 Posts: 220 Member
    First time doing Core Synergistics tonight. Wow, that's a good workout. So fast, it's just go go go. I thought the 60 minutes went by pretty quick! I'm not a cardio person, but I liked this one (but not as good as Kenpo!).

    So its all cardio? I have to do that one today. Looking forward to it :-D
  • it's my "down" week so I went to the gym this morning to do a circuit training class that i did previous to p90x. it's a mix of aerobics, plyometrics, and weights so it fits right in with p90x. it's non-stop action and burns a lot of calories...not sure i would have been used to the rigor of p90x without doing this type of class previously...
  • I all! Just found this thread and I am glad I did. I am on week 3 day 1. I am also following the nutrition plan and having great success so far. It's not easy, but I am loving the results.
  • SNorris01
    SNorris01 Posts: 97 Member
    I have done 2 rounds of P90X, I found this really cool thing if you have or wanted to try Insanity. I did one round of Insanity, now I am doing at combo P90X/Insanity. I have gotten more out of this than just plain P90 or Insanity. If you don't know what Insanity is, it is by Shaun T. Most of it is cardio and it is killer, but with P90X being a lot of weight training as well as cardio. I have found that Insanity Cardio is a lot more difficult than P90X cardio, so with the mixture of the both it is fantastic. If you want to know the schedule email me and I can get it to you. Scarletandgray01@yahoo.com
  • karmagl81
    karmagl81 Posts: 8 Member
    I made it through my first night, barely. It was really hard but I did my best and was fine till the end, then I wanted to throw up for about an hour and I had a severe headache. I went to bed and woke up very sore today but that was to be expected. I hope I don't feel sick after tonights workout.
  • alonnadodd
    alonnadodd Posts: 66 Member
    Week 2 Day 2 of Lean
    For you other "Leaners" how are you finding your calorie burn?? I have to say I'm slightly disappointed... I was getting better burns doing Jillian Michaels dvds (usually burned over 500 doing Banish Fat Boost Metabolism) . I'm almost wondering if I should switch to classic. Its not that I find it easy - I definately don't! I did Cardio today and HAULED it but only burned 337 calories. Yesterday I did Core Syn and my HRM didn't turn on.... I didn't notice until I was finished so I counted the same as last week when I did it which was 460ish. I didn't really feel like I had done enough though so at night I threw in a plyo workout (which of course isn't part of the lean program at all) just to see what it was like. I burned 589 doing that. I do l ike the cardio X but it's too much Yoga warm up for me.. What do you guys think? Getting the burn you hoped for??
  • stac7183
    stac7183 Posts: 1
    I did P90X classic about a year and a half ago and lost 17 lbs. Worked great but I agree that the Yoga is super long and boring. I just started it again last night to get back in super shape for my wedding in August! I'm thinking about substituting another Yoga workout I have for the Yoga X since I really never enjoyed doing it. I also have the P90X plus Kenpo which I plan on doing rather than the regular Kenpo, its more intense and not so much standing around learning the punches.
  • chelios7
    chelios7 Posts: 194 Member
    First time doing Core Synergistics tonight. Wow, that's a good workout. So fast, it's just go go go. I thought the 60 minutes went by pretty quick! I'm not a cardio person, but I liked this one (but not as good as Kenpo!).

    Haven't tried that one yet! How was your burn compared to kenpo? I may try it out on my rest day.

    I burned more cals during Core Synergistics. There is less standing around than in Kenpo where you are just throwing punches and kicks but not really moving and getting your heartrate up. Also, like I said it's go go go, Tony barely even takes the time to show you how it's done except on a couple of the moves, it's mostly "okay, here we go!" The rolling banana, superman banana and the Dreya rolls were the toughest for me, I liked the moves but I couldn't flip around that fast! It's a fun workout nonetheless and the time went quick.
  • chelios7
    chelios7 Posts: 194 Member
    I made it through my first night, barely. It was really hard but I did my best and was fine till the end, then I wanted to throw up for about an hour and I had a severe headache. I went to bed and woke up very sore today but that was to be expected. I hope I don't feel sick after tonights workout.

    Way to go! My body was pretty sore the first week, I felt twice my age crawling out of bed in the morning. There were a couple of times I felt like I was going to throw up, I was so exhausted, but I pushed through. I started using a recovery drink (Dark Matter, not the P90X version) the second week which I think helps a lot, I feel better minutes after downing it and not as bad in the morning.

    Keep pushing play, good luck!
  • j3nic3
    j3nic3 Posts: 220 Member
    it's my "down" week so I went to the gym this morning to do a circuit training class that i did previous to p90x. it's a mix of aerobics, plyometrics, and weights so it fits right in with p90x. it's non-stop action and burns a lot of calories...not sure i would have been used to the rigor of p90x without doing this type of class previously...

    Good job! That sounds like fun :-D
  • BananaBee3
    BananaBee3 Posts: 224
    Just finishes Plyometrics...at least 40 minutes of it. I couldn't do the whole thing today and I realized it's probably becaus I haven't eaten since lunch, I didn't realize it was already early evening! Aaaah, I hate how time goes by so fast on your days off :frown:
  • week 1 day 2
    Just finished Plyometrics!!!! What a workout!!!! I burned exactly 600 calories..I sure felt it!!! Abs and arms next!!!!
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