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  • charny164
    charny164 Posts: 175 Member
    Lost 3.4lbs this week.

    JMO - Orange and black are the biggest threat. Yes, its great to make friends and meet nice people but you go there for one purpose only - Lose Weight! I thought pink should have stayed. Its too bad but its just a game right? Glad that the mom had her rant before they left LOL. As for purple, I don't know if they are really trying anyway. The heavier you are the faster you should lose. I know that purple threw the weigh in but seriously! The last few weeks it was a pound here and a pound there. They are working out up to 6 hrs a day! Geez, it should be falling off of them! They are really young too!!!

    Oh well, whatever. The writers strike is on so shaking things up makes for something interesting to watch. Not too much else on tv right now anyway.

    Good luck everyone! Happy that you are all losing! :happy:

    Charlene :flowerforyou:
  • Smilineyes
    Smilineyes Posts: 346 Member
    Last week: 188.0
    This week: 187.2

    Doesn't surprise me because the last couple of days have been kinda bad. Just been really tired and stuff. But hey, still lost a pound and total I've lost 12 pounds! Keep up the good work everyone!

    :heart: Kels
  • diannholland1965
    diannholland1965 Posts: 782 Member
    I must say, I agree with all of the posts about the Black team both needing to go home, but at least they are playing with integrity. This allience thing is dumb. If I wanted to watch peopl do that I would watch Survivor. (I might be the only one here that thinks this but THAT is a DUMB show!)
    It has NOTHING to do with what you need to do to survive. HECK LOST is more about survivial then Survivor. But people watch it, so I guess they have a following.
    I digress. Next week they are voting of one person from a team. IF they where going to do that, THEY SHOULD have STARTED that way.
    Why is the Purple team still there? I do not know... Maybe it is because they are nice people, Maybe it is because they seem to work hard. I will say SEEM here as from what we have seen they are working hard, but they are not pulling numbers like the others. IN FACT if they where on HERE they would lose about the same numbers. Hey I lose around 1 to 2 pounds a week and I do not have two professional trainers working my butt for 6 to 7 hours a day! So they HAVE to be sherking SOMEWHERE. RIGHT??????????????
    Oh and Do not think for One minute that Bob and Jullian do not know what these people did to throw the weigh in. You wait and watch Trainers kick some lazy, allience thinking butt this week.
    I think it would be better if they just did the show and did not vote people off and whoever was indeed the BIGGEST LOSER at the end of the 3 months, was the winner.
    These are just my thoughts on this, What do you all think?
  • jhacker
    jhacker Posts: 301 Member
    Start weight: 225lbs.

    Last weigh in: 219lbs.

    This week: 218lbs.

    Total weight loss this week: 1 lb.:ohwell:

    Total weight loss: 7 lbs.

    I'll keep working at it!!! One comment from someone about me losing weight, so happy about that! It's going to be a long haul!!!:tongue:

    I have been feeling hungry a lot this past week. Should I eat more?? I'm following all my calories and water!

    P.S. Also didn't want to see pink go home. Purple needs to step it up. They haven't had a big loss yet! Every one will keep them there because they are no threat. Maybe that's their strategy! :wink:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    I agree Diann, that I wish everyone could stay on and then see who is the Biggest Loser at the end. I think the purple team is still there becaue they aren't a big threat. They are only losing a few pounds so they aren't really threatening to take over yet. They might be flyng under the radar for awhile. In a couple weeks, if they are still there, they may suddenly lose 14 pounds! Just a thought!
  • Hi everyone!

    Last week was 300.00
    This week I'm 296.4

    Total 10.2 since 1/7/08.

    Let's keep up the great work!! :bigsmile:
  • Hi everyone!

    Last week was 300.00
    This week I'm 296.4

    Total 10.2 since 1/7/08.

    Let's keep up the great work!! :bigsmile:
  • weight on 1/16 261.5
    weight on 1/23 259.5

    loss of 2 lbs this week
    loss of 15 lbs overall (past 3 weeks)

    I only got to watch the last half of the show last night so I didn't understand why the yellow team was against the other 6 teams, but as the show progressed I figured it out. what I think I missed is why they didn't all choose the black team to be the team they would vote off next if all the teams seem to hate them so much???

    I have nothing against the pink team, but I am personally glad the purple team is still there...there has to be some reason why they're not getting numbers like everyone else...either they don't have the exercise part down, or they're still not getting the eating part right, or something....I think they should get to stay there until they find what works for them....I think if they were to go home right now they would be really discouraged and give up....but I think the pink team understands enough of what they need to be doing that they will be just fine.

    I do agree though that all the teams should get to stay the whole time and just see who is the biggest loser at the end, but I guess the fear of elimination is a pretty good motivator for them...

    well congrats to everyone for their hard work this past week!!

  • Last Week: 307
    This Week: 299

    Total since I started 8 lbs.
  • rseman
    rseman Posts: 50
    Last week 136
    then there was a drop to 134
    Today 138

    I'm not too happy but it is still early in my journey and I am optimistic.
  • Joining you guys as i`m also a "biggest Loser fan"
    weight 2 days ago when joining this board 191 lbs
    today 189.5lbs
    I`ve been working at this since the start of the year when I tip the scale at 195.5 lbs...
    On the "biggest Loser subject" I think they are taking away from the weightloss issue and becoming to "reality show" ..Iknow they are a reality show but now it`s overdone...
    I would like to see it go back to if you fall below the yellow line...And altough I can give credit to the yellow team for the hard work, I can`t stand Paul...
    I liked the pink team and found the mom feisty...
    The black team is too sure of themselve...To be honest my favs are the blue team9I think it`s Blue) The ones that didn`t know each other prior to getting on campus...I would like to see them do well.
  • borjanap
    borjanap Posts: 232 Member
    I am very pleased with this week. I went over my calories (by about 300-400 calories) 3 days in a row but I was working out as well. I weighed in today and I have gone down .8. It does not sound much but after my plateau at 145 I am glad that I am down to 140 and hopefully next week I will be in the 130's. I have to look hottttttttttt in Miami....

    Last week 141.4
    This week. 140.6

    I actually did not like the pink team..They kinda rubbed me the wrong way. But the black team looks a little conniving....... I think that the orange team is doing really well.

    Congrats to everyone that has lost. Keep up the good work and thank you for all the inspiration!!!!!!!!
    The ones that have not lost or are plateauing just work really hard and it will happen. Good Luck everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Next week will be a good week!!!!! :)
    Words to live by: If you do what you always did you will get what you always got!
  • wish I saw the programme but in the UK !

    last week 178
    this week 178

    oh no, still at total loss 4lbs


    think I should do more exercise!
  • RiverCameron
    RiverCameron Posts: 56 Member
    Another week down and still feeling good. i've been going good with my eating but the exercise took a break while I lead an overnight field trip that I'm still trying to recover from. I can tell from my mood though that I haven't exercised in a few days, I'm SO grumpy and short tempered. Comes hades or high water, I'm working out tonight!

    Anyway, now for the weigh-in part of this.

    MFP Biggest Loser start weight: 210
    Weight last week 204.5

    Weight this week:

    222 156 234 174 200 167 221 195 243 156 276 190 210 178 208 178 205 199 204 201


    Weight loss this week: 1.5 pounds
    Percentage of weight lost this week: .73

    Good luck for the next week guys!
  • I have lost 1 pound and expect to lose alot next monday when I weigh in again because I have worked really hard on counting calories, as far as the show goes , it is a game but it keeps changing every yr and I dont like that much. I think the black team is competitive and most dont like them because they are so motivated to lose the weight and most think they are able to do it at home . I like the Orange team , but I didnt like their strategy this week it will get them kicked off soon , the purple team aint even trying or cheating on eating one.
  • RiverCameron
    RiverCameron Posts: 56 Member
    Hay one more post here.....what are all you doing to lose weight?? Just curious what everyone else is doing?

    I'm doing it the boring way. I'm counting calories and using a food journal (small notebook in my purse) and exercising. I'm trying to keep my calories between 1500 and 1700 calories, but I've been over a little sometimes and under others. I am not a doctor or professional AT ALL, but I got to thinking that if some days I eat more calories than others, that's closer to normal life, will be easier to maintain and it may help keep my body from recogizing the 'diet' and slowing down my metabolism. It's working so far but I've only been doing it for a few weeks, so we'll see.
  • I just read about this yesterday....and would love to join in!! However I am a little low this morning!! Last week 130
    This week 132 AHHH!
    GAIN 2 lbs!
    I went over my cal. one day last week, but i have been working out ALOT harder than i used to.....i have been working out for an hour and a half every day!! Really depressing.....

    :wink: All that extra working out is giving you muscle girl!!! Be pleased, measure around your hips, arms, thighs etc instead of weighing now you are working out so hard, you'll loose inches but maybe gain a bit of weight in muscle. Don't worry.
  • diannholland1965
    diannholland1965 Posts: 782 Member
    To the one in Europe that does not get biggest loser. MAN I DID NOT EVEN THINK OF THAT!
    There HAS to be a way to send this to you, I will put thought on it. MAYBE IT IS ON YOUTUBE.
    And Bigjug you are right about the black team being competitive, but the one brother is a plain
    J*** *kitten*
    THAT is why I am bothered by them.
    I Like the Blue team and want to see them do well. I did notice that this week as he said
    that he was clean shaven. :laugh: can not have that .01 % again.
    I was so proud of the orange team until this week.
    But as I said before. Watch trainer butt kicking Next week. If you thought Juillian was a BEOTCH before. WHEW, I beat you have not seen ANYTHING YET!
    I also noticed that the next biggest loser is going to be teams as well.
    and they might be starting it for the Spring viewing.
    For most of our regular shows this week or next is the last week that we are re-run free,
    So keep your eyes open for more reality shows to pop up everywhere. if you have an idea I bet the networks are buying!
    On that thought, I am going to find the Summer Movie sced interesting. Without any in the can now,
    They are going to have to take scripts from no name writers. So if you are a playwrite at Heart
  • I am new to site but wanted to post my goals and accomplishments

    I started on January12 at a weight of 314.8
    weighed in on January 22 at a weight of 306.6
    I have 160 lbs to go
  • I am also doing it the boring way but I am keeping at 1300 calories because I have alot of weight to loose. I am eating lean cuisines and wieght watchers smart ones. Fat free yogurts and lots of salads with kraft zesty lite italian dressing. Have lost eight pounds in 10 days. Probably mostly water weight though.
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