Midsummer Meltdown - 4/25 thru 6/21



  • CharlieJuliette
    CharlieJuliette Posts: 459 Member
    I like the rubber bands idea for keeping track of your water! I have 2 glasses on the side with marbles in. Each time I have a drink I transfer one marble across. Only works for days I'm at home though.
  • Quierstina
    Quierstina Posts: 201 Member
    Hi All!

    Yesterday was such a great day for me! I tracked my water for the day and got up to 16 glasses :drinker: ! Yesterday was a light exercise day for me. I did 55 mins of cardio on the elliptical and treadmill. Today I have plans for a full body workout - so excited!

    I am enjoying reading everyone's progress. I am new to the social aspect of MFP and think this challenge might be a good way to get me into the swing of things.

    Have a great day :flowerforyou:
  • shellbell2312
    I'm a day late but actually started my diet yesterday! But I wanna join!

    SW: 253
    GW: 225
  • mlh612
    mlh612 Posts: 311 Member
    Exercise for the day - Check
    Water - 5 cups in
    Bathroom Trips - 3 and on my way again :wink:
  • eeyorelvr09
    eeyorelvr09 Posts: 97 Member
    I had not seen the challenge for this week. But I exercised for about an hour and drank 8. I do the trick that she suggested. I take a regular sized Poland Spring bottle and use that. It hols 16.9 ozs of water. So I just have to fill it up 5 times.

    This too is my frirst challenge andd I have joined 2 other challenges that will keep me going until Sept. 1. I wish I knew this existed earlier, but better late than never, right?

    How was everyone's 1st day?
  • ksunshine91
    ksunshine91 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm in!
  • Tissues
    Tissues Posts: 361 Member
    1st day was awesome for me... I'm not sure why I woke up in such a GREAT mood this morning.. maybe it was all the water I drank? No? :bigsmile:

    Going to have a repeat day with water/exercise today. I can FEEL it.

    I'll check in tonight, have a fabby day everyone!
  • jkegs013
    jkegs013 Posts: 13 Member
    I'll join too if it's not to late...
    SW 177
  • msmindyf
    msmindyf Posts: 133 Member
    ceejay, I love the bracelet idea!! I read that the other day in an article online! I have a Pur water filter pitcher that I fill up once at day and it gives me my 64 oz. and also a water cooler thing in the fridge. So looks like I need to drink a pitcher a day and then some from the cooler. I got in 8 today and now I'm working on 9 and 10, I'm going to be waking up tonight peeing! But we have bad storms in the area again so I imagine I'll be up anyways.
    I did not know DD2 meant that either, learn something new everyday!
    That's the bad thing about bikes Angela, I haven't met a comfortable seat on one yet!

    ' I'm going to be waking up tonight peeing!'~nothing like waiting til the last minute to get all your water in :-)
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Man, we are flying on this thread. I :heart: it!!!!

    To all the newcomers since early last night - welcome! To recap this challenge: there will be a new food & exercise challenge each week provided by someone different within this thread (those indivduals know who they are). The new challenge will be posted by Monday evenings; hopefully no later than Tuesday mornings. Each Tuesday you should report in your CW; I'll track the group's changes and will then provide a weekly update.

    @ jkegs013 - thanks for providing your CW; can you provide your 6/21 GW?

    @ Leslie - thanks - the spreadsheet is growing fast! We're at 79 people (did everyone notice...we can no longer say it's just "Ladies"???? :wink:. )

    We're waiting on 7 people to post their CW/GW; hopefully we didn't lose them so soon!

    Sounds like everyone is doing great so far!! Nice work!! A lot of comments on using the bathroom....definitely don't wait too late in the day to drink all the glasses! :noway: You'll be up all night; not fun! Although I can share from experience....you do become adjusted to the increased water intake! "Running to the bathroom" won't last long!
  • ravenclawseekergirl
    ravenclawseekergirl Posts: 342 Member
    Hey everyone! I cant wait till i get my new headphones so that i can work out whilst listening to my music. Can't do it at the mo but i am still getting my exercise in.
    Struggling to get this water in. Been to the loo a million times today, my bladder doesnt like it. :laugh:
  • designerdiscounts
    designerdiscounts Posts: 517 Member
    Oh, I missed the first day but did start my "back on the horse" habits yesterday so can I still join? I really need the motivation - we are going on vacation in 7 weeks and my goal is to enjoy wearing a bathing suit again! I am so in. :flowerforyou:
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    I have got 10 cups of water in today and hopefully i can start back to exercising next week my back is feeling some better just going to take it easy this week and be under my calories !
  • nikki8marie
    nikki8marie Posts: 107 Member
    Holy Cow. I miss one day and all heck breaks loose. That's great. I hope everyone sticks with it.
    SW 248
    GW 240

    Thanks for the water challenge. I've been slacking and drinking coffee at work instead.
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 753 Member
    I'm back on track!

    water: 2/7
    exercise: 2/7 (yesterday: 80, tonite 55)

    I'm riding that train down that track with you, Olivia!! My caboose finally got back in line, and it's full steam ahead!!
    Working on #11-13 of my water (24 oz bottle) and I kicked my own butt with my 35 minute workout tonight!!
    I feel a new determination blooming inside of me....I'm a big fan of this feeling :laugh:
    Have a Wonderful Wednesday, everyone!!
    And Ailene...girl, you rock...I can't imagine trying to keep this spreadsheet straight...:heart: you!!!

    Must be spring because it seems we're all feeling rejuivinated. WTG with you're own butt kicking workout. I like to do that sometimes too. I set a time and make myself do hard-core calesthenics with jogging in between for 30-60 seconds. I'm my own JM! :devil:
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 753 Member
    Yeah I believe we are all doing the pee dance. 12 glasses here today and I'm working on 14 but I'm sure I"ll be awoke several times in the early am to go to the bathroom lol. I worked out 90 mins on the treadmill and then I did 25 mins on the exercise bike after Ailene inspired me by doing 90 mins on the bike!! Wow, my butt is usually asleep after 10 mins but I'm going to build up my endurance and to heck with my butt that goes to sleep!! No pain no gain:) Terrific job everyone~

    Angela - watch out for things falling asleep. if it's just your butt from perching, no biggie, but if it goes furtherdown your legs, don't push through it. I made the mistake of doing that in the past and ended up causing severe plantar facillitis. Just want to help you avoid the same curse that I lived through
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Yeah I believe we are all doing the pee dance. 12 glasses here today and I'm working on 14 but I'm sure I"ll be awoke several times in the early am to go to the bathroom lol. I worked out 90 mins on the treadmill and then I did 25 mins on the exercise bike after Ailene inspired me by doing 90 mins on the bike!! Wow, my butt is usually asleep after 10 mins but I'm going to build up my endurance and to heck with my butt that goes to sleep!! No pain no gain:) Terrific job everyone~

    Thanks, Angela!!! :flowerforyou: When I started cycling again this year my tailbone/upper butt would go numb after 30 minutes; but that should go away! Remember to stretch before/after...even with cycling!

    :drinker: ..<--- (water, at least 10 glasses!) :wink:
  • roselynsy
    roselynsy Posts: 128 Member
    i think i may be up all night weeing as ive only done about 40% for my water for today and im about to go drink for my life :drinker:
  • jipper44
    jipper44 Posts: 111
    Count me in! Like many others, entering my first MFP Challenge thread :)

    CW: 148
  • singer201
    singer201 Posts: 560 Member
    I spent 60 minutes mowing my lawn and another 60 minutes walking around the yard spraying weeds. 120 minutes outdoors! I keep looking around my yard and seeing exercise opportunities that should keep me busy all spring. Got a good start on the water for today.