I know there's no such thing as starvation mode but....

I am in a serious dilemma. Last weekend, I got drunk. Like, really drunk. Not to the point of throwing up but I had a miserable hangover the next day and couldn't eat much. Then the same thing the next day. And the next. It's now 5 days later and I still haven't been able to eat more than a few bites of anything at a time. I'm starting to freak out because I've lost 6 lbs and it's obviously going to be muscle since I'm barely eating anything. But I feel SO sick still, everything makes me want to puke, but I also feel super hungry.

TIPS on getting past this?


  • shadowofender
    shadowofender Posts: 786 Member
    You could just be sick. Getting drunk can have an adverse reaction on your immune system. And when people are sick, they can't always eat or keep the food down.

    Bringing starvation mode up really has nothing to do with your post. I understand you're concerned you're not eating enough. If you have upset stomach issues, and it's been five days, I don't think it's related to the drinking anymore and you might want to go to a doctor if you have other symptoms.

    If not, ride it out.
  • xcalygrl
    xcalygrl Posts: 1,897 Member
    edited October 2014
    Why would you say that there's no such thing as starvation mode?

    Because there isn't. Individuals who eat extremely low calories continute to lose weight, even when they should be in "starvation" mode. There is such a thing as metabolic adaptation though, which is where your body gets used to a low amount of calories so you have to keep cutting them lower and lower to lose. Once you stop cutting your calories super low, you will gain weight back fast because your metabolism has slowed down to maintain life on fewer calories.

    I would suggest gatorade and pedialyte to get your body's electrolytes back in order. When I'm super dehydrated (like after a long endurance event), I get sick just thinking about food.

    Soup and crackers are great foods for getting calories in, and they are easy on the stomach too.
  • jillmarie125
    jillmarie125 Posts: 418 Member
    i have had this happen to me after a good night of drinking. i had to force myself to eat. i didnt care about the calories i just needed to eat. once i got stable meals in...then i seemed fine. but i have to say...it really messed with the scale. i dropped weight (like you did...which is mostly water) then gained really fast (again mostly water.)
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    It sounds to me like you have something other than a hangover. I've had some crazy nights but I've never had a hangover that lasted more than 2 days (and that was the absolute WORST) I've ever had. You probably have a stomach bug, or maybe it's just stress, who knows. Consider seeing a doctor. I wouldn't worry too much about the weight loss, it will probably come back once you start eating normally. The most important factor is your health and it sounds like there might be something off.
  • AskTracyAnnK28
    AskTracyAnnK28 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Do you think you could possibly have a virus/flu? There's lots of stuff going around. Your symptons could have nothing to do with a night of heavy drinking.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    Go to a doctor. I don't think anyone has ever had a week-long hangover.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Because "starvation mode" as most people toss the term around in here is a myth. You can't eat so few calories that you stop losing weight. If that were true, no one would ever die from not eating .

    OP, if you're still sick so many days later I'd suggest seeing a medical professional. Be sure you're getting lots of fluids even if you aren't eating. You don't want to compound the problem by getting dehydrated. You might start trying to eat only those things one should normally eat after a stomach illness: dry toast, bananas, white rice, etc. Avoid dairy and fatty foods.
  • parkscs
    parkscs Posts: 1,639 Member
    I would just try to get something in your stomach for now and I suspect your appetite will start to return. You've essentially been fasting for a few days and it's not that uncommon for people to feel nausea while fasting. If it was me, I'd try to think of what sounds less-nauseating to eat right now, whether that's toast, ice cream or whatever, and just get some substantial food in your stomach. As for the 6 pounds, it's almost certainly water you're losing - you haven't lost 6 pounds of muscle. With no dietary carbs, your body is utilizing your stored muscle glycogen, just as if you were starting a ketogenic diet. But in any event, try to eat some food.
  • garnerish
    garnerish Posts: 67 Member
    edited October 2014
    Why would you say that there's no such thing as starvation mode?

    Because for most people, there isn't.

  • Foamroller
    Foamroller Posts: 1,041 Member
    edited October 2014
    Maybe you had a mild alco shock? Some people have very high tolerance without throwing up. Or you might have gotten a food poisoning? Or as someone said you got a flu?

    Whatever you did, your body truly didn't like it...

    I sometimes go into these odd days or weeks where I can't eat anything fried, eating only rice and apples...

    I'd suggest a sauna, to sweat it out, if you're able to.
    Or just think of it as an involuntarily fast:P

    I wouldn't fret about the muscles. And you're probably ok, if you still want to check to calm nerves, that's up to you:)


    Edit: fixed spellings
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    What they said, about eating something: crackers, toast (maybe with PB), rice, boullion (which will give you sodium), soup.

    And what they said about drinking nonalcoholic fluids: water, gatoraide, cola (not cold), ginger ale (not cold), soda water (not cold).

    And what they said about see a doctor. This isn't a hangover. Those don't last a week.

    But there really is such a thing as starvation mode. It's not easy to get to. Your metabolism lowers, your body starts using muscle for energy in a last-ditch effort to power your body long enough to find food before the heart &/or diaphragm lose so much tissue they can't keep working & you die.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    LoraF83 wrote: »
    Go to a doctor. I don't think anyone has ever had a week-long hangover.


  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    deksgrl wrote: »
    LoraF83 wrote: »
    Go to a doctor. I don't think anyone has ever had a week-long hangover.


  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    LaurenAOK wrote: »
    It sounds to me like you have something other than a hangover. I've had some crazy nights but I've never had a hangover that lasted more than 2 days (and that was the absolute WORST) I've ever had. You probably have a stomach bug, or maybe it's just stress, who knows. Consider seeing a doctor. I wouldn't worry too much about the weight loss, it will probably come back once you start eating normally. The most important factor is your health and it sounds like there might be something off.

    agreed - worst hangover I ever had was two days...one day of nausea and then second day of just feeling tired and run down...
  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    LoraF83 wrote: »
    Go to a doctor. I don't think anyone has ever had a week-long hangover.
    You obviously don't know how to party.

    .....seriously OP, go to a Doctor.

  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    jkwolly wrote: »
    LoraF83 wrote: »
    Go to a doctor. I don't think anyone has ever had a week-long hangover.
    You obviously don't know how to party.

    .....seriously OP, go to a Doctor.

    I guess I don't. *shrug*
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    The reason you don't feel like eating is because your body is focused on healing. Listen to your body. But do stay hydrated.

    You're not losing muscle. You're losing water and glycogen and probably some fat and your weight will likely bounce back as soon as you're well and eating normally again.
  • parkscs
    parkscs Posts: 1,639 Member
    The reason you don't feel like eating is because your body is focused on healing. Listen to your body. But do stay hydrated.

    You're not losing muscle. You're losing water and glycogen and probably some fat and your weight will likely bounce back as soon as you're well and eating normally again.

    This makes absolutely no sense. Your body is focused on "healing" so you don't eat? That's utter non-sense. The OP said she was very hungry but feeling nausea - so this is some form of magical, holistic nausea that is experienced when your body is healing itself for 5 days after a hangover? She needs to eat, not rely on magical healing nausea and a complete lack of food to heal her.
  • Jruzer
    Jruzer Posts: 3,501 Member
    I had a similar issue a few years ago. One of the things my doctor suggested was that my intestinal flora were out of equilibrium. She suggested taking a supplement like Florajen for a week or two. That did seem to help.