Banana Bread was left hanging on our front Door !



  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    Reel81 wrote: »
    Stuff like that goes directly in the trashcan on the street, without even being opened or sampled. I'd thank my sister for the gesture but insure the paraphernalia does not remain in the home to be eaten.

    Sadly I do this around the holidays a lot. I feel terrible throwing food in the trash but I know If I eat one cookie or one sweet from the package I'll eat the whole thing... no doubt about it. Sometimes you can tell people your on a diet, and you can tell them "please don't make cookies for me I don't want any"... and they make them anyway...a whole freaking bunch of them.

    I know for a fact my coworker makes a bunch of "goodies" and then feels guilty about it and doesn't want to eat everything she made so she saves 2 for herself and "kindly" gives the rest away to friends and family. She feels like she's controlling her eating and still getting what she wants (and maybe it works on her end)...but it sets the recipients up for failure and temptation they were trying to avoid. Especially when 2-3 other people gave you "goodies" over the same holiday. :( So into the trash they go... maybe with some used kitty litter or dog poo on top so I'm not tempted to dig them back out of the trash :expressionless:

    Now if you wanna bring 1 individually packaged home baked cookie over with the calories already calculated out for me... thank you so much I will love you forever...but please don't bring me Santa's entire megalithic cookie collection when I've asked you not to. :angry:

    You know - you could do the same thing as your coworker and so could all the recipients of her gifts if they wanted to. Take what you can afford to eat (maybe nothing), and pass on the rest to someone else.

    I only throw out food that I think is not good to eat. The softball-sized meringues I got as part of a cookie exchange? The ones where most of the insides were still raw (as I discovered while biting into one in front of the baker)? Straight into the trash as soon as I got home from the party while praying the egg whites hadn't been contaminated with salmonella or similar.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    jwhited71 wrote: »
    Why waste good food?? paraphernalia really it's banana bread not a syringe

    This situation is exactly what work break rooms are for! Take it to work and leave it for people who might like it. :smiley:

    Too many people at my office seem to have that idea.

    Got to have a small bit of some tasty pumpkin bread as a result, though.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Reel81 wrote: »
    Stuff like that goes directly in the trashcan on the street, without even being opened or sampled. I'd thank my sister for the gesture but insure the paraphernalia does not remain in the home to be eaten.

    Sadly I do this around the holidays a lot. I feel terrible throwing food in the trash but I know If I eat one cookie or one sweet from the package I'll eat the whole thing... no doubt about it. Sometimes you can tell people your on a diet, and you can tell them "please don't make cookies for me I don't want any"... and they make them anyway...a whole freaking bunch of them.

    I know for a fact my coworker makes a bunch of "goodies" and then feels guilty about it and doesn't want to eat everything she made so she saves 2 for herself and "kindly" gives the rest away to friends and family. She feels like she's controlling her eating and still getting what she wants (and maybe it works on her end)...but it sets the recipients up for failure and temptation they were trying to avoid. Especially when 2-3 other people gave you "goodies" over the same holiday. :( So into the trash they go... maybe with some used kitty litter or dog poo on top so I'm not tempted to dig them back out of the trash :expressionless:

    Now if you wanna bring 1 individually packaged home baked cookie over with the calories already calculated out for me... thank you so much I will love you forever...but please don't bring me Santa's entire megalithic cookie collection when I've asked you not to. :angry:

    Wow you can't think of anyone to give this too so you throw it all out??? Freeze some, give some away. Sorry you have all these mean evil people in your lives that make homemade treats for your families... the friggen nerve of some people.
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    OP, your day is going to consist of a light breakfast, a loaf of banana bread and a glass of wine? You should think about addressing your food issues. Why not skip the wine, since you already ate the banana bread, and eat a vegetable or some protein?
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    jwhited71 wrote: »
    Wow you can't think of anyone to give this too so you throw it all out??? Freeze some, give some away. Sorry you have all these mean evil people in your lives that make homemade treats for your families... the friggen nerve of some people.

    There's nothing like the evil lurking in a gift of homemade baked goods. Can't wait to secretly sabotage everyone on Thanksgiving with some apple pie!

    More seriously, this is actually going to make me neurotic about eating any more baked goods that show up at my office, as I'm now going to wonder if it's already on its third or fourth regifting.
  • jbee27
    jbee27 Posts: 356 Member
    jwhited71 wrote: »
    Why waste good food?? paraphernalia really it's banana bread not a syringe

    This situation is exactly what work break rooms are for! Take it to work and leave it for people who might like it. :smiley:

    Exactly!! This is what I do alllll the time, as do others in my office. I live alone, so if there are goodies that I can't keep around (or will go bad before I possibly could eat them all), straight to the office they go.

    Share the love (and the calories!)
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    jwhited71 wrote: »
    Wow you can't think of anyone to give this too so you throw it all out??? Freeze some, give some away. Sorry you have all these mean evil people in your lives that make homemade treats for your families... the friggen nerve of some people.

    There's nothing like the evil lurking in a gift of homemade baked goods. Can't wait to secretly sabotage everyone on Thanksgiving with some apple pie!

    More seriously, this is actually going to make me neurotic about eating any more baked goods that show up at my office, as I'm now going to wonder if it's already on its third or fourth regifting.


  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    jwhited71 wrote: »
    Reel81 wrote: »
    Stuff like that goes directly in the trashcan on the street, without even being opened or sampled. I'd thank my sister for the gesture but insure the paraphernalia does not remain in the home to be eaten.

    Sadly I do this around the holidays a lot. I feel terrible throwing food in the trash but I know If I eat one cookie or one sweet from the package I'll eat the whole thing... no doubt about it. Sometimes you can tell people your on a diet, and you can tell them "please don't make cookies for me I don't want any"... and they make them anyway...a whole freaking bunch of them.

    I know for a fact my coworker makes a bunch of "goodies" and then feels guilty about it and doesn't want to eat everything she made so she saves 2 for herself and "kindly" gives the rest away to friends and family. She feels like she's controlling her eating and still getting what she wants (and maybe it works on her end)...but it sets the recipients up for failure and temptation they were trying to avoid. Especially when 2-3 other people gave you "goodies" over the same holiday. :( So into the trash they go... maybe with some used kitty litter or dog poo on top so I'm not tempted to dig them back out of the trash :expressionless:

    Now if you wanna bring 1 individually packaged home baked cookie over with the calories already calculated out for me... thank you so much I will love you forever...but please don't bring me Santa's entire megalithic cookie collection when I've asked you not to. :angry:

    Wow you can't think of anyone to give this too so you throw it all out??? Freeze some, give some away. Sorry you have all these mean evil people in your lives that make homemade treats for your families... the friggen nerve of some people.

    Keyword being theyve asked them not to. I don't see why put all this thought into dealing with a situation you already tried to prevent. The trash can is an excellent solution here. It's baked food - not the cure to world hunger. It's not a big deal if you don't want the damn thing and feed it to your trash can instead
  • PrizePopple
    PrizePopple Posts: 3,133 Member
    Pumpkin muffins are totally happening in this house tonight. With cream cheese on top just like the Starbucks muffins. Oh yeaaaah. :yum:
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    I would have taken the banana bread to share with colleagues. Wouldn't throw it away. Someone baked it. She had good intentions. Seems a waste to throw something so delicious and homemade away.
    BFDeal wrote: »
    I put some "banana" bread on the wifes back door a while back if you know what i mean. Wink wink nudge nudge.

  • Cathalain
    Cathalain Posts: 424 Member
    edited October 2014
    Donate the banana bread to a homeless organization or a soup kitchen. They could definitely use the food and it would be greatly appreciated. Might make you feel good, too.
  • melimomTARDIS
    melimomTARDIS Posts: 1,941 Member
    I am a binge eater, (recovering) and baked goods with a certain texture I particularly enjoy used to be kryptonite for me.

    I posted on MFP (back in February) That I had eaten a nearly a whole triple berry pie, to myself. I just kept going back, and really felt I could not control myself.

    In response to this, a poster recommended that I portion my baked goods out, and freeze them.

    So If I get a pie, I (or my husband) will cut it into 8 pieces, and wrap up whatever we dont plan on eating, and put it in the freezer.

    This advice has freed me! Really, I enjoy a variety of baked goods I was avoiding because I didnt trust my self. Muffins, croissants, french bread, hard rolls, even pie!

    I just have what I am gonna have and freeze the rest.

    The best part about freezing in individual portions is that you can pull out a single slice or whatever the next morning, and BOOM, breakfast.

    If you dont like banana bread, than do not eat it. But if you love it, it is worth finding a way to make it work.

  • independant2406
    independant2406 Posts: 447 Member
    edited October 2014
    jwhited71 wrote: »
    Wow you can't think of anyone to give this too so you throw it all out??? Freeze some, give some away. Sorry you have all these mean evil people in your lives that make homemade treats for your families... the friggen nerve of some people.

    Oh my goodness!! Wasted food! Someone somewhere will die if I throw it away... OMG!

    Homemade treats are fine if someone is doing it in a controlled fashion and from the kindness of their heart. (I'm talking like 1 batch of cookies is fine...) but baking 400 cookies because your on a binge is not a healthy choice for you or anyone around you. Why should others feel obligated to overeat what you made just because you went overboard? It is just pawning your binge off on someone else. *This* is the person who needs to learn self control. Not me. Trust me it takes plenty of self control to keep telling them "NO." :)

    If someone else wants the goodies I receive I'm happy give it to them or re-gift them. 9 x out of 10 times though everyone else I know at the holidays is also trying to get rid of stuff they've received or made themselves because they don't want it either... Our local homeless shelters will take donations of raw & canned foods but not baked goods (unless store bought) because they don't know what is in them... otherwise I'd send them there.

    If I've told someone repeatedly "don't give me baked goods" and they do it anyway they go in the trash and I'm not sorry. :)
  • Cathalain
    Cathalain Posts: 424 Member
    If someone else wants the goodies I receive I'm happy give it to them or re-gift them. 9 x out of 10 times though everyone else I know at the holidays is also trying to get rid of stuff they've received or made themselves because they don't want it either.

    I've noticed that this is becoming more and more prevalent among people I know (family, friends, coworkers). No one wants the stuff anymore, which I guess is a good thing because it means that they're getting a healthier mindset as well. I don't bake anymore on the holidays but for maybe one single batch of cookies or one pie for my husband to eat (who can afford it, calorie-wise, lucky him!). Same goes for birthdays at my office - no one wants cupcakes or anything similar any longer, so when it gets bought, it sits in the fridge for days until it gets thrown out anyhow.

    They just had a team meeting 2 weeks ago and the supervisor bought a 12 pack of doughnuts - 10 of them are STILL in that fridge 2 weeks later.

    It's a shame to throw stuff out, yes, but if you really can't find anyone that wants it, what's the point? It's going to go bad and you'll have to throw it out anyway. You're right in that some shelters won't take homemade stuff, I didn't think of that (mine does, so I try to donate what I can).

  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    edited October 2014
    Don't eat it until you get to work, and offer it to your co-workers. I do most of my shameful fatty eating alone. I doubt I'd eat 4 slices at work in front of my colleagues.
  • MYhealthyjourney70
    MYhealthyjourney70 Posts: 276 Member
    bobby5112 wrote: »
    4 slices = 8 ounces = 800 calories.

    I know it sounds crazy, but you could eat just one slice.

    well said
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,231 Member
    Wow, I can't believe so many people would just toss it. I love to bake during the holidays but hell NO am I going to put the calorie content on the packaging. I figure if someone is avoiding sweets, that's on THEM. I mean, how do you go grocery shopping?

    If you don't want the goodies, drop them off in the break room or give them to another neighbor. Personally, I would have had a piece of bread and shared the other pieces with my dogs. But hey, I'm crazy like that.
  • puccagirl77
    puccagirl77 Posts: 8 Member
    What about portioning it out and freezing it? wrap each potion in foil and then put them all into a freezer bag. Then you could plan it into your day to enjoy as a treat, but it wouldn't be as accessible and easy to lose control.

    If you really have no self control with this, then I would toss it. I think we all probably have foods like that. I had to stop buying those pastry twists because I would eat the whole bag in one sitting. :)