Opinions please!


I've hit a plateaux and would like some advice.
My food diary is open. I plan my food quite early on in the day, so when you see a day where I am under my calorie count it's because I'm going to bed and have taken out things I haven't got round to eating. I don't count my sugar as it was putting me off my fruit consumption. I normally slightly over record what I've eaten, especially with cheese although I am trying to keep up my calcium and fibre without sky rocketing my carbs.

I walk about 3.5 miles a day just going from here to there and don't have time to exercise as I have 3 kids, I'm studying for a degree and I'm a volunteer.

I've been stuck at 136 for weeks now after losing 30lbs since May.

Any advice appreciated.


  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    How long has it been since you lost weight? If over 4-6 weeks you are eating at maitenance and you need to look at how you are accounting for your calories.

    For example are you weighing all your solids? No....
    You are logging less than 1200 calories but if you aren't losing weight you are eating more than you think...

    For example the spagetti bolognese? did you make that? was it from a resturant? how big is "1 serving"? @162 calories? really...when I make it one serving has way over 450 calories (depending on how much cheese I put on top), Fried fish balls 100 calories? hmmm I doubt it.

    And you don't log consistently...there are days you don't log anything

    To lose weight you have to be in a calorie deficit and to know for sure you are in a calorie deficit you need to weigh your solids and measure you liquids and log consistently.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    How long has it been since you lost weight? If over 4-6 weeks you are eating at maitenance and you need to look at how you are accounting for your calories.

    For example are you weighing all your solids? No....
    You are logging less than 1200 calories but if you aren't losing weight you are eating more than you think...

    For example the spagetti bolognese? did you make that? was it from a resturant? how big is "1 serving"? @162 calories? really...when I make it one serving has way over 450 calories (depending on how much cheese I put on top), Fried fish balls 100 calories? hmmm I doubt it.

    And you don't log consistently...there are days you don't log anything

    To lose weight you have to be in a calorie deficit and to know for sure you are in a calorie deficit you need to weigh your solids and measure you liquids and log consistently.

  • mousette81
    mousette81 Posts: 16 Member
    Well, I'm glad I posted on here because I love all the help and support.

    The spag bol is home made with quorn mince, pepper, onion, chopped tomatoes and mixed herbs. I had it with no spaghetti and no cheese. I have a small amount in a small bowl.

    The fish balls were kid bite size, home made with fish, herbs and bound with an egg and a tablespoon of flour (for the whole batch).

    The days I missed out on were exactly the same as the other days. I had wine on one occasion, might as well give up now! I didn't enter because I very nearly gave up on the whole thing but then decided I would try again and alter my diet a bit again.

    Lucky I don't reply on the lovely phrased replies of strangers to keep me going really.

  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Rude much? People were trying to help.

    It's not possible not to lose any weight eating less than 1200 calories a day. You could just have hit a stall though, so if you're really 100% accurate in your logging, just give it a couple more weeks and you will lose again.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    How tall are you, how old, how much more are you trying to lose? Starting weight? Goal weight?
  • mousette81
    mousette81 Posts: 16 Member
    No, I'm really not. I believe that if you are going to willingly reply to someone who has asked for help then its nice to be nice! Does everyone think this way? 'hmmmmm I doubt it.' Nobody asked about how things were made, you just jumped to conclusions.
  • mousette81
    mousette81 Posts: 16 Member
    How tall are you, how old, how much more are you trying to lose? Starting weight? Goal weight?

    Height- 5"1', Age- 32, starting weight 168, current weight 136, goal weight 110 so I'm over half way! Yay! :D

    I like the truth, unfortunately assumption is the enemy of truth.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Rude much? People were trying to help.

    It's not possible not to lose any weight eating less than 1200 calories a day. You could just have hit a stall though, so if you're really 100% accurate in your logging, just give it a couple more weeks and you will lose again.

    Didn't you know that being supportive means not telling people the truth. Not telling people what they are doing wrong.
    stop being mean!!!!!

    seriously OP - you posted a topic and asked for help, and you are getting very useful advice…sorry if it is not wrapped up in a bow and covered in rainbows and gummy bears, but it is still good advice...
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Err do we have to have another cripple fight?

    OP a plateau an last anything from 3-6 weeks.

    The most common answer is just you are not eating at a deficit and more likely at miantenance. You know that already.

    Unless you have a medical condition, then thats what it will be. Your measuring is underestimating. Im assuming you are weighing and not just estimating? This is the problem when it relies on just diet only to lose weight rather than using exercise as well.
    Personallu id find some way to get 30 mins a day or at least every other day to do some exercise which raised my heart rate abd built a sweat to see if you can getting it moving in the right direction again.
  • mousette81
    mousette81 Posts: 16 Member
    I'm not disputing the advice, I'm annoyed how people wrote the assumption, just because other people have higher calories meals, it means that my meals have to be the same level as theirs?
    IDK, it just gets me when people jump to conclusions as I have already lost 32lbs since May so I know about the calorie levels and have spent the last few weeks altering my carb intake from bread, potatoes and pasta to more fruit and veg. I guess I just thought this forum was to support one another and not make jibes about how wrong you think people are.
  • mousette81
    mousette81 Posts: 16 Member
    OP a plateau an last anything from 3-6 weeks.

    The most common answer is just you are not eating at a deficit and more likely at miantenance. You know that already.

    Unless you have a medical condition, then thats what it will be. Your measuring is underestimating. Im assuming you are weighing and not just estimating? This is the problem when it relies on just diet only to lose weight rather than using exercise as well.
    Personallu id find some way to get 30 mins a day or at least every other day to do some exercise which raised my heart rate abd built a sweat to see if you can getting it moving in the right direction again.[/quote]

    Thanks! I will see what I can do- I have 2 y/o twins and a 6 year old so getting time at night (and not waking them up) is a little tricky and I have the youngest 2 all day but I will have a look at what I might be able to get in. I think the idea of organised exercise seems a little daunting with little time but 30mins every other day should be manageable. Thanks again.

  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    If you read the forums then youd know they are just like any other forums some good some bad, some harsh some not. You need a thick skin or just a friends list you cna rely on of you might get upset by people who are blunt/ rude or whatever you wnat to call it. Some people support some dont. I wouldnt let it bother you and tbf I think people have tried to give honest answers.

    Do you think you are underestimating what you are eating?
    I switched to include more fruit and veg and cut right back on bread and pots.

    Probably the real difference is I incorporate exercise. I dont have the solution if you believe you are eating and are eating at a deficit. 1000 calories is low imo, but then you are smaller and a female.
  • GarRo247
    mousette81 wrote: »
    I'm annoyed how people wrote the assumption, just because other people have higher calories meals, it means that my meals have to be the same level as theirs?

    If I eat an apple or if you eat an apple it's still an apple, yours doesn't have less calories just because you would like it to. The same food will have the same calories.

    You're not weighing properly. You should never log any home made food as one item, if you make something yourself you need to add in each ingredient individually weighing each. You're under estimating and not eating to a deficit.
  • mousette81
    mousette81 Posts: 16 Member
    GarRo247 wrote: »
    mousette81 wrote: »
    I'm annoyed how people wrote the assumption, just because other people have higher calories meals, it means that my meals have to be the same level as theirs?

    If I eat an apple or if you eat an apple it's still an apple, yours doesn't have less calories just because you would like it to. The same food will have the same calories.

    You're not weighing properly. You should never log any home made food as one item, if you make something yourself you need to add in each ingredient individually weighing each. You're under estimating and not eating to a deficit.

    I have the spag bol in my recipe section, where the ingredients are all weighed and entered. We eat this every week to the same recipe.
  • mswoodsy
    mswoodsy Posts: 91 Member
    I gotta agree with the OP here. The advice may have been valid but was given based mostly on assumption and lacked any form of class or sympathy and besides that...

    Ever heard its not what you say, its how you say it?
    Didn't know you had to ASK for responses to be "wrapped in a bow with rainbows". Guess it's human nature to be rude and condescending.

    Just because you gave "good" advice in an ugly package doesn't mean you helped. Now you could have discouraged the OP from ever requesting help again.
  • sandradickie
    sandradickie Posts: 40 Member
    How much water are you drinking?
    As a mother of three myself, I know that there are really not always enough hours in the day to take care of yourself properly. Just make sure that you get at least 64 oz. a day of water, more if you are trying to loose weight and take your vitamin supplements. Also, you may need to up your calories with healthy protein. That has worked for me when I have hit a plateau for a few weeks. I would go from eating between 1000-1200 calories a day to 1200-1500 for a few days and it has seemed to help.
    We all struggle with this or we would not be on this site. TRUTH does not have to be served with a shovel or sledge hammer. What works for me may not work for everyone. Understanding and support works for MANY!
  • mousette81
    mousette81 Posts: 16 Member
    999tigger wrote: »
    If you read the forums then youd know they are just like any other forums some good some bad, some harsh some not. You need a thick skin or just a friends list you cna rely on of you might get upset by people who are blunt/ rude or whatever you wnat to call it. Some people support some dont. I wouldnt let it bother you and tbf I think people have tried to give honest answers.

    Do you think you are underestimating what you are eating?
    I switched to include more fruit and veg and cut right back on bread and pots.

    Probably the real difference is I incorporate exercise. I dont have the solution if you believe you are eating and are eating at a deficit. 1000 calories is low imo, but then you are smaller and a female.

    I know, thanks, I really should know better. I don't think I am underestimating (some things I know I overestimate- salad, cheese) but will trial for a week weighing it all to see what difference it makes to my levels.

    I really appreciate the advice and I'm not afraid of the answers- It was the way it was put. If that sounds like I'm over sensitive then there you go. It's the fact that if I had read someone else being replied to like that I would be really angry as people get really anxious with this stuff and want a bit of understanding.

    Thanks again.