PCOS success stories without Metformin? Need Motivation!



  • StarFall90
    StarFall90 Posts: 133 Member
    I'm down 65 pounds since February with PCOS . No meds, no diets. Just eating 1200-2000 calories a day and walking a lot.
  • A_Dabauer
    A_Dabauer Posts: 212 Member
    I have to eat consistently under 1000 cals a day on a strict low carb diet, plus exercise 3-4 times a week to loose anything.

    I have done it but seems impossible to maintain those numbers.

    I'm starting to see a naturopathic Dr on Monday who I'm hoping can get my hormones under control. I'm getting to the point where I'm 100% covered in unsightly hair :blushing: not to mention my weight.

    I'll keep you posted how the new Dr works out, I certainly have my fingers crossed.
  • persistentsoul
    persistentsoul Posts: 268 Member
    I am losing on low carb , whole food , grain free. I also find body does adapt and wieght loss grinds to a halt. Increasing activity and varying calorie intake seems to get things moving again. I would not consistently eat very low calories but i have found adding in intermitent days like that helped when got stuck.
  • StarFall90
    StarFall90 Posts: 133 Member
    I have to eat consistently under 1000 cals a day on a strict low carb diet, plus exercise 3-4 times a week to loose anything.

    I have done it but seems impossible to maintain those numbers.

    I'm starting to see a naturopathic Dr on Monday who I'm hoping can get my hormones under control. I'm getting to the point where I'm 100% covered in unsightly hair :blushing: not to mention my weight.

    I'll keep you posted how the new Dr works out, I certainly have my fingers crossed.

    I have the same hair issue. (Face, chest, butt, back,) it's lessened a bit with my weight loss. And I read Spearment tea can lessen the symptoms even more. I'm making Dr. Appointment soon. It has consumed my life, to the point I'm staying single and refuse to go on dates.
  • paulykira
    paulykira Posts: 3 Member
    I was diagnosed several years ago as well. Hated Metformin! That stuff destroyed my digestive system. I've been on birth control most of my adult life, so that may be influential here. A couple years ago I lost about 25 lbs in 6 mos. without the use of metformin. Some of the biggest factors for me included diet and activity level. I did something active for at least an hour most days of the week. Some days it was interval running or long bike rides. Some days it was a nice slow hike for fun or indoor rock climbing. The more active I was, the more success I had. Diet was huge as well. I quit eating refined carbs, but still regularly consumed whole grains and starchy produce. I loaded up on fruits and veggies every day and cut way back on sweets and soda. I also cut back my intake of meats to just a few times a week. Still lots of indulgences here and there, but making the majority of my calories healthy, whole food calories really helped me lose weight. Sugar is my biggest killer. When I cut back on sugar, I have an easier time losing weight and I feel tons better. Automatically throwing away 20% of my exercise calories has really helped me, too. Maybe it creates extra deficit, I don't know, but if I eat them all back, I stagnate. You might also consider some strength training in your workout regimen to break up all the cardio we tend to do. That will help you build the muscle that will reshape your body and burn off the fat that piles on so easily for those of us with this condition.

    Most importantly, have confidence that it can be done, but realize and accept that it will probably be harder and take longer for you. As you experiment with different types of exercise and different dietary balances, you will discover what works best for you.
  • A_Dabauer
    A_Dabauer Posts: 212 Member
    I have the same hair issue. (Face, chest, butt, back,) it's lessened a bit with my weight loss. And I read Spearment tea can lessen the symptoms even more. I'm making Dr. Appointment soon. It has consumed my life, to the point I'm staying single and refuse to go on dates.

    I'll try the tea :) I've had laser hair removal from my face a few years ago but though it helped I need to go again for another round of sessions cause I'm hairy like a dude on my face again.
    Take magnesium and vitamin d supplements, both vitamins pcos women are statistically extremely low in.

    Interesting I just got my Vitamin D levels checked, crazy low. I also have psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis, and both have been improving since adding the Vitamin D to my diet.

    I don't weight because I find it counter productive, but feels like I've been loosing weight since adding the Vitamin D as well.
  • A_Dabauer
    A_Dabauer Posts: 212 Member
    OK so had my appointment with the Naturopathic Doctor yesterday. (A naturopathic doctor has a PhD in Naturopathic Medicine) Very much good news! :happy:

    She says PCOS is relatively easy to treat with herbs, and prescribed me two Dietary supplements. Both are regulated here in Canada (we can't buy them except with a prescription from a naturopathic Doctor) But in the states you can buy them. PM me if you are interested in what they are. Both help regulate hormones and assist with Insulin Resistance. (Even is supposed to help with the texture and thickness of unsightly body hair.)

    She also said I was to have two tbsp. each of pumpkin seeds and flax seeds per day. This will assist as well with hormone regulation.

    Last but not least was low carb, higher protein diet, as well as exercise. (I think most of us are on that page already.)

    She was very positive that this is treatable! We are predominately working on my PCOS at this time and will start working on my Psoriasis, and a few other health concerns once this is regulated a bit better :D

    I would defiantly recommend seeing a naturopathic doctor if you are able, I found the experience very positive!

    If you are interested add me as a friend and/or follow my blog as I'll keep that up-to-date with my progress, side effects, and so on :)http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/A_Dabauer

    Good luck!
  • LauraAkaTigger
    LauraAkaTigger Posts: 145 Member
    My only way is low carb/high protein and working out 5 days a week!! Diet is the key!! I have a sweet tooth and try to work around that.. Quest bars have been a Saviour!'
  • motivatedshi
    motivatedshi Posts: 75 Member
    I lost 40 pounds at one time without metformin.... google "low amylose" diet... it seriously fixed so many of my PCOS problems, not just weight. You CAN do it, you really need to CUT OUT Grains, Potatoes, Rice, even ROOT vegetables like Carrots and Parsnips. I felt so much better and LESS hungry beleive it or not when I was follow this diet. the only "carbs" I would eat were ChickPeas, Beans, Quinoa, and 1 apple a day, or some berries (since they are low on sugar). Good luck
  • dek120
    dek120 Posts: 1
    I have pcos and ive been missing periods for like 5 months or so during last year. but then i changed my diet and went to gym regularly. now my periods are back to normal. does that mean i no longer have pcos? but i have belly fat of 34' for 5 ft 2' and i know its too much. How can I check my progress with pcos? any ideas?
  • SunShineGirly11
    SunShineGirly11 Posts: 64 Member
    I have PCOS as well. I could never lose weight while I was on metformin. I stopped taking it two months ago and started watching what I ate and I lost 12 pounds during that first month. Then I decided to cut out most carbs especially anything with white sugar, it's difficult at first but by the first week mark you feel completely different! I've lost another 15 pounds since then so a total of 27 in 2 months. I have a very long way to go but being stuck with nothing that worked for 2 years it's nice finally being able to feel the way I do! Good luck!! And I hope you find something that works for you!
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    I started out without metformin, but got on it to further reduce insulin levels and to reduce my risk of miscarriage. It's possible just a struggle because of the elevated insulin levels it makes you feel hungrier.
  • losethekilos
    losethekilos Posts: 1 Member
    edited October 2014
    I was diagnosed in 2012. I had not had my period for months and months and have always carried extra weight. My eating habits were terrible growing up but I was very active as a teen and I probably wouldn't have been so chubby had I not had PCOS.

    I went to quite a few doctors in the Sydney CBD who all scratched their heads and told me my period would come back next month. Finally I found a doctor who was interested in helping me and once he ran the blood work he sent me for an internal ultrasound, which confirmed that I had PCOS.

    I was upset/relieved/nervous. He told me it would be very hard for me to conceive, and that I needed to lose weight to bring my body back into a balance. He sent me to a nutritionist so I could learn how to eat to help my body and reduce the effects of PCOS. We discussed the possibility of medication or to remove the cysts, but he said he wanted me to lose weight the natural way first. I'm glad he did. I did go back to the other doctors (for small things, never for important advice again) and some of them told me I would never get pregnant and I would not be able to lose weight. Who gave these people their certification??? Seriously misinformed and disheartening information from supposedly medical professionals).

    Mind you I was 19 at the time, and was not looking to fall pregnant. I am so looking forward to the day when my partner and I can have children but my mentality is that there is a time and place for everything, and that we are not ready yet for that huge responsibility in our lives.

    So I followed the diet that the dietitian planned out for me. Her instructions were to eat a certain amount of each food group, and to try and consume low GI foods - which means your body slowly absorbs and digests the food, therefore affecting your blood glucose and insulin levels less.

    I started at a weight of 91kg. I am 182cm tall - 6ft exactly, so my goal weight was set at about 75kg. I had not had a period in months and months.

    I went for an hour walk each day to begin with, something that was actually quite relaxing for me. I started swimming every few days as well.

    This helped me slowly lose grams, but it was not as though I'd seen the light. I was drinking, smoking and partying. Sleeping irregular hours, not looking after my body. Often I would slip up and not follow the diet. I guess you could say I was very careless. Not long after that I broke up with my boyfriend, and I stopped with the diet altogether.

    When I met my current partner, who is a few years older than myself, my whole lifestyle changed. He is a natural gym junkie, he loves to look after himself and he does not smoke. He barely ever drinks and very rarely eats junk food. It wasn't until he helped and motivated me to try the gym that I was able to stop all the bad things I was doing to my body.

    I had never thought I would become addicted to the gym. But I did, and I am so much better for it!

    When I became serious about my training, I didn't want to smoke anymore. I refused to eat junk, because it would mean that my hard work has gone to waste. It all fell into place for me!

    I started at 91kg. The first changes of walking brought me to around 89kg, and then back to 90.4kg when I stopped caring. With the help of the gym, I got down to 79kg. Right now am sitting at 80kg but my weight will always fluctuate a bit and I can accept that.

    Weight is not all to go by though! Before I started, I was 91kg of fat. But from work at the gym, I have gained muscle and become more lean! And remember, muscle weighs more than fat. I want to get down to about 72kg. But that is my ultimate goal. It is a slow process, it took me about a year to lose the 12kg and build some muscle, but that means it was done the right way.

    Throughout my journey I had been on the pill. Several months ago, I started getting my period again! It seemed like things were balancing out again. I felt really good! But then, I became sick. Constantly nauseous, couldn't shake it. Couldn't train, couldn't eat. After a week and a half I went to the doctor, who did a test and confirmed that I was pregnant!!

    I can tell you that at 21, I was embarrassed to be pregnant since it was not planned. Even horrified at myself. I had been diligent with my pill! And I guess I was even more shocked after the doctors had told me I couldn't get pregnant. My partner and I made the super hard decision not to go ahead with the pregnancy, because like I said before, we are not ready and would not be able to provide the child with the comfortable life that we plan on giving our child one day. But the fact that I am now able to get pregnant is amazing! I feel like I have beat the PCOS
  • MalaikaInJapan
    MalaikaInJapan Posts: 11 Member
    I was diagnosed with PCOS 13 years ago. I took Metformin (aka Glucophage) about 5 years ago but only briefly. I stopped because I hated the way that it made me feel. At this moment, I am heavier than I have ever been but I will also be 45 in a few months. With age and PCOS (and never having children) I can feel that menopause is just around the corner. However, I have to remember that I am healthy and able bodied in every way. This realization helped me to ENJOY exercising and being active. Whether it's the pain of PCOS or difficulty moving from serious compound scoliosis and a fractured tailbone (that I have had most of my life), I make a point of moving every day and my body and mind are thankful for that. Nourish your body and soul through moving every day and eating healthy. Focus on giving yourself nutrition and enjoying moving. For the first time in my life I am pain free and it's completely from taking good care of myself. You can do it!!
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