The Master Cleanse...The good, the bad the ugly???



  • metaphoria
    metaphoria Posts: 1,432 Member
    This cleanse is actually typically 10 - 40 days. I have done it twice. It was the BEST thing I have EVER done in my life. I felt so amazing. I lost 17 lbs in 14 days the first time. I did another for 3 days and lost 5 lbs. I gained 5 lbs back and it was 7 mos ago. the 5 lbs were during the month of November when I went on a trip to another state to my family's for Thanksgiving. So I am still down 17 lbs from it.

    My allergies were so bad prior that I was having migraines. I was leaving work early. Meds weren't working. I was in bed by 7:30 at night. I suffered for 4 mos with this and then cleansed. They all went away within three days.

    My first days of detox, I first had joint pain for two days. Hard to walk up and down stairs. I got an eye ache in my left eye and then it went away the next day and I broke out in 7 pimples around that eye for one day. That is detox. Our organs are connected to parts of our face. Where you break out tells you what organ has issues. I am a certified Reflexologist.

    I had so much energy that I went from sleeping 9 hrs a night with daily naps for the last 2o + yrs to only sleeping 3 hrs a night and bouncing off the walls. I cleaned my house extensively, I worked overtime, etc. I am also a massage therapist.

    Before the cleanse I was so sluggish that sometimes it was an effort to walk from the car to the house. I would collapse. felt nauseaus like I had the flu nearly daily. I thought something was really wrong with me. I was going to go to a doctor but procrastinated. I suffered from this for 2 yrs. It went away with the cleanse and never returned.

    During the first days of the cleanse my tongue turned white - so coated, I even tasted metal for one day. Hugest coat you have ever seen in your life. That is detox. Slowly the tongue went from white to a pink, but I stopped before it fully changed. If you read the book you know what i am talking about. I then got pimples on my lip and inside of my mouth for one day. It looked like I had herpes, lol. That is detox.

    Prior to the cleanse, I had a hard thing in my stomach that I could feel from the outside. It hurt so bad and wouldn't go away so I went to a doctor who sent me to a specialist who wanted to do an ultrasound. They thought maybe a growth/mass. I had it for about 5 mos. I kept cancelling my appt. I was scared it was maybe cancer (I am a hypochondriac). Anyway, one doctor said, it is probably hardened fecal. Sorry to be gross. I told him it was there for mos. He said, yeah that is normal for many. Most ppl by the time they are 30 have about 30 lbs of poop in their intestine. Google it.

    When I cleansed that hard thing went away on the 5th day and never returned.

    The allergies have returned, but not as bad (yet). The sluggishness and all the other symptoms including the weight have never returned.

    I have read the book and done extensive research. Watched every Youtube vid on it that is available. Belong to Facebook support groups, etc. I know more about this cleanse than I know the back of my hand. It makes sense.

    I am starting again tomorrow and hope to go for three weeks. If you want me to connect you on Fbook, let me know. I am sure you can do a search. Any questions, ask.

    No ONE who hasn't tried it can give any valuable feedback. No one who has tried this will say not to do it. NO ONE. It is that life changing.

    p.s. I see someone is talking about sugar and I agree on the maple syrup. I only use it the first three days and then I trade it in for wheat grass juice.

    p.s. I am also a holistic practioner. If this isn't healthy then why do people look and feel so good. YOu are still consuming 1200 calories a day. You are detoxing from all the bad while getting nutrients. You will not go into starvation mode. After three days you are not hungry. One more thing, I lost my addiction to Redbull due to this cleanse. I don't have one bad thing to say about this experience. I wish I did so I could not be so "pro" but I can't think of a single one. How is it unhealthy? Processed foods are unhealthy. They are all sitting here posting while they are putting processed toxins in their bodies. Even our water and air have toxins. Make up has toxins, shampoo and soap do too. The toxins come back but when you get an overload of it, your body reacts. You will lose fat. Excess toxins are stored in your fat for the liver to process. But if it keeps getting an overload of toxins, it can't get to the stored toxins. the more fat you have, the more toxic you are. Plus, to be honest, I can't lose unless i do this. I do well as of late on maintaining, but I can't lose. This works!

    1. There are people in this thread (and a lot of people in the link I posted) who say they would never do this again.

    2. How exactly are you getting all your nutrients from cayenne pepper, lemonade, and maple syrup?

    A lot of the other information you posted is bunk. I'd like to see your proof that there is 30 lbs of fecal matter in the colon, or that the symptoms you experienced are evidence of detoxing and not just evidence that you're stressing your body by starving it.

    Rubbing up against food in the grocery store works for me.

    How do you know the fruits and veggies aren't stealing YOUR nutrients? Hmm. This apple tastes a little derpy.

    One bite and all your dreams will come true.

    Seems legit. *crunch*
  • SteveJWatson
    SteveJWatson Posts: 1,225 Member
    You don't need to "detox" or "cleanse". Your body does that just fine so long as you are feeding and hydrating it properly. Master Cleanse is a bunch of dangerous nonsense. Just eat and exercise sensibly. You'll feel better and be a much more pleasant person to be around, and you're far more likely to keep the weight off than if you suddenly drop 10 lbs from some sort of starvation diet. That's what it is when you have nothing but water with lemon, cayenne pepper, and a bit of maple syrup.

    I couldn't tell if you work a physical job--there was talk of commercial fishing and farming. If you have a job like that, PLEASE do not do this, and please do NOT eat 1200 calories/day. Eat to support your bodily processes AND your level of daily activity.

    The OPs profile says she works a lobster vessel. I am the farmer, (ex fish farmer), and I was saying that in extremely physical (and dangerous) jobs, 1200 cals is a really really bad idea even before you take into consideration other potential problems with the master cleanse.
  • blues4miles
    blues4miles Posts: 1,481 Member
    Why are all the "cleanses" and pseudo-science healthy diets all about drinking nothing but water or laxatives or "shakes" for x days? Why does no one do a 3 chicken breasts a day and as many veggies as you want kind of "detox"? Too much work?
  • bpotts44
    bpotts44 Posts: 1,066 Member
    The main thing I'd worry about doing your job is injuring/killing yourself cos you are so f*ckin hungry your concentration slips.

    Seriously, do not do it.
    Nonsense. You don't starve with 1200 calories. She asked for PEOPLE WHO HAVE TRIED IT TO POST. Yet all these inexperienced people are posting. If you haven't read the book. If you haven't read the blogs, if you haven't tried it, you have nothing of value to say.

    You go to work on a fishing boat on 1200cals/day then.
    I am a massage therapist. That includes deep tissue and lifting men's legs higher than my head for stretching them, etc. *I" consume 1200. People can consume what is recommended for their height and weight. I am only 5'3 3/4. So 1200 is what works for ME. People are to consume what works for THEIR bodies. Point being, you don't starve.

    Are you a massage therapist or a holistic practioner? You sure as hell aren't a nutritionist.
  • efirkey
    efirkey Posts: 298 Member
    I did it for four days. I was starving but my mental clarity was off the charts. A low carb diet (less than 20grams of carbs) has the same effect on me.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    Why are all the "cleanses" and pseudo-science healthy diets all about drinking nothing but water or laxatives or "shakes" for x days? Why does no one do a 3 chicken breasts a day and as many veggies as you want kind of "detox"? Too much work?

    Because you can't instill a false sense of pride into an overweight person if you don't make them feel like starving themselves is strong and virtuous.
  • Charweezie
    Charweezie Posts: 115 Member
    I did this cleanse for 4 days. It was horrible and torture, i lost no weight but definitely felt light. It helped me to kick off my diet. Only good to use for cleansing, hence the not to lose weight, if that makes any sense.
  • VorJoshigan
    VorJoshigan Posts: 1,106 Member
    I don't know why everybody's so down on the Master Cleanse. I make my slaves cleanse me on a regular basis. With their tongues.
  • Lobster_Lover
    Lobster_Lover Posts: 45 Member
    The OPs profile says she works a lobster vessel. I am the farmer, (ex fish farmer), and I was saying that in extremely physical (and dangerous) jobs, 1200 cals is a really really bad idea even before you take into consideration other potential problems with the master cleanse.

    Wow I was gone from MFP for a few weeks and this thread went off like wild fire.

    To those concerned about my safety at work, thank you. With that said, I would have NEVER even thought of trying this during the fishing season. A friend in college did it and spoke highly of the experience and I was looking for more input. My intent was not to do this for weightloss (as I figure with any process like this you usually gain it right back) but more as something that may make me feel better and then make it easier to start back in with regular calorie counting. (probably should have just grabbed some vitamin D to help fend off the winter blues lol) I considered the idea as something in the dead of winter, but anything like this I would personally view as dangerous to anyone in a physically demanding, potentially dangerous, working environment.

    With all that said, we are gaining on fishing season and about to put the boat back in the water (we fish Spring to late Fall, usually April to December) and so it is time to focus on muscle building. I didn't do the cleanse and by the majority of the posts, I would say that was the safe decision. So my plan now is to get back at the calorie counting, but more importantly just making sure I am eating good nutrients and protein so I can get building back any muscle lost in the off season.

    So no worries to those concerned for my health and/or safety, no master cleanse for this kid :)
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,046 Member
    Lord, it sounds like an utter waste of time, if not also money.

    1. Your body will clense itself.
    2. Adopt a balanced healthy diet.
    3. Stick to your calorie allocation adjusted to incl calories burned during exercise.
    4. Increase your physical activity
    5. Adopt a healthy sleep routine.
    6. Don't obsess about your food or your weight.
    7. Maintain important relationships.

    If you stick to this, and its not hard, your health, fitness and general wellbeing and happiness will improve out of sight. And if you are overweight to begin with, the weight will fall off.
    kind regards,


    This playa knows what its all about!!! BRAVO!

    Cleansing!?!?!?!?! wtf are we rag dolls!?!?!? :bigsmile:
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member

  • cmr105
    cmr105 Posts: 1
    Just did the Master Cleanse for 7 days and really enjoyed it. There were a few days where I woke up with lots of energy. Don't have the urge to start smoking again and I feel pretty damn good. To the people who haven't done this cleanse please be respectful and yes of course if your working on a damn boat or "farming" or anything demanding and requiring of more energy, you'll need to be awake and aware of your surroundings. Here's an idea wait till things slow down and then try the cleanse and come back and tell us how you feel.