ladies only! kind of an important question...



  • savannahgro
    savannahgro Posts: 113 Member
    I went on BC (Junel Fe, I think it's the generic) because I had an ovarian cyst burst... worst pain EVER.
    I have not gained weight from it and I think they only side effect I had was occasional spotting. I have been on it for a year.
    I used to get serve cramps prior, as well as have it for close to 7 days... I also used to wonder if I suffered from pmdd because of how depressed I would get prior to my flow. Now, especially with my weight loss, I'm lucky to have it three days. Occasionally I get cramps and mood swings but it's nothing close to what I used to endure monthly.
    I am usually very opposed to medicating (rarely even take pain/fever reducers), but I felt this was in my best interest and I'm fairly certain I don't ever want kids.
  • k2d4p
    k2d4p Posts: 441 Member
    Take a quick look at my weight loss ticker. OK. I lost every pound on their with the Mirena IUD in. I got it put in about 7 weeks after my son was born and I began losing weight because I eat right and exercise hard.
  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 832 Member
    Condoms combined with fertility awareness. No mood swings, no weight gain, no life-threatening rare side effects, no class-action lawsuits, completely and immediately reversible, no lasting effect on your fertility. I was on tricyclen for about five years, went off it, had our first child, then when deciding what to do next I learned that all of the available pills, IUDs, rings, patches etc act in a way that interferes with implantation, rather than just preventing conception. Which I wasn't okay with and hadn't been informed of by my doctor. I haven't looked back, and now have a 6yo and a 3yo. I also love that I'm no longer filling my body with years of artificial hormones/chemicals.

    You DO need to learn how to do it correctly, though - there is a learning curve and you should take a class or talk to someone experienced so you can learn your body. No one is a 'textbook case'.
  • happydaywitty
    happydaywitty Posts: 86 Member
    I work at the county health department and the girls seem to really like the Nuva Rings. The nurses also give out a lot of Apri. Depo shots are the worst for weight gain.
  • FitToFab
    FitToFab Posts: 47
    Anythimg that dont belong in your body will make something go wrong, condoms all the way.....why should women suffer wen men are dogs anyways.... Lets see them take something..
  • imsmellie
    imsmellie Posts: 103 Member
    Remember just changing the type of BC can have a huge effect. All BCs are not created equal when it comes to how YOUR body reacts. A friend of mine switched from Ortho-tricyclin to Yaz and got REALLY emotional and had to switch back. I switched from a mono-cyclin to Ortho-tricyclin and my hair fell out so I switched back to a mono-cyclin and I have had NO side effects. As one girl posted, Ortho-tricyclin works good for HER. I have another friend who is the oldest daughter of 5, every single one of them is on a different type of BC. Sadly, it is trial and error for your body.

    I CONCUR!!!!

    There are soooooooo many different kinds of birth control pill options out there because: EVERY WOMAN IS UNIQUE.

    It took me over a year to find the birth control pill that best works for *me*. That year was a crazy to say the least. But, now I have been on the same pill for almost four years and couldn't be happier.

    Just remember that it takes TIME for our bodies to adjust to anything. You need to give any birth control pill a fair chance (3-4 months) before deciding you need to change.
  • CalPolyBronco
    CalPolyBronco Posts: 201 Member
    I think the pill has tons of benefits, i.e.: regulates you, clears acne, prevents unwanted pregnancy, etc... I have been on & off the pill under doctor's orders b/c I have PCOS and I know that it helps me in some ways....but I get very very sick from it. I was feeling nauseous every morning and sometimes vomiting. I don't think it leads to weight gain per se. I say this b/c I have lost weight while on the pill very easily, I have also lost weight minus the pill. It is possible either way. You will not gain weight back just b/c you are taking the pill. Perhaps you have PCOS as well (lack of periods etc.... are symptoms....) actually...weight gain and difficulty losing weight are also symtpoms of PCOS...I contribute more of my weight issues to that then I ever would to the pill.
  • Sezmo83
    Sezmo83 Posts: 331 Member
    Will do absolutely nothing for the time of the month issue the OP mentions.
  • fitnessjch
    fitnessjch Posts: 449 Member
    I use Nexplanon. Its great, and stops your periods completely. Only side effects were the actual cut to get it put in (stopped hurting after 2 days, and wasnt really that painful to start with) and breast tenderness for about a week. None of those made any difference to me, as the benefit of having no periods at all is much better for me!

    I'm now on my second one. They last 3 years. I havent had a period for 5 years (was on Depo Provera before that)

    I love it!
  • Painten
    Painten Posts: 499 Member
    i do not like the idea of taking the pill because i did it once and gained a bunch of weight, and felt funny putting hormones in my system every day. in the past two years (maybe 1.5) i have lost 30 pounds and i want to keep it off. i am afraid going on the pill is going to make me fat again, or make it harder to remain where i am...but i also do not get TOM often (maybe a couple times a year) so i think it may be necessary to start taking something...

    does anyone have any suggestions on a brand i could start taking that has minimum side effects? or has anyone else been in a similar situation?

    p.s. i have already spoken to my dr but i wanted to real life input too!
    p.p.s. i know this is kind of an awkward question but i really appreciate any input! thanks!

    The tom issues you are having should be looked into by your doctor if it's an issue for you and being so irregular that is an issue. It may be harder to concieve and there may be a cause for it that needs to be investigated.

    I third condoms as a method of bc. You don't have to worry about anything with them. Some people say they don't like the feel. I've only ever slept with one person without one, the father of my children and we use them now. I do have a terrible time remembering to take medication so the pill is out and i do worry about hormones in anything else.
  • shellybra
    shellybra Posts: 21
    I took the pill for years and only realised how much it effected me after i came off it to have my first child! Never went back on it. I now have the Mirena in and swear by it! Haven't a a period in over a year! it';s fantastic. I don't think you lose weight on it but you defo don't put it on!

    Good luck
  • zoebea33
    zoebea33 Posts: 74 Member
    I have the implant which is progesterone only, i have gained no weight and not had a period since i had it put in :smile: