So disappointed in myself!



  • 50sFit
    50sFit Posts: 712 Member
    Yes, you're an awful person...NOT!
    We all fall off, and what helped me was a weekly, planed cheat day. I lost almost 90 pounds and kept it off 3 years now. Find whatever works for you.
    Good Luck!
  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,212 MFP Moderator
    It's only failure if you stop trying.
  • Fitnin6280
    Fitnin6280 Posts: 618 Member
    Ever heard the saying, "Fake it until you make it"? A lot of us just have to continually fake it. Eventually we will make it. In other words, keep at it. Just because you fell off the wagon doesn't mean you can't get back on. Good luck!
  • EmmieBaby
    EmmieBaby Posts: 1,235 Member
    Just take it day by day, I've fallen off the wagon so many times I've lost count...but you know what...I get right back on it every time because I refuse to give up.
  • soldiergrl_101
    soldiergrl_101 Posts: 2,205 Member
    Hey I know how you feel, add me as a friend we can do this together. I lost 50lbs this year and gained it all back the last three months. I hate myself. I decided food is more important and ignored the truth as I saw it happening. Now I am trying to rebuild my motivation and add friends that will help keep me on track!
  • JenniferIsLosingIt
    JenniferIsLosingIt Posts: 595 Member
    jenelh wrote: »
    Ever heard the saying, "Fake it until you make it"? A lot of us just have to continually fake it. Eventually we will make it. In other words, keep at it. Just because you fell off the wagon doesn't mean you can't get back on. Good luck!


  • hortensehildegarde
    hortensehildegarde Posts: 592 Member
    I had to start at .5/week and get a good solid bit of success at keeping to that (1930 calories and eating back all exercise cals) and now I am up to 1.5/week and it's honestly been quite painless. Slow going and I do still go "over", but when I went too far before my "over" days were 3-5k calories days (just like I used to regularly eat) and now my "over" days tend to be right around maintenance level calories (more like a little above 2k).

    I cannot advocate enough for starting small. Also for exercise I have started with walking and just any plain easy movement that is more than before, even if it's just a stroll around the block.
  • mom2mcl
    mom2mcl Posts: 16 Member

    I guess part of me just worries about failure and who I will disappoint if I can't do this. Of course I want to do this for ME first and foremost, but having the family know that your trying to lose weight then failing is just not something I want to go through.

    I totally could have written this! I haven't told a soul other than on here that I have begun this journey AGAIN simply because of how many times I have failed. If you need another "friend" for support, feel free to add me! :)

    No as far as "falling off the wagon".... you are still here... so in my book you are still IN the wagon! :) One of my favorite quotes is: "Weight loss is like driving: If you ever veer off the road, just make a U-turn and head back in the right direction."

    Good luck!
  • irisheyez718
    irisheyez718 Posts: 677 Member
    Seriously, quit thinking about it as "falling off the wagon". Life happens. Don't make it harder than it is. Don't restrict yourself more than you need to. Have fun, go out to eat sometimes, don't stress about it. As long as its the occasion and not the norm, you will be fine.
  • horndave
    horndave Posts: 565
    Set some realistic expectations. Plenty of people have lost weight with drinking beer. It is a matter of accounting for it. We all started somewhere, do your best. Some days are great some days are harder than others. You have identified your days that are harder. How are you going to incorporate a few beers into your calorie goal?
  • acorsaut89
    acorsaut89 Posts: 1,147 Member
    So, here I am, just week 2 of this and I have already fallen off the wagon, not once, but twice. I just don't know how to stay motivated and keep on track. I guess I just love food that much, as well as having a few drinks! VERY bad, I know!

    I need a swift kick in the butt to keep me on track. Perhaps taking some pictures of myself and posting them on the fridge might work... or just bolting down the fridge all together!

    Anyone else have trouble staying motivated and going WAY off track very early on?

    Anyone offer any tips to help a newbie stay on track?

    I don't think I'm eating enough to begin with (1200) calories, which could be part of my problem. I really need to beat this thing!!!

    I agree with what most people have said in that 1200 calories is a little too low because you will burn out quickly. I don't know what your previous caloric intake was like, but as one person said if it was 2,500 then take it down to 2,100 for a week (or two if you want) and then do another deficit and then another. If you cut your calories in half right away then your body is going to be like WTH and you might be able to make it for a week or two but eventually you crash.

  • paomiamifl
    paomiamifl Posts: 61 Member
    So, here I am, just week 2 of this and I have already fallen off the wagon, not once, but twice. I just don't know how to stay motivated and keep on track. I guess I just love food that much, as well as having a few drinks! VERY bad, I know!

    I need a swift kick in the butt to keep me on track. Perhaps taking some pictures of myself and posting them on the fridge might work... or just bolting down the fridge all together!

    Anyone else have trouble staying motivated and going WAY off track very early on?

    Anyone offer any tips to help a newbie stay on track?

    I don't think I'm eating enough to begin with (1200) calories, which could be part of my problem. I really need to beat this thing!!!

    Maybe you can set specific times, places to associate with food? I find it helps!
    The rest of the time,keep busy! You can do it!
  • arrrrjt
    arrrrjt Posts: 245 Member
    Trust me that high amount to lose may seem astronomical when you start, but when you start losing at it just gets smaller and smaller. I set mine to 80 and, slowly but surely I'm halfway there and I really feel like I've accomplished something.
  • artistes2
    artistes2 Posts: 19 Member
    For me,using my exercise calories is not an option. I usually log in about 400 exercise calories a day, and sometimes more, thinking of it as something that helps me along with my weight loss and increased health and energy. If I use those calories I do not lose weight! since I have gone paleo it is much easier and the weight is coming off faster. Only 2 lbs. to goal!
  • ruffnstuff
    ruffnstuff Posts: 400 Member
    Another way to think about it, if this helps, is a weekly calorie average. Maybe you eat just a tad less 4 days a week so that you can have a beer on those 3 nights. It really is a balancing act between what you can realistically achieve every day and what you can live with and not make your life miserable! I promise you it's possible (I've lost 80 lbs so far), but you must believe in yourself. I also found it helpful, at first, to not even think of it as any kind of change. I just quietly decided I would start logging my calories. If I failed, no one would even know. I found it so eye opening, and doable, that I just kept doing it.
  • actonangels1
    actonangels1 Posts: 41 Member
    mom2mcl wrote: »

    I guess part of me just worries about failure and who I will disappoint if I can't do this. Of course I want to do this for ME first and foremost, but having the family know that your trying to lose weight then failing is just not something I want to go through.

    I totally could have written this! I haven't told a soul other than on here that I have begun this journey AGAIN simply because of how many times I have failed. If you need another "friend" for support, feel free to add me! :)

    No as far as "falling off the wagon".... you are still here... so in my book you are still IN the wagon! :) One of my favorite quotes is: "Weight loss is like driving: If you ever veer off the road, just make a U-turn and head back in the right direction."

    Good luck!

    LOVE THIS!!!!

    Thank you!

  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    rkalllison wrote: »
    PaytraB wrote: »
    That's a decent amount of calories. Weigh everything, eat half your plate of veggies with each meal, 1/4 protein and 1/4 starch. Try to eat fruit as a snack, with the occasional (maybe once a week) sweet snack (cookie or a chocolate). You'll find that 1400 calories is manageable.
    Keep us posted. You're not alone.

    ^^^You can have the cookies as long as you don't over do it and it fits within your day...please DO NOT LIMIT YOURSELF!!!

    Some limitations are necessary with 1400 calories/day. By all means, eat all the cookies if you wish to be hungry for the day. A treat is a treat and completely enjoyable. One should always enjoy all the things one likes to eat ....but in moderation, which means limitations.
    Enjoy the sweets; just be aware of how they fit into your calorie allotment.
  • actonangels1
    actonangels1 Posts: 41 Member
    Thank you all so very much for the support. I feel good... today at least that I can do this! One step at a time!
  • actonangels1
    actonangels1 Posts: 41 Member
    ruffnstuff wrote: »
    Another way to think about it, if this helps, is a weekly calorie average. Maybe you eat just a tad less 4 days a week so that you can have a beer on those 3 nights. It really is a balancing act between what you can realistically achieve every day and what you can live with and not make your life miserable! I promise you it's possible (I've lost 80 lbs so far), but you must believe in yourself. I also found it helpful, at first, to not even think of it as any kind of change. I just quietly decided I would start logging my calories. If I failed, no one would even know. I found it so eye opening, and doable, that I just kept doing it.

    Wow! Congratulations! 80 lbs seems so far away for me, and I'm sure it is. I'm sure it seemed that way for you too. That's awesome!

  • Jules0222
    Jules0222 Posts: 8 Member
    I agree with all the above. We need to be more mindful of what we are eating and drinking and why. We need to keep our focus on the 'prize' or the goal. We need to allow ourselves to be human and to make mistakes. We just need to keep at it and take our little successes as strength to keep going in the right direction.

    Also, I have a tip that might help you. (This is a good reminder for me to do this for myself, again, too.) I read a book once called "The Beck Diet Solution". It wasn't a diet. It was cognitive therapy for dieting to work with any diet plan. So, here's what you can do right now to help yourself succeed. Write down on an index card or business card (whatever you can keep on you every day) the reasons why you want to lose weight. It could range from "I want to feel healthy" to "I want to feel sexy" to "I want to be a size 6 again" to "I want to enjoy shopping for clothes", etc. Take the card out several times a day and read it. Also read it whenever you are tempted to eat or drink something you shouldn't.

    I'd love to hear if you implement this, and if so, how it worked for you.

    Regardless, I wish you all the very best. YOU deserve it! (And, so do I). :-)