Women 40 & above, 5'2 to 5'4 - 92 DAYS TO LOSE!!



  • Christine_1085
    Christine_1085 Posts: 310 Member
    First name: Catarina
    Age: 43
    State or Country: CA, USA
    Starting Weight in MFP: 162.5, HW 170
    Current Weight in MFP: 151.5
    Goal for year end (92 days left): <145
    Plan to achieve that goal: Limiting portions, eating healthy and exercise.


    Please sign up if you want to join the challenge, thanks and welcome to all!
  • Christine_1085
    Christine_1085 Posts: 310 Member
    First name: Pix
    Age: 40
    State or Country: Ohio
    Starting Weight in MFP: Originally 252
    Current Weight in MFP: 219.5
    Goal for year end (92 days left): 199.9
    Plan to achieve that goal: Logging, cooking more (I HATE cooking), walking/jogging, C25k, biking.

    (Depend a lot on MFP for support as I live far away from the majority of my friends.)


    Please sign up if you want to join the challenge, thanks and welcome to all!
  • Christine_1085
    Christine_1085 Posts: 310 Member
    First Name: Molly
    Age: 44
    State or Country: Indiana, USA
    Starting Weight in MFP: 252 (267 on 1/1/14)
    Current Weight in MFP: 227
    Goal for year end: 199
    Plan to achieve that goal: eat fewer calories than I burn in a day ;-) Cardio 3+ a week, Strength 2+ a week, and logging calories.


    Please sign up if you want to join the challenge, thanks and welcome to all!
  • Christine_1085
    Christine_1085 Posts: 310 Member
    Welcome to this forum for all women Ages 40 and above considered petite in height 5'2 to 5'4.

    First name:
    State or Country:
    Starting Weight in MFP:
    Current Weight in MFP:
    Goal for year end (92 days left):
    Plan to achieve that goal:

    Let us help each other achieve it!!

    First name: Carrie
    Age: 42
    State or Country: Maryland
    Starting Weight in MFP: 343 (though I took most of this off prior to joining here)
    Current Weight: 232
    Goal for Year End (92 days): 210
    Plan: Continue to log under TDEE method, continue cardio 3x/week, add strength training as needed, increase daily walk to 5 miles a day (currently 4)

    Please sign up if you want to join the challenge, thanks and welcome to all!
  • Christine_1085
    Christine_1085 Posts: 310 Member
    First name: Dahlia
    Age: 39 (40 in June)
    State or Country: CA
    Starting Weight in MFP: 206
    Current Weight in MFP: 175
    Goal for year end (92 days left): 25
    Plan to achieve that goal: Up cardio to 5x week and strength training 3x week. Keep calories under 1200 and carbs under 100. Feel free to add me and let's do this together!

    Let us help each other achieve it!!


    Please sign up if you want to join the challenge, thanks and welcome to all!
  • jonnyman41
    jonnyman41 Posts: 1,032 Member
    First name: Andrea
    Age: 44
    State or Country: England
    Starting Weight in MFP: 152 lb
    Current Weight in MFP: 149 lb
    Goal for year end (92 days left): 140
    Plan to achieve that goal: anything that works lol. Really struggling and go up and down all the time by around 8lb but will keep on trying Currently doing strong lifts 5x5 oh and have an AI holiday booked for second week in ct o
  • First name: Michelle
    Height: 5'4"
    Age: 44
    State or Country: Ohio
    Starting Weight in MFP: 142
    Current Weight in MFP: 127
    Goal for year end (92 days left): First to reach my ultimate goal of 125, then start adding muscle to create definition. I want to be able to sit in jeans and not have my muffin top pop out a bit. My BF% is currently 21% and I would like to be 19-20%. I hear this is the only way to lose the dreaded C-section belly. I also want a shaplier behind. My fitness goal is to run a 5K. Doesnt seem like a lot but I HATE running!!
    Plan to achieve that goal: By continuing to do what I have done so far. I know what works for my body. I am eating between 1200-1300 calories per day...cardio 3-4 days a week and weight train 3-4 days a week. As soon as I reach my goal weight of 125, I plan to start eating more calories along with protein so I can build muscle, not just tone as I am now.
    To achieve my fitness goal, I plan to start the C25K program

    Always looking for new friends to help keep me motivated and inspired. We can all learn from one another. Anyone with similar goals can feel free to add me. I'm on daily and love my MFP friends!
  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,839 Member
    First name: Heidi
    Age: 63
    State or Country: South Carolina (US)
    Starting Weight in MFP: 281
    Current Weight in MFP: 276
    Goal for year end (92 days left): consistently avoiding uncontrolled snacking
    Plan to achieve that goal: mindfulness and healthy eating
    How I try to help us all: by finding and sharing good information from reputable sources, by sharing cooking hacks on my MFP blog
  • Christine_1085
    Christine_1085 Posts: 310 Member
    First name: Andrea
    Age: 44
    State or Country: England
    Starting Weight in MFP: 152 lb
    Current Weight in MFP: 149 lb
    Goal for year end (92 days left): 140
    Plan to achieve that goal: anything that works lol. Really struggling and go up and down all the time by around 8lb but will keep on trying Currently doing strong lifts 5x5 oh and have an AI holiday booked for second week in ct o

    Please sign up if you want to join the challenge, thanks and welcome to all!
  • Christine_1085
    Christine_1085 Posts: 310 Member
    First name: Heidi
    Age: 63
    State or Country: South Carolina (US)
    Starting Weight in MFP: 281
    Current Weight in MFP: 276
    Goal for year end (92 days left): consistently avoiding uncontrolled snacking
    Plan to achieve that goal: mindfulness and healthy eating
    How I try to help us all: by finding and sharing good information from reputable sources, by sharing cooking hacks on my MFP blog


    Please sign up if you want to join the challenge, thanks and welcome to all!
  • Christine_1085
    Christine_1085 Posts: 310 Member
    First name: Michelle
    Height: 5'4"
    Age: 44
    State or Country: Ohio
    Starting Weight in MFP: 142
    Current Weight in MFP: 127
    Goal for year end (92 days left): First to reach my ultimate goal of 125, then start adding muscle to create definition. I want to be able to sit in jeans and not have my muffin top pop out a bit. My BF% is currently 21% and I would like to be 19-20%. I hear this is the only way to lose the dreaded C-section belly. I also want a shaplier behind. My fitness goal is to run a 5K. Doesnt seem like a lot but I HATE running!!
    Plan to achieve that goal: By continuing to do what I have done so far. I know what works for my body. I am eating between 1200-1300 calories per day...cardio 3-4 days a week and weight train 3-4 days a week. As soon as I reach my goal weight of 125, I plan to start eating more calories along with protein so I can build muscle, not just tone as I am now.
    To achieve my fitness goal, I plan to start the C25K program

    Always looking for new friends to help keep me motivated and inspired. We can all learn from one another. Anyone with similar goals can feel free to add me. I'm on daily and love my MFP friends!


    Please sign up if you want to join the challenge, thanks and welcome to all!
  • 1crvygrl
    1crvygrl Posts: 503 Member
    First name;: Lori
    Age: 51
    State or Country: Indiana
    Starting weight in MFP 204 (though I've went as high as 207.6 a couple of months ago)
    Current weight in MFP: 199.8
    Goal for year end (92 days left): 185
    Plan to achieve that goal: drink water more consistently, walking, exercise DVD's, watch my food intake.

    I've already put my info in the spreadsheet!
  • HappyGirlHeike
    HappyGirlHeike Posts: 14 Member
    Way to go!
  • mushie99
    mushie99 Posts: 48 Member
    First name: Michelle
    Age: 41
    State or Country: Iowa
    Starting Weight in MFP: 225
    Current Weight in MFP: 168
    Goal for year end (92 days left): 150
    Plan to achieve that goal: During 30DS this month. Probably start Insanity next month.
  • MPD6944
    MPD6944 Posts: 75 Member
    edited October 2014
    First name: Michelle
    Age: 45
    State or Country: North Carolina
    Starting Weight in MFP: 149
    Current Weight in MFP: 138.6
    Goal for year end (92 days left): 130
    Plan to achieve that goal: 5-6 days of exercise (I've been doing really well and am loving weight training -- would love to do more heavy lifting
  • vanessa40
    vanessa40 Posts: 328 Member
    First name: Vanessa
    Age: 47
    State or Country: SC
    Starting Weight in MFP: 230
    Current Weight in MFP: 136
    Goal for year end (92 days left): 125
    Plan to achieve that goal:Staying on my eating plan,running 6 days a week,yoga 30 minutes a day and lifting 3x a week
  • VVeggie
    VVeggie Posts: 1 Member
    First name:Veronica
    State or Country: VA
    Starting Weight in MFP:182
    Current Weight in MFP:182
    Goal for year end (92 days left):loose 15 lbs
    Plan to achieve that goal: follow MFP and exercise