Most people quit weight loss



  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    glickman1 wrote: »
    Why do you think you'll stay strong and stick with it?
    Why do you think others quit?
    What makes you different?

    My answers - in the order asked:

    I'm not sure I will. I haven't all the others times I've lost. Hopefully the 18th time is a charm. ;)

    Probably the same reason I did, weight was lost, gradually you slip back into old habits.

    I'm hoping age will.
  • Amanda4change
    Amanda4change Posts: 620 Member
    I really want to get back to the healthy place I was, (this is true, but I also refuse to attend my 20 year high school reunion next summer while fat).

    I don't spend much time thinking about why others quit, it's not something I worry about,

    Up until I had a major injury that took me off my feet for years, I was very active, had great eating habits and had a healthy lifestyle. So for me it's just getting back into my old habits, I don't have to learn new ones.
  • AmigaMaria001
    AmigaMaria001 Posts: 489 Member
    Because I FINALLY discovered that nothing tastes as good as healthy looks and feels.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    glickman1 wrote: »
    Why do you think you'll stay strong and stick with it?
    Why do you think others quit?
    What makes you different?

    My answers - in the order asked:

    I'm not sure I will. I haven't all the others times I've lost. Hopefully the 18th time is a charm. ;)

    Probably the same reason I did, weight was lost, gradually you slip back into old habits.

    I'm hoping age will.

    I just re-read the OP and now I'm not sure my answers apply. I was thinking of why people (me, included) regain weight, not why they quit losing.

    I quit losing when I no longer need to lose. But not regaining - that is the real trick. That is much harder than losing. Much, much harder. x1000
  • jennifurballs
    jennifurballs Posts: 247 Member
    glickman1 wrote: »
    Why do you think you'll stay strong and stick with it?
    Why do you think others quit?
    What makes you different?

    Because I've lost 99 lbs. and I now know I can do it.

    Their mind isn't right.

    I'm not different, I just finally reached a point in my life that I was determined to be the best me I can be. Some people reach it at different points, some never do.

  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    glickman1 wrote: »
    Why do you think you'll stay strong and stick with it?
    Why do you think others quit?
    What makes you different?

    Age/maturity/desire and I am stubborn and I would be embarassed if I let go again and I know people are just waiting for it to be honest...

    They don't want it bad enough/too restrictive/refusal to listen to advice from people who apparently and obviously know what they are talking about.

    I admit I don't know everything and not the smartest person here and I am willing to listen to those who are smarter than me...

  • jennifurballs
    jennifurballs Posts: 247 Member
    What about you, Glickman?
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    glickman1 wrote: »
    Why do you think you'll stay strong and stick with it?
    Why do you think others quit?
    What makes you different?
    I agree, because I have started and quit a million times. Everybody has the capacity to control weight, but sometimes we allow things to get in the way.

    I gave up until i learned losing weight and maintaining is about eating what I love just less of it.

    I have never, until now, maintained weight for more than a few months. It's been almost a year now!

    I plan on keeping the weight off and staying strong because I feel a thousand times better, it's easier to move and breathe, and because my body deserves the best treatment I can give it.

    Also, someday when I go to the great cookie in the sky, I want people to comment on how terrific I looked. :smiley:

  • Woodspoon
    Woodspoon Posts: 223 Member
    glickman1 wrote: »
    Why do you think you'll stay strong and stick with it?
    Why do you think others quit?
    What makes you different?

    A bloody minded stubborn refusal to to give up

    Because they allow themselves to give up

    A bloody minded stubborn refusal to to give up
  • ballardf
    ballardf Posts: 55 Member
    Because watching my kids grow up is more important than a Big Mac.

    Because my health is more important than that piece of chocolate cake.

    Because I am beginning to enjoy the way I feel and look and so is my wife.
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    more confidence
    love wearing everything in my closet
    enjoying a different way of eating and living
  • llUndecidedll
    llUndecidedll Posts: 724 Member
    Why do you think you'll stay strong and stick with it?

    --Because my (quality of) life depends on it. I think I'll stick with it because if I ever feel like I want more food, then I'll just hit the gym extra hard to earn that food. This is basically what I'm doing now.

    Why do you think others quit?

    --So many reasons why. I have quit several times over the past seven years or so. For me, I was mostly lazy and depressed, still am. I also love/loved burgers and fries. Maybe they were just not in the right state of mind to want it.

    What makes you different?

    --I am not any different from the average (obese) person who attempts weight loss. I have my ups and downs. I have been obese ALL of my adult life and all of my childhood. This won't come easy for me. I'm just like any other lad trying to improve his/her life.
  • epido
    epido Posts: 353 Member
    edited October 2014
    I plan on eventually quitting weight loss, but first I have another 30 pounds I want to loose! I've tried to loose weight in the past and been hugely unsuccessful, but have had a totally different mindset this time around. Before I said I wanted to loose the weight, but this time around I've actually meant it. Something just clicked inside of me that has given me the motivation to stick it out, even when it's been hard.

    I am sure people quit for all sorts of reasons - they aren't seeing results as quickly as they would like, it's harder than they thought it would be, they haven't gotten to the point where they really truly want to do it, life circumstances change, etc, etc.

    I'm not any different than anyone else who wants to loose weight. I've just finally gotten to the point where I am 100% committed to and serious about the challenge.

  • rach3649
    Yes I will stick with it. I was here just over a year ago and I was going great and then my father died unexpectedly and well....lets just say plenty of wine and comfort food happened.
    I am back though and I have made plans and have bought tickets for things in 2015 and they all would be so much more fun if I was a healthier, smaller, more energetic version of myself.
    I am also focusing on keeping it real. I eat real food, I still plan on having a glass of wine with the girls and doing the social thing. I am just going to work on finding balance so its sustainable long term. Also starting up with exercise again (which is my big thing.... I get bored with the same same VERY quickly).
  • sgarrand
    sgarrand Posts: 9 Member
    glickman1 wrote: »
    Why do you think you'll stay strong and stick with it?
    Why do you think others quit?
    What makes you different?

    I think I'll stay strong and stick with it because it works. I've lost 79 pounds in 9 months. I'm 35 years old and not getting any younger. My kids are 5 & 10 and now they have a healthy Daddy. I don't want to take their healthy Daddy away from them.

    Others quit because it's easy. It's easy to go back to eating crap, not counting calories and making poor decisions about their health. Anyone can do it but it's not easy.

    What makes me different? I'm me! We're all capable of success in weight loss and health but we don't all have the desire to push through the tough times. I have lost more weight in 9 months than ever before. This is not a yoyo. This "yoyo" has never swung this low and will never get back up again.

  • Aemely
    Aemely Posts: 694 Member
    edited October 2014
    Because the night belongs to lovers.

    Ha-ha! Love it. And now it's stuck in my brain! :star:

    As for the OP, I think the only reason I won't quit is because I'm taking it very slow, not depriving myself of any particular favorite foods, and not sweating the small stuff.

    I quit years ago because I didn't understand how to use healthy amounts of protein and fat to stay full and thus always felt deprived and low in energy.

    Everyone is different! You have to find what makes you happy and healthy. But, there's lots of good advice on this site!

  • DiabolicalColossus
    DiabolicalColossus Posts: 219 Member
    ::tips hat::
  • 808Trish808
    808Trish808 Posts: 122 Member
    Because the night belongs to lovers.

    oh yeah! LOL
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    I've basically been losing or maintaining weight for 3-5 years so I'll say based on past data I'll probably stick it through for the long(er) haul

    People quit because their caloric restriction and/or exercise plan is ineffective or just plain unsustainable. People quit due to lack of knowledge. People quit because calorie dense food tastes damn good and can add up fast, and before you know it you've undone all your hard work

    Different - I have some knowledge that I think will help. I try to change up my plans when something about it becomes unworkable. But the smaller body means less food to lose or maintain weight - that's a real issue brewing