Would you rather...

Maximus Posts: 12,256 Member
Have inflexible knees or inflexible elbows.




  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    where do you come up with these things? :laugh:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    oh my KNEES.....how would I get food to my mouth????
  • strongly agree with arewethereyet :laugh:
  • Losing_It
    Losing_It Posts: 3,271 Member
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    But if my knees weren't flexible, I'd have a harder time exercising...plus, I prefer a "liquid diet" :bigsmile: You could drink everything through a straw! HA!
  • Losing_It
    Losing_It Posts: 3,271 Member
    If we picked arms, we could always eat piggy style like the kid in A Christmas Story!:bigsmile:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    If we picked arms, we could always eat piggy style like the kid in A Christmas Story!:bigsmile:

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Losing_It
    Losing_It Posts: 3,271 Member
    Have inflexible knees or inflexible elbows.



    What do you pick, Max?
  • tanzmamma
    tanzmamma Posts: 368 Member
    Elbows... definitely elbows lol
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    We play would you rather at the dinner table with the kids. However, when you have 4 boys, it usually devolves to things like would you rather pick your nose and have everyone see you, or eat your boogers and have nobody know. Or, sometimes kissing a girl is thrown in there as a would you rather... Would you rather have your dog kiss you on your lips, or a girl... lol Boys.....

    I'd rather have inflexible arms... Then I could be fed grapes while reclining... a la Cleopatra!!
  • Mireille
    Mireille Posts: 5,134 Member
    Have inflexible knees or inflexible elbows.



    What do you pick, Max?

    I never disclose my answers. :drinker:

    That's because crazy people normally just asked the questions, they don't answer them. :wink:
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    Inflexible elbows. I wouldn't want to walk around like Frankenstein & we have too many stairs in our house. :tongue:

    Would you rather....have every bite of food taste incredibly sugary sweet or too salty. :sick:
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    I'd have to go for the inflexible knees.

    I need hugs, both giving and receiving!!

    For those who picked knees...

    how would you drive? Sit and stand? Have sex?
    People with broken legs in casts still manage. Driving.... I'd learn to use both feet (automatic transmission, of course). The ankles would still function to hit the pedals. Sit and stand.... like the Tin Man, but I'd manage. Maybe a system of pullies? :laugh: Have sex? Um... might be boring but.... legs can be straight... as long as HE didn't have straight, nonbending knees too!!
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    For those of you who picked elbows, consider this:

    how would you eat? Wipe your self? Pick your nose?

    For those who picked knees...

    how would you drive? Sit and stand? Have sex?

    Remember Max, I am Cleopatra like... I have slaves to do it all for me. :laugh:
  • Mireille
    Mireille Posts: 5,134 Member
    For those of you who picked elbows, consider this:

    how would you eat? Wipe your self? Pick your nose?

    For those who picked knees...

    how would you drive? Sit and stand? Have sex?

    I have those answers:
    I would eat like an animal, I'd get dh to wipe after washroom use and I don't pick my nose.

    I would push the seat all the way back to drive. I would stand normally and sit with my legs up. And in case you didn't know, there are many different "position" for having sex.
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member

    I would go with the knees.

    I would need the flexible elbows to do "private" things but could definitely hire someone to help with the things I need my knees for.......especially because I would be in the news and doing interviews all the time and have millions for my story!!! :wink:
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member

    I would go with the knees.

    I would need the flexible elbows to do "private" things but could definitely hire someone to help with the things I need my knees for.......especially because I would be in the news and doing interviews all the time and have millions for my story!!! :wink:

    So, sideshow freaks at the circus earn millions?
    I don't know Max........you tell me!!! :huh:
  • Mireille
    Mireille Posts: 5,134 Member
    I don't pick my nose.

    Ya know you go to hell for lying.

    In case you didn't know, I am a woman and women don't pick their noses. That's a guy thing. dry.gif
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    I don't pick my nose.

    Ya know you go to hell for lying.

    In case you didn't know, I am a woman and women don't pick their noses. That's a guy thing. dry.gif
    That's right. We dab with a tissue!!! :wink: :laugh:
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    Inflexible elbows. I wouldn't want to walk around like Frankenstein & we have too many stairs in our house. :tongue:

    You told me once that I had Frankenstein arms.

    Hands too. :grumble: