Does rejection and verbal abuse motivate you?



  • SaBh93
    SaBh93 Posts: 114 Member
    Doesn't help me. I find motivation in myself to be honest and rarely care what others think. Right now, I'm motivated to get back to what I was and to be able to run without excruciating ankle pain.
  • MegE_N
    MegE_N Posts: 245 Member
    Absolutely not. As someone fat my entire life, I had to do years of work just to convince myself that I was worthy of sharing this planet with other people. Every time a stranger, family member, or friend would point out what a fat failure I was, it wasn't about the fat - it was about ME.

    You never hear these insults being thrown out about the fat. It's not 'Your fat is lazy' it's 'You're lazy.' You hear it enough from everyone around you, the fat becomes a symptom of your own failings. It didn't motivate me to lose weight, rather it reminded me that fat or not, I was a failure.

    Seriously. YEARS to get out of that mindset. And I'm not free of it - fat, thin, I'll never fully be free of it.

    Thank God for the fat acceptance movement.
  • danirosevoelkel
    danirosevoelkel Posts: 511 Member
    I don't enjoy being insulted, nor find it motivating. However, I understand where you are coming from. If someone crushed me, and it's happened to us all, I would throw my all into an activity to stay busy. Thankfully you chose fitness ;)
  • i had that mindset for a while.
    i would trash talk myself during a workout or leading up to one and go in there and kill it

    now i talk positive to myself and i feel like it helps me fight through fatigue and get that extra push

    but, whatever works for you.... DO IT
  • CarolinaAcorn
    CarolinaAcorn Posts: 418 Member
    Yup....It motivates me to reevaluate why I allowed them in my life.....Then it motivates me to remove them.

  • NoelFigart1
    NoelFigart1 Posts: 1,276 Member
    Mistreatment motivates me not to interact with that person.
  • 3Alice3
    3Alice3 Posts: 36 Member
    I wouldn't say I appreciate being made fun of, but it was an offhand comment about my weight that sparked the start of my weight loss journey so I do understand!
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    Why would you be motivated by that?
  • PaminTewksbury
    PaminTewksbury Posts: 19 Member
    I can see how you'd be motivated to kind of prove yourself to be better than what was said about you. For myself...I usually react better to positive reinforcement and good vibes. When someone puts me down I want to reach for the cake and that's usually not a good thing.
  • smittybuilt19
    smittybuilt19 Posts: 955 Member
    During the peak of my weight loss I was highly motivated by my SO who would frequently complain about my loss, saying I was sick looking, or acting like a woman because men shouldn't diet, or calling me gay for being concerned about my obesity. Now she has come to terms with it and I don't quite feel as motivated.
  • caitconquersweight
    caitconquersweight Posts: 316 Member
    God no. The insults and rejection only ever fueled my food addiction.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    Rejection and verbal abuse by those who I really care about would DEMOTIVATE ME to the point that I would completely shut down.

    Rejection and verbal abuse from anyone else only motivates me to put them in their place.
  • emdeesea
    emdeesea Posts: 1,823 Member
    During the peak of my weight loss I was highly motivated by my SO who would frequently complain about my loss, saying I was sick looking, or acting like a woman because men shouldn't diet, or calling me gay for being concerned about my obesity. Now she has come to terms with it and I don't quite feel as motivated.

    Wow. And that was okay with you?

    I had an SO like that. I lost 160 pounds just by losing him. That sort of behavior is absolutely uncalled for.

  • kefryar
    kefryar Posts: 77 Member
    It's motivated me to spiral into horrible anorexia for years, so I guess so.
  • garnerish
    garnerish Posts: 67 Member
    I used to not, it does now.

    Before I'd internalise it, and just get angry at other people and continue to loathe myself.

    Now it's like "Well, there might be a reason they say it" and examine my own flaws and see how I can improve.