
  • lesleychev
    lesleychev Posts: 56 Member
    Have been feeling a bit yuk the last few days with something like vertigo. Feeling very unbalanced and woolly headed and sorry for myself. Exercise and good eating have gone out of the window and I have let my Husbands bad eating habits take over. I know he means well but it doesn't help overall.

    We did manage a trip out to Bristol Zoo Saturday. We get free entry using a pass that I can get from work and it's the first time I've taken my Husband. It was a lovely day the sun came out and the rain stayed away but exhausting, we did manage to see everything though. This was our last weekend off together for 6 weeks so we wanted to make the most of this time together.

    Today is the 3rd week in his new job and his first full set of night shifts. Its certainly going to be odd but I have lots of projects to complete (start) ready for xmas. I have lots of ideas its just getting started I have a problem with lol. Need to buy some Christmassy ribbon better see if I can find some bargains on line.

    Hope everyone is well.

    Lesley UK
  • bjkidfun
    bjkidfun Posts: 377 Member
    edited October 2014
    Hello ladies, well yesterday I got up early and went to the 8:00 church service. I had
    Nursery duty at 9:00 and then went 1hr and 40 min drive to Va to help Amber ( dd) pack.
    It was hard watching her in so much pain, I still can't believe my daughter is a widow. I
    am so angry that she has to go through this I want to scream. This weekend is her 1st
    anniversary. Her and a friend are going away for the weekend while her friends and her
    dad and I will pack all her and her husband's stuff up and move it to a storage unit. So this is
    going to be a tough couple of weeks. She's going to stay with a friend until she can find an affordable place and a roommate near her job. Sorry for this ramble.

    I was going to start back at the YMCA today with step aerobics and body pump after almost
    3 months hiatus, they called me and told me the classes are cancelled for today. Ughhhhhh.

    I'm already having a hard time getting motivated to get back to this life changing routine. With
    everything I went through this year I have been able with the help of this community) to
    stay the course and keep my depression manageable. Without this group I would have gone back
    to my old habits and gained a lot of the wght I lost. But alas I think I might have waited too long to
    get back to the YMCA. I'm really fighting an inner war with myself to make myself go back. With
    depression my heart, mind and body screams at me to crawl up on the sofa and stay in my comfort bubble. What has saved me the past few months is posting, reading posts, tracking food, no matter how bad, and walking.(I walked mostly to keep myself accountable to you all). So that kept
    me from gaining. Although I did gain 4 lbs back. So it is starting to creep back up.

    Ok, I've rambled on enough, thank you everyone for sharing your ups and downs, hopefully
    soon I can get more personable.
    Brenda from Md
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,600 Member
    edited October 2014
    Good afternoon everyone! :flowerforyou:

    Brenda- only a 4 lb gain! I think you should be very proud of yourself. (*) If you don't go to the Y is there a routine you could do in the house? I do my strength and weight training on a hearth rug in my bedroom while I am watching daytime TV. If you combined that with walking I think that would be great. Read Strong Women Stay Young for ideas and look at a few U tube videos. Jillian Michaels can be fone in a small space. I hate gyms so I don't go. I do have some machines at home for cardio in a spare room, but walking or"jalking" is just as good.

    Well, today I am pleased with myself. o:) (*)
    Yesterday I sowed the beans and garlic and harvested the first beets I have ever grown. I baked them and had them in my lunch today. Excellent! This afternoon I finished the long overdue admin for my rental o:) and then, inspired by several of you, I cleared out a drawer in my bedroom. (*) What a great feeling! I also downloaded a decorating magazine to get some ideas for the bedroom. :bigsmile:
    The boiler man came and DH went out and put anti pigeon string around the beans, so we have done well all round!
    Just have my taxes to do before the end of the month and much more drawer and cupboard sorting. :o

    DH asked me this morning when I was going to get back to typing out my novel. :ohwell: I have promised myself I will do some on Thursday. Taxes on Friday. :sad:

    My brother and DSIL have invited us to their 17th wedding anniversary dinner in a restaurant at the end of November. DH doesn't want to go as he finds my brother's family overwhelming. :ohwell: Luckily it is a football day so he has a good excuse. :laugh: I will go on my own. Two trains and a taxi, but it will be worth it. Then the same home again. :s But I have hardly seen my brother's huge family recently because of DH so this will be the ideal opportunity. :smile: I hope my brother and his wife (who DH does like) can come over for a meal soon. They owe us birthday presents so I said to bring some champagne. :laugh: DSIL has had a year of depression, which she apologised for yesterday in a text, (!?!), so that's another reason we haven't seen much of them.
    I have a yearning to buy a LBD to wear to the restaurant. :smile: Most of the family have seen me while I was slimming down, but not since I lost all the weight. In NYC and in other places I have been to recently, I have been admiring the women in their LBDs. :laugh: I remember one I had a LONG time ago, (35yrs?) and how much I liked it, so maybe this is the time ! ! ! ! ! !

    Bye for now, Heather in gloomy Hampshire UK
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Dreamwriter: Did you assign yourself 1200 calories, or is that what MFP set you up with? When I started I had a lot more than 1200 calories, and MFP gradually lowered them as I lost weight. It is an excellent system but not a fast one. :flowerforyou:

    Alison: I didn’t know you had polycystic kidney disease. Did I miss this information before? I hope that you are able to learn to like dark green veggies! I love broccoli & Brussels sprouts, and am leaning to like occasional kale meals. DH is good at including kale in yummy stirfry dishes. :flowerforyou:

    Lesley in Tasmania: You are much more active than I am, and get a lot more calories because of that. I have never lost inches and gained weight at the same time. I think the lost inches are more important than the lost pounds in a person’s appearance. I have no opinion on how the balance may be affecting your health because I don’t have the expertise to know. I wish you good luck getting it sorted out. :flowerforyou:

    Margaret: I’d like to know how you like the book, Eating on the Wild Side. Your pictures are lovely. :heart: :flowerforyou:

    Vicki: I share your need to learn more about forgiveness. I can be hard on people, including myself.

    Kataniki: What do you sail? We have a small fleet of boats (3), and one of them is a lovely sailboat, but DH’s health was so poor that we only got to take it out once this season. I went out on it again later in the summer with DS and we had a delightful sail. I hope that next year is better. I have been horse crazy since I can remember. I suspect I was two or three when I went on my first pony ride. It was the kind that goes around in a circle. I’ve never been in a position to own a horse, though. At this stage of my life I am happy with a weekly lesson and don’t want more. :flowerforyou:

    Kim: We had a family tradition of making gifts that has slid away in recent years. It was lovely. The kids made chocolate treats or crafts for their grandparents. I still use trivets that DH and DS made for Christmas gifts one year. :flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: It was a high energy output day for you! You are a wonderful grandmother. :flowerforyou: I love today’s joke. Congratulations on the upright piano. Plateaus happen to everyone. I think the body must need them. The person, however, doesn’t want to sit there at the same weight day after day. :noway: I had some very long plateaus on my journey, but kept on doing the right thing and eventually lost a little bit more weight before the next plateau. I'm sure you will too. It is frustrating waiting, though. :flowerforyou:

    Joyce: I’m sorry you’ve had trouble finding things after your trip. Good luck with the Doctor. :flowerforyou:

    Alison: It is nice to hear that you got a good night’s sleep. I’m happy that your friend whose house burned was able to get another dog. She seems to be getting her life back bit by bit. Are they going to rebuild in the same location? :flowerforyou:

    Brenda: I am so sorry for your daughter’s loss and for the continuing hardships. :broken_heart: One of my son’s childhood friends lost her husband to cancer a few years ago. She is still grieving, but the tenor of her grief has changed over time and seems less intense. She is now more focused on life and their child. :flowerforyou:

    The dog is at the groomer's and we don’t have much on the schedule today. I want to do some work out in the garage to make it less of a disaster zone. The projects that DH set up to do are long since completed and the work area needs to be cleaned up. It is his tools and supplies, and I’ll have to put them where he wants them to be. I hope we can both maintain a patient and positive attitude. This may require a miracle. :laugh:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    October Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!

  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Brenda - Prayers for your daughter, and your entire family. I hope you can all find the peace and support you need and deserve.

    Michele - I look forward to trying the watermelon recipe. I agree that it does not sound like a good combination, but that's why I'm excited to try it. It sounds healthy, and different. Thanks!

    Yanniejannie - thanks for the information on the Ebola article. It amazes me how scared and confused people are.

    Alison and Kim (and others) - I took my crochet project to the bowling alleys, and saved up my calories for dinner out (water and tea the rest of the day). I did go over a little on calories, but not enough to gain anything back.

    The Sunday League that my DS bowls in will be good. It is Metro Milwaukee Travel League. Mostly High School age and older. My son is one of the youngest, but right in the middle as far as skill is concerned. He averaged 174 on Sunday, and won all 3 of his points, so he still has room to grow, too. It also gave DH an opportunity to watch the boys that he will be coaching on the High School Varsity team; so he already knows what he plans to change and fix.

    The University matches we watched were both interesting and educational for DS (watch kids who control ball and hook, not crankers). The oldest nephew finished Third in Singles (front 8 during third game). I didn't hear the results of team.

    Today I only get a 30 minute lunch (most everyone is in Chicago, so we have to share phone duty). So, I think I will work out during my lunch, and eat at my desk.

    Here's my "funny" for the weekend. Sent DH a text that I would be stopping at store for kale. When I got home he said "Who is Kale, and why can't he shop for himself?"

    Terri in Sunny & Cool Milwaukee
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    edited October 2014
    Quick stop by.....first hurdle over, hospital bill settled........not by Optima, of course, but the supplemental picked up the remainder. It was over a thousand dollars for 3hours in the ER for what turned out to be too much caffeine and cold med, a sinus infection, and costochondritis. Thanks to anyone who sent a good thought on the billing battle. Terrifying experience for DD at the time and I broke all speed records getting out there.

    Terri_mom.....LOL on the kale!!! 174???? I'm impressed, think I got an 89 once.

    Heather........Good luck on the LBD search........always good to have one on hand!!!

    Going to clean off some of the papers on the table and shred.........will open and look for checks first, Vicki. Then a visit to friend in her store to see if I can get the story on the health scare.......dreading this a bit. Then on to race meeting. Must get that paperwork in order too.

    Spoke with Gin's DH last night...he's of the opinion that the end is going to come soon. Hope I can get in to town to see her again.

    Gwen has cataract surg. Wed. morning with F/U Thurs. and another friend called to see if I could transport for colonoscopy next week. City crosscountry finals Wed. afternoon.

    mid-Atlantic........sun....low 60's
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy mon!still feel lousy,seeing a trip to the dr soon.
    On a good note,the sun is out,finally after the cloudy dreary days.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy mon!still feel lousy,seeing a trip to the dr soon.
    On a good note,the sun is out,finally after the cloudy dreary days.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    HI!Sun is out,finally after a cloudy,rainy dreary day.
    Tried to post and would`t so we`ll see.
    still feel lousy,trip to dr soon.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,600 Member
    Jane - hope you soon feel better! :flowerforyou:

    Dh's sister rang this evening. We ended up spending FAR too much energy angsting about her ex and his dealings with her daughter re money. :grumble: Shouldn't let it get to us. She is going to ring me for a chat tomorrow - I will do more digging - DH had forgotten most of the shenanigans and I had to remind him. :ohwell: My poor DH has to go to football with this charlatan and listen to his lies and fantasies. He is currently considering what to do. He has been enjoying the footbsll with this inadequate for 30 years. :cry:

    Love to all. Heather in soon to be windy and rainy Hampshire UK.
    (The remnants of hurricane Gonzalo)
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,867 Member
    Well ladies I have to confess my eating has been out of control and weigh in the last two weeks have shown it. I have to be better at logging what I eat and not give in to snacking. I have been eating back my exercise calories plus. So today is back on track and back to drinking water. I have no one to blame but myself. Today is a new day and new start. I agree with several of you ladies, I sabotage myself and have to work on changing that.
    Yesterday DH and I cleaned out cabnits and drawers in the kitchen. Ended up with two bags for the trash. Looks nice and I can find things now. Feel good about getting that done.

    Michelle--I will try and put pictures of the rock garden up. With all the changes I am having trouble figuring some things out. I am just not smart when it comes to computer things.

    Lesley UK--Take care of yourself and hope the new hours get easier for both you and DH. I know I am alot happier since my DH is not working evenings or weekends anymore.

    Brenda--keeping you and DD in my prayers, this is not an easy time and we are here to listen whenever and along as you need us.

    Terri--Thanks for the smile when shopping for "Kale".

    So far today has been a good day and I am back on track. We have a dept meeting this evening at 5:30. I was told to order pizza for 15. So I will only have one small piece. My word for today is Postive.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,989 Member
    Hello to all: Back to the normal routine after trip to Pacific Northwest. Conference in Portland was very good. Learned some things and I am very grateful that I had a timely diagnosis and a relatively mild form of sarcoidosis. That is probably the best thing I took away from the conference. Looked at some properties near Snohomish, WA with my daughter but the one we were most interested in has already been sold. I am with the others of you who don't like change but this is one I really feel has to be made. We had someone come look at our house here again today. Having people in the house looking makes me so anxious. I feel like they are criticizing even though I know they are not and I see all the things that are wrong instead of the good points that drew me to this house in the first place.

    I have 58.35 miles walked so far this month. Heading for 100.

    mabug01 - I have had bilateral knee replacements and except for high impact activities can do whatever I like. I still ride my horse just have to use a mounting block to get on. I also walk, swim, do low impact aerobics, lift weights etc. People who have pain post replacement usually have not followed through with physical therapy afterwards. That is an absolute must. I still do my exercises years later. (Had replacements left in 2004 and right in 2007)

    Meg - Glad no serious injury from your fall. The worst part of going down is trying to get back up.

    Katla - Sounds like you had a really good lesson and it made you happy. That is the best part.

    Healing angels to all who need them and congratulations to those with victories. Sue in SD
  • mabug01
    mabug01 Posts: 1,273 Member
    I had a do-nothing day, except I did get in a 40-minute walk. Do-nothing is not necessarily stress-free. I really need to be doing a few things around the house. But for some reason my son needed to talk with me on the phone for a few hours. Newlywed stuff. I'm still having some trouble with my stomach and have gone back to the saltines for now.

    Grandmallie - Oh my gosh, all that fun food that everybody else is eating around you all day - it makes that alkaline diet harder to achieve, I guess. Those changes will come, though, I have faith in you!

    Lesley - Nice workout yesterday; that duramine is such a disappointment. Do you think its an ordinary plateau?

    Janemartin 02 - I hope you feel better real soon.

    MarleyJoe63 - welcome! I love this site and this group. It keeps me coming back.

    MNMargaret - sounds like you heard a lovely concert this weekend. I love the picture of the golden tree. We don't get those tree changes down here and I do miss them.

    Barbiecat - you are the queen of animation!

    VickiGI - Taming the paper monster is tedious, but the $500 reward is fabulous!

    Exermom - nice workout yesterday

    Kataniki - What a fabulous weekend! Sailing and boating and a massage. It sounds like the privileged life.

    Kim - Great idea to stick with the tea. I buy peppermint tea because the aroma is supposed to tame the temptation to snack.

    Syliva - the bike riding and pumpkin carving story sounded so idyllic; but then the visual of the dishes in the sink brought me back to reality; haha! I took piano lessons as a kid and I can still remember a couple of tunes. It should be fun to play a few carols during the holidays.

    Yanniejannie - it's just horrid the way some insurance companies treat their clients. I'm glad it issue was settled in your favor.

    Brenda - I'm so sorry to hear how everything is so difficult right now.

    Heather - Have a great time finding your new LBD!

    Terri - Got a good laugh out of the kale joke. Thank you!

    Sue in SD - Thank you for the information about the knee replacement. I can see how some would still have pain if they didn't follow through with the PT. It's a bit boring to do day-in and day-out.

    Mary in south Florida

  • Hello, I love the scale/counter for weight lose I see with some of the comments. How does one add this item? I would appreciate any assistance in making this happen, thank you.
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Tuesday here and our shopping day so only walking today.
    I enjoyed the training yesterday and got in 15113 steps and 702 exercise calories. I am used to training with weights and cardio as I was a body builder for many years.
    Weigh down to 216 lbs this morning from 218 yesterday. I seem to be bouncing around a lot. BF% has stayed the same throughout the 4 weeks.
    Not sure if Lipidil conflicts with Duramine. Talks with doctor on Thursday, as I take them both with breakfast.
    Saw my toxic neighbour chopping wood yesterday, she supposedly has a bad back ah! She did not see me as she was in woods.
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • donnamwebb39
    donnamwebb39 Posts: 315 Member
    Hello again! Thank you for all your support and welcoming words.
    Just finished my first week using MFP and had a 6.4lb loss. Very happy with that!
    I am doing the Biggest Loser Power Walk 1 twice a day (it's on Youtube) and it seems to be helpful. Can't believe how out of shape I am and this video makes me work.
    Now on to week 2!
    Getting a new scale soon, one that measures body fat, muscle mass, bone mass, etc. Not sure how that works, but it is something else to help me track.
    Smiles and good wishes to all!

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Just got back from dr,she gave me a breathing treatment,antibodies and inhaler and predisone.Glad I went in when I did.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,203 Member
    edited October 2014
    Good Evening Friends,
    welcome.gif Newcomers.

    Brenda :flowerforyou:

    Sylvia rofl.gif
    Lesley UK hope you are feeling better. :flowerforyou:
    Marley to get ticker on your posts. Go to your profile page. Under your ticker it will say in small letters add to your site click on that. At the bottom will be a box labeled BBcode with url in it. Paste this to the bottom of your post and it will be there. Some of us saved it on a word page so we don’t have to cut and paste all the time.

    Donna on weight loss. smiley-gen014.gif
    smiley-bounce017.gif for all the friends reaching their health goals.

    2014 word:contentment


    Worked in yard today.
    Today I using my copy of Eating on the Wild Side to help me buy a pomegranate at the grocery store. They are in season here. That is the first thing she says to look for. I looked for one with no blemishes on its skin and feels heavy. I also bought a POM. I bought one at Aldi’s last week and it was pink inside. I think they thought the consumers would like these because they are sweeter and less messy. Unfortunately it is the very bright red color, yes it stain so you have to be careful, that is what makes them so good for you. I take the seeds out in a bowl of water to avoid the mess. The POM one had the bright red seeds.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Hello again!

    Donna, WOW! 6.4 pounds in one week! Awesome way to get started.

    Mary, and my sink is one of those HUGE trough sinks. The first dishwasher load of dishes is done and the second load is working now and there are still a few left in the sink! I think my downfall was when the kids learned where the dishes are kept so now they help themselves to clean dishes on the smallest whim. In five hours each one used about four glasses. But they are so cute, it's hard to fuss at them.

    MarleyJoe, I think you may be talking about the "ticker", which used to be easier to do but since the new format kicked in its hard. You set it up somewhere in the settings, then you copy and paste it into your post. It used to be automatic, and it may be again one day, but not right now. This is the link to find the code to copy and paste:

    Here is today's joke of the day:

    Q. How many programmers does it take to change a light bulb?

    A. None. That's a hardware issue.


    Good night ladies!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    edited October 2014
    smiley-happy110.gif This has been a long day. Jake had an appointment with his cardiologist in Seattle. To get there, we drive for 90 minutes, park the car, walk onto the ferry, take a cab from the ferry to the doctor's office. In order to walk the dogs and get to the ferry on time, I got up at 2:30 this morning. The appointment went OK but the doctor scheduled a test for later in the afternoon, so we went to lunch and then came back for the test. We didn't get home until after 6 PM.

    smiley-happy110.gif Some good things about the day:
    *between dog walking, walking on the ferry, and walking downhill from the doctor's office to the ferry, I walked over 20,000 steps.
    *we had dim sum for lunch at the great Asian restaurant near the doctor's office and I ate mostly vegetables.

    smiley-hug008.gifBarbie from beautiful NW Washington smiley-happy093.gif

    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    My word for 2014 is “mindful”

    October Resolutions
    *walk 18,000 steps a day
    *act the way I want to feel
    *strength training twice a week
    * write the letter to my friend that I've been putting off too long
