10 Things YOU Hate About Being Overweight



  • SylviazSpirit
    SylviazSpirit Posts: 694 Member
    I guess if I'm being really honest with myself... here is mine
    1. Just not feeling sexy. I don't feel sexy, I don't feel attractive and that makes my confidence dwindle. And I just don't like that.
    2. not having the energy I want to, to be able to run with my kids without saying "wait, mommy needs a break"
    3. sex. I hate sex. And I honestly feel like it has a lot to do with my weight and just not feeling like I look good at all
    4. the apron. anyone who is really fat knows what I mean. I HATE HATE HATE the belly apron
    5. Not being able to get on rides at amusement parks with the kids. I'm so afraid I'll break something or not be able to fit :( This is really a big one for me especially since my second is getting old enough to ride too. I was just sending my husband on with my son but now there will need to be two of us to ride with them. Also our local water park has a weight restriction on some of the slides. I don't even meet it and it sucks.
    6. hating to wear bathing suits! I mean I double hate them. They make me feel huge... probably because I am
    7. Hating any clothes. Nothing seems to fit right because well it doesn't.
    8. I can't wear heels anymore!!! I use to love my heels. I wore them everywhere. Now, the extra weight on heels is just a no go, it kills me. I want to wear heels again.
    9. Being subconscious that I'm going to break a chair. Weird, probably, but every time I sit, I wonder if I'll break a chair. Or just won't fit, in those small movie theater chairs.
    10. feeling like I'm not a good example for my kids. And feeling like everyone just thinks I'm a big slob who sits around eating bon bons all day.

    I want to end this with. I love myself. I love who I am. I'm an amazing person. I have an amazing heart. I love everything about the inside, I do. And there are physical things I love about myself, like my boobs, my hair, my eyes... And really, I LOVE my body. It has carried two beautiful babies and nursed them both as well. It has done amazing things. I'm just trying to love it back with healthy food and exercise. With that love, I know it will transform into something that I also like to look at too. I think hating fat and loving yourself kind of go hand in hand. I don't hate myself because I don't like the fat. Actually I love myself and that's why I want that fat gone. It's not good for me either mentally or physically (health wise and more) :)
  • llUndecidedll
    llUndecidedll Posts: 724 Member
    1) Sticking out like a sore thumb.
    2) Less variety of clothing. Clothing is harder to find.
    3) Clothing costs more.
    4) Can no longer see certain body parts.
    5) Stretch Marks. I gained my weight rather quickly, so as I lose weight I notice just how damaged my skin is from being overweight. Permanent damage from being overweight.
    6) Wider, fatter feet. My feet are already naturally wide, so you can only imagine.
    7) Huge boobs. My breasts are already naturally big, so you can only imagine.
    8) Large waist size.
    9) Health related problems
    10) Sweating so easily during summer.
  • bootssowhite
    bootssowhite Posts: 93 Member
    1. Not being able to shop in regular stores.
    2. When I'm shopping with friends, I have to come up with excuses for why I'm not trying clothes on because I don't want to admit nothing will fit.
    3. I'm sweaty *all* the time.
    4. That shelf of back fat right above my butt.
    5. When I see myself in a candid photo where I wasn't able to give the camera my best angle and suck in my stomach.
  • brischu2243
    1. Seeing myself in pictures. I almost don't recognize myself.
    2. I don't feel sexy when I'm with my boyfriend, which is frustrating.
    3. Swoob. Y'all know what I'm talking about.
    4. I'm always hot.
    5. Trying on clothes is a nightmare.
    6. Stretch marks on my hips and thighs.
    7. Not feeling comfortable in a swimsuit. I love going to the beach and I refused to go this year.
    8. Contemplating whether every bite I put in my mouth is going to add weight
    9. Judgment from family members
    10. Double chin
  • brischu2243
    Oh, and an edit. Thighs chafing in hot weather is the absolute worst. So painful.